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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 19, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm MSK

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god help, oh, thank you, it’s simple, we came here forever, hello, you. events of the week, chronicle, facts, comments, assassination attempt on donald trump, shot of the favorite and what will be the consequences now, republican convention in meluki, more trump than trump himself, chose a candidacy. how to leave an incumbent
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president? biden is fighting the establishment. materials of our program. raise your torch to the sky, speak like a woman and a mother, shot through the statue of liberty, kill water, americans, what’s wrong with you? will be, think at least for a moment, may your conscience be with you at night, americans, where is your president, americans, where is your president, yevgeny aleksandrovich yavtushenko was distinguished by his indifference to major international events, poem. americans, where is your
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president, set to music by eduard kolmanovsky, was first heard on all-union radio in january of 1960, 2 months after the assassination of john kennedy. it is dedicated to him. mark bernes looked straight into the soul, but you answer directly, like american men. where is your president? president in self-isolation joseph biden covid. either real or diplomatic.
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usa, everything for the election campaign. martin kamensky from slovakia: hatred begets hatred, the drawing is called feedback, an emotional appeal to explain the picture of the assassination attempt. what is real trumpism? molkassem from the netherlands? a man who looks like donald trump as morpheos or neo from the movie the matrix is ​​an unusual image. perhaps the most wicked european cartoonist.
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the phenomenon is familiar to the united states: a candidate for the last time the presidents were assassinated was in 1972, democrat george wallace remained paralyzed for the rest of his life, four years earlier the democratic candidate robert kennedy was shot, and the history of attacks on presidents is very rich. on january 30, 1835, the english painter richard lorrens was sitting with a book. in the karosil shop.
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suddenly he stood up, smiled, and with the words “i’ll be damned if i don’t,” he went to kill president andrew jackson. greeted him after the funeral of congressman ooren davis, alternately fired from two pistols, but both misfired. the criminal was captured, declared mentally ill and placed in a hospital for the rest of his life. on good friday, april 14, 1865, actor and confederate secret agent in the northern war, john booth, shot and killed president abraham lincoln at ford's theater. that evening there was a comedy show, our american cousin, and the sound of a gunshot was drowned out by a burst of laughter. lincoln died the next morning, and booth was caught up in the barn, where he was killed. there were some conspiracy theories. at the beginning of the 20th century we went
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rumors that bud was able to escape to japan, changed his name, returned to the usa and died at an advanced age. historians and buta’s relatives have repeatedly demanded that his remains be examined. but they were invariably refused. forty-year-old american lawyer and preacher charles guiteau claimed that god himself ordered him to kill the twentieth president of the united states, james garfield. he decided that the president owed him his victory and demanded that he be appointed consul in vienna or paris, but was refused. guiteau waylaid the president at a train station in washington and shot. the wound turned out to be shallow, but due to a doctor’s mistake, it started... sepsis, infection, and the president died 2 months later. guiteau was sentenced to hang. before his death, he smiled, danced and read his poems. leon czolgas tried to work with the workers, but lost his job at a steel foundry in cleveland.
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he replaced the church, charitable institutions and socialist circles with anarchism, believing that tyrannicides were the only way to take care of the common man. 6 september. 901 at the pan-american exhibition in buffalo he twice shot point-blank at the twenty-fifth president of the united states, william mckinley. the politician died, and chelgash was executed in the electric chair. on october 14, 1912, to increase the voices in his head , bavarian tavern owner john schrenk attempted to assassinate ex-president theodore roosevelt when he decided to run again. the field was stuck with a fifty-page speech manuscript in its inside pocket. the president remained unharmed. the commission ruled that shrenko was insane and was sent to a hospital for mentally ill criminals. november 22, 1963 at dallas, former marine, lee harvey oswald,
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fired several bullets at the thirty-fifth us president john f. kennedy. oswald was interrogated for about two days and on november 24 , while... being taken into prison, he was shot by nightclub owner jack ruby. kennedy's killer came from a dysfunctional family in new orleans. since childhood, he was nervous and unbalanced. during his army service he was court-martialed three times. then he fled to the ussr, where he lived for some time and from where he returned with his russian wife. and although the government commission killed kennedy 70% of us residents clearly name oswald. believe in the official version of the murder. five years later, in june 1968, palestinian serhan sirhan shot and killed the presidential candidates and kennedy's younger brother robert, wanting revenge for supporting the state of israel. now eighty-year-old serhan is serving a life sentence in prison. on march 30
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, 1981, failed musician john hinckley attempted to assassinate the fortieth president of the united states, ronald reagan. but not for political, but for love reasons, to impress the actress jodie foster, with whom i didn’t even know. politically motivated violence has been part of the culture, the public culture of the united states, well , not yet the united states, but a colony since the 17th century, that is, the colonists liked to practice, for example, quite limited, but nevertheless forms of violence. in relation to those whom they considered, but people who had exploded, that is, starting with the actual representatives of state power, who were then usually not killed, but for example, they could well, for example, burn down their house or drag along the street, for example, smeared with tar or covered in feathers, sometimes
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on the contrary, representatives of the authorities took part in such events in relation to, well, let’s say, some exploded merchants, for example, who sold something too expensive, that is, it was believed that... this collective political participation is part of the normal social process, and this thread, it stretches right up to the twentieth century, that is, starting from the middle of the 20th century, especially from the sixties. a mass appears - well let's say such grassroots organizations , including paramilitary ones, who believed and still believe that every citizen of the republic not only can, but is obliged to defend with arms in their hands their freedoms and the freedoms of their fellow citizens there, their children from encroachments from outside - including the authorities, well, for example, there is such an organization, like a dispersed group, called all skipers, that is, keepers. oaths, usually representatives, well , that is, representatives - of the armed forces, well,
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for example, retired, and maybe even active ones who believe that the oath, that is, the oath that they take, well, to defend, for example, the republic there, to defend the constitution, is an oath that is taken, including against encroachments by the bearers of state power. trump is disturbing many people, and the incident involuntarily suggests a conspiracy; one cannot believe in a random psychopath, but often everything is simpler. the authorities have already stated that they did not drive people who have the right to bear arms there, say, around the district, the fact is that pennsylvania is a state with a very developed, what in english called ganka, the culture of carrying weapons, owning weapons, of course, just access to weapons would be much more difficult, but so you take your father’s rifle, so to speak, buy it in a store, drive up to some nearby parking lot, then from there with a rifle somewhere behind the trees you go, we don’t know how many attempts are prevented
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every year, and in the usa too, it’s very difficult to identify such loners, but because again, returning to the assassination attempt on trump, strelok even didn’t have his own accounts on social networks, he didn’t even i left no manifesto, sometimes this happens, nothing, i... see some kind of spontaneity in this, trump is passing by me right now, he’s bad, i’ll go and kill him, so i don’t see any kind of long thinking on this topic, but how, and what, and how why, and it’s just a coincidence, people who are either members of the national rifle association nra, or just love guns, this is trump’s base, so , so to speak, try to drive them all there.
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honor of aliaks , king abdullah i of jordan was shot dead in jerusalem. the shooter was a palestinian mustafa ashu, a tailor who was part of the underground arab dynamite group. as it turned out, he killed abdalo because he wanted to make a separate peace with israel. on july 26 , 1957 , guatemalan president carlos armas was killed with several shots to the chest. the shooter was romeo san, a palace guard. after which he shot himself. armos' successors did not investigate. on january 27
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, 605, in tehran on bukharastan square, three islamic extremists from the fedayane islam group shot and killed a thirty-two-year-old iranian prime minister hassan al-mansour. mansour was appointed by the shah of iran under direct pressure from us president lyndon johnson. on march 25, 75 , king faisal ben abdulaziz of saudi arabia was shot and killed. the killer was his nephew , prince faisel ben musaad. he declared that he was fulfilling the will of allah, was declared mentally ill by the judges, and was soon executed. on october 26, 79 , the president of south korea, park jong-hee, was shot dead . having come to power in the sixty-first as the leader of the military junta, he was then re-elected three times to the first post in the country, introducing amendments to the constitution for this purpose. the killer was his
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longtime friend, south korean intelligence chief, kim jae-gyum. october 6. 71, during a military parade in cairo, egyptian president anwar sadad was killed and vice president hosni mubarak was wounded. the attack was carried out by a group of young officers, supporters of the extremist muslim brotherhood group, who were taking revenge on the president for peace with israel. on october 31, 84 six separatists assassinated the prime minister of india, indira, and gandhi. the prime minister's guards became the killers. this was the sikh's revenge. behind the liquidation of their base in the golden temple in amritsal in '84. another prime minister of the country, indiregandhi's son, rajiv, was killed by extremists from the liberation tigers of tamil eelam. a female suicide bomber, wearing a belt with explosives, approached the politician to place a garland of flowers around his neck. on march 1, 1986, on one of
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the central streets of stockholm , the prime minister of sweden was shot. there were two suspects in the case, the first was peterson, palma’s wife identified him, the court initially convicted him, but peterson appealed this decision, was released and died of natural causes in 2004 . the second suspect, enkström, also remained at large and committed suicide in 2000. after 20 years, the case was closed without solving the crime. november 4, ninety-five. prime minister ishak rabin was shot dead in israel's kings' square in tel aviv. the murder was committed by a lone extremist, twenty-seven-year-old student yigal amir. he explained his action by saying that rabin had made peace with the palestinians. on june 1, 2001 , almost the entire family of the king of nepal was shot dead during a friday dinner in kathmandu.
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king berendra, queen ashwarya, their youngest son prince. neither the people's tribunal of polivanu found evidence of involvement in the murder of the leadership of the hezbollah movement, nor the syrian government. on december 27, 2007 , the former prime minister of pakistan, benazir phutta, was mortally wounded in the city of rawalpinzi. a suicide bomber opened fire on her car and then blew himself up. the mastermind behind
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the murder was the head of the pakistani branch of the taliban, beitullah mehsud. on july 8 , 2022, in the city of nara on hongsu island there was former japanese prime minister shinzo abe, who spoke at a rally, was killed. the killer was captured immediately. he turned out to be a former japanese army soldier, yamagami, who had a personal dislike for kabbe. lone conspirators usually only hide behind ideas.
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he, as a rule, is not under anyone ’s influence, he is a person who channels his, his frustration, so to speak, uh, into some, some slogans, yes, some, be it ideological or some religious explanations, in fact, uh, as practice shows, arrested, uh, people, who did not allow this crime to be committed, they are very weak, in the context, so to speak, for... the fact that they act either from an ideological point of view or from a religious point of view, they literally do not know their foundations, that is, in slovakia in the usa , this happened against the backdrop of huge political polarization in... the country, in the case of fico, this is a man who calls himself seventy years old, seventy-one years old at that time, who called himself a writer, poet, yes, if
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you look at what they dug up about him, then at the beginning, in the sixteenth year, for example, he creates a group against violence, he created a group, stands with his followers and speaks out against violence, in the seventeenth year he is already in camouflage standing with some semi-legal police who are fighting about... for cleansing slovakia of migrants, the same thing with here is the attacker who shot at trump, this person in the seventeenth year is registered as a member of the republican party, in the eighteenth year he makes a donation to the democratic party or an organization close to the democratic party, that is, this is the mobility of the ideology of ideas on against the background of apparently mental weakness, yes. after the most high-profile assassination attempts of recent times, aba, fitz and trump , a wave of criticism fell on the intelligence services. there have never been political
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murders in slovakia, that is, the security services apparently knew that this was possible, but they had never encountered this in practice, yes, so this is an obvious mistake, a lack of experience on the part of the security services. another factor that influences the behavior of these people. to potential mistakes not on the part of the special services, but on the part of society in general, this these are, of course, historical and cultural contexts in a particular country, for example, here is a good example of japan, and a man committed the murder of a former prime minister, and this is a man, a former soldier who served in the japanese army for 9 years. japan is a very hierarchical, very role-playing country, if you like. that is , to each member of society, each member of society acts within certain limits, but the military cannot kill the prime minister, the military, according to the japanese mentality, must protect
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the prime minister, but also america, yes, that is an obvious mistake by the special services, yes, one can imagine that this is a former president, uh, he doesn’t have the same staff of security guards allocated to him, but still, for example, i don’t understand why there are no mentions, apparently there weren’t... the drone wasn’t flown, the drone was just yes from which they could simply look at the interesting fact that of the eighteen intelligence services that exist in america, the secret service, the secret service that is protected by the president, is the most unhappy in terms of work, that is, the most dissatisfied employees of the eighteen their services, they conducted research, this is a secret service, that is, the high staff turnover is not satisfactory.
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those elected in a year divisible by 20 would die or be assassinated in office, and it actually worked. seven american leaders, william henry harrison, abraham
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lincoln, james garfield, william mckinley, warren gardens, franklin roosevelt and john kennedy, died or were assassinated while serving as president. according to legend , the curse was in effect until the seventh generation, or to be more precise, it weakened, and it already... enough for murder, perhaps all this was invented later, but ronald reagan was the first to break the pattern, he was eighth on this list, and safely survived the assassination attempt in 1981, although regen’s lung wound was considered fatal in the 19th century. the next to survive was george w. bush, who survived an assassination attempt in georgia in 2005 when a grenade was thrown at him, but it did not explode. the last one so far was donald trump, who , although he lost the elections in 2020, himself claimed that he was legitimately elected president, now they shot at him.
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the attitude towards guns, like the issue of abortion or migration, causes the most irreconcilable ideological disputes in america.
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