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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 20, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today. a significant part of the kharkov region is now in the zone of responsibility of the north-west groups. over the course of 24 hours, they repelled five attacks by ukrainian armed forces attack aircraft, destroying a tank, several gunships, and a field ammunition depot. the ukrainian army lost more than 700 militants. opponents are being beaten in the volchansk area, from where it is less than 20 km to belgorod shibekin, and there is also a trap on the way.
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in close proximity to the border, other settlements, which are therefore located in the kharkov direction - this is a battle for the inhabitants of belogorye, in fact there are heavy battles, the enemy is still, regardless of losses, trying to impose on our fighters... counter-battles are trying to conduct local counterattacks in volchansk in the area of ​​leptsov, while suffering heavy losses in equipment and personnel . it is known that the most combat-ready units and subunits, which were both in reserve and located in other areas of the special military operation, have now been transferred to the kharkov direction of the formation of the kiev regime. here's ours
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the group effectively, systematically destroys the enemy in a few days, literally dozens of armored vehicles, which are now actually not on the front line, appear only sporadically in the active combat zone, work more in the rear, enemy tanks that were operating from indirect fire positions were destroyed, in this sense , there is a constant fire attack, which is provided by our units, our reconnaissance officers. that targets are identified and quickly destroyed, it is worth noting that from the moment detection of the target until the moment of fire destruction, well, in general , a few minutes pass now, 3-5, no more, the situation is difficult and the fighting is heavy here, and the message from the ministry of defense about the situation in the belgorod region, in the last hours, the air defense systems destroyed two ukrainian drones, the ukrainian armed forces today attacked the region several times, shibeikina came under fire, seven people were wounded, the consequences of the attack... the hottest spot in
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the entire belgorod border region of shibekina, every day the city is subjected to artillery strikes from armed forces ukraine. it is simply impossible to call all this military action. these are real acts of terror against civilians. and cannon artillery attacks are carried out on residential areas. on saturday alone , seven people were injured of varying severity. all of them were hospitalized. flew into the room, one of the shells hit a food processing plant, the employees were injured, and shrapnel pierced one of the tanks.
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real rivers of milk flowed through the streets, despite the day off, utility services immediately came out to clean the area, they swept the courtyards, removed shards of broken... glass, shell fragments, and also cut off fragments of concrete from the destroyed apartments that were hanging dangerously and could fall at any moment, some windows were covered with film, the border area is still restless, the threat of shelling remains. alexander korobov, vyacheslav podzolkov, conduct the belgorod region. on other topics in the krasnodar territory, the air temperature has been setting anomalous records in the region all week. forty-degree heat is extinguishing several large natural fires, while in sochi there is a storm warning due to tornadoes predicted in the black sea. about the situation in kuban, as well as how things are going with fires in the country as a whole, alexandra perfileva. it’s so hot that krasnodar residents
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cook scrambled eggs under the sun on the balcony. but this photo was taken by passengers in the driver’s cabin of the tram to thermoma. heat transfer, when it’s hot, of course, you need to drink a lot, well, you definitely need to drink several liters a day, and preferably water with salts, that is, well, something like i don’t know, norzan and sintukov, in stavropol under in pyatigorsk, a forest is burning on mount jutsa, firefighters
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have already left for the scene, they will have to extinguish about 5,000 km, look, the forest is starting to burn, very straight ahead, and there the fire is even visible, another one... in the krasnodar region, 14 employees of the ministry of emergency situations extinguished the fire and four pieces of equipment, no injuries. in sevastopol, the russian ministry of emergency situations recently extinguished a forest fire with an area of ​​1,500 km. in yakutia, aviation is involved in extinguishing fires. here the flames engulfed more than forty settlements. in the meantime, department employees are doing everything to eliminate new outbreaks, people support each other as best they can in this abnormal heat. for example, in krasnodar a girl made a viera for her neighbors so that they wouldn’t feel hot. alexandra perfileva, lead.
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three people were killed in an israeli air force attack on the port of the yemen city of hadeida, located on the red sea. the blow was struck. in coordination with the united states and other allies, according to the medical service of the territory controlled by the houthis, 15 people were injured, several with severe burns, in the seaport of hada, severe a fire that has not yet been extinguished. local media, citing sources, report that the targets of the attacks were power plants and diesel tanks. the israeli army says it is a response to attacks in recent months. according to regional press reports, this is the first israeli strike against the houthis. “the west does not have enough shells either for itself or for ukraine, the reuters agency came to this conclusion; it conducted a study and found out that nato countries began to reduce the production of ammunition about 15 years ago. as a result, when kiev needed new
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shells, they turned out to be easy to take. against this background, other publications publish forecasts that western powers are ready to turn their backs on ukraine. natalya goncharova studied everything carefully. the new york times concluded that moscow made the right bet in the ukrainian conflict. according to the authors of the article, the russian authorities expected that the west would sooner or later get tired of kiev, and that’s how it happened. it is only a matter of time before washington abandons kiev, just as it abandoned afghanistan in 2021. in the same article, the new york times notes that according to polls, americans generally continue to support continued assistance to kiev, but do not consider this topic to be the main issue of the current election race.
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according to polls, trump's popularity is only growing, and his chances of regaining the white house are also growing. european authorities, expecting the wind of change from washington, began to gradually correct course. instead of slogans about war to victory, they are already saying that the main thing is negotiating peace. chancellor of germany. scholz said that russia should attend the next summit on ukraine. at the previous, so-called
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peace summit, that same peace was discussed without the participation of russia. as a result, the meeting ended without any clear results. natalya goncharova. kamala haris is gaining increasing support among democrats as a replacement for joe biden. they're talking about it on cnn. in the meantime, the republican candidate donald trump is ahead of the current head of state. by popularity among voters in all states. denis davidov will talk about the progress of the election race. zelensky has his nose in the wind. trump is the clear favorite in the upcoming elections, and on the day the republican party officially announced him as their candidate, a call came from kiev. former us president donald trump said that he had a very good conversation with ukrainian president zelensky. there are few details of the conversation; it is known that the telephone conversation lasted about 15 minutes. qingyu. that president zelensky contacted me because i, as the next president of the united states,
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will bring peace and end the war that has taken so many lives, both sides can come together and negotiate a peace agreement that will end the violence and continue the path to prosperity. i spoke with donald trump, congratulated him on the republican nomination and condemned the shocking assassination attempt in pennsylvania, and wished him strength and security in the future. two people rush to the phone 3 months
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before the elections, realizing what consequences are coming to power, and it is quite obvious what trump’s presidency can bring for ukraine. zelensky is testing the waters, realizing that biden has a chance to remain in there is practically no white house. his own party is pushing him out of the race. the number of party members who openly demand that the president withdraw from the elections numbers in the dozens. the number of those who whisper about this is hundreds. outspokenly opposed to biden's renomination. major donors to the party, but it appears they have targeted the wrong person. president joe biden has said he is ready to return to the campaign trail next week once he recovers from covid. he is ignoring new calls from party members to drop out of the race. more than thirty democrats are publicly calling mr. biden to withdraw from the race. officially , the leadership of the democratic national committee is for him. they announced that biden will be nominated at the upcoming congress. and the candidate himself. how not to show off, he is offended by his party comrades who openly discredit him. sick of covid and
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abandoned by his allies, president biden is increasingly outraged by what he sees as an orchestrated campaign to force him out of the race. he is bitter about the attitude of those he considered close allies, including barack obama. one of the richest people of the usa elon musk, looking at the election campaign, proposed introducing an age limit for candidates in the future. after all, trump.
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in china, 11 people were killed after a partial collapse of a road bridge was blamed on heavy rains and flooding in the northwestern province of henxi. the rescue operation is still ongoing, by this hour five vehicles that fell into the river have been recovered, another 20 vehicles, about 30 people are still missing. well, now watch a special report by elzaveta khramtsova: durable lightness. how composite materials for aviation are being created, the rusatom state corporation is starting to produce ultra-high-strength carbon fiber, which will be used, among other things, for the construction of ms-21 aircraft. the most
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anticipated aircraft of modern russia, the ms-21, is no longer just a project, the machine is also undergoing production at the irkutsk aviation plant. there are two prototype aircraft, and the release of the new domestic medium-range aircraft into series now depends on how quickly these machines are finalized. first installation of import-substituted systems, debugging of these systems when testing with inflow, that is, this is not an easy process, not a quick one, then we will have another prototype aircraft completed by the end of the year, the task of these two aircraft this year is to lift the air, they said about the ms-21, sanctions
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... cut off its wings , at the beginning of 2019 , foreign supplies of materials for their production stopped, but an oratom specialist , with the participation of colleagues from the aviation industry, scientists from moscow state university , developed a composite and already at the end of 2021 ms-21 with an imported wing made its first flight. working with the russian wing production turned out to be even simpler - say the engineers who are responsible for... joining its parts, the problem of the so-called loose holes has finally gone away, before, when working with a wing made of foreign material, in order for the fastening to be as reliable as possible, it was necessary to modify it, well, the composite is dense, in in principle , it works for us, well, even better than with imports, we took a decision from the designers
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so that they would allow us to cut the hole, install repair bolts, now the number of loose ones is almost at a minimum... ultra-high-strength carbon fiber based on polyacrylic nontrile precursor was created here at the research center of the composite division of rosatom in moscow. the work to create it begins with oil. one of the products of its processing - acrylic nitrile - is delivered from a chemical plant to the laboratory, where it undergoes a polymerization process in a reactor. when acrylonitrile molecules combine with... actually with each other , polyacrylonitrile is obtained, that is, both from a train trailer and from one acrylonitrile molecule there is a lot, here it is released in the form of a white powder, at the next stage we will filter it, we will dry it and will further use it in the technological cycle. the polymer powder is mixed with a liquid solvent to obtain a nail solution, and from it, after
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filtration and deairing, white threads are washed, drawn out and dried to apply a special protective substance, which will make it possible to obtain the highest physical and mechanical properties of carbon fiber based on pan fiber. after baking the white threads pan fibers at a temperature of about 1,500°, the carbon fiber is ready. at the output we get black fiber with a carbon content of more than 95%. carbon fiber is distinguished by its high mechanical strength. and rigidity, which is precisely the advantage of using carbon fiber-based materials in the aviation industry. based on the level of elasticity and strength , there are three main ones. type of carbon fibers produced on the basis of a panprecursor, high strength, with a standard modulus of elasticity, medium modulus ultra-high strength and high modulus carbon fibers. until last year,
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enterprises of rosatom's composite division industrially produced carbon fibers of only the first and third types. but experts managed to develop ultra-strong fiber with a strength of 5.5 gigapascals. the technology has already been transferred to the production site in tatarstan. not many players. there is an assortment of such fiber on the market, since its production technologies, on the one hand, are complex, on the other hand, they are not subject to export distribution, that is, you do not you can buy a license to produce this fiber, this is a limited technology, each country, each manufacturer can only develop it independently. based on this brand of fiber, priprek, a polymer composite material, was developed. this is a canvas consisting of impregnated special. another team, based on requests from colleagues from the aviation industry , has developed a new binder. at
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the same time, we were able to create a binder that, compared to imported ones, has a reduced curing temperature, and accordingly, it is energy efficient; not only the curing temperature has decreased, but also its production cycle. aerocomposite's laboratories are creating the wing of the domestic ms-21 airliner. the rejection of foreign components concerns not only parts and materials, but also the equipment on which they are produced. this is the first robot laying composite tape created by russian engineers. when it works, you must wear safety glasses. when competition in the global aviation industry intensified.
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the number of areas in which composite materials are used is constantly growing; russia already has a complete technological production chain from crude oil to final products. firstly, we have developed a wide range of both carbon fibers and prepreg fabrics based on them, maximized the level of localization of production of all components here in the country, and of course we are expanding the use of composite materials in aviation, and of course not only in aviation. in addition to aviation, this is the automotive industry, where for example, we are today the leaders in russia in the production of composite gas cylinders for gas engine transport, the wind energy sector, by the end of this year in
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ulyanovsk we plan to open our own production of wind blades for wind turbines, the fact that composites today are the most promising material for aviation is confirmed by world experience , the percentage of use in aircraft production is steadily growing, it was from composites produced by rosatom that the keel for the airliner was created... ms-21 and this part has already been successfully passed strength tests in the tsag, in zhukovsky near moscow. we carried out a cycle of endurance tests, studies of static strength, several cases of loading the keel-kison to the operational load level and to loads exceeding the maximum design level were implemented. kison withstood them without any destruction, damage or repairs. all this suggests that the characteristics that were included in the design during its design were confirmed,
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including experimentally. using the ms-21 keel alone as an example, one can study the geography of russia. from oil extracted in eastern siberia to moscow, tatarstan, again to the capital region and back to siberia, and this is only one part of the machine, and therefore it is no exaggeration to say that this aircraft is created by the whole country. and we will continue, russian schoolchildren won four gold and two silver medals at the 65th international mathematical olympiad. the successes of our guys were reported.
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the olympiad was held in great britain, members of the russian team performed competitive tests were carried out remotely; six problems had to be solved in 2 days. in total , schoolchildren from 108 countries took part in the competition. the dostoevsky festival opened in zaraysk near moscow. the audience will be presented not only performances based on the works of the writer himself, but also the authors he read in childhood. various shows and concert programs are also planned.
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secondly, this place is connected with dostoevsky’s childhood; as a child, as he later writes, he came here already, being at a respectable age, and recalled that these were the most happy days of his life, we thought why don’t we create a festival where he is happy, a sauna performance, it involves such an individual viewing, on the territory, so to speak.
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dear friends, i am pleased to invite you to our new release of the author’s program besagon tv with an intriguing title. with a light steam or who saw bastrykin in the bathhouse? see the screens for details. i look forward to seeing you at our meeting.
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