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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 20, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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a loan that will be approved? compare simplifies this task. we checked the offer and collected them in one place. just select the mfo and send an application, the money will come directly to the card. take a loan on the website or in the mobile application. compare. what's wrong with the official version of the assassination attempt on donald trump? on the other hand, what are the weak points of the conspiracy theory that unraveled immediately after the shooting in pennsylvania? there are many questions in connection with the events in the united states, each of them requires a truthful answer, although the agenda of ukrainian propaganda , of course, has not been forgotten by us, we will tell you more about everything right now in the program stop fake on russia 24. so, donald trump has decided raise yours. rating with the help
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of a staged murder attempt, which obviously did not create any risks to his life and health, but helped significantly strengthen the chances of returning to the white house, this is the point of view of a fairly large group. according to her, the ex-president could use cotton wool with blood previously applied to it, and the shots were imitated by heating popcorn. it sounds absurd, or even simply crazy, but it is important to take into account that such opinions cover the maximum. audience, if the blood is fake, then it will become known, that’s it, well that is, this is a medical report from doctors that there is no injury, it’s all a sham, the central press, the largest us publications, such as the new york times, the washington post, devoted huge materials to trump, where they concluded that he must
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be stopped at any cost, that’s when there was a person who was ready, who was ready to pay any price, and this... in general, ended up being the worst option, yes, trump was theatrically wounded in front of the cameras. naturally, in such a completely losing situation, the democrats, well, they should try to do something, well, they tried to portray it as a production. this also includes a whole series of viral publications on the social network x. one of the authors recalls how the assassination attempt once ensured ronald reagan’s victory in the elections in all states except me. the hundredth, and the other does without any hints at all, saying that it is very suspicious that the shooting at the trump rally did not lead to panic, as if the crowd of his supporters did not hear any shots, although it is not at all difficult to verify the opposite.
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people appeared to jump out of their seats they screamed heart-rendingly, but someone must believe that it is much easier to trust a biased retelling of the video than to watch the original. there you can immediately see in the footage how everyone is falling. they are trying to crawl away on their faces, because some kind of horror is happening, this whole virtual picture with some parallel events was created for one simple thing, in order to distract attention from the look-tamp, to transfer it all into some kind of comical plane, supposedly it’s even it wasn’t a bullet that whizzed through his ear, it was shrapnel from a telesofler, which means that’s not what it’s all about seriously it was happening, here...
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the smiles were completed either in a graphic editor or for greater realism in some kind of generative model, which even a child could cope with these days. artificial intelligence allows you to do this very quickly, it allows you to literally automate the information war, now we are faced with exactly the era when we are slowly starting to be bombarded with a large number of photos and photo content and pictures that are automatically for... and this automatic content, it also automatically distributed to target audiences, the more versions are thrown in, the more discussion there will be, and people will be distracted from the pressing problems, from the real problems facing the united states, from the elections, which are being held by an incompetent president,
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the effect is that those conspiracy theorists are also in a puddle , who do not seem to deny the very fact of the shooting, but believe that the perpetrator specifically aimed not at trump himself, but at the teleprompter installed in front of him, so that the victim. hit with shards of broken glass or , more precisely, aimed at the edge of the ear, in order to cause the minimum possible damage, such speculation does not stand up to any criticism for understanding. of course, the distance from the shooter to the podium of donald trump was working, about 120 m, very close for an ar-15 rifle, the aimed range of which reaches 550, but no one canceled the dispersion factor, and for such a weapon it ranges from 3.5 to 5 cm , depending on the modification. this is obviously greater than the average thickness and width of the auricle, so getting into the ear, eyebrow or forehead was purely a matter of chance. to in addition, you need to keep in mind the influence of weather conditions; they shot at trump in a direction from north to south, and the wind that day was blowing from the southwest, at a speed of about 4 m/s. such
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gusts are enough for a bullet, covering a distance of 100 m, to deviate sideways from its original trajectory by about another centimeter. taking into account everyone. circumstances, that is, the state of the shooter, his capabilities and abilities, the weapon, uh, that is, its dispersion, accuracy, the type itself, the cartridge, which also has its own... most external circumstances, that is, trump himself mobile, motionless, if we take all this into account, then we can say for sure that it is impossible to stage such a thing, this weapon and this shooter - at such a distance with a high degree of probability they could hit a circle measuring 20 cm with the first shot, that is, well, the head a person, but it is impossible for such a person to get into a circle with a diameter of 2 cm, that is, to be guaranteed to get into the ear of such a distance. but if everything is clear with armchair grief analysts, then what about serious publications with a liberal
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orientation? reuters wrote, that trump, quote, ran away from a pre -election event because of, i quote again, clapping. on the cnn website they chose to use neutral words, incident trauma, instead of much more appropriate words, shooting and wounding, and what is perhaps especially interesting is the exact same vocabulary of russian-speaking foreign agents, well, like an unwanted jellyfish, do they really have... . they tried to kill trump, they tried to shoot trump right during his campaign speech, what happened to trump, what happened to trump, what happened? shots were heard, no, claps were heard, all this was used so obviously, so pretentiously that... it’s impossible not to pay attention, when we see some incidents concerning the democratic party,
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biden himself, obama, they immediately turn into castrated puppies begin to speak in such a language as cannibals that it even becomes awkward, and who are you , some kind of propaganda leaflet, by the way, you were clearly trying to lower the temperature, i’m commenting not only on the shooting itself, but also on its circumstances, about many things says the statement of the director of the same secret service. in addition, this special agent behaved rather strangely, who seemed to be in no hurry to rush to trump’s aid at the moment when
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the shots rang out. someone will probably attribute his stupor to a state of shock, although at this level it is impossible to perceive the latter as anything other than blatant unprofessionalism, and in other respects the security did not perform in the best way. the map of the pennsylvania area where trump spoke can be divided into several conventional security zones, the closest directly at the podium was controlled by personnel who... if necessary , had to cover the client with their bodies and take him here to a pre-selected evacuation point. the distant zones, which are 200, 300 and 400 m from the position of the protected object, were kept under control by snipers of the counter-assault group. they settled on the roofs of hangars exactly behind donald trump. the intelligence services assigned the responsibility for the middle zone, the very one where the shooter entered, to the local police, who for some reason did not intervene in the situation, even despite the fact that they were informed about an armed... man 2 minutes before the shots, in addition, 40 seconds before the criminal opened fire, he was noticed
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by the above-mentioned snipers, but for some reason they did not neutralize the probable threat. trump has been holding dozens of such rallies, and this is not the first year, this is an absolutely routine event that does not go beyond the scope of a standard speech in a rural club, so it’s like these events, these cases at these events, that... someone climbed onto the roof , someone, somewhere, closed something, blocked, passed, they happen all the time, it is natural that when it turns into a routine, the vigilance of the guards weakens, and well, in general, many things that according to the instructions they should not allow themselves at all, they allow themselves, they must conduct an official investigation, identify what rules were violated and what, what disciplinary sanctions follow for... violation of these rules. by the way, the ukrainian
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information dumps did not ignore the loud topic; everything is as before with them. new trump presidential term for the kiev regime unprofitable, since soon after the assassination attempts the former us president came closer to becoming the future, then russia is to blame for everything. it is probably useless to react to this nonsense and subject it to logical analysis, although in a certain sense the ability of svidomo to find signs of the kremlin’s insidious plans literally everywhere can even be envied . a well-known character named andryushchenko introduces the children of mariupol due to some kind of militarization, everything is presented as if they were added to the school curriculum, well, almost not a military specialty, but added for verification. just labor lessons in disciplines such as 3d modeling or robotics. we teach children current modern technologies that will be introduced into our lives in the future. ukraine has traditionally used mirroring the problems that they themselves have, that is, we see how in ukraine a large number of young people are trying
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to mobilize, they are trying to lower the threshold of mobilization, they are trying to educate children, to hold weapons. all this, all this is done on camera, from this is done by media content that is capable of inducing people to go to the front, they are trained, literally zombified and programmed so that they resist russia and here now in the future, although this stuff is more likely in the category of small funny ones, which cannot be said about statements the main officer of the sbu and the popular ukrainian pseudo-expert ivan stupak, he in particular attributed provocative statements to maria zakharova. according to which russian troops are preparing to destroy the dams of the kiev ges and kanevsky reservoir, despite the fact that the official representative of our foreign ministry, strictly on the contrary, spoke about the preparation of kiev to undermine both objects, the question here is why stupak turns what was said upside down, for the ukrainian side now, taking into account all this backstory,
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taking into account their motivation, it is beneficial for them to blow up the dam, while declaring that we did it in order to use our own. the epicenter of hostilities is within the city limits, for us there is no such goal, because in a residential city, well, in a living city, specifically in kiev, that is, there are some particularly important military installations there that we cannot hit with missiles, and at the same time there will be... no sunken, that is, there are purely residential areas there. meanwhile, zakharova spoke in no uncertain terms; she drew attention to how the kiev polytechnic university, for some reason, right now decided to explore possible scenarios for flooding the territory of ukraine along the dnieper, and thereby forced moscow to remember something. the fact is that in september-october '22 this the center has already simulated the consequences of the breakthrough of the platinum kokhovskaya gas; in june of the twenty-
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third year it collapsed as a consequence of the ongoing. shelling in the ukrainian armed forces. then the kiev regime and its western curators hastened to blame russia for this crime; now the objects of study of the mentioned center have become the hydraulic structures of the kiev and kanaevskaya hydroelectric power plants. indeed, just before the platinum-kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station was destroyed, characteristic infographics were dispersed throughout the ukrainian blessings, and the more cynical the current information looks a campaign in which russia is pre- ascribed a signature terrorist signature. gangs with a bank, they will use the explosion of the gas station to make russia guilty, as was the case with the kokhovskaya gas station, to show the flooded cities, the people killed there, who are flooded there, who are washed away by all their accumulated property, children are drowning there, then send it all to some
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nato summit or at a un meeting and demand what zelensky always demands, let us from... use weapons on distant borders, let us hit moscow, tver with your western weapons, let us destroy their airfields and destroy their military units, or better yet, bring in your military contingent, this is what they need to do in the information field in order to put pressure on their allies, similarly, with the patient kiev is also shifting the issue of the use of chemical weapons onto its healthy head; in recent days, as if on cue, they have been writing that such weapons are supposedly often used by the russian armed forces; they, they say, are cynically violating international law, mainly the geneva convention. predictably , no one is showing evidence, but evidence to the contrary has already arrived. telegram channels of the archangel special forces large-caliber repologue published photographs of submunitions with nato markings that flew to the positions
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of russian soldiers in the dpr, the filling of cluster artillery is easily recognizable in them. xm631 shells of 155 mm caliber, the latter were created specifically for american howitzers and are filled with a chemical warfare agent, they have and irritating properties that cause there, well, some consequences for the nervous system, for the mucous membrane, by the way, cassettes are dropped from this from a drone in anticipation of such a time... action, because it is a chemical substance, although it is not lethally poisonous, it is quite unpleasant in terms of impact, well, like many others, but the use of cyanogen chloride, which is common there, and...
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decided to spend money on pillboxes and barbed wire along the borders with russia, the polish authorities also shared their plan for the case of a mythical invasion, they say it’s time to massively build bomb shelters so that civilians warsaw and other cities did not have to repeat the fate of the ukrainians, and what is this if not paranoia coupled with outright lies? poland has been trying to speculate for a long time and , most importantly, try to make money and ask for and lure an additional budget from the nato bloc in order to ... pose a threat to the russian threat is real, yes, that is, they say that we are on the front line, so we are the first country from which russia will face when it goes to europe,
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these border territories, they sell their russophobia, they sell the fact that they they will take the first blow, they are trying to motivate this so that taxpayers in europe allocate their additional funds for investments in the so-called safe europe, and in general, controversial issues you... today in poland there are 3,000 shelters, which together can accommodate a little more millions of people, with a population of 38 million, the figures are certainly not impressive, but the estimate for the construction of new bomb shelters looks dubious, since they will have to accommodate 50% of the inhabitants of one or another settlement, where the other half should go is not specified. plus, the construction budget is surprisingly modest, only $27 million over the next 3 years, it’s hard to say. will such expenses be enough to protect every second pole, but according to polish journalists, even the construction of one individual bunker with an area of ​​up to 35 square meters requires
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about 54,000 in american currency, and if you multiply this amount by 19 million, based on the stated number of citizens being rescued , it turns out to be a whole trillion-plus when there is here is a tangible source of knocking out budget funds as... this requires special, very complex commissions to be organized in order to understand this, so it is very easy to spend, easy to hide, a very large volume may be ideal for
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corruption, in general a combination. one way or another, there is no doubt that in the conditions of endless russophobic hysteria, the collective west will not spare money on increasingly adventurous or even virtually unrealizable projects, and ordinary people explain this by the need to fight some kind of hand the kremlin, that is, they will concoct many more absurd ones. fakes, which we will definitely continue to expose in the stop fake program on the russia 24 tv channel . i am a traveler, an aeronaut. ivan, and so we go out, what a fairy tale, without ivan, what began, without deception, without flint,
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you imprisoned me in the fires, pen, magic ink, you’ll get it, you’re the main thing, van, hurry up, so give me a horse , mechanical, but... beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname where it needs to go, that’s what they call me, because i’m taking it to the wrong place you're a fool, you want to go where you need to go, i can't live without traveling, flint, he doesn't need a pen, he who has flint in his pocket, soon, have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we didn't have bread, bread is the world. this is the most sacred thing a person has, something that is in every family. bread created our civilization, contributed to our evolution of the technological revolution. this is both the future
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of humanity and the history of humanity. this is what our distant ancestors thought, and we really hope that you think so too. we watch to explore the world, educational
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programs. and documentaries, watch, watch, in the application or on the website, the first state radio of russia, more than 100 programs for 130 million listeners, on the air around the clock. moscow listens to radio russia, now on 101.5 fm. trump is an opponent of the ruling establishment. they announced to him twice.
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they create their own volunteer services, they create some kind of enterprises in order to make these drones, sew clothes, and that is. first, the situation at the front, russian air defense forces shot down two atkms missiles and 74 ukrainian drone. the launchers and radar station of the american patriot air defense system were also destroyed. this is the latest data from the ministry of defense on the progress of the special operation. the center grouping of troops improved the tactical situation within 24 hours and repelled eight counterattacks. units of the west group of troops defeated the formation of the armed forces of ukraine in the kharkov region of the dpr and lpr.
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enemy losses there amounted to 500. 40 military personnel in russia over the past 24 hours extinguished more than a hundred natural fires, this is data from the security air forest. the most tense situation remains in yakutia. smoke from the hot forest enveloped more than forty settlements. there are currently 88 outbreaks in the region with a total area of ​​over 600,000 hectares. forecasters in the arctic are warning about fire danger and all because of the heat. in the coming days , temperatures up to 29° are expected in the murmansk region. public precipitation. abnormally hot weather continues in southern russia, with weather forecasters especially noting the water temperature in the black sea. off the coast of the krasnodar territory it warmed up to 28°, which, according to experts, is actually a rare event. there is little water in anapa cooler, but another heat record was set at 40°. the brightest hockey show of the summer - the match of the year - is taking place in moscow at these moments.
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current khs stars take part in it. our sports correspondent alexander abramov is watching the goal match; he is now communicating with us directly from the cska arena. so, alexander, greetings, how are things? yes, alexey, good afternoon, well, today is the event that in the world of russian hockey was called the match of the year, this has never happened, i am never afraid of this word, today here in moscow will play a team of stars of the national hockey league against. teams of stars of the continental hockey league, naturally, both teams consist entirely of russian players, and you know, there is still a month and a half left before the start of the season in the continental hockey league , there are still 2.5 months left before the start of the season in the nhl, so this is probably the best time time to hold such a match, i remind you that according to tradition, many russian players who play overseas in the national hockey league, they spend the summer in russia, so today's match was made possible thanks to...


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