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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 20, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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prayers are not used in the places where they should be, this certainly offends the feelings of believers, this is a very long-awaited decision that we have formalized into law. tighten criminal and administrative liability for online fraud. senators called for this at a government hour with the participation of the head of rosfinitoring yuri chikhanchin. parliamentarians are sounding the alarm: more and more people are being deceived online. just last year, cyber scammers. but also to conduct an information campaign for those who own personal data, aimed at improving the financial literacy of the population. marina pavlova found out what steps are already being taken in this direction in our country. virtual reality opens the door to a world where you can instantly find yourself anywhere, immerse yourself in...
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do what you have long dreamed of, but how not to cross the line and not get confused in the network, caution is no less important there than in real life , attackers are increasingly using digital technologies to deceive people remotely. the ministry of internal affairs keeps statistics for the twenty-third year, disclosed there were about 6,500 crimes, of these 6,500 , about 34 crimes were solved in the field of computer information. 34 is a drop in the bucket. this means that most cybercrimes go unpunished, which is why today in russia they have begun to open special spaces dedicated to online security, for example, the capital’s cyber testing ground, where it specialists discuss initiatives for the development of the industry, and young people study modern technologies and acquire skills in repelling hacker attacks , for example, like to protect an energy station or how to protect a bank from hacking from intruders, in the scenario, a beginner or a professional has the opportunity to try: yourself, train
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your knowledge, skills, or just get acquainted with the topic of cybersecurity. we are trying to introduce them to possible threats, dangers, attacks, and trying to give them certain tools. young users are the most vulnerable category for cybercriminals; as a rule, such provocateurs are subtle psychologists, they know exactly what points to press, involving youth into various fraudulent schemes. they stimulate in a teenager a certain feeling of, you know, interest in the outside world, that is, for example, do you want to make money quickly?
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profit in many games it is possible to buy items and currency for real money, and where there is monetization, black hackers appear. if a child buys something in his game, he must be clearly sure that his account is completely protected. there are security measures that are quite difficult to hack. mufactor identification, recognition fingerprints. in general, they currently indirectly provide the proper degree of protection from intruders. if a child plays a game, if there is trading in it. platform, a stop must be made, no exchanges under any circumstances. for most of these students, computer games are far from just a hobby. many here set themselves the goal of being on the podium of esports arenas. nowadays, esports is developing at a rapid pace. and russia is a leader, and not only in quality. our teams often win international tournaments, but based on the number of players. and entire academies even began to appear especially for fans of this sport. where
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they teach all the intricacies of digital literacy, here they teach how to play computer games and not fall for the tricks of scammers. young gamers know firsthand about annoying communication in the gaming environment, but it is not so easy to deceive them. i had several situations, one of the recent ones was when i was offered a friend request, i accepted them and they sent me a link to some free game, i immediately realized that this was a scammer from... him, well, because free cheese is just a mousetrap. the issue of information and data protection is becoming a priority for the state. in order for everyone to learn the principles of safe behavior on the internet, special technological services are being created in russia, for example, the digital lickbes project. it combines a series of videos that teach the basics of cybersecurity using clear examples. never share your personal information or your bank card information with third parties. don't translate money to strangers. under no
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circumstances. useful tips on proper behavior online can be found on many free online services, for example, on the sites cyberbullying, cyberzosh, improve your defense skill, learn your role. and, of course, on the state services portal in the cybersecurity section - it’s easy. thus, by combining the efforts of the state and citizens, it is possible to teach every russian the simple rules of cybersecurity, which means leaving less room for fraudsters to commit crimes. marina pavlova, mikhail chuprazov, alexander shedevr and andrey litvin. senate program. senators have been conducting legislative work to counter cyber threats for several years now. one of the initiatives concerns the content of computer games, or more precisely those scenarios in which. my colleague vladimir nesterov discussed the details with senator irina rukavishnikova. irina valerievna, what risks and threats arise for young russians when using gaming services, how can this be countered? well, let's start with the fact that of course he spends a lot of time
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young people playing games is a serious, indeed social factor that should be paid attention to, first of all, of course, by parents. the other one is very serious and so negative. factor is the transfer of their personal data to unknown persons who are in partnership with them within the framework of this computer game, and of course have access to almost all the personal data of the young man, well , there are quite a lot of potential risks, but we understand perfectly well that the game there will be an industry, of course, this is a serious business, this is probably a really attractive area of ​​computer virtual reality, our task is: well, firstly, to constantly identify these risks, to warn about the need to maintain digital hygiene in this area, and at the same time , we need to understand how these computer games can be used the gaming sphere for
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some kind of positive influence on young people; through games you can understand reality, you can study various directions, history, literature, mathematics, and exact sciences. we invite developers to announce future educational games now, talking about what skills a player, or a minor, can acquire using this game. now the marking concerns only the age limit, but in terms of content, in terms of
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the content itself, there are no such requirements, no such rules. naturally, if our developers offer educational, interesting game content, then we should definitely give it a try.
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one of the most significant laws of the spring session introduces a new tax payment for families, working parents of two or more children whose income is below a certain threshold will be able to count on it. the size of the payment
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can be compared to the thirteenth salary. at the end of the year, a working person will receive an amount almost equal to his average monthly earnings. alina maksimova about how the new law will work. well, yes, gennady, in fact, the importance of the family tax payment is difficult to overestimate. perhaps for the first time in the history of our country, families will be able to receive such a significant amount from the state. in essence, this is a tax deduction, then there is a refund of part of the personal income tax paid, but if previously it was given for some purchases, for example, paid treatment, education, purchase of housing, then in the case of a family payment, a person is given a refund only for the fact that he has children. the deduction amount is 7% of the amount of personal income tax paid per month. our president has long said that families raising children experience certain difficulties, parents in this case need help, so this is you...
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be income that is subject to personal income tax, there should be no arrears in alimony, with it doesn't matter whether they live with children. and finally, the most important criterion is that the average per capita income of a family should not exceed one and a half times the subsistence level of the population in the region where they live. this last criterion of average per capita income is the most difficult to calculate. to do this, the family, the applicant, his spouse and children need, firstly, to carefully calculate all their income for the previous year. and secondly, know the cost of living in your region for the same period. the exact formula
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looks like this: income of family members for we add up the calendar year, do not forget to include not only salary, but also any other earnings, as well as benefits, pensions, scholarships, then divide them by the number of family members and by 12 months, and then compare the resulting figure with the cost of living multiplied by one and a half . if she turns out. is less than the threshold, then the family will receive a tax cashback, if it is more, then it is not considered to be in need and will not be able to count on benefits, you know, you can even give such a small example to help our viewers it’s clear, for example, if we take the arkhangelsk region, the cost of living there for the working-age population is somewhere around 20,570 rubles, and if a family of two children has a mother and a father working, if the father, for example, receives 100,000 rubles, and the mother receives
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5 years, but for example, let's take we don't yet know what it will be like at twenty-twenty-four, multiply this figure by one and a half and get 33,993 rubles. we see that here the income for family members does not reach the threshold, so dad smirnov can count on payment, and the same family from the tula region will no longer receive benefits. because their income will exceed the threshold, the cost of living in this region is lower than moscow. how much could muscovite smirnov
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receive at the end of the year if the law were already in effect now? every month with a salary of 90,000, he pays 11,700 rubles. ndfl. but thanks to the amendments, the tax will be recalculated and out of 13%, seven will return to the smirnov family. this is 6,300 rubles. for each month or 75,600 rubles. in a year. let me emphasize once again: only those who pay personal income tax, individual entrepreneurs, self-employed, have the right to payment. students, pensioners, and parents on maternity leave have nothing to return. i will also note that since the law begins to take effect only next year, family income will also be taken for the twenty-fifth year. accordingly, an application for cashback can be submitted for the first time after this period, already in the twenty-sixth year. then, within a few months, the money will transfer to the account. both parents, both working parents can submit an application, the document is an application,
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the application is submitted, as we have already noted, to the social fund for public services, this will be noted, or at the mfc, what additional documents will be required there, now the government is developing a procedure, i don’t think that there will be very many documents, because we have absolutely all the information in the social fund, at the same time there will be such an established connection with tax office, which also tracks all earnings. the same as for the unified child benefit. this is the minimum number of apartments, cars, houses, land plots owned; as a rule, there should be no more than one object in each category. also, the applicant, his spouse and adult children must have either an official income or a valid reason for his absence, such as study, pension, maternity
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leave, or being on sick leave. all details, as usual, must be established by the government in its resolution. however, families with children receive the closest attention, both at the federal and local levels. for example, in the astrakhan region , there is an additional support measure for families with many children; they are compensated for part of the costs of educating their children in colleges and technical schools. a the regional authorities are now closely involved in modernizing the transport system and utility infrastructure. let's talk about this now with the senator from the astrakhan region, alexander bashkin. alexander davidovich, which ones?
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to astrakhan, this project has been developing for several years, more and more new sections, linear highways, interchanges, bridge crossings are being introduced step by step, and astrakhan residents see and we are already starting to use these sections, by 2026 this serious facility will be completed, great attention - now we are paying attention to the development of the project, which is included in the program for safe and high-quality roads, this is the development of intracity roads. transport network, thanks to the program that was included in the resolution of the federation council, thanks to the efforts of the governor of the astrakhan region, the government, in astrakhan everything has now changed, a new modern route network is operating, 48 passenger routes are served by 466 buses, high capacity, medium capacity and low capacity, a large-scale
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project for the development of the astrakhan agglomeration began to be implemented, a project that provides for a complete reconstruction, and i would... even say a new complete reconstruction of the water supply and sanitation system, the peculiarity of astrakhan is that the city is located, one might say, on islands, a large number of rivers and water supply lines pass through the city territory networks must cross these water barriers under the riverbeds, under the bottom, this is a very serious problem that wears out all these, which puts additional stress on both sewer and water pipes. out of these 53 40 planned facilities have already been completed 11 last year 29 this year there are still 13 facilities left, which will also be completed in the near future, astrakhan residents receive clean water, astrakhan residents receive clean air, astrakhan residents receive a sustainable, reliable safe water supply. now let's talk about
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tourist sites, of which there are many in the region. astrakhan is a region with a rich culture, it is no coincidence that the city was chosen for...
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i’m talking, this is a large number of objects, many of which are hundreds of years old, all these objects need to be restored, preserved for the future, nothing has been done for too long, so the federal budget is providing its assistance here, in the form of various programs, in the form of various projects, again including, many of them were included in the resolutions on state support for the socio-economic development of the astrakhan region, as an example i ’ll cite one object, this is the october cultural and entertainment complex, more than a billion rubles were spent on reconstruction, at the end of this year the october cinema complex will open its doors to astrakhan residents and guests. our city, everything is being done to ensure that life in russian settlements, no matter whether they are small or large, whether large ones are cities with a population of over a million or small villages, so that this life is
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interesting, rich and safe, and great attention is paid to this, great participation takes part in this, naturally the federation council. by the way, the astrakhan region is among the top 10 regions of russia in terms of tourist flow growth. last year we vacationed there. guests, for whom there are 350 locations, most of them in the delta volga. oksana patturkina will tell you why the astrakhan region is attractive. many bridges, river canals. volga venice, that’s what astrakhan is called. people come here to visit historical places and admire amazing landscapes, but above all, holidays in astrakhan are, of course, associated with fishing. this is our dream fish. the best time for this is during the spring flood; there is also a good catch from august to october. almost half the country comes in their own transport, here are the tourists we call wild, of course they create many problems, first of all these are
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the problems of unregulated fishing, we have a law on recreational fishing, of course it is violated, the main astrakhan brand of vobla has especially suffered from poachers, over 100 years its reserves have decreased 100 times , putting the population on the brink of extinction. the regional authorities, of course, took measures; it was only possible to catch vobla this year. days from april 20 to 30, the rest of the time until the end of the year there is a strict ban, it also applies to roach and blackback herring, while catching the rest of the fish are still allowed, these are carp, pike perch, catfish, pike, from the latter, at a master class in the restaurant of the same name , we will prepare an exotic asian dish in the local style, we will prepare, so to speak, the famous astrakhan dish he from pike, which few people use pike in khia preparation, this is a korean technique. preparation of raw product. gastronomic tourism in astrakhan is gaining momentum, for example, in this restaurant any master class costs 1.5 rubles. lately, for example, we have been making
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pike perch and vizigi pies there, and pies from sama smoked, that is, the guests come themselves, cut it, sculpt it themselves, and the chef tells them about the fish and why we use it. but let's get back to preparing khiya, besides the pike fillet, it contains carrots, cabbage, peppers, onions, add salt, sugar, spices, pour vinegar over everything. after a day, the dish, previously seasoned with boiling oil, can be served. so, our khi is ready, by the way, i will be trying this dish for the first time, so i can safely make a wish. for example, take a dip in the cool volga; the astrakhan heat is easier to bear near the water. by the way, in the region in this this season, for the first time, two beaches certified according to new standards appeared. foam party, parade of paratroopers, performance of musicians and disco, opening of the beach. turned into a real holiday, in order to improve the coastal area, create comfortable conditions for adults and children, and also build a berth for small vessels, it took 15 million rubles, allocated as part of
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a regional project for the development of tourism infrastructure. this country park was partially built with funds from a regional grant. which is about to open. basically, our guests are families with children, because adults want to relax on the weekend, and to keep the children busy, that’s how... we make this commitment, there are 10 houses in the park that can accommodate 50 people , dining room, also a banquet hall, a large area for games and walks, there is access to the river, but it is not yet equipped. next year, holidays in a country park will become even more comfortable. on the river bank there will be a fifty-meter wooden platform on screw piles, turning into a pier. and here a bath complex with a large swimming pool and relaxation area will be built here. it will turn out about the same as in year-round glamping in the village of zhan aul. glamping, in other words, is a luxury vacation. outdoors organized by evgenia genyuk. a third of the project amount, just over 3 million rubles. this is regional grant money. evgenia also took advantage of preferential loans. we received a loan of 5 million, well, at 6% for 5 years,
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these funds helped us a lot, because well, we can’t live without it. and it’s great that the state is helping us. glamping a hare periodically drops by, and other animals can be seen near the river. this picturesque corner has everything for a good rest, such modern universal ones. there are still few countries in the region. this domed house is called a sphere. it can accommodate four guests at once, two here and the same number upstairs. in my opinion, a great place to watch sunrises and sunsets. oksana podturkina, yuri bilov and andrey litvin. senate program from the astrakhan region. these were the results of the week in the federation council. see you in air. see you on senate next week.
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here in avdeevka people were driven to death, there was terror there, it’s flying here.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. in pursuit of views , entire locations are changed. we will expose all fakes.
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in shebekino, belgorod region, three civilians were injured as a result of shelling. according to the regional governor, vyacheslav glodkov, a woman and two men had shrapnel wounds. part of the city remains without electricity. in addition, two private houses caught fire due to direct hits from shells. rescuers are already put out the fire. in several other houses , glass was broken, roofs were cut, and several cars were damaged. russian air defense systems shot down three ukrainian mig-29 fighters in a week. more than 300 drones, dozens.


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