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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 19, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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rosatom reported that there are no changes in the operation of russian nuclear power plants due to the global failure. the corporation has long been using only domestic software solutions. there are no software failures recorded at rosenergoatom. our company has been actively engaged in import substitution of equipment and software for several years . today we work primarily on import-independent domestic software. i would also like to note that rosenergoatom pays special attention to excellence. and systems modernization information security. as for russian cargo carriers, they say that there are no problems with delivery within the country, but disruptions are possible on international routes. most russian companies have already disconnected from servers, from asia services, from microsoft services, which are cloud-based and this should not have affected them in any way. and since many transport industries are based on one. is based on its own decisions, then this
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should not in any way affect the process of domestic russian transportation. problems rather in total, they can only be where there are international deliveries. as it experts note, russia, earlier than other countries , realized the danger of using a single software shell. thanks to the transition to domestic, under western sanctions, our country is reliably protected from blue screens and other harbingers of the global computer apocalypse. seksov, i’m a traveler, an aeronaut, zhann ivan, and so we’re talking, what a fairy tale. without ivan, uh, what began, without
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deception, without flint, fly into the flint of me, sharpened, the pen is self-written ink, magic, you’ll get it, you’re the main thing, van, hurry up, so give me a horse, mechanically, beat yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where it’s needed, that’s what... the name is, because i’m not carrying wherever you fool want to go, where you need to go, i can’t live without traveling, flint, he doesn’t need a pen, he who has flint in his pocket, soon, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law, shoot first, competition of ideas and money , there was a sensation, and what kind of sensation, were they tense? inside
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america, outside its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why now you need to watch and follow, this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand.
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the first state radio in russia, more than 100 programs for 130 million listeners. on air around the clock. moscow listens to radio russia, now on 101.5 fm. as we age, changes in vision can change the way things are done. for nutrition, restoration, preservation of youthful eyes, it is recommended to use daily for 3 months. tulfon is now in new packaging, specifically for course use. only at alfabank. twist drum in the app and get supercake up to 100% every month. and also. up to 30% in categories
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let's return to one of the topics of the issue in lvov. and a trolleybus. according to preliminary data , 11 people were injured, including a child. on behalf of the regional governor roman busergin, assistance to the victims is under special control. emergency services and doctors are on the scene. the circumstances of the accident are being clarified. in in the belgorod region, a teenager died, wounded
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during an attack by the ukrainian armed forces on a children's playground in shebekin. doctors fought for his life for a week, but the wounds turned out to be too serious. the ukrainian armed forces continue to attack the territory of the russian region and today there are casualties again. reporting by alexander korobov. in the exhausted body of the asphalt there is a new crater, the wall located nearby is all cut by fragments. once again the enemy is striking at residential areas of shibekin and neighboring novaya tavolzhanka. rolled out of bed and polished corridor. and then i started going around, the windows were broken, the car was wrecked, this was the third time it happened, the arrivals were small, but i already changed the rear glass, now the front window will need to be changed. naval strikes injured one civilian, they turned out to be light and hospitalization was not required, the enemy struck residential areas with shells with a cassette part, submunitions are very dangerous for the civilian population, a significant area is covered, a large number of fragments, courtyards, roads, gardens, children's
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playgrounds in numerous sinkholes. another one the problem is precisely unexploded cluster munitions. according to statistics, there are about... 30% of them, actually, one of the submunitions is now lying on the side of the road, the area was fenced off, residents were asked to move to a safe distance, that's actually... where the cassette lies, they stuck a flag, a mine, well... in principle, we can say that this mine actually exists, because it is not clear now what position the firing pin is in, in fact, that’s why only sappers can determine whether they will destroy it on the spot or take it somewhere, everything unexploded bells were found at a sufficient distance from the houses, so they were eliminated on the spot.
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fastest mobile internet. cool video. how high is the speed anyway? you haven’t connected this yet with 5g, although you better not need it. megaphone number one in terms of speed coverage. i wanted to open a deposit at 18%. it turns out that you can get under 20. it turns out that there is a marketplace for money. financial services financial marketplace from the moscow exchange. cinema or, which i watch. world blockbusters on yandex market. what were you waiting for? there may be a narrow washing machine with a delay start with a 51% discount. e yash. cook cat aganezov. on my blog i share simple and quick recipes. and to make it even tastier,
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the right sauce is important. astoria, now it’s definitely delicious. still thinking about the perfect home? on domklik, everyone will find housing for themselves. on july 20, colombians celebrate a national holiday, independence day. on this day in 1810, colombia gained independence from spain, but today the country can hardly be called
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a sovereign state in the full sense of the word, of all latin countries. america, colombia is nato's only strategic partner and the most politically dependent country on the united states of america. the drug mafia also has a huge influence on life in colombia. the country continues to face problems of large-scale drug production and related crime. and although washington in words takes on the role of an implacable fighter against drugs, in reality this is not at all the case. so this war on drugs has been waged for a very long time by the united states, but in fact it does not produce any results, and evidence of this is afghanistan, colombia, and, in general,
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the continuing importance of the criminal drug business in the global economy. and here, of course, the main problem of this global fight against drugs, it lies in the hypocritical policy in this region, since on the one hand there is a fight against drug trafficking and drug trafficking, on the other hand we see that the main profit in this area ends up in developed countries in the united states of america itself.
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ally of the united states of america in the region. and at one time there was even a civil war in colombia, which concerned issues of control over drug trafficking and drug sales. however, the united states of america, on the one hand , is fighting this problem, on the other hand, with the other hand it is exerting a certain support and transit routes. drugs. in 2022, colombia set new records for coca cultivation and cocaine production. this was noted in the report of the un office on drugs and crime. the area under coca cultivation in 2022 was 13% larger than in 2021 and amounted to 230 hectares.
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cocaine production. increased from 1400 tons to 1738 tons. the drug mafia has reached the point where they put personal marks, that is, they are responsible for the purity of the product. the fact is that i had the opportunity to twice lead the russian delegation at a meeting of the inter-american anti-drug committee, they showed us, one of the... sessions took place in colombia, the second in bolivia, they showed us the equipment of these clandestine laboratories, this is quite primitive equipment, barrels, snakes. kiki there or others, and the final product is briquettes, kilograms of cocaine with the personal brand of the harrow that produces this or
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that type of cocaine, not only do they not hide, but they also advertise their products. the drug trafficking factor is extremely important as a reason for the us military presence in colombia. reasons to control this latin american country americans have a lot. colombia has access to two oceans: the border with venezuela and access to the amazon and the andes. do not forget that colombia ranks third in latin america in oil reserves, first in coal reserves, and has rich deposits of iron-nickel and copper ores, gold and platinum. colombia accounts for a significant portion of the world's emerald production. in addition, this... country has ideal conditions not only for growing coca bushes, but also coffee, sugar, and tropical fruits and other agricultural crops, all this could
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have made the country prosperous and truly independent, if not for the interests of the american elites regarding loyalty to colombia and their drug war, well, they didn’t sign the plan for... zelensky’s world, they looked and didn’t even sign, therefore, their loyalty is a little in doubt, but there is even an expression in english - translated, well, they are bastards, but they are our bastards, and these attitudes towards the world are very, very relevant in the usa too, they really don’t like the way they are leading venezula himself, like... some kind of half-red revolution, they want more independence than other countries in our, in our hemisphere, and
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they don’t like it all, and colombia can always use it against venezuela, because they are neighbors, there is a little bit of a cultural dislike for each other , and between them there are unclear boundaries, where the jungle is, so between the jungle... it is growing steadily, and moreover, there is a process of legalization, decriminalization of personal drug use, that is, it is such
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an evil as a many-headed hydra, when you cut off one head, three grow in its place , and completely different, in new places, often unpredictable, the most correct position is a complete ban, and how russia insists on drugs in the international arena and within the country. and of course, because it's an illegal activity, it's hard to measure who's using what, but overall, of the world's population, americans are 4% of the world's population, but they use more than 25%.
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united states of america. it is important that
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the rednecks from the outback, like me, use drugs, so that we do not become against the authorities, because as you understand, there are very strong drug defense forces in the drug trade in colombia, but in mexico it is even 10 times stronger, these are mexican, mexican. let the mafia work hard, they kill about 50,000 people a year, imagine, these are all our losses in the vietnam war, american losses, and what is the government doing about this? nothing, the border is still half-open, we are buying ourselves new presidents in mexico, we could do anything, it still continues, another problem is very important
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for the usa it is connected with drugs, this is, of course , the border with mexico, and despite all efforts, in fact, drug trafficking is thriving there, but the main benefit of the purchasers, they are always in developed countries, a whole economy is taking shape, this is transit, this is processing and delivery, and such an economy, it cannot exist without the tacit, explicit or implicit support of such an influential neighbor and hegemon in the entire hemisphere, which...
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there is no sosha, so i am sure that this is simply because they do not want, do not forget, dear friends, that he is a drug addict not a rebel, that's it these people who sit at home drinking at the computer, use various, how to say, pills and so on, they will not become against anyone, they will just write nasty things on the internet, they are passive and remain so, one of the ways people control them is through drugs , therefore, if you want it to be, how to say, so that the authorities in any country are a little afraid of their people, so that they behave well, a complete ban on drugs, completely, and zero patience for this. it must be emphasized that our...
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these goals push the interests of politicians, the interests of economic circles, which, unfortunately, to ours, do not always help reduce international tension in the world by creating conditions for cooperation of all states. in the fight against
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drug addiction, russian companies did not report problems after. a technical failure in the operation of devices with the windows operating system, as stated in a statement by roskomnadzor. a critical software error has paralyzed the work of many organizations around the world. outages were reported by banks, airlines, medical institutions and tv companies. the topic will be continued by anna voronina. this is a rare evening when we cover the news and are part of it ourselves. a large-scale computer failure affected television stations.


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