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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 20, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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he does this on purpose, he needs some kind of help from the state, so that they guide them all the way until he gets back on his feet, they come out, he has nothing, he has been in prison all his life, but he has nothing that he needs what to do next, the veterans themselves already understand that after the war another battle awaits them, proving to society, to the state that they returned as changed people, i returned as a different person, definitely, yes, because i... i also told you there that how i don't want to do crime anymore, maybe this is age, but i’m not interested in crime at all, but i’m interested in something so positive for society, and since i started, well , i sort of made a choice, i went there, i didn’t do it for money, not for shortening the deadline, i in principle, he served his entire sentence, vitaly sordanovsky was a member of an organized crime group, he had a little more than two years left to serve.
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conduziy sardanovsky headed a security company in dmitrov. despite his past, they believed in him, and he did not disappoint. good afternoon. how's the situation? everything is fine. here is another representative of the storm division. i have already i said before, yes, that when the guys return there, well, they experience certain difficulties, yes, with work and with everything. and i kind of believe this man too, yes, that he kind of started it there.
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some kind guy told me, damn it, let’s do this, yes, maybe i wouldn’t have done something bad, but in my life, the sberthank you loyalty program has been updated, every month choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others. and even
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currently an autonomous non-profit organization unity has been organized, that is, this is a relief fund for the northern military district, we supervise groups that are close to us, which we know that we will bring to them there, it doesn’t matter what it will be, it will be mask networks, mavics, a car, that is, anything, they really will use this for performing combat missions to realize victory. former prisoners and veterans of pmcs, there were also many of them, set up in vladimir the production of machines for loading machine gun belts, making flame arresters and
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silent firing devices, something they themselves lacked at the front. in the colony, i met the guys with whom we later organized. project, these guys are patriots of their homeland, these guys fought for it, these guys were ready to die for it, now they support it as best they can, we sat with them, i know them completely and there, in an emergency in battle, i can completely rely on them, and i know that together we can do a lot; they transferred their salaries from the colonies to the northern military district through the popular front. and now provides full-fledged volunteer assistance to former prisoners on the front line, i believe that in war a person usually goes through things that he never dreamed of here, many people rethink their lives after what
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happened to them, they begin to see everything differently to another, look from a different angle and accordingly the thinking changes and comes awareness that the homeland should be helped, not harmed. who, if not us, that is, we watch the news, our soul hurts, we go, and that is , there was a team there that really... in their souls understood what needed to be done, hello, i ’m hijacking the second car in the back, in this since there were already five straight lines, but we went out on it in general, damn it, the kamikat fell from above, everything was clear, everything was fine, alive and well, emotions were simply overwhelming, the unity that should have happened in fact happened, everyone looked closely at each other, there everyone... tried to help each other, but you will never see mutual help anywhere else in your life, i’ll tell you this, but in general
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, nowhere like there are former prisoners thrown into battle without training; usually they spend several weeks at the training ground practicing attacking enemy dugout trenches, work, to the right, to the right, to the right, be careful, come on, work, no one is sent to the meat, everyone is here, everyone is being trained here. here they train everyone, here they give everyone the opportunity to train, no one forces anyone, everyone knows what they want what they need, and what they don’t need, a full-fledged unit, behind your machine gunners there are no detachment barriers, no, no, no, no detachment barriers, we are full-fledged, the same contract soldiers as all the employees here, we also have the same attitude , like everyone else. kamil dautgadzhiev from makhachkala was turned into a stormtrooper by the street, and he received 10 years for robbery. after serving half of his sentence, he signed a contract with the commodity-russian airborne division, quickly became a commander, and now, instead of
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jewelry stores, ukrainian oporniks are storming under verbov and robotin. i am for that’s why i came here to return home clean, to be free, to walk like all normal people. those whom both society and family once gave up on. unexpectedly they found a new profession, turned out to be natural soldiers and commanders, and felt needed for the country. when yegor seredov received the st. george cross, it was as if he had been born again. holding this award in my hand, i understand that if i had stayed in prison for another 2 years, i would have come out as an ordinary prisoner, maybe even would have remained the same drug addict who was put in prison. prison, now i have come out as a knight of the cross of st. george, i even... i couldn’t imagine this, that there would be such a turn in my life, and i don’t even
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have the slightest desire to return to the life i left. the crimean seredov received the st. george cross of the fourth degree for holding positions, one of his fighters was killed, the rest were wounded, but they fought to the death. we sat there for two days, holding them back; i was wounded in the leg, the second one was wounded in the neck, and the third one was wounded. the tape flew over his hand, so we sat until the last moment, until they gave the order, what wait, now they will replace you, you can leave, that is, you had the opportunity to leave there if you were injured, yes, but we didn’t leave, we sat until the very end, because communication with those groups that were not reached by communication depended on us with the command, the most interesting thing is that these are people with rather rude, let’s say, patterns of behavior and reasoning.
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and some turned out to be capable of real feats, of self-sacrifice, and were the first to break into enemy trenches. he then said that dead or alive, i would rush in, the attack failed, they rolled away, but he actually got there and was killed, yes, there was this terrible incident, when he was already dead, as i understand it, they cut off his head, put it on...
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there was a great demand for these stars, they are stabbing him now all and sundry, but i don’t need it anymore, these stars, i’ll bring them together. then we will strive for the five-pointed star, then we will generally rub our noses in the morning, so to speak, to the thieves of everyone. hero star, you mean, yes, there could have been a dangerous attack if it was going on, he has been in prison since he was a child, the last sentence is 25 years,
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served 14 years for causing serious injury to a police officer during a conflict on the road. here he is in the dock, kirillov was shot in the chin, the policeman died from his injuries in the hospital. i lived a life of thieves, now i am a serviceman of the russian federation and with pride, with pride i can say that i am grateful for the opportunity that they took me here to the northern military district in the future. so that i do something wrong somewhere, i won’t allow this, let’s retreat, retreat, he recently pulled two seriously wounded scouts from the battlefield, himself received several wounds and was nominated for
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a state award, not yet a gold star, but already the order of courage. if earlier, for example, there, well, your wallet was sticking out of your pocket, lying incorrectly, so to speak, i would have taken it, now i’ll tell you, correct it, otherwise someone will take it, why, what happened to you , that you so radically changed your worldview, looked death in the eye, maybe not, well, not everyone is like that, and not everyone treats it like that, but we... constantly look death in the eye, because we are storming, as they say, we are the first to look death in the eyes, we are simply grateful that we are still alive, so life must be valued and lived according to conscience, usually representatives of this prison caste are in complete denial of the state, it’s not customary to work for him, much less
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fight for him, but kirillich was gathered to the front by the whole criminal world, and they accepted him honestly. everyone was straightforward and supported even me that he was handsome, that’s it, they shook hands, good luck, but they themselves didn’t go, after all, not everything is like that, not even everything is like that, yes, well, so to speak, i now communicate with a lot of people, who consider me a machine gun face, well, everyone is for me, everyone supports me in word, deed, everyone is great, but they send me? as they say, from the prison clerk they help you, they help you, the guys help you, they do as much as possible, like, well, even the most basic things, some little things, well, like little things about her, well, there is support, and one more person, but the main thing
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the father of the company commander , sergei kostrikin, shouldered the volunteer support; every month he brings from...
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and his accuracy did not stop and, just in case, they decided to move to another place to unload. 90% of the companies in the ulyanovsk airborne division are presented with state awards. 27 people have already received orders of courage and medals for bravery. the command treats us completely adequately as its ordinary soldiers. many thanks to the regiment commander for this and... we don’t feel like some kind of penalty box, we are the same military personnel as everyone else. but the stormtroopers are still given the most difficult tasks; they are always on the sharpest attack, the most dangerous sectors of the front. an officer from the regiment, yes, introduced
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to us, as it were, as a curator, he directly said, well, of course, of course, you will be in the most difficult dangerous areas, but no one, not me, not other officers, not naturally, there is no regiment commander. goals, intentions, desires to ruin you. we need you to complete tasks, come back and do them again. having been baptized in the fire of rabotin, writer and entrepreneur daniil tulenkov, convicted of fraud, after 6 months in storm z, returned to civilian life and was the first in the country to write a book about former prisoners in the northern military district. the book was recognized as the event of the year. i in no way insist that my comrades are the salt of the north military district without us
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, but the fact that we helped save the lives and health of a huge number of other categories of military personnel, the same mobilized, the same contract soldiers, leopard volunteers , there are other formations, well, this is of course an indisputable fact. now tulenkov is writing another book dedicated to his beloved, who suffered so much that the wives of the decembrists could not even dream of it. i was the wife of a prisoner, and became the wife of a stormtrooper, a veteran of my actions, and of course for me this is, well, such a rollercoaster that is very difficult to go through. i sincerely believed that he would get through this. well, of course, my heart skipped a beat when he left on his mission. and everything froze there, in general, outwardly it’s very difficult for me to show, yes, that it’s hard for me, sad, there to cry, but i spent
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2 days literally, as soon as i found out, i woke up gray-haired, as they say, it was the hardest thing, waiting news from him from the front, the stormtroopers left to knock the enemy out of work, and then the phone was treacherously silent, and for a whole week, i go to bed and try to get some sleep, i wake up from the fact that my child is standing over my bed, poking my phone like this, i say, what are you doing, he shows me the phone, and it says hello, i’m alive, and well, this is an unreal relief, these are tears, we cried together, although my son will be 18. how he sparkled my diamond crown, he is covered in sweat and blood burns, molten
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lead hit me in the face and burned the letter v on my forehead, yulia checherina, who constantly comes to the front with concerts, says she didn’t know at all that she would sing in front of former prisoners, and it doesn’t matter at all, for her all the russian soldiers here are people, when they sniff. the ruins are like this next to death, they become completely different, you know, they change, because the lord is merciful and gives everyone a chance, at any age, you can generally repent of coping, so everyone goes to the front, everyone goes to the front to wash off when the one they want comes peace, victory fiery date, let's pour me some diluted alcohol and praise the russian soldier.
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valyush, my joy, marry me, i will be back soon, we will be together, i love you very much, sunshine, russia, russia, praise to you, praise, in your eyes the azure of the heavenly spheres , the color of a blued trunk, endless tears.
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understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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russian schoolchildren won four gold and two silver medals at the sixty-fifth international mathematical olympiad. the ministry of education reported about the successes of our children. the olympics took place in great britain, members of the russian team performed competitive tests remotely. it was necessary to solve six problems in 2 days. in total , schoolchildren from 108 countries took part in the competition. seven people were wounded as a result of shelling by the ukrainian armed forces of shibeikin in
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the belgorod region. about it. the governor of the region, vyacheslav glodkov, reported on his telegram channel. one of the shells hit the territory of an industrial enterprise, and the other hit an apartment building. the victims have shrapnel wounds, now they are all in hospitals and are receiving all the necessary care. help. russian air defense forces shot down two otax missiles and 74 ukrainian drones. the launchers and radar station of the american patriot air defense system were also destroyed. this is the latest data from the ministry of defense. operations. the center grouping of troops improved the tactical position within 24 hours and repelled eight counterattacks. a unit of the west group of troops was defeated by the formation of the armed forces of ukraine in the kharkov region of the dpr and lpr. the enemy's losses there amounted to 540 military personnel. the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine did not rule out that the murder of ex-verkhovna rada deputy irina farion is of a custom nature. among the main versions of the investigation are personal hostility and socio-political activities.
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let me remind you that the attack happened. for several hours in the lvov city hospital there was a struggle for the life of former verkhovna rada deputy irina farion. a sixty-year-old woman was shot the night before in the courtyard of her house. she was admitted to us in critical condition with a penetrating gunshot wound to the brain. she was taken to the department where she underwent surgery and was then taken to intensive care to maintain treatment. when journalist oles buzina was killed in kiev, she wished him darkness and oblivion in a joyful post; after the start of a special military operation, she assured that refugees from the east of ukraine had no place in lviv, and even refused to recognize terrorists and extremists from the azov battalion.


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