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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 20, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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current stars of the khl and nhl take part in it. our sports correspondent alexander abramov watches the zagala match. he is now communicating with us directly from the cska arena. so, alexander, greetings, how are things? yes, alexey, good afternoon. well, today the event that was called the match of the year in the world of russian hockey did not happen. i am never afraid of this word. today the teams will play here in moscow. stars of the national hockey league against a team of stars of the continental hockey league, naturally, both teams consist entirely of russian players, and you know, there is still a month and a half left before the start of the season in the continental hockey league, there are still 2.5 months left before the start of the nhl season, so, probably, now is the best time to hold such a match, i let me remind you that, according to tradition, many russian players who play overseas in the national hockey league, they spend the summer in russia, today’s match was made possible thanks to...
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the national hockey league has 19 people, you know, there probably won’t be enough airtime, if start listing all the merits of the hockey players who will take to the field today, but a huge number of stanley cup winners as part of the national hockey league team, alexander ovechkin and dmitry orlov and evgeniy malkin and sergei bobrovsky, who won the stanley cup less than a month ago, will also take to the field today as part of florida, in general, the entire world of russian stars of the national hockey league will perform today at the cska arena, the same can be said.
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wol street journal writes about this, citing data from law enforcement agencies that are conducting an investigation. namely, crooks launched a drone several times several hours before the start of a campaign rally at which trump was scheduled to speak. and the question is: why didn’t anyone react to this? according to the publication, everything that happened is evidence of the miscalculations of the security services, astonishing in their scale. moreover, the police also noticed crooks an hour before the rally. he walked around the area with a backpack and a rangefinder, writes the wall street journal. and also no questions to
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a suspicious person. let me remind you, in trump shot last saturday, he himself escaped with a slight wound, one participant in the rally was killed, and two more were seriously injured. crooks himself was killed by the secret service. the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine did not rule out that the murder of ex-verkhovna rada deputy irina farion was ordered. among the main versions are the investigation, personal hostility and socio-political activity. let me remind you that the attack happened the night before. in lvov, elizaveta khramtsova will talk about the progress of the investigation. medicine was powerless for several hours in at the lvov city hospital, there was a fight for the life of former verkhovna rada deputy irina farion. a sixty-year-old woman was shot the night before in the courtyard of her home. she was admitted to us in critical condition with a penetrating gunshot wound to the brain. she was taken to the department where she underwent surgery and was then taken to intensive care to maintain treatment. but
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the patient’s heart could not stand it. irina farion stood out on the ukrainian political landscape for many years for her most aggressive position in in relation to everything russian and even within the country , she was considered, to put it mildly, an ambiguous figure. when journalist oles buzina was killed in kiev, she wished him darkness and oblivion in a joyful post. after the start of a special military operation, she assured that refugees from eastern ukraine had no place in lviv. she even refused to recognize terrorists and extremists from the azov battalion as ukrainians if they spoke russian. sbu. when she opened the investigation, but perhaps the loudest scandals around farion were related to children. while still a deputy lvov regional duma, she stated that kindergarteners who introduce themselves in russian should go to muscovy and calmly told how she was teaching her grandson to hate russians. miy dmitrik grandson? why is miy dmitrik , a grandson who is 3 and a half years old, entering kindergarten and seeing some grisha in front of him, who says hello, and my grandson has to teach him the ukrainian language with his little fist.
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the vvd admitted that some of the cctv cameras were not working on friday evening, our microdistrict in our area has a program for financing the video surveillance system, we are now working hard, installing many video cameras, but what is especially sad is that at the moment when the shot was heard, there was a malfunction in the entire micro-wound, and although it
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is too early to talk about successes in the investigation, arrests were made in the city, this is spreading across social networks photo of a young man who may be involved in the murder. neighbors of irina farion claim that the politician was followed for almost a month. the fsb has declassified archival materials relating to the circumstances of the assassination attempt on adolf hitler. the documents are published by the riyanovosti agency among the materials of photocopies of the testimony of the former head of hitler’s personal security and a former foreign intelligence officer of the third reich, which they gave to employees of the state security agencies of the soviet union,
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after the end of the great patriotic war. the assassination attempt took place 80 years ago, on july 20 , 1944. operation valkyrie was planned by high-ranking wehrmacht officers. the plot involved the assassination of hitler, an act that brought germany into inevitable collapse, but as a result of the bomb explosion, the nazi leader received only injuries. most of the participants in the attempt were then executed. next, a short advertisement, then watch a special report by alexander lukyayanov. he met with prisoners of war, former soldiers of the national battalion, as well as residents of the liberated regions to find out how denazification was carried out there. only at alfabank. spin the reel in the app and get super cashback up to 100%
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the museum of memory of the youth underground organization of the city of krasnodonon during the great patriotic war has unusual visitors. they are handcuffed and guarded by guards. these are prisoners of war, former military personnel of the ukrainian nationalist division of the azov organization banned in russia. july 20, 1942. russians taking water from here will be shot. this is how the germans immediately determined
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who was boss in the city. alexander gornaga, he is 27, was born in the city of shchastya near lugansk. since the beginning of the military conflict in donbass, he joined the armed forces of the kiev regime. until that day i knew nothing about the exploits of the young guard. it’s just that i, let’s say, saw one thing completely, but uh, i saw it initially since childhood. can you tell me another picture - a different environment, a different upbringing, a different growing up, in principle, even different, but television is general, but this is massive, please tell us more about this, because we haven’t seen this picture, we have our own idea of ​​what you saw, what were you brought up on, and in principle, like all children, you grew up in a normal, ordinary, healthy family with... since i have a mother and a father
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, in principle, they were for what happened in the ninety-first year, that’s exactly what it was brought up in this way, well, nationally patriotic style, if that's right .
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my own father, you see, this is what they instilled in children, how this man was presented, that a child says such things, words, terrible words, you know, for that person, about that person who fought on the side of fascism, nazism, yes, the fascists were eager to fight for krasnodon , they know that at that time there were many operating mines in krasnodon, but when they come to krasnodon they see that the mines were either flooded with water or completely wiped off the face of the earth, the nazis discover...
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why the history of the second world war was forgotten, when they fought with the same germans, the wehrmacht, you can explain, but it was not forgotten, it’s just that russia, so to speak, how to put it correctly in words, what russia doesn’t like, ukraine likes, so, once again, what russia
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doesn’t like, ukraine likes, but what is it? well, in order to provoke her, she doesn’t like, for example, a reminder that she’s german. or something else, ukraine is directly using this to, so to speak, dragon it, we are just joking, these are good jokes, yes they are for jokes, they have been around for a long time, almost since the fourteenth year - they have dill, this chevron, there is a chevron slave owner, i didn’t come across it, the slave owner is written, that is, we all know that hitler promised from 40 to 100 hectares here to those who take stalingrad is here to distribute from 100 robes. and higher, here they were coming here, in 1414, in all seriousness, that there are such filthy houses here, where is the street with good houses, otherwise i promised my family that i would get a house here, so i go, i look in all seriousness, these are the people in these liberated territories they can tell you which are the villages of luganskaya,
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starobilsk, slatovo and others. well, the fascists write out order after order, the last one, which stated that after 18:00 a curfew is declared, and there is nowhere for the boys to work, so the boys go to the german commandant of the city of krasnodon , otashen, and say: let's open at least one club, you will feel good, we will give concerts, and we, as young people, will be in your sight. you and i are standing at the club layout, in particular the stage where ours often performed young guard guys, on stage you will see the original musical instruments they played, i also want to draw your attention to the authentic stage costumes of the girls who performed on stage, see how small and fragile they were, our
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young guard guys were from 14 to 18 years old, well , because the girls would... at the lugansk academic music and drama theater there is a rehearsal for a production about the heroes of the young guard .
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they recaptured, it was scary, they gave us nightmares, starting from 5:00 pm until 6 am, so we have 12 hours, every 2-3 hours we had collisions with them, but after the more experienced guys stopped by they started asking us what, we say, yes, so and so, and so and so, but he says how many cartridges were fired, well, we have something like 500 with pkm and zinc with aka. such tane says: you are terrible people, we didn’t go against you either, you say enemy, who is your enemy? well, i won’t say that these are the people of ukraine, because there are both good and bad there, mostly these are people who have been
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brainwashed, they are very brainwashed there, i i started studying there right from the age of fourteen, and at that moment i began to notice that i was starting to have a different attitude, well, that is, all the television there, the media, it’s just them... it has a very strong effect on the brain, and i ’m like, yeah, so it’s kind of like donbass, it’s like it attacked, and then i think, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, that’s not it, they turned it off, that’s it, i completely turned off the television news, that’s it, and as if the brain returned to the fact that well, i know what happened here, i was here at just these moments, nikita was also born in happiness, he studied in kharkov at the academy of culture, but was forced to leave there and finish his studies in lugan. there were good reasons for this, let’s just say, i didn’t talk too much about where it came from,
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because well, it was a little dangerous, again this right sector, the kharkov ultras, and they were completely beaten off, they were getting to the bottom of everything, god forbid they find out , that you are from donbass, from somewhere, that’s it, they will start to spread rot on you, but how many, how many situations regarding the st. george’s ribbon? personally , it happened to me that my grandfather was on the subway, apparently a veteran of the great patriotic war, and they were before him, why did you put it on, and do you know what it is? but he says, he says, don’t touch me, he says, i just have to live out my life here, he says, just don’t touch him, they didn’t tear off the hero’s ribbon from him, well, i mean, i’m a bastard, i have no other words, that’s the truth, that’s all , that’s why i left there, but because it’s impossible there, everything there was heating up every time, it was heating up, when the national guard appeared, it was horror.
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as soon as we returned from the northern military district, we went to the liberated territories to show this performance, we went out at the first rehearsal, this it’s impossible to convey, every song, every phrase hurts to the core, now you’re just calmly moving away from each other, and this is a moment you can’t part with, this is tearing away from each other, these right here... we’re not saying goodbye yet, uh-huh, “the history of the young guards and the audience perceive it in a new way,” says the theater’s chief director. this performance is more about young guys who, in a difficult
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period and moment for the country, decided to stand up for defense, because they understood it. and this topic is for, especially for us, for russia, for the russians, it is now relevant, it has always been relevant, everything is based on this, not on who exactly is the bearer of a surname, he is a hero. and he, as a person, as a component of the society of a huge country, love for his homeland, love for that closest thing that is important to him, he decides to defend these values ​​that bother him. we gave this performance in murmansk, in olenigorsk, in st. petersburg, in moscow, uh, in different places, and in yozhkorol, they perceive it absolutely equally, perceive it as their personal story, because well, there is no connection to the territory. here there is a phenomenon itself. on january 1 , 1943, arrests began. most of the young guards were thrown into prison. here is a unique photograph: this is the prison where
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they were kept. this is a note from klava kovaleva, in which she says: it is difficult for a tour guide to talk about torture and the deaths of his fellow countrymen to those who have shot, tortured and killed residents of the lugansk region over the past ten years. dear mom, if dad is alive, then so be it.
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will take revenge - the coming of roman and the coming of roman and bukhanov's perfume according to the slogan blood for blood life for life i won’t return home hide the diary with greetings with greetings to klava, these are the policemen who knew klava and her family well, show where they were kept, this is a sausage. here they are, here they kept them, these cells, now they are a little outdated, but here there were iron doors, 2 meters for three people, you can sit or stand, on the bare floor. how cramped everything is here, there’s
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a grate at the top, there’s a grate at the top, yes, they smoked sausage here, it was very dirty here, they threw water there, they threw cigarette butts at them, on on the smoky wall of the cell you can still see the inscriptions of prisoners of the illegal prison of the ukrainian national battalion aidar, mother, i love you, and god forgive them, for they... know what they are doing. what the ukrainian nazis did here is evidenced by the miraculous escape of their prisoners. there was a tile, something like this, a rag, or the rest of a mattress and there was nothing else, it was very cold. they said that they simply didn’t have the strength, how cold they were, how cold they were, freezing. and oksana was also
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... stripped, one was also lying undressed, and what month was it? it was september-october, they were changed in october. svetlana was also a prisoner, but was kept in other dungeons, there were her comrades, there were hooks hanging, they tied the guys’ hands, hung them on that hook and beat them, as they know how to do, the nazis, here the whole wall was covered in blood, they beat them in the hope that they would love ukraine for this, they so hoped that they would be able to intimidate us, but there are not enough of us there in lugansk, lugansk, there are few people, through massacre, through torture, they tried all this to make people love us homeland, but we have only one homeland, the soviet union, so the fact that i am not giving up
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ukraine, it would have been good, but what the rulers did to it, these zelensky, poroshenko, who, well, sold out, and already now 10 years later, it’s already clear to everyone, everyone can see it, at that time it was still not at all like that, not at all like that, then we could only guess that ukraine had gone in the wrong direction, during the occupation of the luhansk region, the aidarovites turned a sausage plant in the village of polovinki into its military base. placed around the perimeter towers, which made it look like a concentration camp, militias from lugansk and those who sympathized with them were kept in the smokehouse, the guards watched their victims through these bars, doused them with cold water and starved them, and you don’t have the right to life, me they even tried to shoot me twice, they brought me into the car and they said: you can’t go to prison, because you won’t
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give in. no persuasion.


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