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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 21, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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20 articles of the code of administrative offenses, through the efforts of the president, began to streamline the rules by which to build relationships with those coming to obtain russian citizenship. what did we see? look, this is a message from the ministry of education and science of the russian federation. the average percentage of migrants who did not pass the russian language exam for the period from january to may increased from 3% to thirty. ignorance of the language worsened, no, it was work that improved, it was increased control, that is, what should have happened happened, and this error in 10 times, it existed until the moment they started doing this, they started doing it now, which means that in our country until recently there lived a huge number of people who did not pass the test of loyalty to the country they came to, and the new law
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adopted did not will affect, because they are already citizens of the country, and this is how a huge number of people who are citizens of the russian federation live, without feeling, understanding and not loving this country, so tell me how mr. kozylev is different from them, mr. radnyansky, all the others who talk in the rain, despising meaning and facts, and those,
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look, this crowd of migrants who arrived at the drug dispensary for a certificate allowing them to purchase weapons. the one who took this photograph accompanied it with this inscription: in russian, i didn’t hear a word from them, some guy with glasses, he’s pushing speech out the window for them. and this is no longer just said by people on the street or in the kitchen. this is what senator, doctor of law, andrei klishin says. listen, there is no migration policy as such in there is no russian federation, there is a response to some specific specific situations, someone thinks that they need to get a workforce, they are brought in in a completely uncontrolled decision, while everything that is written in the law, there are good standards related there with the language, for example, yes, it’s all fiction, because no one does it. why is this not being implemented,
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because there is money behind it, a lot of money, the problem is one thing: a huge flow on individuals, unaccounted for, and since migrants are doing this, this is the financing of that the same extremism itself, the financing of all kinds of ethnic communities there, fraternities and everything else, but how the values ​​of our constitution are realized.
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the nobel peace prize, she was among thousands of outstanding women on the planet, why the fictitious registration of migrants? so how? no, i understand, of course, there are refugees
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who need help, of course, yes, that’s true, but this is something completely different, amazing, absolutely looks like the argument of those who defend these very rubber apartments. they tell me that you understand, it is more convenient to track activities and the lives of people, when they live, as it were, nearby, in one place, damn it, you seriously want to convince me that it is possible to find more than 10,500 people living in two apartments in one place, that is, you have the idea that all around are bidens, in other words , it turns out that we create these problems ourselves, not someone else, we create them ourselves, and in order to prevent this smoldering fire from burning the country, the authorities must take balanced, mature, competent and effective decisions, because the adoption
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of a law without its implementation means nothing, absolutely the same applies to education reform: for people for whom danya milokhin is their idol, it makes no sense to ask the question of who general karbash is, but you can blame them for this, no, they were not taught that they could know, well, at least even about the main religion of the country in which they live, about orthodox christianity, if in textbooks and histories, we talked about this, out of more than 300 pages, four are dedicated to christianity, even the president is concerned about this, listen to what he says: here is the head of this center today he told me with regret, they conducted research, but in schools, the majority, that means, high school students want to be whatever they want to be, bloggers, bloggers, viktor antonovich,
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they want to be bloggers, not scientists, you know, this is all the conjuncture of today. they invited, who would you think, nineteen-year-old tiktoker danya milokhin, this is a man with the face of a degenerate, releasing bastard, i can’t say it any other way, videos dressing up in women’s underwear, a man i don’t know how many
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classes of education he has, and this man you weren’t invited to eurovision, but to an international economic forum, to teach people, entrepreneurs, what and how to make money? money, but the worst thing is that sber made him his youthful face, as soon as i look into the eyes of my twelve-year-old son, who will tell me, mom, why am i studying, why am i trying to achieve something, if i put on women’s panties , and they will make me the face of sberbank and i will be invited to the st. petersburg economic forum, guys, what is this about, what are you doing with our youth, what are you doing? the words of this mother we brought in 2021, 3 years have passed, what has changed? listen to what the head of vtb andrey kostin says, let’s say in our country there are only 30 to
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40 titanium welders left in our entire country, listen, where can children learn respect for their country when it is not respected? adult uncles and aunts, where? when the pride of the country is not confirmed by anything, in search of nature 20 years ago we walked along the volga and saw... this is what we traveled a lot getting off the ship, and this is also not just training, it’s also this is an understanding of the rhythm of life in the country, which i personally, as a person, need not in order to write a script or not in order to remember a picture, remembering chekhov, but in order to keep inside myself all the time...
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these are bags of garbage and it doesn’t occur to anyone that this is an abomination, this is wrong, this is an insult to yourself, this is an insult to your river, which flowed under ivan the terrible, under boris godunov, under kolet, under alexander nevsky, under adam and eve, this, this, this is offensive, come on let's tidy up the country, just stupidly, let's tidy up the country, not for this... all this was built by our ancestors, so that we would just stupidly, just like that, stupidly turn into ruins, i address
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these words to myself absolutely equally as to others, only in 2018, when this horror became more blatant, a project called the improvement of the volga was adopted, where 127 billion rubles were allocated at the first stage in the same year. and now, thanks to the efforts of an absolutely, in my opinion, heroic woman, state duma deputy zhanna ryabskaya, a check was carried out, which found that out of 121 objects tested, only six met the target. in addition to the deputy chairman of the state duma committee on ecology and environmental protection , zhanna ryabtseva, the parliamentary control commission also included the popular front and representatives of two specialized ones. ministries, construction and natural resources. what the inspectors saw with their own eyes
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is shocking; this is what wastewater treatment plants built according to a federal project look like in the new nekouz , yaroslavl region. nearby there is a pipe from which a waterfall of sewage flows directly onto the ground . the smell is appropriate. treatment plants that were built for 142 million rubles, which will never work because they were done incorrectly. but that's all we have. the volga river runs, runs, runs, and then the volga river goes away, as part of the project we have already traveled to 13 regions of the country, many regional heads say in one memorized phrase: the state examination missed everything, the menstroy approved everything, the money has been received, somewhere the construction is still not completed , somewhere completed, but not found specialists who have experience working with new expensive equipment, and invite experts to train staff, local authorities and...
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these are those who completed the assigned tasks, here are their names, these are people, heroes, i also want to name them, this is the city otradny, samara region, roman platonov, thank you, this is the nizhny novgorod region, and honest borsma, alexey kirillov, thank you, i know what you are looking at, board, nizhny novgorod region, kozmodemyansk, mikhail kozlov, thank you, sergey. narcisovich ilyin. he's sixty he has been working at the water utility in cherepovets for eight years. guys, vologda region,
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low bow to you, you gave people who live on the banks of the volga a chance to believe that change is possible. and what about the rest? and the rest are waiting for another 500 billion, which should be allocated in 2025 . they will, of course, also be mastered. and so they did. with the pride of our country with the volga, on the banks of which more than 60 million inhabitants live, this is a third of the population of our country, a third. this is a great river, the largest in europe, a legend. mother volga, which gave birth to so many heroes, artists, writers, poets, inventors, which saw the greatest battles, just remember one stalingrad battle, how many people died defending it, this mother, the volga river,
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i agree with this sad thing.
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make, keep your land, listen, but the land doesn’t care who cultivates it, as long as it’s cultivated, this is how we will simply lose our homeland if we don’t feel it as ours, and we need to feel it as ours as ourselves, as our loved ones, children , parents, well isn’t it, very precisely, the president once said practically this, listen, many
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of these people, in their essence, mentally find... it is there, and not here, not with our people, not with russia, this is, according to in their opinion, in their opinion, a sign of belonging to a higher caste, to a higher race, such people are ready to sell their own mother, if only they were allowed to sit in the hallway at this very highest cash register, they want to be like her, imitating her in every possible way, but they forget or do not understand at all that this so-called... upper caste, if they are needed, then as a consumable material, to be used to cause maximum damage to our people. and every day this machine works, which tries to undermine the most important thing that we must preserve. every day, every day , the yeltsin center poisons
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a huge number of people, especially children, with its ideology. yes , just recently. just now, now the north military district is going on, yes, what’s going on there, the chubais anti-russian center, that is, the center for russian studies at telyaviv university, was invited to give lectures there, it was his employee, alexander arkhangelsky, lies, thirst for profit, contempt, theft, double standards, distortion of facts, this is all that we have to face today. in relations with the civilized world, as the cuban leader fidel castro clearly understood, that's what he said, they dilute your mind, offering your body thousands of conveniences and unnecessary perverted pleasures, which, however, in order to receive you will have to sacrifice your soul and the values ​​of your ancestors ,
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they will do all this to make a profit, behind which... in fact there is a huge theft hidden, but if those with whom we are dealing are really thieves, swindlers, swindlers, then a rather interesting association arises, so you know that serious thieves are not allowed to have families , children, because it obliges, it connects, in the end it threatens, in general, all of this. community, and have you ever thought about the fact that a huge number of leaders of western states have no... ideas, we thought about it and decided to see, this is what happened, the newly appointed secretary general of nato, he became
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mark rutte, prime minister of the netherlands, he is single, he has no children, besides him , the president of romania, klaus hohannis, applied for the post of secretary general of nato this year, by an amazing coincidence, he also has no children , this is the second person in the usa. kamala haris. kamala haris is a strong advocate for absolutely unrestricted abortion , even in the later stages of pregnancy. that's what we said. american women get pregnant every day. this is a real problem. and we must realize its urgency. we must understand what is coming and what it entails. by the way, kamala herself has no children either. how can she even know what the joy of motherhood is in principle? this angry boy with a wooden saber has children, this is emmanuel macron, the president of france, look how he diligently tries to imitate the image of another leader, adolf
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hitler, compare, he also did not have children, and the maximum of his kind, sentimental, gentle attitude towards children - this is a pat on the cheek. boy from hitler-jugent, who in a few minutes will be sent as cannon fodder to protect the already completely destroyed berlin, and his followers still have no children, olaf scholz, angela merkel also has no children, maisandu, the president of moldova, has no children, just like the former president of lithuania, dalia grybauskaite , did not have children , ex-prime minister of great britain, theresa may, gabriel has no children. tal, this is the last prime minister of france and, accordingly, his former husband, stéphane sejournet, who served
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as the minister of foreign affairs of france, has no children. the president of latvia, edgars rindevices, has no children; he is also openly gay. xovier bettel, the minister of foreign affairs of luxembourg, has no children, and this is only the highest echelon of today's power in the civilized world. but don’t you think that this rabid fearlessness with which these people are pushing the world towards the last disastrous war, this is no fearlessness, this lack of immunity to preserving the future, understanding of this is available only to those who have experienced what motherhood is, what fatherhood is, what what is brotherhood and what is sisterhood, even this...
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i need to tell you so much, a couple of days, dreams of mice, a hundred few will meet, wait, win, i ask
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the enemy as soon as possible, those who separated us for a long time, show all the charm of kurak, you have enough strength for everything, and yours is broken? people of the world, the topic is purely above the ground, come back, i’d better take my kumi to those gardens, well, that’s probably all for today, i hope we all have something to think about and... and not wanting to break the established tradition, i want to invite you to raise it as always.
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ryoma for victory, for our victory, well, that’s all, here comes our the crooked swordsman said, leaving. one at a time, if anything happens, we, that’s right, geologists are looking forward to seeing you at our, god willing, new meeting.
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to be clear, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we didn't have bread? bread is the world, it is the most sacred thing that a person has, what every family has, bread was created. our civilization, contributed to our evolution, technological revolution. this is both the future of humanity and the history of humanity. this is a universal language. over the past 2.0 years, bread has shaped our attitude to life. this is the power of our country. its strength and mochi. every day i take a piece of black bread, i always rejoice in life. when confronted with bread, a person is literally transformed. this is what our distant ancestors thought. we really
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hope he thinks so. and you, russian air defense forces shot down two atakom missiles and 74 ukrainian drones, destroyed a launcher, and an american radar station. the center grouping of troops improved the tactical situation within 24 hours and repelled eight counterattacks to the unit western groupings of troops defeated the formation of the local self-government in the kharkov region, dpr and lpr. the enemy lost more than 800 troops in these directions. read more about the work of the west and north groups; a significant part is now in their area of ​​responsibility.


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