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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 20, 2024 9:30am-10:00am MSK

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i'll tell you what i really think about donald trump. this man is a pathological liar. he doesn't know the difference between truth and lies, he literally lies every time he opens his mouth. donald, you are mentally ill. you are sick. donald trump is a convicted felon, a convicted felon. he was found guilty by a jury of 34 crimes. donald trump has spent his entire life
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destroying us and devaluing our existence. he is a convinced racist. he's a xenophobe, he's a racist, he's a misogynist, he's said terrible things about women say terrible things about immigrants, about the spanish-speaking population. he never said anything good about emigrants. trump's political opponents have openly called for '. in different ways, which is called creative. here, for example, is a play based on william shakespeare's play, julius caesar, staged in a theater near central park in new york. an actor dressed exactly like donald trump is killed on stage. and here there is no doubt that the analogy was drawn specifically with trump. notice the unbuttoned jacket a red tie hanging below his stomach. there are other similarities with trump. caesar's wife
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calphurnia is similar to the first lady of milan, as the murder scene is usually depicted, members of the senate of ancient rome stab julius caesar several times. in the new production , you can see a bloody caesar, his white shirt soaked in blood. when the actors bowed after the performance, the audience gave a standing ovation; there have been no comments from the white house about the scandalous production yet. this is done intentionally and for this purpose, the very fact that there is a play about the assassination of caesar speaks of removing all the immoral component of trump’s murder and presenting it as an act of salvation or deliverance. such narratives have been heard here for some time, and the deep state does not want to take the risks associated with the murder of trump, they want to create such an atmosphere, the impression that one person did this of his own free will, and we see a lot of such things, this is not only julius caesar.
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remember, there was a woman who held trump's bloody head in her hands, and this was a kind of call for us to cut off his head, as if it were the head of an evil serpent. and such ideas create an atmosphere that killing trump is normal, and of course, this affects public consciousness. i think there will be more assassination attempts, this will not be the last. we found people showing trump's head. he's just so you know, i can't tell you, he's very talented, it's not real blood, what exactly we're shooting, but tyler and i are not afraid to take photos that will make noise, i'll hold it like this, turn it a little here, the other way, like this, pick it up, very good, drop it, for the sake of popularity. main components of the method.
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neuro is image perception, linguistics, language and communication, programming, control of thoughts and behavior. nlp. this is an imperceptible, indirect influence on people through words and gestures. they know how to use it.
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do you think trump as president is scarier than a stephen king novel? yes, i think so. so it creates a certain mood, that they say, i can thus serve my country by killing him. and we know that the cia and fbi still use unbalanced people for their own purposes. this is not a conspiracy theory, it is a known fact. intelligence agencies are excellent at finding unbalanced people and using them to achieve their goals. if you put it all together, then...
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trump could be killed, speech by tucker carlson, journalist, august 30, 2023. they impeached him twice under ridiculous pretexts. it didn't work, he came back, then they charged him. this did not help, he became even more popular. then
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he was charged three more times and each time his popularity grew. what's next? clearly we're heading towards attempted murder. stated on march 15th of this year, that is 4 months ago, i saw trump rise up, and then i saw an attempt on his life, this bullet flew near his ear and it passed so close to his head that it grazed the edge of his ear. there is no mysticism, this is... nlp, the work of programming an event that should happen at a certain time in a certain day. for example, if you remember, during the so-called war on terrorism, when the united states was allegedly attacked by muslims and terrorists, there were
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fbi plans in which the fbi found crazy people who tried to blow up something and then arrested them. they did all this so that everyone would have the impression that... it is not being destroyed, and if there is no unity, then the country is ruled by force, but if you rule by force, then you get tyranny, and this is a great danger for the united states, division is now so great that it is unlikely that unity can be restored at this stage, because without a doubt, most trump supporters will consider this an official
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attack, an attempt on his life by the deep state. unhappy twenty-year-old guy thomas. crooks, at the same time a victim and a murderer, is exactly the zombified person who, at the right moment, did what the elite of the democratic party wanted from her. a victim of crooks propaganda from the small town of battlepark, pennsylvania. i must say that the american the method of clarifying political relations is characterized by attempted murders and assassinations of the president. here is a short list of the most famous such episodes. the assassination of president lincoln, the liberator of the slaves, on april 15, 1865 at ford's theater, washington. the killer was john booth, an actor and supporter. confederation. lincoln was shot in the box. the twentieth president of the united states,
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james garfield, was wounded on july 2, 1881 at the baltibor railway station. he was shot by lawyer charles guiteau. kulya could not be removed; after 2 months, garfield died. william mckinley, the twenty-fifth president of the united states, was assassinated in september 1901 at an exhibition in buffalo, by the american anarchist czolgas. the most mysterious assassination of john kennedy, the thirty- fifth president of the united states, was killed on november 22, 1963 in dallas. it is alleged that lee harvey oswald shot him alone, but many in america believe that kennedy was the victim of a conspiracy by american elites. there have also been many assassination attempts on american presidents. 30th of march.
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the usa, on the other hand, they say that it is diversity, multiculturalism, but really in reality it is just a tower of babel. yes, there has always been division in america, but it was not like it is today. in the past, the main division was between the working class and the financial class, the big corporations. the democratic party represented the working class unions, and the republican party represented business. and the question has always been the difference in the power that workers have, managers, and owners. but both parties played according to... this is exactly the same way that
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american and soviet leaders approached the cold war, there were a lot of meetings with different presidents, nixon, reagan, carter, they met with different general secretaries of the ussr and worked to reduce tensions to create trust between the two countries, this was the case during the cold war, but look what happened in... russia is demonized, with the president of russia says words that would never be said about any of the soviet leaders, all these changes are taking place in the 21st century, they concern not only the relationship between america and russia, but also the government’s relationship with by your own people. look what happened to the american patriots who supported trump and who came to the rally on january 6th a few years ago, they were all arrested, they were all called instigators. and they had to serve prison sentences for simply coming to the rally. this is a type of
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punishment that one side inflicts on the other. this has never happened before. now they can only discredit and demonize. we see this when speakers travel to universities to give lectures. this has been happening for the last 20-30 years. someone is coming to speak at the meeting, and some students do not allow him to do this, they simply do not allow him to speak. they disrupt his performance because they don't like that particular person or what he says. this is different from what it used to be, when the democrats represented the working class and... the republicans represented business interests, then the country did not fall apart, each side could choose its own president without demonizing the enemy, and the changes that have happened now, they fundamentally they are very dangerous. i know western best world and what has happened in the western world over the last few decades is that the very definition of liberals and conservatives has changed, today a liberal in the west is
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a form of thinking where you question your own civilization, the basic...
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and you saw that happened in the united states when trump tried to strengthen the border, he was not allowed to do this, even though he was president, so liberals call conservatives scum, they say that they should not be listened to, so there is no communications between liberals and conservatives, the other part of the world sees the rise of russia and china, how they... free them from the control of washington, and i want to say that in general russia under putin is more like a conservative society, you are not tearing yourself to pieces , do not condemn your history, but it seems that the world is moving away from neoliberalism, which the united states managed to impose on europe and almost managed to impose on russia, but russia managed to jump off this rushing train. american
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liberals are killing themselves. everything is alive creative, normal and traditional. now people can invent pronouns for themselves, a man, he can ask to call himself she, if you don’t call him she, then you may have problems, you may be fired from your job, you may be expelled from school and so on, there will be no more biological men and women, this will not be determined by biology, it will now be at will, and as they now teach in schools, a person can be born not in his own body, not of his own gender, if you are a woman born in a male body, that is, clinics, which can physically change people and...
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i think that donald trump is the last chance for the american people to regain their power and regain their independence from the ruling elites, if they do not elect him, then there will never again be a presidential candidate who will speak on behalf of the people, although i don’t really believe that trump will be able to turn it all around, because liberal ideas are already built into society, they are already built into the education system, from where other teachers will come, other educators, it’s like a cancer that has metastasized , and no one fights him, and how to stop him? where will he find them? there are no such people in washington, so they will not come from washington, but they don’t know washington and they will be kidnapped alive there, the establishment will direct all the media at them, they will simply destroy them. where will trump find people who can help him, and even if
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he finds them, the senate may not confirm their positions, they will say, we don’t like these people, they are dangerous, just like you, president. the threat posed by trump, because there is no ideological movement behind trump, this is not lenin with the bolsheviks and not hitler with his nazi party. the following tweet was published on american social networks, a message with a signature 0.05 seconds before the civil war, i did it... hard, evil itself, and i am convinced that now there is a battle between good and evil, so i expect that evil has taken over the west and holds it that everything that i see cannot be explained in any way except as evil, it
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makes no sense even for liberals, what they do, all this destruction that they cause is pure evil, and i see that russians are resisting, we are seeing the rise of new strong powers, and i think that the age of the western world is over and that it is in terrible decline, intellectual decline and moral decline. according to american tradition, at the end of our program we always quote you something from the bible, this time we found such a quote. the gospel of mark says that if a kingdom is divided against itself, the kingdom cannot stand, then if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. end of quote. all the best.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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units of the northern group of our troops repelled five ukrainian attacks in one day, including attacks by the national battle headquarters of the main intelligence directorate of ukraine krakin. soldiers from the southern group of forces destroyed two
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american m37 howitzers. passenger expenses. biden is not giving up. the pressure did not force the us president to abandon the election fight. he is not going to leave his post early either. promises to return to work next week as soon as covid is cured. at the same time , support for the head of the white house is becoming weaker at the democratic headquarters. power supply to alushta has been completely restored. previously, almost 50
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thousand residents of the resort city found themselves at home. de-energized due to a network failure. southern russia has been experiencing extreme heat for several days now, leading to power outages. in crimea and sevastopol with tuesday, temporary blackout schedules are in effect. assassination attempt on donald trump. the democratic party records losses, and trump celebrates his personal victory. now he is the uncontested representative of the party in the elections. at the same time, joe biden is experiencing an acute crisis. most of the democratic party is demanding. his resignation. see how the election race in the united states is unfolding in the international review program, immediately after a short advertisement. the pain can vary. there is only one mechanism for the development of pain. it doesn't matter what caused the pain if i have pintalgin.


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