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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 20, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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i’m not giving up on ukraine, it was good, it was, but what the rulers did to it, these zelensky, poroshenko, who sold out, and now 10 years later, it’s already clear to everyone, everyone can see it, at that time it it was still not at all like that, not at all like that, then we could only guess that ukraine had gone in the wrong direction, during the occupation of the luhansk region the aidarovites turned into a sausage shop.
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what, but it will have to be so that you don’t interfere with life, so they announced this to me, i was sitting in the car, his call sign was fierce, he was calling the guy, who is wearing a baloklava in black, in black clothes, he comes in and sits down next to me, i closed my eyes so much, i think, well... if it’s close, then it’s probably fast, quick and not painful, i won’t even feel it, and i i just heard the pistol click, but there was no bullet, i then opened my eyes, and he was already leaving, this fierce guy came in again , looked at me, said, well, what has changed, i say, from scratch, i say, nothing has changed, hasn’t changed at all, he says, well, everything with you in general, this one is for exchange.
3:32 pm
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3:34 pm
3:35 pm
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they cut, cut their nose and cut their ear, this is in 2014, grandfather was 74 years old, in front of you is a komsomol badge, which depicts 71 young guards who were thrown into the hole in mine number 5 to a depth of 53 m. but for another 3 days groans were heard, police they were feared even there at depth, so they were bombarded with mining equipment that was on the surface.
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it is also prohibited to fire from large- caliber weapons at civilian targets. well, at civilian targets in general, the war is definitely not going according to the rules it’s just it’s just like i don’t even know how
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to describe it it’s just a firebox where they throw it but uh. equipment and people, you deliberately went to azov, you probably looked at their ideology, but no, i didn’t know the ideology, i just found out that the guys, that is, they, that is, well, how to say, an indicator of the army, that is, in discipline, in training in, so to speak, ideals, that is, so to speak, the nation, that is, well, to defend the country at any cost, well, inside you have already learned the ideology. well, inside already , everyone there had a tax, didn’t accept it especially, well, that is, how can i say, if i had accepted the ideology, i would then immediately be, how to say, a nazi in the direct word, as it is, because the implication of nazis
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will be quite specific there, tell me, no, well, well, well, what is nazism for me, it means when, well, this is directly what i would directly destroy. i would have done the same thing if it were directly direct, so to speak, nazi ideology, a field kashket, that is, a field furashka , the property of the armed forces of ukraine, not for sales. 2017, by the way, this is it, this
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is exactly the ukrainian insurgent army made such a band like this, but here it’s different, here you can see the management, you can see the owners, the camouflage is american, that ’s what it’s all about, the old uniform, the new leadership , new content, the head of the search association... in lugansk says that he himself witnessed how, after perestroika, the collapse of the soviet union, nazism began to sprout as a weed in ukraine, and no one uprooted it when it emerged pedestal, well, that’s just the go-ahead, it was an event of perestroika, this amorphous mr. gorbachev has already given direction, this is the case with our human chain monument, when it was hidden in 1987, they wanted to destroy it, there was a direct order from
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somewhere - then from the west, here in the press, in the media, this wave began, and people who wanted to change their colors, children’s camps, they were, there children were already chanting muscovites for knives, young people were marching in the ranks, and the muscovites were not wants to live peacefully, and we must...
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you will look and so on like a great ukraine, they were breathless when we came in 1939, it turned out, no, they were not interested, they were expecting something there , something else, like now on the maidan, they were expecting there are lace panties and immeasurable pensions, that’s what it led to, we saw, then it didn’t work out, back then our yaroslav golan, there was a ukrainian writer who... saw it all and said: “yes, two peoples met, but realized that
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it was difficult to live together, so yaroslava galana, galana, they killed after the war, god forbid in the forties, precisely for criticizing these nationalists, these banderaites, aunovites, this is written in the anthem of ukraine, and there are such words, well, it means, you don’t want to work, you’re lazy.” therefore , the brothers on our side are panicked, we will dominate, where we live, we will become masters, that is, no one is going to work to create, so ukraine fell for what it needed, in these years, when kravchuk came to power, in fact, it was decided that there would be a referendum on preserve the soviet union, remain a part, but became.
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all sorts of minerals and a crossroads, it stands on a cross, from the great silk road passes from the east to europe welder to the greeks on... on this cross it’s such a waste, such a crap, it had to be tried, but the people who thought about this policy accomplished far beyond the borders of ukraine. political scientist and author of books on the nature of ukrainian nazism, alexey kochitkov explains why the nasbatalna azov, banned in russia, has many immigrants from eastern ukraine. and these are the people
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let’s say, cut off from russian civilization, these are people who were actually raised russian. in soviet families, but they accepted the ideology, and the western ideology, the ideology of modern ukrainian nazism, that you don’t have to be by blood, but maybe there is one hundred percent ukrainian, although no one can explain what this is, yes, if 100 years ago this national term simply did not exist, but you are the chosen one, if you rise above this crowd, above this mass, if you you realize that you are a warrior of the aryan light, a warrior of the black sun, yes, if you understand that... you must stand in the way of these numerous hordes from the east, yes, that you are the last support of european civilization, then you are already ours, you want to be the ruler of the master, or do you want to remain this marginalized and unknown person, a security guard at the fruit and vegetable base, please make a choice, who are you, are you a buckwheat swineherd or are you a warrior of light,
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these guys from not very prosperous families, from some... it's semi-crime.
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and where they just, well, not just terrorized, horrified the local population, these people returned clean, at the same time, the supreme leader aon, who was already in canada, decided that that’s it, we’re ending the terror, it’s of no use, so to speak leads at this stage, for now,
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our tactics are to get used to the state authorities of the ukrainian soviet socialist republic. these books were confiscated from school and district libraries in the liberated territories of the lugansk people's republic. researcher at the national center information counteraction to terrorism and extremism in the educational environment, etc. kievan rus, its only legitimate heirs are modern ukrainians, while it denies the right to russians and
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belarusians, as if this is our common heritage in this regard, and in general modern terms... ukraine is like this, like the inviolability of some kind of borders ninety-first year, it seems to come from ancient times, but at the same time, if we look at the row. maps of the same ukrainian people's republic, which wandered at the end of the tenth years of the last century, there, right up to kuban, saratov and so on, there are territorial claims
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by ukraine on these territories, these territories are a mongol-tatar game, it simply devastated, yes, and, by the way, that’s why vladimir then moscow, they united russia, they saved it, so to speak, and then russia populated these territories. by the way, you raised a good point, but according to history, after the devastation, in fact, after these campaigns, we have a very large number of territories, the kiev region, modern chernihiv region, they were deserted, where people rushed, they rushed to the territory of the modern moscow, vladimir region and so on, that is , when ukrainian nationalists declare that they are the true descendants of the ancient... ancient russian state, they, firstly , they forget that there was constant migration of the population, and the fact that a lot of, from their point of view, generous ukrainians moved directly to moscow, for them this is
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probably a brain break in this situation, and secondly, the fact that the territory constantly was being developed, this territory was called, at least there, let’s say that later it became known as novorossiya, before that it was a wild field, how could one live in the steppe without state structures, when nomads went back and forth, and there was no guarantee that , that... you will survive and be able to sow a crop there and so on and so forth, pay attention, the names of the moscow-ukrainian war are constantly coming up, the idea is being laid that the confrontation with moscow is deeper processes, this is how they worked with young people, this is not educational allowance, these are comics, yes, this is a classic comic, bright, pay attention to the names of the heroes, so to the names of the heroes, let's see who is the separatist vatnikov, a bottle of vodka.
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which is recognized as extremist in our country, it is glorified, its militants are glorified ; for example, the ukrainian rebel army is shown in the context of the struggle directly against the soviet union by our soldiers. historians, museum employees, experts in the field of culture, education, and social sciences believe that... there is still an opportunity to heal the consciousness of ukrainians poisoned by russophobia by nazism, you just need to free them from obsessive propaganda and offer a healthy alternative. people
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who were taken from there for some reason, to the same russia, they looked, saw a different life, they didn’t see medvedev and the bear of drunken men with bolo-likes on the streets, they began to come to their senses, you know, the same thing with our released ones . in the nearest territories, while they receive it, the internet arrives, tv channels arrive and reach them, they everyone is switching, what did zelensky promise, what did biden promise us, here we are, macron promised to die for us, to die, and happiness, france will die for us, the less that is left of ukraine that can be called ukraine, the better for us and for those who are now. calls ukrainians, if you look at this war as simply a conflict between two different states, different peoples who have some kind of misunderstanding, that’s one thing, but
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if you look at this war as the liberation of russian lands from absolutely anti-russian popular ideology, but if you look at this conflict as a conflict between russia and anti-russia, this anti-russia. should be closely related to patriotic education, here again is historical education, and not only in the classroom format, let’s say they sat in the classroom, read, watched, and so on, no, it must be
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something. this is interactive interaction, these are trips on various excursions, here we have an essay by anatoly popov, a member of the young guard, he wrote it shortly before cupations of krasnodon, in this essay on the topic, do i love my homeland, he answered: yes, i do, i love my homeland, freedom-loving, multinational, for its heroic past, for the great present, and mainly for its future, for this is the future, they, of course, gave their lives, now our guys are also fighting for the future of our big country. russia!
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here in avdeevka people were driven to death, there was terror there, that one is flying.
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4:00 pm
welcome to asia, the heart of the continent beats here, and we have our finger on the pulse today. program dangerous asia, invasion spiders in kazakhstan and fatal mudslides in kyrgyzstan, as well as limiting the transport of cars over 7 years old, kazakhstan suggests, and local scientists are on the verge of creating a cure for cancer. there is an invasion of poisonous spiders in kazakhstan. karakurt, aka the black widow. after their bites, six people were already admitted to intensive care. spider attack.


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