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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 20, 2024 6:00am-6:30am MSK

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take a taxi and not die; a huge number of random and unprofessional people find themselves behind the wheel of passenger transport, as a result of thousands of accidents, which sometimes end in tragedy. hello, eduard petrov is in the studio. i want my face, i liked it, i want it back. crashed badly for some reason, there wasn’t a call to the hospital like are you still alive there friend , in general, that’s the main question: who is responsible for the lives of the passengers? first of all the driver, and if the driver has nothing, the personality the driver raises big questions, where are you from? tajikistan, do you like tajikistan? well, it’s okay, i can work the money that i, for example, have to earn, i seem to hold in my hands, because it seems to be there , after all, and then...
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yellow cars drive around the streets of big cities day and night, there are so many of them that it’s hard to find out who is a real taxi driver and who is not can be very difficult. when getting into the car, the passenger does not know how his trip will end. scandals, accidents, conflicts, all this accompanies a business that is not entirely transparent. cab driver any taxi call is like roulette.
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how to avoid being in a car with a dangerous driver, who is responsible for the safety of the passenger and who is responsible in court for the death of the client? we took over this case and conducted our own investigation.
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in the fall of 2020, anna sorokina, an experienced tour guide from nizhny novgorod, was late for work. i ordered a taxi through a mobile application, and a sparkling black foreign car rushed to the house, albeit without checkers or corresponding stickers. the girl could not even imagine how it would end for her this trip.
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“i had to lead a group of tourists at 8 am on an excursion to gorodets, yes, so i called a taxi, got in, he hung me up after about 15 minutes, but at that time i was reading the text of the excursion, you always prepare when you go, and he suddenly went sharply to the left, i think, well , we probably got to the ring on a proletarka, but i look up and realize that we are driving through..." two lanes, i started screaming, but he didn’t react at all, we flew into the opposite lane side of the road, flying through two solid ones and miraculously not hitting oncoming traffic car, a taxi crashed into a chair at full speed, anna hit the headrests of the chair hard, you are sitting, your nose is bleeding, but i took off my t-shirt, covered it with a t-shirt, and i called my mother, until the ambulance arrived, i was talking with my mother, just... well
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, so as not to lose consciousness, because well , i wanted to sleep, i really wanted to sleep, but i had to force myself, well, not to lose consciousness, as a result, concussions, fractures for the rabbi. nose and jaw, anna underwent several complex operations, her face was severely swollen, that is, everything is bruised, but a solid bruise, i only got rubber bands a week later, but it’s very similar to stationery rubber bands that fasten vertically, that is, they don’t allow the jaw to move, and i went through with them for almost 2 months, that is, actually my jaw stood like this, the driver who sent anna sorokina to the hospital bed was also injured in an accident, though not in the same way. strongly, when he came to his senses, he admitted that he was just very tired and fell asleep at the wheel, but later, after consulting with lawyers, he changed testimony, allegedly he suddenly became ill, now anna sorokina is trying to bring the culprit of the incident to criminal
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responsibility. both, wow, wow, who!
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another victim of a similar accident. resident of voronezh, maria chievskaya. the girl wanted to get home quickly, called a taxi and got into a terrible accident. maria will remain disabled for the rest of her life. i was at my colleague’s birthday party, my boyfriend and i , and we went home, called a taxi, and he sat in the front seat. i buckled up, but i sat in the back and there was no belt safety, i think, well, i’ll sit in a safe place behind the driver, the car that came for maria, her boyfriend, was without checkers, driving through the intersection, the driver did not let another
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taxi that was moving along the main road pass, a terrible collision, the blow came to the side where maria was sitting, the car spun, the girl flew out through... the window and hit her head on the curb. i stayed in the hospital for exactly one month, one day, i had two operations, i am very grateful to my neurosurgeon, who really helped me as if saved, because oh, because i was badly broken, can i put my hand there? yes, put a plaster on, you can’t put a plaster on your head when your head just, well, broke like a crystal glass, and well, part of the skull had to be removed. rehabilitation lasted several months, but maria chaevskaya was never able to return to normal life, she had to register for
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disability, and litigation began. the obvious culprit of the accident, the taxi driver refused until the very end to help the girl in any way, for example, to reimburse the costs of treatment; we met there for the first time at investigator, it turns out that we, well, on my side, yes, i have my lawyer, i have the right to ask for compensation for moral damage, just, as it were, what is called an agreement, but we asked for 150 thousand there, so purely, i don’t know, for the syringes that i injected myself with an incredible amount and...
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what are you doing? informative, informative, well, to make everything clear, who came where, the head of the main department for ensuring road safety of the ministry of internal affairs of russia, lieutenant general mikhail, came to our editorial office chernikov. i want to come here, i understand. we discussed with him the problems associated with the work of taxis in our country. today in moscow
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we see up to 30% of taxis in the total flow. i think this will only increase. and the provision of translation services to the population, of course, will be in a secure system and provided in comfortable conditions. how do you assess the responsibility of drivers who are currently engaged? and they provide taxi services , how important is the role of aggregators of taxi drivers themselves in maintaining safety? transportation, that's how important it is, that's your uh, how do you think they should treat road safety? well , first of all, we can say about the service, they provide services and receive appropriate remuneration for this, the service must be provided first of all safely and comfortably of all services and... first of all, i emphasize again, first of all, this is of course, he got from point a to point b
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alive and healthy, the person who organizes these transportations is directly engaged in transportation activities, if speaking, these are the so-called organization enterprises, they used to be called taxi depots, parks, and today there is also a concept such as a taxi aggregator, where it directly provides services between the taxi driver and the client, not every viewer understands what an aggregator is, let’s explain, this is a mobile application on the phone, yes, well, this is also an aggregator, a person directly, an individual entrepreneur or the same organization that systematically accumulates, yes, you can say a dispatch service, here of course this is where the area of ​​responsibility breaks down, if this is an organization of an enterprise, then of course there is a procedure there today, provided for by law, where all vehicles undergo technical inspection and inspection. before leaving for the line or the so-called transportation activity, there is also
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a medical examination of the driver who directly gets behind the wheel, his condition, his work and rest schedule, that is , there are a lot of components where the enterprise organization is responsible for transportation activities, there is a person , which directly controls the vehicle, this is also, let’s say, an important factor, his professional activity, that is, how he... today is ready to transfer people, based on his professional abilities, each person, while driving, controls a vehicle, is not responsible only for ourselves, first of all, of course, for the passengers. despite the significant number of mobile applications, today's taxi is a business closed to prying eyes, because there are a huge number of people between those who are driving and those who are being transported. that the intermediaries, firstly, are the so -called aggregator companies, which
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collect orders from customers via the internet and transfer them to drivers, and secondly, companies that rent cars with checkers. do not forget about another important circumstance: a permit to operate a taxi is issued for the car, and not for the driver. in fact, anyone with a driver’s license can drive such a vehicle. certificate. today, no one seems to think about who we get into the car and who we trust with our life. after all, it cannot occur to anyone that the driver works for several days in a row without sleeping. doesn't eat. in this state, the driver becomes not only dangerous, he may well
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turn into a killer on the road. here is the main question: who is responsible for the lives of passengers? of course, a driver is first and foremost a driver. today he cannot just go and enter into this activity of transportation activities to provide services, this means there will be a violation of the law regarding the organization of work or entrepreneurial activity without relevant documents, licenses are issued for a specific car, here you need to break down
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the enterprise again, the organization that deals with... individual entrepreneurs who also have such licenses today, that is, in theory, it turns out that you can only ask the driver, in case you got into an accident and were injured, it is not possible to ask the company who owns the car, it turns out, no, why the owner of a source of increased danger, in accordance with civil law, bears responsibility for life and health, harm caused, here the division is organized, yeah. yeah, the activity of providing passenger transportation services is divided into another type - this is an individual entrepreneur who organizes it himself and provides it himself. there are several places in moscow where taxi drivers gather, mostly people from the former soviet republics of central asia. these are the villages within
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the city. the metropolitan police knows these underground basses well. rest and checks them regularly, in one of these raids our film crew also took part, here is the entrance, here is the entrance, there, okay, evening, good citizens, we are preparing documents for verification, this is a former industrial zone on volgogradsky prospekt, it’s a stone’s throw to the city center, here is a kind of city within a city, on in a closed area there are hostels, car washes, auto repair shops, cafes with
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national cuisine, there is even a billiard room with hookahs. the appearance of employees of the national guard and the migration service, the inhabitants of these places clearly did not expect it, but here in the corridor, here, here, everything is fine, come in up, good evening, good evening.
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at the end of the work shift, a line of cars with checkered cards comes here, and where did you come from? i work here in moscow, i understand, but you came from where, in tajikistan, for a long time, yes, how long have you been working in a taxi? 5 months, 5 months you work in a taxi, you like it, well , okay, you can work, most likely drive.
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that is, the lion’s share of a taxi driver’s earnings is dismantled by such units, people who have stopped earning money are therefore forced to do what, it’s scary to recycle and save on everything that is possible, yes, this is for the maintenance of a car, but now it has reached the point that people cannot pay for normal housing while supporting themselves, in principle, in many advertisements, newspapers we even see, we invite you to work in a taxi, we provide housing and the workplace, in principle this car is both housing and workplace, has woken up. already at work. community activists regularly patrol the yards where taxi drivers spend the night and find cars with checkers. here is one of them in the salon. the driver is sitting, there is a sports bag in the back seat with personal belongings, this is dmitry, he came to moscow from perm to earn money, by profession
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dmitry is a train driver, but he couldn’t find a job in his specialty, well, 30%, roughly speaking, they give, well, it’s to the aggregator there that 24% goes and 6% goes to the taxi company, plus he charges 1.07 for the car. then he works on his own machines, of course, it’s profitable for them, they don’t pay rent, roughly speaking, they have their own individual entrepreneurs, llc, i don’t know who is there, how it opens, they play and they work, when dmitry has money, he spends the night in luxury, not on workplace, in a taxi car, in a hostel, between...
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take a car like this, for example, there is a toyota camry, for example, there yes, well, depending on which taxi company, it’s different for everyone, well, from the bourgeoisie, from greed from it depends on them, but on average, roughly speaking, it costs 3.00 rubles, that ’s half and half for us, plus we also have a security deposit, well, it’s like a fine and something else, that is, you have to pay an additional 500 rubles each month, well, every day more precisely, accordingly , well, somewhere around 20, so i owe for earn 12 hours and... that's for the car , plus it goes, so it turns out how much i charge for gasoline , that's the minimum, if you take the expense - that's
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about a thousand and a half anyway, that's the money that i, for example, have to earn i kind of hold them in my hands, there seems to be a stink, and then artur musaev rents a car from a large taxi company. every day before going on line, he must undergo a medical examination. then the car is thoroughly inspected, but in some other taxi companies it often happens differently: owners of checkered cars are simply given keys and a stack of waybills, which the driver fills out independently in whatever condition. he will appear on the road, no one knows.
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a separate topic is the condition of the rented car. taxi drivers manage to kill even relatively new cars within a year. they repair it in their own garage services, and in order to save fuel they install a variety of, sometimes unsafe , devices. regarding gas equipment, you warned the mechanics that it is not specified in the documentation, honestly the first time i encountered this, they didn’t pay attention, they didn’t pay attention. i understand, can i ask you to open the hood and trunk? traffic police officers are on duty in the northeast of moscow. every second car with
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checkered cards has problems with documents. for example, a gas cylinder was installed incorrectly in this car. a requirement has been issued regarding the need to eliminate the illegal modification of the vehicle, give it to the mechanics, they will figure out what to do about it. yes, i won’t do anything, i won’t do anything, but this is not the first time this has happened situation, no, another common violation is lack of insurance, please tell me, they say you were driving without insurance, how did it happen that your car is not insured, but the car is somehow insured, well, they forgot, it ran out. literally 2 days ago they just forgot, didn’t pay attention to it, it turns out, you drive at your own peril and risk, if you suddenly get into an accident, then why at your own peril and risk, well, you don’t have insurance, rassim doesn’t even understand that
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the osaga policy is the driver’s responsibility to others, and not to himself, but the taxi driver only cares about his car, who will answer and how, if an accident happens , people will get hurt, it doesn’t matter to rasim, oops, oopana! during night raids , traffic police officers also identify other serious offenses; often drunk drivers are caught behind the wheel of a taxi, but how can one go to work in a taxi without earning money, i’m not one of our people behind the wheel.
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during raids, state traffic inspectors identify a huge number of taxi drivers who drive with violations. the main condition of the driver, but technical i would also like to sharpen the inspection here, because... vehicles pass during transportation activities, if it is a vehicle under 5 years old, they pass every year, if more, then twice a year, that is, responsibility for the technical condition has already been increased, then, as for drivers, the state of the charge, here of course , cases are not frequent, uh, but such cases, unfortunately, do happen, so today they are divided during transportation activities, or
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those drivers who... passengers die, yes, but people die, people in general with the participation of taxi drivers, we took statistics and it says exactly in terms of causing harm to health, such as death, here we have an increase in the number of deaths in 1 year by 20%, and here , of course, we need to be very careful about professional level to organization specifically during transportation. passengers, the
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