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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 20, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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the main news from the region and detailed analytics from robert frantsev. welcome to asia, here the heart of the continent beats, and we keep our finger on the pulse. today in the program dangerous asia, the invasion of spiders in kazakhstan and fatal mudslides in kyrgyzstan, as well as limiting the transport of cars over 7 years old, kazakhstan, as well as local ones, suggest. on the verge of creating a cure for cancer. there is an invasion of poisonous spiders in kazakhstan. karakurt, aka the black widow. after their bites , six people were already admitted to intensive care. spider attacks have been recorded throughout the country. the most difficult situation is in the west of kazakhstan, in desert areas. hundreds of camels have already suffered from karokurt bites. dozens of animals died. they complain about unwanted encounters with poisonous arachnids. and residents
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large cities, and what is not typical at all, karokurt is found even in high-rise apartments. usually , karokurts do not attack animals or humans unless they are disturbed. at the very moment of the bite, you can even... not to notice, but the poison acts immediately, in just 10-15 minutes it spreads throughout the body, the main symptoms are acute pain, chills, weakness, delirium; if medical assistance is not provided in time, death is possible. let's talk about the reasons for such activity of arachnids and what to do if you were kissed by a black widow. orachnologist fedor martynovchenko. what could be the reason for the increase in the number of spiders? so, well, look, these spiders always live in kazakhstan. they are there, this is their normal native habitat, this is a suitable condition for them, a suitable natural zone, why their numbers have increased, there are more of them, well , they sometimes have periods of population growth from time to time, this was also described by morikovsky, that is, there once every for several years there have been more of them than usual, well, this may also be
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due to climate change, because there is global warming, well, this year there may have just been some particularly good conditions, there was a warm spring, for example, or maybe there was a warm autumn last year, and even if it was purely very strong. raised with the past there, well, at times, then most likely it’s easier to look for freshness in natural factors, yes, it’s unlikely to be connected with some actions of a person of such a global scale, but how to minimize the chances of meeting a black widow and what to do if did the spider bite you after all? so, well, so that he doesn't bitten, you need not to step on, do not sit down, do not lie down in places that you cannot see, that is, he usually bites when there is pressure on him, yes, when he is pressed there, and that is, you need not to walk in a pose, do not walk in sandals, in general in open shoes, walk in closed shoes. there you don’t need to step into places where you can’t see where you’re stepping, and most importantly, don’t sit in any chairs there, don’t put your feet in shoes that, well, you haven’t checked, that is, the most important thing is to look where you sit down, step on where your feet are stick your hands in, examine your clothes , close everything at night so that he doesn’t crawl in,
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and just don’t keep the doors of the house open, but if he bites you, after all, well, of course you need to see a doctor right away, that’s obvious, well, of course there there is a special carocortic serum, with the help of a syringe, but you can’t get it everywhere with you; you can take it there, well, it’s also not always possible, because it needs a refrigerator, and it needs special conditions for storage, again destructive villages again with human casualties , july 14, voshi river overflowed its banks akbura, streams of water, mud and stones hit the central bazaar in the south of kyrgyzstan, according to eyewitnesses, louse, which... is also called the southern capital of the republic, such a powerful mudflow has never happened. the disaster struck on sunday, that is , market day, when traditionally everyone goes shopping. the blow was incredibly fast; the merchants and buyers did not even have time to react. the picture is terrible, people are fleeing on roofs,
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cars are being carried away by powerful currents, pillars and trees are being torn out of the ground. the disaster flooded hundreds houses, hospitals, schools and kindergartens. the destructive stream headed to neighboring uzbekistan, to andijan. region, a mass of water and mud demolished an entire bridge. again there were casualties, among the dead were a mother and three daughters. the family recently came to kyrgyzstan from russia to celebrate vosha’s eldest daughter’s wedding. the bodies were discovered only a day later on the territory of uzbekistan. the kyrgyz authorities stated that there had not been an emergency of such magnitude in the country for the last 30 years and called on the population to insure their housing. destructive mudflows also threaten the capitals kyrgyzstan bishkek. the city is inhabited by approximately. human. the head of the laboratory of hazardous exogenous and hydrogeological processes of the national academy of sciences of kyrgyzstan, sergei erokhin, spoke about the threat. according to him, in the allacha natural park there is a real threat of such powerful mudflows that they can reach the city itself. experts are monitoring the situation
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on the spot, trying to prevent negative periods when the local lake may break through the city. in this case , a flow of about 40 cubic meters/second can pass. approaching. the dangerous period is the third ten days of july and the first ten days of august; a special testing ground has been created to study this process; one high-mountain station monitors the filling of lakes, the other on the adygen glacier is equipped with a danger warning system. what else do you remember about the past week in asia? in the zhytysu mountains , 350 kazakh and belarusian paratroopers held joint exercises and worked out the scenario. according to the legend of maneuvers against a mock enemy, it was necessary to set up several ambushes, doing this taking into account very difficult landscape climatic conditions. the international rally-raid-silk road, which traditionally united racers from the cis countries, as well as mongolia itself and china, ended in ulaanbaater. a ten-day race
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along a route of more than 5.00 km, this time it turned out to be especially difficult, for example, one of the pilots retired due to a serious injury, and several more. due to technical faults. in the capital of kyrgyzstan, a new building for the presidential administration and the cabinet of ministers was completed, which is located on the site of a demolished hotel from sikul. this occupies a multi-tiered white house. in turn, the current government house will be given over to the beshkek city hall. the cabinet of ministers of turkmenistan reported to the president of the republic on the fulfillment of the norm for wheat collection. the harvest was reported to be almost one and a half million tons. in addition, special gifts were made from part of the ears personally for serdar berdumukhomedov, who received them from the hands of children representing each region of the country. kazakhstan is determined to become a powerful
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automotive nation. to support domestic automakers it is proposed establish a ban on the import into the country of cars over seven years old, and it is proposed to introduce the ban not only on the territory of kazakhstan itself, but on the entire space of the eurasian economic union, otherwise it will not work. kazakh officials said that they would remove this in the very near future. proposal for discussion by the eurasian economic commission. at the end of the twenty-third year , almost 150 thousand passenger cars were produced in kazakhstan. the largest enterprise is located in kostanay, kia, chevrolet and jack are assembled here. they plan to expand the line, and the main ones promise to increase the localization of small-unit assembly to 20%. for now this is an assembly from ready-made components. there are plans to produce seats, exhaust systems, electrical harnesses and floor mats in-house. collecting. cars in almaat, family and kakshita the automobile industry accounts for about 40% of the entire
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engineering industry in kazakhstan; nevertheless , people are somewhat skeptical about the domestic automobile industry, even if under global brands. let's discuss this initiative in general , the state of the industry with artur meskaryan, general director of the agency for monitoring and analysis of the automotive market. what is the current state of the kazakh auto industry, what are the prospects for localizing production? is this important for the country's economy? well, it must be said that from the point of view of importance for the economy, the auto industry in kazakhstan is one of the strategic industries in the sense that it is on this industry, among small others, that, in fact, great hopes are pinned in order to reduce in the future, well let's just say sectoral dependence of the economy, in kazakhstan this industry began to develop relatively recently. less than two decades ago, in recent years the volume of production of all types
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of equipment in kazakhstan in total shows an annual growth of 25-30%. over the past year, the kazakh automotive industry showed a total of 170,000 units of equipment produced, most of which are passenger cars, of course, but they are also produced. trucks, buses and special equipment, including, mainly this growth dynamics is achieved due to the fact that demand is growing on the domestic market, but at the same time, both now and in the near future, there is significant potential for supplies abroad, both to russia and to the countries of central asia. people complain about pricing, how competitive are cars produced in kazakhstan or is this only possible due to...
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the process of growth of industries, if we talk about such an inevitable, let's say, period in competitiveness, then you and i understand that, relatively speaking, two cars one, for example, japanese or korean... brand, which are assembled in different countries, they somehow correspond to the quality standards of the brand itself, in this sense , it does not matter where the car is produced, there are uniform quality standards, and , by the way, there is a uniform pricing policy, and if a partner in one particular country begins to violate this policy, then the license agreement is almost immediately revoked and terminated. in this sense, cars produced in kazakhstan are certainly competitive with respect to imports
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and are even more attractive for the reason that that the policy of the country where they are used is already at work, including customs and tariff instruments, which are aimed at making a product produced in the country more attractive compared to imports. and of course, tell us more about the initiative. to limit the import of cars older than 7 years, how interesting might such a proposal be to other countries of the eurasian economic union and what effect is possible from this measure? you know, it’s probably important to say here that... in the eu countries, perhaps, only two countries can be noted that are really actively involved in the development of the automobile industry and mechanical engineering, these are, strictly speaking, the russian federation and this is kazakhstan, i must say that this very idea of ​​limiting the import of old cars, it’s actually not new, it’s, well figuratively
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speaking, has been in the air for a long time and in essence it comes down to... increasing the workload of local enterprises, if we talk about what determines such a proposal in kazakhstan, then here you need to understand the market situation that has developed in our country today, the fact is that over the last 2 years the share of gray imports has been growing significantly and the flow of older cars into the country has been growing significantly, due to the fact that there are many violations of technical regulations. and so on, and in this sense, for kazakhstan this idea is important in order to reduce the share of gray imports to increase the workload of local enterprises for russia, this idea and this proposal are important for the same reasons. and in the chui region of
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kyrgyzstan they launched a production plant modern passenger cars and commercial vehicles. the heads of kyrgyzstan and uzbekistan launched production during a state visit. shavkat mirziyoyev received sadyr japarov. the joint venture will produce maraka cobalt, onix and trecker cars, as well as trucks. at the first stage, it is planned to produce 10,000 cars annually. also during the visit , a project for the construction of two solar power plants with a total capacity of 400 mw was launched in the namangan and fergana regions. it is assumed that produced by these power plants energy. will be supplied to kyrgyzstan. the main political document of the visit was a joint statement on further deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership. an agreement was reached on the creation of an interstate council under the leadership of the heads of the two states. the leaders agreed to further develop close political dialogue. and to other news. in
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kazakhstan's northern tien shan, they began to artificially reduce the level of lakes, which are dangerously close. from almaty, being overcrowded, can cause mudflows descending on the city. the water is pumped out using special structures made from several plastic pipes and then transported to another area where there is no such problem. in the first 3 months of this year, the number of tourists who traveled from kazakhstan to china, or vice versa, visited kazakhstan as chinese citizens, amounted to 220,000 people. this is data from the border guards of both countries, and, as noted, the figure is three times higher than last year. similar period, the reason apparently remained the recently established a visa-free regime between countries, and more about the relations of the middle kingdom with central asia, the year of turkmen culture solemnly started in beijing, it began with an exhibition of carpets and handicrafts, then turkmen artists gave a large-scale concert of song, music and dance creativity, but horse riding was not included in the festival program , the famous akhaltike horses were shown
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only on the screen. an amazing find in the akmola region of kazakhstan, firefighters who... were combing the local forest area found a stone with a carved image human face. the engraving is very realistic, so its author probably had a deep understanding of anatomy and portraiture. according to preliminary estimates, the statue dates back to the bronze age or the very beginning of the iron age. kazakhstan is discussing with russia the construction of a hydroelectric station at rtsh. the minister of energy announced this at a briefing. kazakhstan almazdam sadkaliev. negotiations are currently underway. the preliminary capacity will be 300 mw. hydroelectric power station will become the most important element in the energy system kazakhstan. another important element of the energy sector for the entire country could be a nuclear power plant. the issue of its construction has been submitted to a national referendum in kazakhstan. it will take place in the fall.
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serious passions are already flaring up around the nuclear power plant, and not even about the topic of whether to build it or not. here, about everyone who has critical thinking. that without a nuclear power plant there simply won’t be enough electricity for the country, the question is different: who will become a partner in such an important matter? four options are being discussed: these are companies from russia, china, south korea and france. we will tell you more about each of these projects, but now something else is interesting. the minister of energy of kazakhstan complained about the actions of unnamed lobbyists who launched a real campaign to discredit the projects of competitors, which is actually an aggressive invasion. to the country's energy security. and one more story from the energy sector, rather as an example of positive cooperation. chairman of the board of the company. naygaz is the main oil producing company in kazakhstan, committed working visit to moscow, where he held negotiations with russian partners. during the meeting with lukoil management, the current
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status of joint projects was reviewed, in particular , the issues of expansion at the tengis and korocheganak fields, as well as the implementation of the project in the caspian kolomkasmori khazar were touched upon. according to the parties' plan, the construction of the upper structures of the offshore platform, metal structures weighing 14,000 tons, should take place at kazakh shipyards. at a meeting with sibur executive director pavel likhovich, the progress of implementation of the joint project selena, this is the construction of a complex for the production of polyethylene in the vatara region with a capacity of more than a million tons. scientists from kazakhstan are on the verge of creating a cure for cancer, the head of the ministry of science saisad nurbeg spoke about this. according to him, 15 cancer patients successfully completed the first stage of testing. a very aggressive form of cancer was chosen for testing. the test subjects had stage 4 colon cancer. the drug has shown its effectiveness. the tumor shrank by 30% on average. second phase testing started on july 1. the trial
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involves 3,000 cancer patients with different types of cancer. the kazakhstani made a splash at the slavic bazaar. yarnazar zhuban won the first prize in the competition for young performers and shared his impressions with us. i have been participating in the national selection of the competition for a long time, i have already participated for the sixth year and it has passed, finally, i have always dreamed of participating in this competition, because in kazakhstan, whoever wins the slavic bazaar was rated by us and wanted to prove to myself that i can pass to win, but it’s just a dream, i always dreamed, i dreamed, i didn’t stop, now we are planning to release a track back in august, we had a release, by the way, on july 5, we released an original track, you can
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we begin with the course of a special military operation of the artillery group of the vostok forces. destroyed the infantry and military equipment of the armed forces of ukraine in the southern donetsk direction.91 upon readiness , the crews of towed howitzers 100b , whose tasks include strikes on exposed targets of armored vehicles and manpower of the armed forces of the armed forces, worked out. this time it was destroyed an enemy mortar crew that fired at our positions.


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