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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 19, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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love, you don’t decide where you will find friends for life, you don’t decide which option you will get, but only you decide what your future will be, go wherever you want and don’t worry about tuition payments with an educational loan taken from state support, calculate payments right now in america this year, everything is changing kaleidoscopically. 3 weeks ago they expected that on the eve of the opening of the republican party convention, trump would be sentenced, maybe even sent to jail. the verdict was postponed to the fall, and trump , after the assassination attempt, was triumphantly declared a presidential candidate. for him, this is, of course, a personal victory. what they did to him.
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after january 6, twenty-one, after the so-called march to the congress, it created a complete feeling of such an indicative the destruction of a public execution, and from blocking on social networks, dozens of lawsuits in courts, and massive attacks on all his accounts and reputation, that is, they were demonstratively destroyed, so that it would be discouraging for anyone to get involved with the washington establishment, many of those who today give laudatory speeches at the congress republicans. and that means they praise the almighty for taking the bullet away from his head; they were the first to disown him in those days. the most interesting event of the party gathering was the unveiling of the vice-presidential candidate. young senator atagaya james david wentz was a surprise. j.d. vance is 39 years old, making him one of the youngest vice presidential candidates.
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his childhood was spent in jackson, kentucky, and his youth was spent in the state town of wagayo. this life is described in vence's book, hilbeli's elegy, which became a new york times bestseller and later the script for a film of the same name. in his twentieth year, he received two oscar nominations. the hillbeli are a group of white people who live around.
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and they couldn’t arrange their lives like that, they they don't live in a house they can't afford, they live in a car trailer, they flock together and settle along rural roads, vance's only chance to get out of here was after school. enlist in the marine corps, what did he do? he worked in iraq as a war correspondent for six months, and after that, the benefits and money provided as a veteran allowed him to graduate with honors from yale and get a job as a venture capitalist with the former general director of pal , peter thiel. according to cnn, jedi vance was recommended to trump by his son. donald trump jr. at a dinner in marolalaga. he assured his father that senator tagaya. the voice of america's rust belt sincerely
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believes in his program, but wentz began his career in politics as an ardent anti-trumpist, he called the ex-president american. for banning gender reassignment for minors, the eu called trump’s choice a disaster for ukraine, since j.d. vance from the first days of the conflict was an ardent opponent of assistance to kiev and a supporter of resuming dialogue with moscow. in fact, he
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was elected senator of ohio on january 3, twenty-three, and the proposal for... which means the candidate for vice president received already on july 15 , 2024, that is, a career path in american politics in a year and a half, but probably only obama was given the nobel peace prize faster after he became president. vance is a man of the generation who will replace the lingering baby boomers at the helm, and not only in the united states. it seems that it was his appearance that made democrats think hard about rejuvenation. most likely trump is everything. will return to the white house, i think the main thing is there will, in fact, be a question about the new generation, that is, accordingly, who will lead the new generation, vance, or maybe some new liberal form of the democratic party, which now does not have any prominent figure, because acacia cortez is everything there -still, it’s still not
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a serious bid for leadership, but this is a war for a new generation, for youth, for something in general that should determine youth, nationalism, traditional values ​​or something else? there were several stages in trump's decision to choose wentz. one person is in fact, his son donald jr., who noticed him in the early stages, when in the twenty-third year he came to the site of the vagayu train crash, vance, who was then a senator, organized this visit, and trump was completely delighted and began, as they say, to drip on his father top of the head and say that you need to bet on him, there is a version that - somewhere in the last 3 weeks , the party establishment in the desire to still play this combination with pence 2:0 has become very active and so edifying to promote the figure of the governor of north dakota , douglas burgom, and which
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trump really didn’t like and that means he began to push, on the contrary , some people who are not directly connected with this party establishment and vance here... came in handy, the second version, which had a very strong influence here this debate, where biden did not perform very well, when the democrats began to discuss what to do, uh, in one of these scenarios it was to nominate kamela harris, and take the governor of pennsylvania as vice president under her, then well, that’s also kind of yes some such a combination would be, well, maybe it will happen again. that if the governor of pennsylvania is also a candidate from the working class, then the only one who could really oppose him in the election campaign and in debt would be this young trumpist, but i had to hear another version from those who are directly involved
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in everything these things, that this rate is based on such a guessing of the mood of the electorate, which is still the case for the republicans. after trump, which is not at all necessary, indeed, in a short period trump managed to digest the party and remake it for himself; whether the american voter will get tired of him after another 4 years, if he is elected there now, and this is an open question. at the munich security conference in february, vance has already arrived as a possible trump. he said when it comes to ukraine, it’s not even a question.
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those people who scolded him for some time, condemned him, criticized him, believed that he personally was not capable of leading america along any particular path, that this path itself was not suitable, and so on in... did not switch to his point of view, but the most striking example is marco rubio, who was in general practically a neoconservative some time ago, now this man generally voted against the provision of assistance to ukraine, everyone saw this as hypocrisy, but nevertheless it is clear that this is a strong influence trumpism. i think the main task will, of course, be to mobilize all the main, so to speak, capabilities of the forces, so to speak, of america to continue the economic conflict. with china, it will be a difficult question to what extent the middle east will change
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the policy of the united states, it seems to me that it will no longer be as pro-israel as it was in the first period of the first trump administration, where trump could generally be called the most pro-israel president that was in the united states, i think, in this case it will be more balanced, because the appearance of such figures as vance in general means that most likely this is...
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these endless reports that we will defeat russia, break its back and so on, all this turned out to be nonsense , in general, nothing, really in fact, they could not demonstrate that either it is necessary to negotiate with russia, or it is necessary to wage a new cold war with it, but then it is necessary to keep in mind that the chinese-russian connection may turn out to be insurmountable for any, so to speak, hostile, most powerful american press officer. in the united states
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of america, in any case, it is clear that this is, first of all, resistance to the expansion of the administrative police state, which means redistributing, which decides for your children or pushes your children there is a gender change that destroys your families. that is, in other words, republicanism today in the united states has a very specific outline, in fact, even the term republicanism of our compatriots can lead to some misconceptions, that is, what is palioconservatism, is when on the one hand we resist this big state, we resist all these his inclinations, on the other hand, we defend what in russia we usually call traditional values, that is, there is a family, religion, mainly home education of children. clarity with genders and so on and so forth, that is, this connection, which for russia today still seems
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strange for some reason, for america today it is republicanism, the new candidate for vice president, it seems to me, very clearly reflects this an agenda that trump is also trying to present to transform it from marginal to dominant. those who today are called paleoconservatives inherit the agenda of about a century ago, that is , america itself has become intensively interfere in... world affairs, of course, starting from the first world war, and in fact this was associated with the expansion of the state, it was simply impossible to achieve without the expansion of the state, so part of this agenda is certainly, well, what is traditional in america is called isolationism, that is, a reduction in the amount of simply money, resources that the state redistributes from its citizens and from its economy in favor of creeping somewhere in iraq somewhere in...
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the post-liberals are a large, very influential wing of people, i have been following them for a long time, i even have certain personal contacts with some, like with our common friend porenie, who came to russia, these are people who are usually religious, but on the other hand with very strong social sensitivity, that is, for them the interests of the white working class, the simple
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working class, are very important, they want to make foreign policy there not for the middle class. biden said, politics for the middle class, here is a policy for such, in general, the lower classes, but such lower classes of their own, so to speak, here’s the background, let’s say, so to speak, of the people of america, that is, so to speak, the idea of ​​course of an active economic policy, expansion of the labor market, protectionism, but preservation social programs there and so on, but at the same time remove all this culturally arrogant arrogance that exists among the intellectual academic class in relation to...
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regarding same-sex marriage, they are very conservative and even harsher in places, than trump, on migrants, on the economy, on tariffs, the second is assistance to ukraine, which is also talked about a lot, which vance also opposes, the target audience here, it seems to me, is not neutral voters, the most notable one is this one the party establishment and republican voters
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who sympathize with this part of the party and who, by and large, are like the liberal interventionists. they believe, but they don’t believe, but they believe that the institutions created during the cold war and after it ended are working to maintain american hegemony, everyone who does not understand this means they are working to weaken america. you know, what’s surprising is that the ghost of india constantly appears. people have already gotten used to trump’s like-minded person, vivik ramaswamy. kamala haris, biden's increasingly likely successor on her mother's side, is from the indian city of madras. and now...
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a wedding that just ended in india, the heir to the indian tycoon anand ambani and his chosen one radhika merchant got engaged here, they say, all the expenses of the groom's family exceeded $600 million, and this is only half a percent of the huge fortune. if you look at the footage from the ceremony, which looks more like a festival, there is no doubt about the veracity of this figure. the youngest son of asia's richest man, entrepreneur mukesh ambani, has known his bride for a long time; the couple began dating while still studying at the university. the parents of both were simply happy, because the combination of the ambani and merchant clans, families of famous pharmaceutical magnates, would make the families owners of enormous capital in india.
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the heirs of the multimillion-dollar empire did not disappoint and after 8 years of relationship they finally decided to get married. according to hindu tradition. former british prime minister tony blair also flew to this celebration of life. almost all the distinguished guests, especially the ladies, added elements of traditional indian costumes to their outfits. the newlyweds did not disappoint, and here are just a few.
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trend in indian wedding fashion, this boutique in newdelhi makes custom-made kurtas, as men's suits are called, as well as sarees and lehengas for brides. this is a blouse, it's not yet hemmed, we will adjust it to the bride’s figure. this is a completely budget option without precious stones and gold nisei. costs about 35. rub. there is also a wide choice in the men's department. in such a suit, sellers say, you can feel like a bollywood star, even the most expensive indian wedding, of course there is no gold and silver like annatambani’s, but it still looks solemn, such a traditional indian men’s
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wedding suit, it’s called shirvani , a beautiful cape, decoration, it’s all embroidered, a headdress, a turban, i have a little of it it’s too small, such a suit, translated into russian rubles, costs about 20 thousand; in general , traditional indian clothing often boasts bright colors and complex embroidery. which, of course, makes it stand out among western fashion. being a religious person, i can only admire ambani and merchant's wedding as they used traditional attire. and the bride, the groom. the costumes were embroidered with gold threads and followed all indian traditions. however, not everyone was delighted with the wedding of the century. mumbai became stuck in a multi-kilometer traffic jam so that guests could comfort could get to the place of celebration. “yes, you have money, we understand everything, but why show it off? the wedding season for
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ordinary indians usually starts in the fall, with the beginning of the most important hindu holiday diwali, and even not the richest families try to keep up with celebrities; chefs prepare for guests and arts are performed, no one has canceled the indian love for music and dance; this means pretending that you don’t know what everyone knows, and that you know what no one knows, pretending that you hear something that no one knows. understandable, and not to listen to what everyone can hear, the main thing is to pretend that you can surpass yourself, do it often. a secret from the fact that it is no secret to lock yourself in your office just to trim your feathers, but to appear thoughtful when the wind is blowing in your head, whether it is good or bad
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to play a persona, to produce headphones, to feed traitors, to write denunciations, intercept letters, but try to justify the importance of the goal. poverty of means, your village, what are you talking about, that’s all politics. to at the end of a tumultuous week, biden found himself under siege, with calls to step aside from everywhere. just 3 weeks ago, the entire party establishment unanimously rejected insinuations about the candidate’s age, decisively. noticing the signs of aging, suddenly everyone saw the light, which means orc conclusions are coming. it was an international review, goodbye.
11:55 pm
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is listening. russia is now on 101.5 fm. who are you? i, traveler, aeronaut, jean ivan. oh, so we are getting bored. what a fairy tale without ivan. uh, uh, what started? no deception, no flint, don’t go sharpening the flint, the self-written pen is magic ink, you’ll get it, the main thing is, hurry up, so give me a horse, mechanical, beat yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where it’s needed, that’s what my name is , because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need to go. i can't live without
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travel. flint, he who has a flint in his pocket does not need a feather. soon. if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law. shoot first. competition of ideas and money. there was a sensation, and what a sensation. they tensed up inside america and outside its borders. what are the rest? intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow? this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand.
12:00 am
this is russia 24, we’ll tell you about the information picture of the day by this hour. russian companies did not report problems after a major technical failure in working with devices windows operating system. this is stated in a statement by roskomnadzor. a critical software error has paralyzed the work of many organizations around the world. banks,
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air carriers, and medical institutions reported failures.


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