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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 20, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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i closed my eyes, i thought, well, if it’s close, then it’s probably fast, quick and not painful, i won’t even feel it, and i only heard the pistol click, but there was no bullet, i then opened my eyes, and he was already leaving, this fierce guy came in again and looked at me, he said, well, what has changed, i say, to zero, i say, nothing has changed, nothing has changed at all, he says, well, that’s all with you... in general, this same one will go for an exchange, we don't need you, in that sense, enjoy the rolls from the delicious point, caesar roll with tender chicken in crispy breading with tomato and cheese, try the caesar roll and other rolls at a delicious spot or stop by the car for them. you
11:31 am
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ivanovich on the steps, in short, they mocked him, give me money and give me gold, they inserted knives into the joints here with bayonets and cut them. before you is a komsomol badge, which depicts 71 young guards who were thrown into the hole into mine number 5, to a depth of 53 m. but for another 3 days, groans were heard, the police were afraid of them even there at a depth, so they threw them with mining equipment that was on the surface of the mine.
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yes, international humanitarian law, we had several classes right after our arrival, uh -huh, tell us what exactly a military man should not do in relation to the civilian population, to the civilian population, to the civilian population, well , of course it is forbidden to take any
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measures of violence , but in exceptional cases it seems that it is allowed to apply physical measures to the primus, it’s like under russian influence. uh -huh, here, but again, but in cases where it harms life, or health, but the civilian himself, or life, or the health of a military man, uh-huh, it’s also prohibited to occupy, well, civilian residential buildings, it’s prohibited, of course, to fire at the cluster , but by mass, but also by the size of the population. it is prohibited to fire from large-caliber weapons at civilian targets, at civilian targets in general, the war is not going according to the rules definitely it’s simple it’s just like i don’t even
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know how to describe it it’s just a furnace where they throw it but... equipment and people, you deliberately went to azov, you probably looked at their ideology, but no, i didn’t know the ideology, i just learned that the guys, that is, they, that is, well, how to say, are an indicator of the army, that is, in discipline, in training in the ideal, so to speak, that is, so to speak, of the nation, that is, well, protect the country at any cost, well, inside you have already recognized the ideologies.
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or, for example, there would be no docking if someone would say something wrong about ukraine, i would also destroy him, and just like what these gestapo men were, who loved to torture, i would do the same thing if it were directly, so to speak, nazi ideology. property of the armed forces of ukraine, not for sale, size fifty-six, fabric here and there, manufacturer, 2017, by the way,
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this is it, this is exactly the ukrainian insurgent army made such a band like this, here, but here something else is typical, here you can see the management of prominent... owners, the camouflage is american, that's what it's all about, old uniform, new leadership, new content, head of the search association. says that he himself witnessed how, after perestroika , the collapse of the soviet union, nazism began to sprout as a weed in ukraine, and no one uprooted it when it climbed onto the pedestal, well, that’s just an excuse - it was an event of perestroika, this amorphous mr. gorbachev has already given the direction, this is it. the occasion of our monument to the human chain, when they hid it in 1987, they wanted to destroy it, there was a direct order from
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somewhere in the west, here in the press, in the media, this wave began, and people who wanted to repaint, children’s camps, they were there and there were children then the muscovites were already chanting for knives, young people were marching in the ranks, and the muscovites did not want to live peacefully, and we must... this phenomenon has deep roots, when more than 100 years ago austria-hungary decided to create ukrainian political parties to fight russophiles, since then the goal of the ukranazis has not has changed. there, hatred was cultivated, the hatred that was still in that western ukraine was taken, genetically remained since the thirty-ninth year, when they arrived.
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maidan, they expected lace panties there and expected something else, like now with unlimited pensions, that’s what it led to, we saw, then it didn’t work out, back then our yaroslav golan, there was such a ukrainian writer, who saw it... .
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from the leaflet that we have in the english batka the gold of the hetman-polubok, there is
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about a kilogram of gold for everyone. every inhabitant of ukraine, there were another 52 million people, in the beginning, we have our own wealth, we feed all of russia, we feed all the baltic states, this transcaucasia, central asia, and if all this is left to us, then we will become so rich, of course, the lord gave ukraine both black soil and natural resources. general all sorts of things and a crossroads, she stands on a cross, from the great silk road passes from the east to europe, welder to the greeks, on this cross it’s such a waste, such a crap, it was necessary to try, but people thought about it, who carried out this policy far beyond the borders of ukraine. political scientist and author of books about the nature of ukrainian nazism, alexey kochitkov explains: why we have the azov battalion , which is banned in russia, there are many people from the east of ukraine, and these are people, let’s say,
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divorced from russian civilization, these are people who were actually brought up in russian, in soviet families, but they accepted the ideology, and the western ideology, the ideology of modern ukrainian nazism, that you do not have to be by blood, and maybe there is one hundred percent ukrainian, although no one cannot explain what it is, but if 100 years ago it was this national... such a term simply did not exist, but you are the chosen one, if you rise above this crowd, above this mass, if you realize yourself as a warrior of the aryan light, to the warriors black sun, there yes, if you understand that you...
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were recruited, recruited, caught on this hook, so to speak, of this pseudo-chosenness. and, despite the fact that back in the eighties a satirical magazine ridiculed bandera’s followers with a swastika on their embroidered shirt and german weapons in their hands, they felt feel at ease here. it was possible to play these games of struggle against ukrainian nationalism, because well, no one canceled moscow, the state security committee of the soviet union, it also existed, in addition to the state security committee of the ukrainian ussr.
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they just, well, they didn’t just terrorize, they horrified the local population, these people returned, clean, at the same time , the supreme leader aon, who was already in canada, decreed that that’s it, let’s end the terror, it is of no use, so to speak leads, at this stage, for now, our tactics
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- this is getting used to government bodies - the authorities of the ukrainian soviet socialist republic. these books were confiscated from school and district libraries in the liberated territories of the lugansk people's republic, researcher at the national center for information combating terrorism and extremism in the educational environment and network...
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ukraine is like this, like the inviolability of some kind of borders of the ninety-first year, here it is as if it has been going on since ancient times, but at the same time, if we look at a number of maps of the same ukrainian people's republic, which wandered in the late tenths of the last century, there, right up to kuban, saratov and so on, there are territorial claims
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of ukraine on this territory, these territories are a mongol-tatar game, it was simply devastated. yes, and, by the way, that’s why vladimir and then moscow, they united russia, saved it, so to speak, then russia populated these territories, resettled people, by the way, you brought up a good point, but here, according to history, after the devastation, in fact, after these campaigns, a very large number territories, the kiev region, the modern chernihiv region, they are empty, where are the people?
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a springboard for the destruction of ourselves, then you have turned it into a springboard for the fight against us, and you understand that, as if they are not negotiating with the anti-system, they are simply destroying it, that is, the idea can no longer be overcome, that is, it is not a victory, the idea is in place, we also need to do this prepare from the point of view that there will be a number of people who will do this, will take revenge, the next thing that is important to emphasize with young people who are there for 10-12 years, our prevention should... be closely in touch with patriotic education, here again is historical education, and not only in the classroom format, let’s say they sat in the classroom, read, watched, and so on,
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no, this should be some kind of interactive interaction, these are trips on various excursions, so we have essays by anatoly popov, a member of the young guard, he wrote it shortly before the occupation of krasnodon, in this essay on the topic, do i love my homeland, he answered, yes i do, i love my homeland, freedom-loving, multinational, for its heroic past , for the great present, but mainly for its future, for this future they of course gave their lives, and now our guys are also fighting for the future of our great country, russia.
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here in avdeevka they brought people down, there was terror, it’s flying, everything is flying here, guys, the war is real, here people live completely differently, they didn’t hurt you here until ours came, don’t ask, i’ll be like a wolf in the basement when i hide they're hammering you, then here outside the window, you sit like this and think, is the next one for you or not? during the last explosion, 18 people remained under the slabs here, which are still lying there, god help me, oh, thank you, but we just came here forever.
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more and more details are emerging about how the assassination attempt on donald trump was organized. as reported by the woll street journal, the shooter, thomas matthew crooks, was exploring the area using a drone. the publication refers to data from law enforcement agencies that are investigating this case. according to them , crooks launched a drone several times several hours before the start of a campaign rally at which trump was scheduled to speak. it remains unclear why. security services did not respond to the unidentified drone, and the wall street journal also reports that police spotted krugets an hour before the event, he was walking around the area with a backpack and a rangefinder, but no one detained him. let me remind you that trump was shot last saturday, he himself escaped with a slight wound, one rally participant was killed and two more were seriously injured. crooks himself was killed by the secret service.


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