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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 21, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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well, a particularly privileged strategic partnership, which is actually enshrined in russian-indian documents. the form of power has been monitoring the development of india and the relations between our countries for more than 20 years. over the years, we managed to talk with two indian presidents and three prime ministers, with the country's prime minister norendrimodi.
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we see how schoolchildren try to do pull-ups 10 times a day, hang on the horizontal bar, that is, they engage in physical exercises to become taller, no one teaches them, they do it themselves they do it, but today people are immersed in routine.
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narendra modi and his government have been working on these goals for the previous 10 years. in 2014, we immediately began reforms in various areas of the country’s life. personal initiatives are known, such as the skill india program, do in india, for example, and digital india.
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in india, an attempt to transform india into an industrial center; with the help of professional training, every citizen can become part of the country’s economy and directly participate in its development. we need to develop india's infrastructure, not not only to build roads, but also to lay telecommunication routes and promote information technology. we want to develop both water supply networks and... the gas pipeline system; the digital india program currently being implemented in our country is aimed at implementing these and other initiatives. india is said to be the largest democracy in the world. india stood out from the currents of the accession movement. india competes with china for the largest population. in its own country, well, at last
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count, india already has almost one and a half billion people, eight hundred languages ​​and dialects are spoken in india. they profess more than a dozen religions; in terms of this cultural, linguistic, if you like, genetic diversity, only the entire african continent can compare with a country like india. in june of this year, this diverse, multi-religious, multi-ethnic people of india again for the third time for...
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seven stages. the turnout for elections in india this time was 66%. seventy-year-old norenderde, who has headed the indian government for more than 10 years, received a mandate to leadership of the country and for the third five-year period. mr. prime minister, i really like one indian proverb, it says that managing a thousand people is as difficult as managing three. but you are the head of the government of a country with a billion people, you actually govern a country with a billion people, tell me the secret, this is how to govern a country with a billion people, and we have a country with the oldest democracy.
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first, india is a culturally united community. and we accept it. india embraces freedom. and diversity we respect freedom and diversity of each other, we refused direct control , we relied on the message about what direction we consider necessary to take, convey your message in such a way that a person, in accordance with his interests, tastes, capabilities, responds to your message. answered it according to my abilities, therefore it is not i who rule the country, but we who direct the country, therefore leading such a country is not governing by force, it is not like i am one thing and
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you are another, i and we are not different, we are leading this together country, and we move forward, saying: not i, but we, this is the power of the word we, with which we walk together with one and a half billion people to raise the country to new heights. the prime minister of india, one of the most popular men in the country, belongs to that small but glorious group of the greatest self-made men on the planet. and this is a very important feature. his personality, he was born into a large family of a tea trader, studied at rendromode, overcoming many obstacles, first at college, then at university, became the most successful governor of the state of gujarat, remaining in office for 14 long years. i became
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the first prime minister of india to have fourteen years of experience. as the chief minister of a state, so i know first-hand the power and importance of a particular state, and what federalism is, in my work i proceed from the fact that our country cannot rest on one pillar, each state is. and the strength of the country lies precisely in this. like the heroes of the legendary radsh kapoor, rendra fashion never lost heart or gave up. no matter how difficult it was, he knew how to turn problems into
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opportunities and ultimately achieved incredible success. i myself want to achieve everything in this city. achieve everything. how, but how? i don’t know yet, i only know that i will achieve it, nothing will stop me, i will have beautiful clothes, i will be infinitely rich, you will see, everyone will be happy to welcome me. and i will consider it a great honor and low pay, i watched a film with rachkapur as a little boy, mr. 420 bro, if this were not an interview now, even i would now sing you rachkapur’s songs, you’re right they said that indian films from bollywood influenced the russians, here i meet young people who know indian songs, everyone remembers rachkapur, it was more popular here than in india, it was great. india is a country of great civilization with rich
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traditions. at the same time, being in india not for the first time, i was amazed at how in this amazing country national traditions, history, national culture, some things connected with the deep traditions of the people, from all over the world, are combined in an amazing way.
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a person, in his life coordinates, is a concern, fundamental factor of existence. at
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the un general assembly in new york, i saw you being presented with the international champion of the earth award for your outstanding contribution to environmental protection. these are the efforts you think the government of india, and indeed the whole world, needs to make to preserve the most valuable thing. safe world. and
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india is working in the same direction. to preserve nature and atmosphere. that's probably why i was awarded. but when i was the chief minister of gujarat, then i did not think about whether they knew about me or no. i acted as a conservationist for tigers in my state. i have done a lot of work for this, because all this is in our culture and traditions, we should not kill nature, we should respect nature, preserve it, worship it, all this is part of our culture, it is good that now the whole world is thinking about it , the un is the champion of the earth, including for his active contribution to the creation and
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work of the international solar alliance. this un arm was created in 2015, at a time when the world was facing two challenges: climate change and access to energy. the organization’s goal is the widespread mass introduction of solar energy by 2030. another national initiative of narendra modi very quickly received international recognition, was greeted with great enthusiasm in the world, and it affected people’s health.
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there is an exchange of experience, development occurs on its own. in 2015, un member states supported prime minister modi's initiative and unanimously adopted a resolution to celebrate international yoga day. since then, every year on june 21 around the world, people come together to
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parks on the avenues do yoga. in life, a person needs their harmonious coexistence, and this can be achieved through yoga, and yoga gives inner strength, yoga is directly related to consciousness and the spiritual component. the great indian poet
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robendronath tagore wrote the following lines about india. how many streams does india consist of, no one knows how many different human streams there are in india, where they come from, how they got here, merged into a vast sea of ​​humanity, this is india, the nature of india is vast and diverse, its fauna, today in india there are more than 500 national park reserves, including 13'. the beaches of kerala and goa, the mysterious himalayas, the ancient traditions of ayurveda, yoga, the incredible amount of beauty of the temple culture, all these are pearls that attract millions of tourists to the country. during his visit to moscow, while communicating with the indian
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community, narendra mode said that india will open two new consulates in kazan and yekaterinburg. and added: this will contribute to the development of tourism and business activity. winter temperature in russia falls to a minus, but indian-russian friendship has always been a plus, it has always been warm. if you come to the state of goa, you will see that the sellers there even speak russian, since many guests from russia come there. but i would like to say that india is huge. country that in order to watch it, you will have to make a program for 20 years in advance in order to stay in each state, at least for one month a year, and even this month will not be enough for you. prime minister modi, active user social networks, he has more than 12 million
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subscribers, he is a big fan of innovation, a workaholic, by the way. to say, an excellent speaker, therefore, in fairness, in rendra fashion today the brightest star on the political horizon of india, and the prime minister also writes poetry in the gujarati language, and recently became the author of a very beautiful song, it was written in the traditional gujarati style of garbo, so called musical works from accompanying dances. which is performed during the ancient festival of novoratri. this holiday is dedicated mother goddess, in all his incarnations, which personifies cosmic energy. as mahad magandi said, as
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god buddha said, we believe in the unity of living things, all animals, all birds, all people, white and black, from the east or from the west are one. “we consider the whole world to be one family, so we choose the path without conflict, the path of negotiations, the path of mutual understanding, the path of agreement, this is the main mantra, the main idea of ​​india. the song, in the words of prime minister modi, is very quick.” has become one of the main hits in india, we can say that it is sung everywhere in india, here are literally two lines from this
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beautiful song: with the movement of the body with joy in the heart, everyone enjoys the garba, the moonlit night, i feel the glow while dancing the swaying garba, र्वो enjoy. with tender chicken in crispy breading with tomato and cheese! try cezar roll and other rolls at a tasty spot or go pick them up at your drive-thru.
12:53 am
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here in avdeevka people were driven to death, there was terror, everything flies, everything flies here, guys, the war is real, here people are completely lives differently, they didn’t hurt you here until our people came, don’t ask, i’ll see how the wolf will hide in the basement when... they’re hammering -
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here outside the window, just like that, you sit and think whether the next one is for you or not, at the last explosion, there were 18 people left here under the slabs, who are still lying, god help, oh, thank you, but we just came here forever.
1:00 am
this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today. russian air defense forces shot down two atacoms missiles and 74 ukrainian drones, destroyed a launcher and the radar station of the american petred air defense system. this is data from the ministry of defense on the progress of the special operation. the center grouping of troops improved its tactical position within 24 hours, repelled eight counterattacks to a subunit of the west group of troops and defeated the formations of the ukrainian armed forces in the kharkov region, dpr and lpr. the enemy is in these directions.


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