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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 21, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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the fabric of soviet prose will also include hamingue's style, economical, telegraphic, when there is nothing superfluous and no adjectives, only subtext, of course, it very seriously influenced the literature of the ussr in the late fifties, early sixties, vasily aksenov, sergei davlatov, reed grachev, like this chopped poetics yuri visbor's song, she. also reflects the poetics of himmenhuy, there are skis standing by the stove, the sunset behind the mountain is fading, the month ends in march, we have to go home again, he was both inside and outside, with the flair of the western world, but enchanting with a touch of decadence, after his suicide in sixty-one, hemengui was mourned as a loved one. hemenguey loved the soviet union very much, although he had never been to the soviet union, since it was... well, the state of the victorious dictatorship
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of the proletariat, hemenguey perfectly understood the role that the soviet union played in the defeat of nazi germany, the idea of ​​collectivism. hemenguey, who suffered terribly from loneliness, were to some extent close, although he also understood some of the danger that he carried... in himself, well totalitarian collectivism. hemmingue never visited russia, although he planned to do so in 1935 and before the war in 1960 during the years of suicide. in cuba, he met with soviet diplomat anastas mikayan. and he also promised to come as soon as he finished his new novel. in the seventies, interest in his works faded. even today , the name khamengue is not in major american anthologies, as if this was retribution for his lifetime fame. him though. poetics,
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subtext and the ability to remove everything superfluous, something that changed world literature, without which it would not exist introduce. and then, the formula of power, the prime minister of india gave an interview to mikhail gusman. i recently visited rendromode on a two-day official visit to moscow. this is his first trip abroad after being re-elected to high office.
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on july 8-9 , indian prime minister narendra mote paid an official visit to moscow; it must be said that this was the first foreign visit of an indian prime minister after his election to this post. already on july 8 , russian president vladimir putin received his indian guest at his sunlit residence in novagarevo.
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great progress, but the greatest achievement is trust, which in itself is very significant. it should be said that the main result of the meeting between russian president putin and prime minister modi was an agreed upon program of strategic cooperation between the two countries until 2030. as russian foreign minister sergei lavrov quite accurately noted, the leaders of the two countries. as always, we found mutual understanding, since we have known each other for more than 20 years. the relations between our countries fully correspond to the term especially privileged strategic partnership, which is actually enshrined in russian-indian documents. the form of power has been monitoring the development of india, the relations between our countries for more than 20 years, for these. over the years, we
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managed to talk with two indian presidents and three prime ministers. we had the honor of meeting with prime minister narendra modi twice. "we talked about a lot of things, including his philosophy, life position, views on human life, on the world in general, and today we would like to reveal the personality of the prime minister of india, so that it becomes clear why for so many years he has not lost popularity among his people. a natural human instinct, and anywhere in the world. more energetically, this is the very nature of man, even a small
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child, when he sleeps, tries to walk on his own in his sleep, we see how schoolchildren. 10 times a day they try to do pull-ups, hang on the horizontal bar, that is , they do physical exercises to become taller, no one teaches them, they do it themselves, but today a person is immersed in a routine, because of which this natural instinct... india is the third largest economy in the world in terms of gdp after the usa and china. over the past 10 years alone
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, the country has achieved a 50 percent increase in industrial production. unprecedented indicators: energy, information technology, strategic industries.
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the government has been working on these tasks for the previous 10 years. in 2014, we immediately began reforms in various areas of the country’s life. personal initiatives are known, such as the skill india program, do in india, for example, and digital india. for me, the skill india initiative for professional training is a fundamental element of human resource development. and the "make" program in india is an attempt to transform india into an industrial center. with the help of vocational training, every citizen can become part of the country's economy and directly participate in its development. we need to develop india's infrastructure, not
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only build roads, but also lay telecommunication routes and promote information technology. we want to develop both the water supply networks and the gas pipeline system. india already has almost one and a half billion people, in india they speak eight hundred languages, dialects, and profess more than a dozen religions; in terms of this cultural, linguistic, if you want, genetic diversity, only
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the entire african continent can compare with a country like india. in june of this year. this diverse, multi-religious, multi-ethnic people of india again for the third time in the elections to the country's parliament gave in
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. we respect each other's freedom and diversity,
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we refused direct control, relied on the message of what we believe necessary to take the direction, convey your message so that the person, in accordance with his interests, tastes, capabilities, responds to your message, responds to it according to his abilities.
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the strength of the country lies precisely in this, like the heroes of the legendary radshkapur in rendra mode, he never became discouraged and did not give up, no matter how hard it was, he knew how to turn problems into opportunities, and ultimately achieved incredible success. i myself want to achieve everything in this city, achieve everything, how, but how? i don’t know yet, i only know that i will achieve it, nothing will stop me, i will have beautiful clothes, i will be infinitely
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rich, you will see, everyone will be happy to welcome me, and i will consider it a great honor and pay low, i watched the film by kapoor, mr. 420, bro, if if this weren’t an interview now, even i would now sing you rachka’s songs from all the films, you correctly said that indian films are from... india is a country of great civilization with rich traditions, and at the same time, being not the first time in india, i it was amazing how in this amazing the country combines in an amazing way national traditions, history, national culture, some things related to
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the deep traditions of the people with very modern technology, for example, one of... is combined in this country, that's what we're talking about , so seemingly incompatible , spoke in detail with the prime minister of india, narendra modi. india has chosen its own path of development, where there is no place for conflict between old and new. why is there no conflict? because the main mantra of india is not a revolution in which they talk about destruction, about abandoning the old, india speaks of evolution, not revolution. we are
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now moving into modern times. our children are going into the field of information technology. but we will not just wait for the future, we are ready to use everything that has been created by humanity, knowledge is open to everyone, what we do should be for the benefit of everyone. rendra mode cares a lot about preserving nature and the environment, he is a believer, in his life coordinates.
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first of all, we should not think about ourselves, about rewards for us, we must work for the benefit of people, for their development, to work in the interests of the citizens of our country, for the benefit of the whole world. we must leave a safe planet, a safe world for the future generation. and india is working in the same direction, to preserve nature and atmosphere. that's probably why i was awarded. but when i was the chief minister of gujarat, then i did not think about whether people knew about me or not. i acted as
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a conservationist for tigers in my state. i did a lot of work for this.
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in 2015, un member states supported prime minister modi's initiative and unanimously adopted a resolution to celebrate international yoga day. since then, every year on june 21, all over the world, people come together to parks and avenues to practice yoga. this day was not chosen by chance. it's a summer day. solstice, hindus are sure that on this day the energy of the sun becomes as accessible as possible, a person is subject to imbalance, his
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soul wants one thing, his body does another and the mind contradicts them, sometimes we don’t even realize this, for a normal life a person needs. india no one knows how many different human flows in india, where they came from, how they got here, merged into the vast sea
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of ​​humanity, this is india, the nature of india is vast and diverse, its fauna, today in india there are more than 500 national parks, reserves, including 13 biosphere, the beaches of kirala and... the mysterious himalayas, the ancient traditions of ayurveda, yoga, temple culture of incredible quantity and beauty, all these are pearls that attract millions of tourists to the country. during his visit to moscow, during communication with the indian community, narendra mode said that india will open two new consulates in kazan and yekaterinburg, and added that this will contribute.
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therefore, in fairness, narendra mode is today the brightest star on the political horizon of india. the prime minister also writes
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poetry in gujarati. and recently the authors of a very beautiful song came forward. it is written in the traditional gujarati style of garbo, the name given to the musical works and accompanying dances performed during ancient times. all birds, all people, white and black, with whether from the east or the west are one, we consider the whole
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world to be one. and therefore we choose the path without conflict, the path of negotiations, the path of mutual understanding, the path of agreement, this is the main mantra, the main idea of ​​india. the song, words of prime minister modi, very quickly became one of the main hits.
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in those ancient times, when there were no gadgets, people used magic, but beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where
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it should be, that’s what my name is? because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need to, he doesn’t need a pen, who has fire in his pocket, uh, what started, flint, i can’t live without traveling, soon, i got used to watching videos online, stopped working, install, open, watch russian channels, all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the app or online.
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the artillerymen of the west group of troops hit a new one. targets in one of the sections of a special military operation were adjusting fire from drones, the strike was carried out from a d-30 howitzer, hitting camouflaged crews of automatic mounted grenade launchers, enemy mortar crews and disrupting the rotation of ukrainian armed forces units. thus, we helped our motorized rifles advance to more advantageous positions. a new round of escalation has struck in the middle east.


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