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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 21, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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you can’t go to prison, because well, you don’t give in to any persuasion, therefore, there’s no reason to kill you, like this one , but it will be necessary so that you don’t interfere with life, so they announced this to me, i was sitting in the car, call sign he had a fierce one, he calls a guy who is in a baloklava in black, in black clothes, he comes in and sits next to me, i closed my eyes so much, i think, well, if it’s close, then it’s probably fast, quickly and not painfully, i even i don’t even feel it, and i only heard the pistol click, but there was no bullet, i then i opened my eyes, and he was already leaving, this fierce guy came in again, looked at me, said, well, what has changed, i say, to zero, i say, nothing has changed, nothing has changed, he says, well, that ’s all with you anyway ... you’ll go for an exchange, we don’t
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they cut, they cut their nose, they cut their ear, in 2014 grandfather was 74 years old, in front of you is a komsomol badge, which depicts 71 young guards who were thrown into the hole in shaft number 5, to a depth of 53 m. but for another 3 days groans were heard, the police were afraid of them even there at depth, so they bombarded them with mining equipment that was on the surface.
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it is also prohibited to fire from large- caliber weapons at civilian targets, at civilian targets in general, the war is not going according to the rules definitely it’s just it’s just like i don’t even
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know how to describe it it’s just a firebox where they throw it but uh. equipment and people, you deliberately went to azov, you probably looked at their ideology, but no, i didn’t know the ideology, i just found out that the guys, that is, they, that is, how to say, are an indicator of the army, that is, in discipline, in preparation for the ideal, so to speak, that is, the nation, that is, to defend the country at any cost, well, inside you have already learned the ideology. well, inside already , everyone there had a tax, he didn’t really accept it, well, that is, how can i say, if i accepted the ideology, i would then immediately be like saying a nazi in a direct word, as it is, because the meaning of the nazis there is quite specific,
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tell me, no, well, okay, well, what for nazism means to me when, well, this is directly what i would directly destroy. i would have done the same thing if it were directly direct, so to speak, nazi ideology, a field kashket, that is, a field furashka, uh, the property of the armed forces of ukraine, not for sales. size fifty-six, fabric here and there, manufacturer, 2017, by the way,
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this is it, this is exactly the ukrainian insurgent army that made such a band like this, but here something else is typical, you can see the management, you can see the owners, the camouflage is american , that's the thing, old forms, new management, new content, head of the search association. in lugansk says that he himself witnessed how, after perestroika, the collapse of the soviet union, nazism began to sprout as a weed in ukraine, and no one stopped it uprooted it when it climbed onto the pedestal, well, that’s just an excuse, it was an event of perestroika, this amorphous mr. gorbachev already gave direction, this is the case with our monument to the human chain, when it was hidden in the year eighty-seven, they wanted to destroy it, it was a direct order from somewhere in
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the west, here in the press, in the media, this wave began, and people who wanted to change their colors, children’s camps, they were there, children there were already chanting muscovites for knives, they were marching in formation young people, and the muscovites don’t want to live peacefully, and we have to...
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you’ll look and so on like a great ukraine, they were aspirational when we came in 1939, it turned out, no, they’re not interested, they’re up to something there they expected something different, like now on the maidan, they expected lace panties and enormous pensions there, that’s what it led to, we saw, it didn’t work out then, back then we had yaroslav golan, there was such a ukrainian writer, who here. .. saw it all, said yes , two peoples met, but realized that they were together life is difficult, so yaroslav galan, galan,
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they killed after the war, god bless his memory in the forties, precisely for criticizing these nationalists, these banderaites, aunovites, this is written in the gamebook of ukraine, and there are such words, well, it means, you you don’t want to work, you’re lazy.
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all sorts of minerals and a crossroads, it stands on a cross, from the great silk road passes from the east to europe, a welder in the greek and... this cross is so screwed up, so crap, it had to be tried, but the people who thought about this policy accomplished far beyond the borders of ukraine. political scientist and author of books on the nature of ukrainian nazism, alexey kochitkov explains why we have a lot of immigrants from the east of ukraine from the azov battalion, banned in russia. and these are people,
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let’s say, cut off from russian civilization, these are people who were actually raised russian. in soviet families, but they accepted the ideology, and western ideology, the ideology of modern ukrainian nazism, that you do not have to be by blood, but maybe there is one hundred percent ukrainian, although no one can explain what it is, yes, if 100 years ago this national term simply did not exist, but you are the chosen one, if you rise above this crowd, above this mass, if you realize yourself as a warrior of the aryan light , a warrior of the black sun, there yes, if you understand that...
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the structures were recruited, recruited, caught on this hook, so to speak, of this pseudo-chosenness, and despite the fact that back in the eighties a satirical magazine ridiculed bandera’s followers with a swastika on embroidery and german weapons in their hands, they felt calm here, they could play these games of fighting ukrainian nationalism, because well, no one canceled moscow, the state security committee of the soviet union, it also existed, in addition to the state security committee, the ukrainian...
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and where they just, well, not just terrorized, horrified the local population, these people returned clean, at the same time, the supreme leader aon, who was already in canada, decided that that’s it, we’re ending the terror, it’s of no use, so to say, it does not lead, at this stage, yet,
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our tactic is to get used to the state authorities of the ukrainian soviet socialist republic. these books were confiscated from school and district libraries in the liberated territories of the lugansk people's republic, a researcher at the national center for information combating terrorism and extremism in the educational environment and... and the internet, sergei venzel tells how facts were deliberately distorted in history textbooks in ukraine for generation of russophobia. we analyzed the textbooks of the tenth and fourteenth years, the idea that the ancient russian state, kievan rus, was increasingly included. its only legitimate heirs are modern ukrainians, while
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russians and belarusians are denied the right, as if this is our common heritage in this regard and in modern terms in general. ukraine is like this, like the inviolability of some kind of borders of the ninety-first year, it seems to be going on forever, but at the same time, if we look at the row. cards of the same ukrainian people's republic, which wandered in the late tenths of the last century, there, right up to kuban, saratov, and so on, there are territorial claims
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of ukraine on these territories, these territories are a mongol-tatar game, it simply devastated, yes, and, by the way, that’s why and vladimir then moscow, they united russia, so to speak, saved it, then russia also populated these territories. by the way, you raised a good point, but in our country, according to history, after the devastation, in fact, after these campaigns, it was very a large number of territories there, the kiev region, the modern chernihiv region, they were empty, where people rushed, they rushed to the territory of the modern moscow, vladimir region and so on, that is , when ukrainian nationalists declare that they are the true descendants of the ancient... ancient russian state , they, firstly, forget that there was a constant migration of the population, and the fact that a lot of, from their point of view, rich ukrainians moved directly to moscow, for them this is
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probably a brain break in this situation, and secondly, the fact that the territory was constantly being developed, these this territory was called, at least there, let’s say that it later became known, before that it was a wild field, how could one live in the steppe without state structures when nomads went there -they went here, and there was no guarantee that... if you survive, you’ll be able to sow crops there, and so on and so forth, pay attention, the names of the moscow-ukrainian war are constantly coming up, the idea is being laid that the confrontation with moscow is deeper processes, here how we worked with young people, this is not a textbook, these are comics, these are classic comics, bright, pay attention to the names of the heroes, so to the names of the heroes, let's see who is here, vatnikov is a separatist, a bottle of vodka. he smokes, mind you, no one smokes there except him, on the one hand the life of ukrainian military personnel is shown, who, as the comic shows,
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are fighting valiantly, periodically an evil vatnikov appears who is trying to do something, and note, it shows prisoners whom put in the so-called basement, then it is shown that only on the part of the dpr there was such a practice, but ukrainian military personnel are saints who have never treated anyone... there is still an opportunity to heal the consciousness of ukrainians poisoned by russophobia by nazism, you just need to free them from obsessive propaganda and offer a healthy
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alternative , people who for some reason were taken from there to the same russia, they looked, saw a different life, did not see bears and bears of drunken men with bolo-likes on the streets, they began to come to yourself, you know, it’s the same for our liberated people... the internet comes, tv channels come and fly by, they keep switching, what did zelensky promise, what did biden promise us, here we are, macron didn’t promise to die for us, to die, and fortunately france will die for us, the less that is left of ukraine that can be called ukraine, the better for us and for those who live now. calls ukrainians, if you look at this war as simply a conflict between two different states, different peoples who some kind of misunderstanding arose, that’s one thing, but
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if you look at this war as the liberation of russian lands from an absolutely anti-russian popular ideology, but if you look at this conflict as a conflict between russia and anti-russia, this anti-russia... should be closely related to patriotic education, here again is historical education, and not only in the classroom format, let’s say they moved in the classroom, read, looked, and so on, no, it should be
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some kind of... interactive interaction, this trips on various excursions, here we have an essay by anatoly popov, a member of the young guard, he wrote it shortly before the cupation of krasnodon, in this essay on the topic, do i love my homeland, he answered: yes, i do, i love my homeland, freedom-loving, multinational, for its heroic past, for its great present, and mainly for its future, for this future, they of course gave their lives, now our guys are also fighting for the future of our big country. russia, trump is an opponent of the ruling establishment,
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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next on our air there is a short advertisement, then the original program of besogon tv. how the story of the federal project improving the volga plays into the hands of russia’s enemies, nikita mikhalkov raises these and many other questions in the new issue. the loyalty program with berspasibo has been updated. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets gas stations cafes.


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