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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 20, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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russian schoolchildren won four gold and two silver medals at the 65th international mathematical olympiad. the successes of our children were reported to the ministry of education. the olympics were held in great britain and members of the russian team completed competitive tests remotely. it was necessary to solve six problems in 2 days. in total , schoolchildren from 108 countries took part in the competition. all people were wounded as a result of shelling by the ukrainian armed forces of shibekkin in the belgorod region. the regional governor announced this in his telegram channel. vyacheslav glodkov. one of the shells hit the territory of an industrial enterprise, the other hit an apartment building. the victims have shrapnel wounds; now they are all receiving all the necessary care in hospitals. russian. air defense shot down two akms missiles and 74
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ukrainian drones. the launchers and radar station of the american patriot air defense system were also destroyed. this is the latest information from the ministry of defense about the planned special operation. the center grouping of troops improved the tactical situation within 24 hours and repelled eight counterattacks. force grouping unit the west was defeated by the formation of the armed forces of ukraine in the kharkov region of the dpr and lpr. the enemy's losses there amounted to 540 military personnel. the west doesn't have enough. shells neither for themselves nor for ukraine, the reater agency came to this conclusion. it conducted a study, it turned out that nato countries began to reduce the production of ammunition 15 years ago, as a result, when kiev needed new shells, there was nowhere to get them. against this background, other publications publish forecasts that western powers are ready to turn away from ukraine. natalya goncharova will continue. the new york times concluded that moscow made the right bet in the ukrainian conflict. according to opinion. "russian authorities expected that the west
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would sooner or later get tired of kiev, and so it happened. it is only a matter of time before washington abandons kiev, as afghanistan was abandoned in 2021. in the same article, the new york times notes, according to polls, americans as a whole continue to advocate for continued assistance to kiev, but do not consider this topic to be the main issue of the current election race. it seems that this issue is considered key. only the biden administration, as well as a significant part of the democratic party."
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trump will want to end the war in ukraine by canceling military tranches. trump's critics believe that he could go further, for example, ordering a withdrawal from nato. he does not understand the essence of nato. he perceives the alliance in this context, america provides contracting services in the defense sector, fighting against ungrateful europeans who do not pay for them. and i think that if it were his will, he would leave the alliance. i think the risk here is very serious. minister viktor orban, who is in the small european camp of opponents of the war in ukraine, warned of the possible danger for those who contradict official washington, hinting that the orchestrators of the ukrainian crisis could be behind the attack on slovak prime minister fitz, and behind the recent assassination attempt on trump. the number of attacks is growing, they are spectacular and attract attention and become a nuisance. i
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actually spoke with president trump 2 days before the assassination attempt, the president is in good shape, he is ready to fight, thank god he did not allow himself to be killed. according to surveys, trump's popularity is only growing, and so are his chances of regaining the white house. european authorities, expecting the wind of change from washington, began to gradually correct course instead.
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tata montana. networks claim that they are visible even in satellite images. but judging by these shots, this is probably true. it is known that the fire destroyed 153 km of forest and green space. but here. zharny, judging by these , the situation is under control. it is also known that the personnel are currently in place and really are not yet able to take authorities are blocking roads through the disaster zone, and residents of neighboring areas have been warned to begin preparing to evacuate. there are also several frames taken from the car window; apparently, this road has not yet been blocked, but the situation is becoming, judging by this video, more and more complicated. a unique film about former prisoners who went to fight in the northern military district. what do pardoned stormtroopers do after returning from the front to civilian life? according to statistics of repeat offenders who have again taken the criminal path, among them, several orders of magnitude less than after the colony. read more in alexander
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rogatkin's documentary, storm in law. after the commercial. chicken-premiere chicken pairs. with new kari sauce at a competitive price. alfabank is the best bank for business. open a free account with alfabank and get up to 10% cashback on your business card. alfabank has the best loyalty program for entrepreneurs. every morning in the family of loved ones begins with beauty rituals. the megamarket has everything for our beauty rituals with a discount of up to 99% for the select thank you bonus. meat sauce, sytin hot, fills with meat and noodles, warm sunset over the roofs of dachas, fills life with joy.
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we are in the position of one of the most unusual units of the russian army, about which there have been a lot of misunderstandings recently. the thing is that it consists... of former prisoners whose punishment in the colony was replaced by service on the front line. a commander with the call sign cat leads us through the underground trenches of a company of assault seals, a missile danger has been declared on the surface, kamigadze drones are constantly buzzing in the sky, but here it ’s more or less calm, only with...
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this, of course, is not a prison hut, but dugouts built according to all the laws of fortification. they don’t really remember the zone here, it’s all in the past, now it’s not prisoners here, but paratroopers of the ulyanovsk airborne division. previously , such units formed in the colonies were called storm z, now they are assault companies b. and in principle, everything was done for recreation, that is, the assault groups arrived with everything to do. they have a bathhouse, i relax, tv and a bathhouse, that’s all, and he has his own air conditioning
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television playstation refrigerator everything to be able to adequately rest now we are going to make a gym even now we have even dug up a robot vacuum cleaner there is what to do stormtroopers are lamenting if there are drones in the sky then why shouldn’t they be underground it even works for us when we go somewhere- then we go to work. the rules for accepting contract prisoners have become more stringent; if at the beginning they were accepted for six months with a full pardon, now the contract is for at least a year with conditional early release. the state gave us a chance to improve without sitting there, actually show that you are a man, a man who defends his fatherland, that you love your country. yan glazkov received 7 years for drug distribution, artyom nesterov received 11 years for the same thing,
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he says that without hesitation, he went to the front, well, there will be at least some benefit, and there will be a chance to fix everything after all, to start from scratch, so that after all, my parents were proud of me, and didn’t think that i was somehow bad, but it turns out that i might die, but with dignity. he’s being treated, let’s go on the other side , rotv is clearing the dnieper islands opposite kryn, the enemy is constantly trying to gain a foothold there to create a bridgehead for an attack on the left bank, mister bag and shmurdyak get ready to cross the barrel to the other side, i have a barrel behind the wall, nester and his comrades secretly crossed the channel on foam rafts and captured two ukrainian observers , guys, don’t kill, what are you...
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they went to roslovoni, didn’t keep an ear, came straight to us, well, they don’t seem to want to fight anymore, fall while you rest, the frightened defenders of independence didn’t fully believe, that they would remain alive, they insisted that they were grabbed on the street and forcibly sent to the front, how long until the third, fourth, now there will be mobilization, but i’ll get there in wheelchairs, the boys will run out, and only women will remain, recently for
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the heroism shown, the ulyanovsk command airborne division nominated nesterov to the order of courage, well , there’s not only capture, he’s a great guy, we just can’t tell you everything there, but the boy is worthy, in fact, such young guys as nesterov in rotiv are probably the majority, article 220. storage and distribution of drugs, wanted quick money, received a long sentence, also bookmarks, believed in easy money, but that’s not what i believed. no one and how many received 10 years, for murder they give less, it turns out, but what city, and the same thing, this is murder, only well , strangers, the city of perem, mikhail marin with the call sign forest understands perfectly what he has done, now he has the biggest desire to prove to everyone that it was an accident, a ridiculous
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mistake that he is ready to correct at the cost of his own life, but i’m a young guy. and what then, this is a chance, everything is here, here you can learn everything, how to live, how to survive, how to work, this is really, well, a chance, here it is, correct yourself, if you want, please, just to survive and return home a free man, to be honest, it can be so scary here that... it completely vanishes, you come out, you become a new person, how i stayed alive, i don’t understand how i stayed alive, i don’t know, fear, just like that, a special fear, here, in you won’t experience anything like this anywhere in life, so he knocks everything out of you, all the crap, everything in general, i’m recharging, you’re not at all
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you regret that it turned out this way and you ended up on the front line, where every day could be your last, and there you are... i’ve never lived in a more interesting life than here, really, well, it’s interesting, they don’t complain about the equipment here, there’s practically everything, pickups, several armored typhoons, on which attack aircraft are transferred as close as possible to the site of the combat operation. eight drones hit one car, well, two hit the windshield, the glass only cracked, the spare wheel was broken, only because of this they were driven away repairs, and basically there are no complaints, they came under fire, they escaped from a tank shell, but there were no fragments, the tangent went in,
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there is also plenty of food for lunch! stewed potatoes, we also have spaghetti, everything, everyday life, everything is arranged, freezers, and meat is available, and we can cool the water, fruits, vegetables, everything, the staff priest of the ulyanovsk airborne division is responsible for the educational work of the assault seals. father has arrived, everyone who has been baptized, come to the new headquarters, welcome, to the good and the spirits and the unworthy, and forever centuries, the dugout temporarily turns into a temple, some of the stormtroopers have never received communion, some have not even been baptized, they are in prison, people often go into battle without a cross, everything is with christ both on the body, in the soul, the saint god,
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have mercy on us, here the thought occurs to many that if they went to church earlier, some people will say that this is unfair, from a christian point of view it is also a paradox for us, when the thief is all on the cross with christ, the first to enter the kingdom of heaven, well how is this, he robbed, killed, whatever he did, and today you will be with me in paradise, first, from the point of view of our paternal love, a person, as if everyone should have a chance, a chance for repentance, for rehabilitation, we cannot help but give him this chance, great, brothers, to survive, to win, your task, raised, that’s right , great, i always watch the process of changing clothes, they call me, they say, well, a new batch will be today, come to the training ground, i come,
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they bring people all in black uniforms, everyone brings them clothes, they start trying them on, everyone runs up, i he throws his black clothes into the abattoir, burn them, i don’t want to, i even to see her, when they are given a weapon, they sleep for the first few days with it like this in an embrace, as with their own wife, you know, they are so they - you know, their status changes, everything changes for them, they are ready to go storm, that want to do, at this moment they don’t even show any fear, their eyes are just burning, their eyes are just burning, on the front line... many words sound differently than in peaceful life, actions are assessed differently, their own grenade, here and the price of redeemed guilt here is not at all the same, like in a colony, they count in years... here in wounds and liters of lost blood, i made my choice to atone for my guilt, to take part in the defense of our country, because you think that
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there was guilt, yes, of course, yes, i had guilt , yes, i atoned for it, i was shell-shocked eight times, i, i have a severe contusion, with daily headaches, i atoned for it, and , accordingly, completing the tasks, they were completed, set, no matter what, and it’s still better, than the film. there is no doubt, not even a fraction, a prison is a prison, it is you, when you realize that your entire future life will depend on one certificate, that you are being judged, where you would go to work, what you would like to do, all this depends on this, it just completely ruins your whole life, then there is an opportunity to redeem it ; it turns out to be free. here they live one day at a time, but a full, rich life, the deputy commander of the company even managed to sign at the front, since leave
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is not allowed for former prisoners, the girl came to her fiancé right at the front line, i know that here happens, without being afraid, we saw each other, well, things started to happen, so we signed, and we signed, but where did we sign? i have already decorated my wife with homemade rugs with the ro tv emblem and assault seals. love endures, and nothing will change our past
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; everything is different here, real brotherhood by blood, but not by concept. russia did not send its own sons to fight in the fields, but perhaps they will say that life there is not paradise and the ukrainian region is not thriving. went to fight for the homeland, for the state, well, the state is not to blame for this, people, to unfortunately, the state has nothing to do with it;
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we love our state very much. denis believes that he had a rare chance to prove his innocence on the battlefield, and after serving only a month and a half, he signed a contract with the airborne forces for 2 years. in any case, i would have gone, i have many friends who are fighting and... probably to correct in their lives, but anything can happen, even 25 years behind bars will not correct someone, let alone handing over, they made a mistake once, and to make a mistake one more time and show
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cowardice, they will not forgive themselves for this, those who were cowardly, they are no longer here, some they were sent back, because there is nothing worse - to betray their comrades, to leave the position, they have the remainder of their sentence, so to speak, having gone through such hell, having gone through all this, to survive, to return to their loved ones, to commit a crime, pick up the old stuff, so
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to speak, yes, you have to be a complete madman, i’m forrest, there’s only one patrol, the weather is warm, welcome, you know, if you got out of prison, it doesn’t mean that prison got out of you, that is, there are such people, who, well , this is their home, they are used to it, why did they go to the war, some out of inner conviction, some not, even if i wasn’t in prison, i would go there, that is, here it’s just... there’s also a chance to get out, there’s nothing new in attracting former prisoners to the war no, well, they are risky people, risky people, and if they choose not to serve out their sentence, although many there remain there for a year or two, there three, but go to fight for their homeland, so what’s wrong with that, it’s great and that’s really at all times it was and politically even the prisoners were rebels who were against the king the dikabrists rebelled, asked for pardon and kept sending them to the caucasus
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approximately how many people she sends to the front, well, depending on the regime, it was quite easy to calculate. with the beginning of the great patriotic war, under amnesty and early release, those who were eligible for parole were released and sent straight to the front. 420 thousand, this is in the forty-first year, these are different articles and political, criminal, they were all sent, there was no difference, they were all sent, in just the years of the great during the patriotic war , about a million people were sent from the colony to the front, here you go, history, according to former minister of internal affairs anatoly kulikov, now we need to think about how to return
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prisoners who have passed through the front line to... peaceful life, this also obliges the authorities to think about the idea of ​​a worker, a workplace, in our country, as often happens, people have left, and often people return again to commit a crime only because when he returns he cannot find a job, no one, that’s all for him, and you’re a former prisoner, that’s all, nothing come more here and so on, that is... we need to think about this very seriously, when this person leaves the combat zone, that’s it, he needs to be taken, he needs to see a psychologist, rehabilitation, he needs something, here’s help, work , housing, that is, he needs help, he, he is not special, this is how it works out for him, he needs some kind of help from the state to
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guide them all his way.


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