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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 21, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

4:30 pm
well, i’m not interested in crime at all, but i’m interested in something so positive for society, since i started, well, i sort of made a choice, i went there, i didn’t do it for money, not for shortening my sentence, i basically served the entire sentence . vitaly sordanovsky was a member of the organized crime group, a little more than 2 years out of eleven remained, vitaly and his team of raiders were even shown on tv. yes, it was done, yes, but i don’t have any people’s blood on me, i didn’t kill anyone, i didn’t take away old men and children from women, i took away from those who...
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despite the past, they believed in him, and he didn’t let me down good afternoon, how are things? everything is fine. here is another representative of the storm division. i already said before, yes, that when the guys return there, well, they experience certain difficulties, yes, with work and with everything. and i kind of believe this man too, yes, that he seemed to have started a new life there. yes, literally, today is the first day. at work, prison
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is now in the distant past, and the assault on work is only a dream, i was present, and some feeling, that well, i have to go there, because i’m a man, yes, plus, well, it’s mine the country, yes, it is at war, but no matter how it was, yes, that’s why, but even this was not a final push, more for the further socialization of one’s own.
4:33 pm
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4:37 pm
help from svo, we supervise groups that are close to us, which we know that we will bring to them, it doesn’t matter what it will be, it will be mask networks, mavics, a car, that is, anything, they will really use it for to carry out combat missions,
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to realize victory, here is a former prisoner. and veterans of pmcs, there were also such quite a lot, they have established in vladimir the production of machines for loading machine gun belts, they are making flame extinguishers and silent firing devices, something that they themselves lacked at the front. in the colony, i met the guys with whom we later organized this project, these guys are patriots of their homeland, these guys fought for it. these guys were ready to die for her, now they support her as best they can, we sat with them together, i know them completely and there, in an emergency situation in battle, i can completely rely on them, and i i know that we can do a
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lot together, they transferred their salaries from the colonies to the northern military district through the people’s front, and now they provide full-fledged volunteer assistance to former prisoners on the front line. i believe that... that in war a person usually goes through things that he never dreamed of here, many people rethink their lives after what happened to them, they begin to see everything differently, look from a different angle and thinking changes accordingly, and the realization comes that the homeland needs to be helped, and not to harm, who if not us, that is, we watch the news, our soul hurts, we go. that is , there was a team there that really understood in their souls what needed to be done, hello, i’m backing the second car, this time there are already five straight lines, but we drove it at all, damn it, the kamikat fell on top,
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everything is clear, everything is fine, well healthy, emotions were simply overwhelming. the unity that should have happened in fact happened, everyone looked closely at each other, there, everyone tried to help each other, but you have never seen mutual help anywhere in your life you'll see, i'll tell you this, but... in general, nowhere like there, former prisoners are not thrown into battle without training, usually for several weeks at the training ground they practice storming enemy trenches , dugouts, work to the right, they don't send anyone to meat, here everyone, here they prepare everyone, here they train everyone, here they give everyone the opportunity to train, no one forces anyone, everyone knows that...
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contract soldiers are the same as all the employees here, we are also treated the same as everyone else. kamilla daut gadzhieva from the street made makhachkala a stormtrooper, he received 10 years for robbery, after serving half the term, he signed a contract with the navorossiysk airborne division and quickly became a commander. and now, instead of jewelry stores , ukrainian oporniks are storming under verbov and robotin. this is why i came here, to return home clean, to be free, to walk like all normal people. those whom society and family had once given up on suddenly found a new profession and turned out to be born soldiers and commanders.
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i don’t have the slightest desire to return to the life i left. the crimean seredov received the st. george cross of the fourth degree for holding positions under work; one of his fighters was killed, the rest were wounded, but they fought to the death. for two days we sat and held them. i was wounded in the leg, the second one was in the neck, the third one had a cassette tape hit his arm, so we sat until the last moment, until i... gave the order that you wait, now they will relieve you, you can leave, that is, you there was an opportunity to get out of there due to injury,
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yes, but we didn’t leave, we sat until the very end, because communication with those groups that were not reached by communication with the command depended on us, the most interesting thing is that these are people with rather rude, well, let’s say, patterns of behavior, reasoning, emotions, but i would never have thought that such a person could have some kind of dostoevsky... rolled away, but he actually got there and
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rushed in, the attack fizzled out, they then said that whether alive or dead, i was killed, there, yes, there was this terrible incident, when he was already dead, like me i understand, they cut off my head, hung it on a stick on a parapet, and pointed it in our direction with the aim of demoralizing our guys. only serial killers and terrorists convicted of rape are not accepted into the svo. in the entire company , alexey kirillov from transbaikalia was the only representative of the criminal world with thieves' stars on his body, these stars, especially in our region, not everyone would get this, but there was a great demand for these stars, this is now. everyone who is not too lazy pricks, but i don’t need it anymore, these stars, i will bring them together,
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then we will strive for a five-pointed star, then let’s generally rub our noses, so to speak, to everyone, the star of the hero you mean, there could have been a dangerous attack if he had been in prison since he was a child, the last sentence was 25 years. 14 for inflicting serious injuries on a police officer during a conflict on the road, here he is in the dock , kirillov was shot in the chin, the policeman died from his injuries in the hospital. “i lived a criminal life, now i am a serviceman of the russian federation and with pride, with pride i can say that i am grateful to the opportunity that i was taken here to the northern military district, in the future, so that somewhere
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i did the wrong thing, i won’t allow this.” we retreat, retreat, he recently pulled two seriously wounded scouts from the battlefield, he himself received several wounds and was nominated for a state award, not yet a gold star, but already the order of courage, if i used to, for example, there , well, would your wallet be sticking out of your pocket correctly, so to speak, i would have taken it, now i’ll tell you, correct it, otherwise someone will take it, why, what happened to you, what happened? you have so radically changed your worldview, death in the eyes i looked, maybe not, well, not everyone is like that, and not everyone treats it like that, but
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we constantly look death in the eye, because we are the storm, as they say, we are the first to look death in the eye, we are simply grateful. for the fact that we are still alive, therefore life must be valued and lived according to conscience, usually representatives of this prison caste are in complete denial of the state, it is not customary to work for it, much less fight for it, but kirillich was gathered to the front by the whole criminal world , they took everything honestly, directly and even supported me that he’s handsome, all. shook hands with good luck, but they themselves didn’t go, after all, not everything is like that, not even everything is like that, yes, well, so to speak, i now communicate with a lot of people who, well, consider me a machine gun face, well, everything is for me , everyone supports, in word, in deed, everyone is great, and they send
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something, as they say, they help, they help, the guys help, for rethinking, well, the lord, you see, gave him what a cross, a cross, as they say, we carry with our strength, so he copes, thank god, our grandfather fought in the war, he came home without a leg, he served as a scout throughout the war, so we have everything differently, with people, even those who have come out of such difficult conditions, a very
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positive transformation still occurs with them in this vein, they become different, they understand that they are useful to society, you know? useful to the maximum. the unloading was interrupted by an enemy unmanned reconnaissance aircraft suddenly appearing in the sky. what's the commander? 39 minutes hamers directs. we have time to leave. they did not check the hamers' aiming speed and accuracy, and where the unloading units decided to move to another place just in case. 90% rotv of the ulyanovsk airborne division presented with state awards, 27 people have already received orders of courage and medals for courage. the command treats us completely adequately, like ordinary soldiers. many thanks to the
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regiment commander for this, and we don’t feel like some kind of penalty box. we are military personnel just like everyone else. the attack aircraft are still assigned the most difficult tasks; they are always in the most critical attack, the most dangerous sectors of the front. an officer from the regiment, yes, introduced to us, as it were, as a curator, he directly said, well, of course, of course, you will be in the most difficult dangerous areas. but no one, neither me, nor the other officers, nor the regiment commander, naturally has a goal, intention, desire to ruin you, we need you to carry out tasks, come back and carry them out...
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my comrades are the salt of the svo it would n’t have been possible without us, but the fact that we helped save the lives and health of a huge number of other categories of military personnel, the same mobilized ones, the same contract soldiers, leopard volunteers, and other formations there, well, this is, of course, an indisputable fact. now tulinkov is writing another book dedicated to his beloved, who suffered so much... that the wives of the decembrists never even dreamed of, i was the wife of a prisoner, and became the wife of a stormtrooper, and a combat veteran,
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and of course for me it’s, well, like this a rollercoaster that was very difficult to go through, and i sincerely believed that he would get through it, well, of course my heart sank when he left for a mission, and everything froze there, uh, in general, it’s very difficult for me to show it outwardly, right? that it’s hard for me, sad, crying there, but i sat there for 2 days literally, as soon as i found out, i woke up gray-haired, as they say, it was the most difficult thing, waiting for news from him from the front, the stormtroopers were leaving to knock the enemy out of work, and then the phone was treacherously silent, for a day, three, and a whole week, i’ll go to bed and try to sleep, i wake up from the fact that we... the child is standing over my bed, poking my phone like that, i say, what are you doing? he shows me the phone, and there it says that hello, i’m alive, and well, this is an unreal
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relief, these are tears, we cried together, although my son will be 18, like him sparkled, my diamond crown, it was all... sweating with blood burns, molten lead hit me in the face and burned it on my forehead, yulia checherina, who constantly comes to the front with concerts, says she didn’t even know what she would sing in front of former prisoners, yes it doesn’t matter at all, for her all the russian soldiers here, people, when they smell gunpowder, they’re like this next to death, they become completely different, you know, they change, because god is merciful and gives everyone a chance at any age you can generally repent and cope, so everything is fine front, everyone to the front to wash off, when the desired peace comes, victory is a fiery date, pour
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undiluted alcohol, praise the russian soldier, mother, grandmother, sister, i want to say hello to you, to say that... here i am a doctor, making your dream and my dream come true , soon i will return free, mom, i will return alive, i will return with a medal, everything will be fine, wait, soon all this will end, here i am fighting for a peaceful sky above my head, so that my daughters and my wife sleep peacefully, are proud of me, there will be victory follow us, we will return free, valyush, my joy, marry me for... “i ’ll be back soon, we’ll be together, i love you very much, sunshine, russia, russia, praise to you,
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praise, in your eyes the azure of the heavenly spheres, oh the color of a blued trunk, tears endless losses. in those ancient times, when there were no gadgets, people used magic, but beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname where it’s needed, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool wants. where you need it, you don’t need a pen, who has it in your pocket. eh
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, what started? i can’t live without flint. travel. soon. are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? we install. let's open it and take a look. russian channels all series. cinema and cartoons. educational programs and documentaries. let's see. let's see.
4:57 pm
have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we didn't have bread? bread is the world, it is the most sacred thing a person has, something that is in every family. bread created our civilization, contributed to our evolution, the technical revolution. this is both the future of humanity and the history of humanity.
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over the past 2.0 years, bread has shaped our attitude to life, it is the power of our country, the strength of its imot. every day i take a piece of black bread and i always feel happy in life. when confronted with bread, a person is literally transformed. this is what our distant ancestors thought, and we really hope that you think so too. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
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and first, breaking news: one woman died, two more people were injured in as a result of the shelling of the kherson region, he wrote about this in his telegram channel. here are the frames that have now appeared on telegram channels, it is known that a rocket hit a residential building in the village of chernomorskoye, and judging by these frames, the house was significantly damaged. the kiev regime does not stop attacks on civilians amid the advance of russian troops. two more settlements came under the control of the russian military, these are rozovka in the lugansk people's republic and peschanaya nizhnyaya in the kharkov region. all
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thanks to the successful actions of the group troops west, the ministry of defense reported. in addition, the units, according to the department , attacked five ukrainian brigades. also, within a day, our air defense forces shot down a mi-8 helicopter of the ukrainian air force and 40 drones, and destroyed a warehouse where 400 tons of ammunition were stored. the enemy lost about 1,700 militants per day in all areas of the special operation. russian mig-29 and mig-31 were not allowed. destruction of the state border by two us air force b-52 strategic bombers. this was reported by the russian ministry of defense. bombers spotted over water area of ​​the barinsky sea. as our fighters approached, the american planes were forced to turn around. the western press draws attention to the change in rhetoric of the kiev regime. they no longer say that they intend to continue their participation in the conflict until victory; the tone of statements has become noticeably
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softer. but some publications think so. that zelensky simply wants to blame moscow for disrupting the settlement and then start a new round of escalation, to others.


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