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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 20, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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this is russia 24 and we continue.
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the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine did not rule out that the murder of ex-verkhovna rada deputy irina farion was ordered. among the main versions of the investigation are personal hostility and socio-political activities. let me remind you that the attack took place the night before in lviv. elizaveta khramtsova will talk about the progress of the investigation. powerlessly, for several hours in the lvov city hospital there was a struggle for the life of former verkhovna rada deputy irina farion. a sixty-year-old woman was shot the night before in the courtyard of her home. she was admitted to us in critical condition with a penetrating gunshot wound to the brain. she was taken to the department where she underwent surgery, and then to maintain treatment, she was taken to intensive care, but the patient’s heart failed. irina farion stood out the most on the ukrainian political landscape for many years.
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to have the right to speak in their native language, said in russian, was also addressed to farion. and last fall, when the ex-detat worked at the lviv polytechnic university as a professor at the ukrainian language department, the students could not stand it and went out to protest. tired of the oppression of a radical teacher. the murder investigation is hampered by a planned power outage in lviv. the ministry of internal affairs admitted that some of the cctv cameras were not working on friday evening. we are currently working hard on financing the video surveillance system , installing many video cameras, but what is especially sad is that at the time the shot was heard, there was a malfunction in the entire neighborhood, and although it is too early to talk about success in the investigation, arrests were made in the city, this photo is spreading across social networks a young man who may be
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involved in the murder, irina farion’s neighbors claim that the politician was followed for almost a month, however, here it is for three weeks, three weeks, two three weeks, that’s it. how did you have a morning until the evening? a spontaneous memorial has already appeared at the murder house, to which people bring flowers. the investigation now has two main versions: irina farion’s socio-political activities and personal troubles. in addition, law enforcement agencies do not rule out that the murder could be contracted. in ukraine , military commissars paralyzed work in krivoy rog largest mining and metallurgical enterprise.
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the man is unable to free himself from the frenzied grip of the military commissars, and he would rather end up on the front line than be released. now only one out of ten conscripts is recognized as unable to go to the front, the general staff of ukraine said, it is not clear who exactly, because even the disabled have practically no chance of getting delay, and that we will have forced mobilization, forced, i came just to check in a normal way, maybe it will be voluntary, maybe it will be some kind of incentive, not people?
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to save a man who was allegedly wanted, he was bleeding, eyewitnesses called an ambulance, but wait, where are you loading, let the ambulance examine, people were ready to stand as a human wall to block the road for the patrolmen, but the man was taken away, it is obvious that after such detentions, odessa will become the first center of resistance to mobilization, citizens rush to... smog victims, fight people off from military commissars, and partisan detachments burn out shopping center cars. deputy prime minister of ukraine irina verishchuk said that payments to displaced persons from eastern ukraine were canceled because there were many draft dodgers among them. people stopped receiving payments, among other things, because they did not
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want to show family members, people of mobilization age, and there are a lot of them. nezalezhnoe becomes a concentration camp for ukrainians from 18 to 60 years old, they cannot. leave the country, and from now on property will be taken away from relatives and colonists, while hundreds of thousands more reservists are needed by the front before the end of the year, and there will be many more such episodes of brutal mobilization. margarita semenyuk, alexander parkhunov, news. well, now footage from yemen, from the red sea coast, which is controlled by the houthis. israel carried out airstrikes on oil storage facilities in the port city of hadeibah. you see how it is there now.
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city day and metallug day. an important date for norniki. the steel is made in the form of a tetrahedral monument 30 m high with a spire and two pylons. on the one hand , fragments of archival photographs from the history of the city were placed on them, on the other, multimedia panels on which archival footage of the work will be broadcast during the holidays enterprises. narilsky nickel, of course. title city. in labor valor awarded to norilsk by presidential decree in 2022. moscow lokomotiv beat tolyatinsk akron in the first match of the new season of the russian premier league. the game took place at the russian railways arena in cherkizov. our colleague daniel makhalin attended it. two months have passed and the russian premier league is back. the right to nominally start the new season fell to the debutant talyatinsky akroon, who arrived in the capital. guests to the moscow locomotive. the main hero of the first half was nineteen-year-old sergei penyaev,
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who tore apart the opponent’s defense over and over again. first, this led to a goal after a pass from vorabyov, and then to a double thanks to a successful tackle. however, instead of the score 2:0, the scoreboard reads 1:1. penyaev's goal was canceled due to handball; bakaev excelled in the return attack. until the break , the scoring frenzy continues; another nineteen-year-old guy, alexei botrakov, scores, and akron makes a goal plus an assist. despite the team result, in your most pleasant dreams did you imagine playing in the rpl? no, i can’t say that this is exactly how i imagined there would be a goal, an assist, but in principle i ’m pleased with myself today. this is how you planned to score, i mean the second goal, well, yes, i think it’s a strong quality, i can hit equally hard with both feet and i can score like that. in the second half, akron was very close to victory; within a few minutes, lokomotiv was first saved by perekladina, then by goalkeeper lantratov. the hosts, according to classic football canons, quickly punished talyatintsev for such an implementation. sorveli saw dmitry's race vorobyov rolled under his attack.
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the forward, who switched to lock from orenburg, scores with his left foot. the winning ball becomes the best one. player of the match, i’m certainly happy that we had such a debut, but the first match of the season gave us a lot of emotions, the most important thing is that we won, we’ll analyze the mistakes, why we missed two goals, and try to correct them, i think the most important thing is to play to zero, we'll come up with something in attack, the positive in any case in every game is that we scored two, i think we...
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are already at the car, climb in and immediately leave to a firing position, targeting live forces, columns, concentrations of personnel, weapons, military equipment, we practice almost the entire range of targets.
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yes, in principle, i’ll say that nothing has changed, i’m saying the only thing is that our quadcopter-type drones were added and they began to conduct more reconnaissance with them, and so in principle. everything is written as in the textbooks, nothing new has happened, that is, the scout still has to get somewhere with his feet, he has to get there, and it works out, i’ll say this, literally,
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probably a week ago they carried out a raid, although not on the command post, but just like in the enemy’s textbooks, but they knocked out an observation post, captured the station, went in, everything, everything was like in the textbook, took the station, began to listen to them, of course, in what language ?
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do you know, or is it just a mask hiding, they don’t sell cigarettes, you’ll buy from order books as soon as they give it to you, what kind of
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assault is this already? well, this was the first, this was the first , the first was, yes, what happened, for which they gave a medal, well, for the completed task, i guess, for love of the motherland, and specifically you understand that, well, to complete the task, they returned, everything was intact, the adrenaline rushed all night then, of course, you didn’t sleep a wink, as if everything was spinning and spinning, but this wasn’t your first time. no way, but how much do you already have? a lot, well, that is, you led the guys, right? that’s right, you worry more about them than about yourself, of course, but for me to worry about everything, worry about everything, where did you go? on foot, crawling, and crawled 550, 550 m, crawled closer, assessed the situation, covered the ages.
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so that the enemy ducks his head a little let's go take a fortification and a forest floor, where we arrived, then secretly moved, waited the night and in the morning at dawn it turned out to be the most interesting right time for us . , well, you have everything as a commander.
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that is, we are all one team, together we constantly share our experience, you read books about the great patriotic war, breakthrough, 20 km per day, expansion of the front, now you look at the reports, 100 meters, 150, 200, if kilometer, then it’s just very good, unrealistic, yes, why, well, it’s probably due to the density, so to speak, it’s not the most important thing to storm, storming is not really a problem, the problem is getting there and the problem is holding on, that’s the very thing, because that the enemy’s fire is going on, when even if they took away a strong point, they dropped in to sit there, this already becomes a problem, because there will be outliers, and the same ones, you can’t immediately bring rap, you can’t build a rap system right away, unfortunately, so the mosquito
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offensive is... kind of used now at the moment on many fronts, mosquitoes, because in small groups, in small groups, yes, that is, now we use mainly threes, if before there was a regular squad without a crew of seven people, now we use threes, we use threes, on foot or drop, well, of course, with the drop of troops, it’s much better, firstly, he’s an attack aircraft already going somewhere, first of all, he’s not tired, he’s fresh, but he’s charged, and he’s ready for work. when he comes, if you still have to walk two, maybe 3 km, then he’s already setting in, he’s already ceases to be an attack aircraft, how much weight does an attack aircraft carry, it takes mostly water, bc, probably a kilogram, maybe 15-20, well, that is, you still drag, drag, of course, of course, definitely bc, bc and water, this the basics, maybe some snickers, nothing more.


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