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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 20, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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facts, just facts, for example, what kind of conspiracy theory can we talk about when we learn that this year the parliament of the new free russia is meeting in warsaw from june 22 to 25, which is attended by, attention, 60 former russian deputies, not three, not five , 60 people who made laws in our country. spoke from the podium, talked about
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patriotism, and so these people after this forum issued a resolution, i read: regime change can only be achieved by force, the west is simply obliged to encourage revolutionary actions within russia, the use of force against putin's murderers, their financiers and propagandists is morally justified.
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soviet union, we must do the same today by arming the russian internal armed opposition based on islam to destroy russia. see how the interests converge, on the one hand, to incite migrants, helping them to think that russians are stupid, stupid, illiterate, and mediocre drinkers. and so on and so on, on the other hand, give the russians a reason to live under the slogan, beat the emigrant, save russia, the game is done, the game is done, what do we get on as a result, we get a constantly burning russian house, we need to throw firewood into this inferno all the time, which is what they do, but on the other hand, there is absolutely an objective
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: there is an increase in especially serious crimes committed by migrants (plus 32%), the proportion of especially serious crimes has increased crimes up to 26%. in twenty years it has increased noticeably. the number of crimes against sexual integrity and sexual freedom of the individual. in the area of ​​drug trafficking, plus 27%. our irreplaceable specialists bring tons of drugs to territory of the russian federation. crime of an extremist nature with a plus of 147%. another trend that is being observed today is that they are working less and less in construction. according to our
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data, 13% of those who come to us, as if to build something, just to work, to work on construction sites. let's be honest, they don't come here to work, but to receive the benefits of the russian federation, through residence, yes, through obtaining citizenship, citizenship can be obtained in 3 months. on the other hand, our compatriots, who for various reasons found themselves outside.
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it’s also fair that there’s a dead end, that is, the migrants are rioting, the russians are resisting, the goal has been achieved, but in order to... to avoid this, what is needed? it is necessary that these issues be dealt with seriously, not on paper , by the state, by the authorities, by laws, isn’t it, and the state duma is working, it makes decisions on new offenses for which the expulsion of migrants from russia is provided, 20 more articles of the administrative code have been added there... through the efforts of the president , they began to streamline the rules by which relationships are being built with those coming to obtain russian citizenship. what did we see? look, this is a message from the ministry of science of the russian federation. the average percentage of migrants who did not pass the russian
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language exam for the period from january to may increased from 3% to thirty. but this lack of knowledge of the language worsened. no, this is improved work, this is increased control, that is, what should have happened happened, and this error is 10 times, it existed until the moment they started doing this, started doing it now, that means, until recently, in our country there live a huge number of people who have not passed the test of loyalty to the country they came to, and new... the law has been adopted, it will not affect them, because they are already citizens of the country, so there live a huge number of people who are citizens of the russian federation, without feeling, understanding and not loving this country, tell me how mr. kozylev,
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mr. radnyansky, and all the others who talk about the rain, despising meaning and facts, are different from them, and those they talk about and those they talk to, but... this is their strong point. and in the same way, in the same constitution, where, as i already said, there is a ban on ideology, but there is no ban on the acquisition of weapons for those who have just received russian citizenship. there is not even a filter there, not for a year, not two, not three, in order to understand how loyal and normal a person is, and how healthy a person is who has acquired citizenship and now wants to buy a weapon. but what this leads to, look, this crowd of migrants. who arrived at the drug dispensary for a certificate allowing them to purchase weapons. the one who took this photograph accompanied it with this inscription: in russian, i haven’t heard a word from them, some guy with glasses, they ’re pushing speech through the window for them, and this is no longer
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just said by people on the street or or on kitchen. this is what senator, doctor of law, andrei klishes says. listen. there is no such migration policy as such in the russian federation, there is a response to some specific specific situation, for some it seems that it is necessary to create a workforce, they are imported in a completely uncontrolled manner, while everything that is written in the law, there are good norms related to the language, for example, yes, this is all a fiction, because no one follows it , why isn't this being done? because there is money behind it, huge money, the problem is one thing: a huge flow of cash, unaccounted for, and since migrants are doing this, this is financing the same extremism,
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financing all kinds of ethnic communities there, fraternities and everything else, but how are the values ​​of our constitution embodied in our laws? the problem is that they want to live here instead of us. have you ever heard of rubber flats? well, you probably heard it. look, this woman, tatyana kotlyar, has registered in obnensk, this is the kaluga region, since 2009 in her two apartments,
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listen carefully, 10,593 foreign citizens, that is, about two people a day. normal, of course, her activities are not a secret to anyone, as many as seven criminal cases have been opened against her under article 322.2 of the ukrainian code. punishment is only fines that he is not going to pay, she will collect this money by announcing a collection, and i, of course, these 450 thousand that are required to pay the fine, they are not in my pocket, i don’t have savings books, so i am announcing a collection of funds to pay the fine, she will gather them, because what she does is called human rights activism, as this mantra is familiar to us. this is a magical combination of words, as we know, what is sometimes hidden behind this, no, there are people
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who really do this, they really defend human rights, but there are those who hide behind this, look at the headlines of our russian newspapers, look, what a gift mrs. kotlyar is to the west, she is a heroine, just think about it, in 2005 she was nominated for the nobel peace prize, she was among the thousands of outstanding women on the planet, for what? for fictitious registration of migrants? so how? no, i understand, of course, there are refugees who need it, of course, yes, this is true, but this is completely different and the argument of those who defend just these rubber apartments looks absolutely amazing, they say that you see, it’s more convenient...
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we create them ourselves and in order to prevent this smoldering fire from burning the country, the government must make balanced, mature, competent and effective decisions, because the adoption of a law without its implementation means nothing, absolutely the same applies to education reforms, to people for whom he is an idol.
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this center told me today with regret, they conducted research, yes, in schools, the majority, that means, of high school students, who they want to be, bloggers, bloggers, viktor antonovich, they want to be bloggers maybe not scientists, you know, this is all the conjuncture of today, of course, the day before yesterday it was even worse. it is still unknown who, that is, it is known who they wanted to be, now i
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want to remind you of the mother’s monologue from one of our past issues, listen, guys, maybe i’m wrong, but today i’m just seething with indignation all day long, the spit was that, that who do you think was invited to this international economic forum as a speaker? nineteen-year-old tiktoker danya milokhin, this is a man with a face a degenerate who produces bastard, i can’t say it any other way, videos dressing in women’s underwear, a man, i don’t know how many classes of education he has, and this man was invited not to eurovision, but to the international economic forum, to teach people, entrepreneurs, what, how to make money, but the worst thing is that... sber made his youthful face, when i look into the eyes of my twelve-year-old
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son, who will tell me, mom, why am i studying, why am i trying to achieve something, if i put on women's panties and i will be made the face of sberbank and i will be invited to the st. petersburg economic forum, guys, what is this about, what are you doing to our youth, what are you doing to our country? we quoted this mother’s words in 2021, 3 years have passed, what has changed? listen to what the head of vtb andrey kostin says. here, let’s say, in the country there are only 30 to 40 titanium welders left in our entire country, listen, where can children learn respect for their country, when grown-ups don’t respect it, then the pride of the country is nothing it is confirmed that in search of nature 20 years ago
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we walked along the volga and saw this.
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and it doesn’t occur to anyone that this is an abomination, this is wrong, this is an insult to yourself, this is an insult to your river, which flowed under ivan the terrible, under boris godunov, under kolet, under alexander neevsky, under adam and eve, this, this, this is insulting, let's clean up the country, just stupidly, let's clean up the country, not for this, our ancestors built all this, that... we just stupidly, like that, stupidly turned it into ruins, i turn these words absolutely into equally as to others, only in 2018, when this horror became more intense, a project called the improvement of the volga was adopted, where in the first stage in the same year
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127 billion rubles were allocated, now with the efforts... what the inspectors saw with their own eyes, it’s shocking, this is what the wastewater treatment plants built according to the federal project look like in a new nekouz in the yaroslavl region, next to it is a pipe from which a waterfall of sewage flows directly onto the ground, the smell is appropriate, the wastewater treatment plants that were built for 142 million rubles, which will never work because it was done incorrectly, here
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we have everything running.
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he has been working at the water utility in cherepovets since 1968. guys, vologda region, low bow to you, you gave people who live on the banks of the volga a chance to believe. that changes are possible, but what about the rest? the rest are waiting for another 500 billion, which should be allocated in 2025,
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of course, they will also be used, and this is what they did with the pride of our country with the volga, on the banks of which more than 60 million inhabitants live, this a third of the population of our country, a third, this is a great river, the largest in europe, a legend. mother volga, which gave birth to so many heroes, artists, writers, poets, inventors, which saw the greatest battles, just remember stalingrad, how many people died defending her, this mother, the volga river. i agree with this sad tragic observation that... the environmental well-being of our 60 million people living on the banks of the volga is inversely proportional to the increase in russian speech in
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boutiques in munich and monaco, and those who serve russian speakers in these boutiques are the descendants of those swedes, germans, french, anglo-saxons, the tasks of these people have not changed. here are three reasons why conquerors in past historical eras attacked russia. these are the reasons that forced the modern conqueror to write the following.
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when we talk about new lands, we talk about russia. fate itself directs us in this direction. adolf gitler. and if , god forbid, they achieve their dreams, who can blame them when we ourselves cannot respect, love, cultivate, preserve. listen, the land doesn’t care who cultivates it, as long as it is cultivated, this is how we will simply lose our homeland if we don’t feel it as ours, and we need to feel it as ours, as ourselves, as our loved ones, children, parents, well , no , very accurately, practically the president once said this, listen, many of these people, in their essence , are mentally there, and not here, not with our people. not with russia, this is, in their opinion, in their opinion, a sign belonging to a higher caste, to a higher race,
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such people are ready to sell their own mother, if only they were allowed to sit in the hallway of this very highest caste, they want to be like it, imitating it in every possible way, but they forget or do not understand at all that this so-called upper caste, if they are needed... is as a consumable material in order to use them to cause maximum damage to our people. and every day this machine works, which tries to undermine the most important thing that we must preserve. every day, every day the yeltsin center poisons a huge number of people, especially children, with its ideology. and just recently, just now, now the svo is underway. yeah, what's going on there? the anti-russian chubais center, that is, the center for russian studies at telyaviv university,
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and precisely its employee, alexander arkhangelsky, were invited there to give lectures. lies, thirst for profit, contempt, theft, double standards, distortion of facts, these are all the things that we have to face today in relations with the civilized world. how exactly did i understand it? cuban leader fidel castro, that's what he said, they blur your mind, offering your body thousands of conveniences and unnecessary perverted pleasures, which, however, to get you will have to sacrifice your soul and the values ​​of your ancestors, all this they will do for profit, which actually hides a huge... theft, well, if those with whom we are dealing are really fraudulent thieves, swindlers, then a rather
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interesting one arises... and we decided to see, this is what happened, the newly appointed secretary general of nato, he became mark rutd, prime minister of the netherlands, he is single, he has no children, besides him , the president of romania, klaus hohannis, applied for the post of secretary general of nato this year, by an amazing coincidence, he also has no children, this is the second person in the usa, kamala
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in a few minutes he will be sent as cannon fodder to protect the already completely destroyed berlin, and his followers still have no children, olaf scholz, angela merkel also has no children, maisandu, the president of moldova, has no the former president of lithuania, dalia grybauskaite, and the ex-prime minister of great britain, theresa may, also did not have children ; gabriel atal has no children, this is the latest example.
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then this rabid fearlessness with which these people are pushing the world towards the last disastrous war, this is no fearlessness, this lack of immunity, preservation of the future, understanding of this is available only to those who have experienced what motherhood is, what fatherhood is, what brotherhood is and what such sisterhood, even this boy, even this little boy and... intuitively understands what do these people threaten the world with, oh you bitch, and these people don’t know, and will never know, what the father of this little russian boy is experiencing, who reads these poems to him: come back daddy home, body unharmed and alive, in the garden, by me ,
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we’ll talk about everything with you, i’ll go skating, fall, getting up laughing, i’ve been afraid of turning for a long time, i can teach you everything from you, come back, old man from the war, i have so much... you can tell me, i’ve been tired for a couple of days , we then, win, i ask the enemy, those who us separated for a long time, show all the charm of the kuvak.


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