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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 21, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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this is russia 24 and us. we continue to talk about the main thing for today. vladimir putin congratulated syrian president bashar al-assad on the eightieth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the countries. he assured that russia will continue to support the efforts of the syrian government to protect state sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of the republic. the russian president noted that moscow and damascus have achieved significant success in the fight against international terrorism in syria, on syrian soil. further development russian-syrian ties. meets
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the interests of our peoples, contributes to the strengthening of peace and stability in the region and in the world. putin wished well-being and prosperity to the syrian people. another strike by the ukrainian armed forces on civilians in the kherson region killed a woman and injured two more. according to the governor of the region, vladimir salda, several settlements came under fire. in the village of chernomorskoye, a rocket hit a private house. attacks on the civilian population, the kiev regime does not stop against the backdrop of the advance of our troops. the russian military took control of two more settlements. in the lpr, rozovka was liberated, and in the kharkov region, the village of peschanoye nizhnee was liberated. also, our air defense forces shot down a mi-8 helicopter of the ukrainian armed forces and 40 drones in one day. they destroyed the launcher of the rszzo hymers warehouse, where 400 tons of ammunition were stored. the enemy is in all areas.
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egor grigoriev will tell you more about the situation. attack aircraft of the southern group of forces take the last positions in krasnogorovka in the dpr. the city is almost completely liberated. there are only a few streets left just a few houses. the difficulty of completing the operation is that there is a high density of civilians, which does not allow ukrainian units to go in that direction. to save they call themselves. the militants who surrendered to the ssu of civilians, our fighters often tell the fire, they received an order not to take prisoners in krasnogorovka, not to leave local residents who were not evacuated alive. thank you guys, we carried my wife on our shoulders, risked bulletproof vests, took them off, and wore them. forward, liberate the lands
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of the donetsk people's republic, in a day of losses the enemy suffered 510 personnel. a deadly blow is delivered by a cannon, a crew of artillerymen from the north group of troops, reconnaissance has discovered a concentration of the enemy, and 130-mm shells are being sent to the position. kharkov region, uav operators have discovered a temporary deployment point in the ssu; it is being raided by a kamikaze ghoul drone. destroys an american m37 howitzer. a unit of the north group of troops was defeated in one day by the manpower and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine in volchansk, cossack lopani, leptsov, staritsy, and repelled four counterattacks enemy. the multiple launch rocket system sends a hail of unusual projectiles at the enemy. propaganda leaflets were delivered to the orekhovskoe direction in the zaporozhye region. the drone records that the enemy made the right decision to save his life. division
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of the dnepr group of troops, the ukrainian military surrenders every day, almost all of them have recently received little training and are often poorly suited for combat; in ukraine, the tsk continues to row everyone through the streets. guys, hawaite, now we are working hard together with the central control commission and the police, so they are now they will catch everyone and send them away. in kiev , military commissars set fire to the cars of more and more dissatisfied people.
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the ukrainian armed forces are slowly failing to stop the russian offensive. kiev is trying to gain time before new supplies, american media note. the editor-in-chief of the french publication, amerta , is confident that the west is not in a position to dictate any conditions in moscow. there is no reason for russia to comply or even simply take part in the peace process. the conflict is costing moscow dearly, but some commentators claim that she will lose in one or 2 years. corresponds to reality, thanks to the military economy, the kremlin can continue hostilities for another 10 years, while kiev does not have such an opportunity. former british prime minister boris johnson, who once caused peace negotiations in istanbul to fail, has now changed his mind. the former prime minister no longer believes
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that ukraine must necessarily reach the 1991 borders. in his opinion, kiev should achieve at least some success and immediately make peace with moscow. after that. according to johnson, washington will be able restore relations with moscow, and russia will return to the group of eight and restore its partnership with nato. the war has gone on for too long and the cost is enormous, human lives, economic hardship, instability. i believe that trump can end this on the right terms for the ukraine of the west. over the past two years, we have constantly wished the ukrainians victory, without wanting to give them the means. we have been chronically slow to provide them with the equipment they need. recently zelensky, if he mentioned donald trump, said that he doesn’t understand anything that it would be better for him to think first, and only then speak out, argued that trump does not influence anything because kiev is not interested in any of his proposals, and now zelensky, without waiting for the course of the elections in the united states,
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is already calling trump president, which looks like undisguised rudeness towards the current head of the american state, joe biden. the french press admits that zelensky is only pretending that... he intends, if not to open the door to negotiations, then at least to show that it is not closed, and first of all, we are talking about holding russia accountable, since in the event of a breakdown in negotiations , the position of moscow, and not kiev, will be recognized as unconstructive. zelensky inevitably comes to the understanding that it is time to change his position, since the situation is not going well for him . however, he believes that zelensky has long had no time for intrigue. the situation at the front has become so difficult for ukraine that kiev literally has to change its shoes. now he said that he would like to see moscow at the peace summit, although the previous passed without russian participation due to the fault of kyiv. kiev
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now faces a double whammy, a complex frontline situation and political uncertainty about the level of future support from ukraine's closest allies. questions are being raised about the willingness of kiev's closest most important allies, particularly the united states and germany, to continue pouring resources into the conflict. now everything is heading towards the fact that zelensky will have to organize a general referendum on the issue of starting peace negotiations with russia. this opinion was expressed by mayor of kiev vitaly klyachko to the italian edition of the courier of affairs. the material emphasizes that the coming months will be difficult for the kiev regime. he will either have to accept it. with the loss of territory, and then somehow explain this to the population, or agree to continue the conflict for two or more years, which obviously threatens ukraine with disaster? klitschko comes to the conclusion that no matter what step zelensky takes, he faces political suicide. natalya goncharova, lead. a powerful cyclone
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hits primorye in the region, heavy rain, gusty winds and hail in places. bad weather, as forecasters say, came from china, there... this weekend, the south-primorye region is literally being demolished, heavy rains, squally winds and even hail, after a thunderstorm there is no light in some areas, roofs of houses are torn off, in the city center drivers are filming on their phones how not only roofs fly, but also stalls. according to weather forecasters, the whole point is the movement of an atmospheric front and the collision of two cyclones. this collision of heat and cold led to the development of very powerful clouds, as
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a result, in the region there passed, i emphasize local, but very heavy rains, in some places up to 29 mm of moisture fell in 12 hours. if we talk about the further development of the situation in primorye, then, in principle, this invasion was quite short-lived, the atmosphere is already over the region... the atmospheric front will now move to sakhalin island. the russian hydrometeorological center is already warning about heavy downpours and the development of rain floods on the rivers of the region. in primorye, a cyclone came from china to baolzy, and for many days now there has been a real apocalypse. from prolonged rains, a powerful flood literally demolishes everything is on its way. more than half a thousand residential buildings were destroyed, 19 people were killed.
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due to heavy rains on the federal highway to mongolia, a bridge collapsed, at that moment a passenger car was driving across it, this car had just been pulled out, it was driving and fell through, it was standing here, move away.
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emergency services, 31 people and 10 pieces of equipment are on site. according to preliminary data, no victims. the us and uk carried out four airstrikes in houthi-controlled hadeida province. the port in this area was attacked the day before israeli air force. which was hit, is still burning, a series of explosions occurred in the south of lebanon after an israeli air raid destroyed a hezbollah ammunition depot. meanwhile, the yemeni houthis reported attacks on the israeli ilato area to an american ship in the red sea using drone ballistic missiles, and are now threatening tel aviv with retaliation for the attack on the port in hadeida. our sapkor alexander talks about the new round of escalation in the middle east. a giant torch turned
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into the port of the yemen city last evening hadeida, this is a consequence of the israeli air force strikes, which targeted fuel storage facilities located on the territory of the sea terminal. the flight involved 12 aircraft from the sahal air force, eight f-35 fighters and 5 f-16s with the support of the us-british coalition forces. the attack was in response to friday's attack on israel, when a drone launched by yemen's houthis exploded in the center.
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israel, to attack countries in the region. they used these weapons to attack the international sea route, one of the most important in the world. as a result israeli strike on hadeidi left port workers dead and wounded. the yemin ministry of health reports almost a hundred victims who required hospitalization; the exact number of victims has not yet been calculated, but we are talking about dozens of people. the houthis have already announced that israel is waiting. severe retaliation, we will respond to this attack without hesitation by striking vital targets in israel. tel aviv is no longer a safe place. among possible retaliatory targets, the israeli port of aylad and oil refinery in ashkkelon. a satellite image of him after the attack on hadeida was published on his social network page
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by yemen parliament member abdulsalam jahav. last night it worsened dramatically. the bombings do not help improve the humanitarian situation in the palestinian enclave; assistance, if it gets here, is not at all in the volumes in which the local population needs it; the depleted health care system is experiencing, perhaps, the greatest difficulties. gaza hospitals continue to suffer greatly from shortages many medical supplies, as well as fuel shortages, as the gasoline supplied to hospitals barely lasts for several days. against the backdrop of a total shortage of humanitarian aid in the palestinian enclave,
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it recently became known that the pentagon has decided to dismantle the floating pier that was used to deliver aid to gaza. in an article by reuters, the reason for this was attributed by the us military to the rolling due to high waves in the mediterranean sea. bad weather and problems with aid distribution within the gas sector limited effectiveness in what the us military said was its largest humanitarian aid operation ever in the middle east. pierce only worked for about 20 days. but tel aviv continues to supply weapons to washington regularly. it is possible that american bombs were used. this strike was one of israel’s longest-range attacks in history; the idf fighters traveled more than 2.0 km to reach the target, but that’s not even what makes it remarkable. israel entered direct military confrontation for the first time
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with the yemeni houthis, thereby opening up another front, the confrontation on which could turn out to be very serious. june 28th is a parade of planets, get ready for an expedition to the arctic, i have nuggets on the 28th, and a chickenburger on the 24th, a delicious calendar at a delicious point, every day. new favorite product at a super price only in the app, delicious, period. online cinema okko, the world i watch. when you're an adult, it's so easy to forget that
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part of the dnepr group, does not stop talking, targets from scouts are constantly coming. the senior officer of the battery with the nickname bakhchan served in the artillery for 19 years, already retired, signed a contract and went to pass on his rich experience to young soldiers. they have a mad desire to learn new things, and this is exactly what is new. here. because who worked for whom the civilians had no bass artillery connection at all. one of the students of the senior battery officer, crew commander with the call sign arbitrator on the first business trip to the svoo area. drones, attack drones, are flying in our direction. no, it’s not the sounds of artillery that are working, but of course mortars are mostly working along the shore. the military personnel cover the kamikaze and reconnaissance positions of the margelov detachment with the help of a homemade anti-aircraft gun made from five kalashnikov assault rifles.
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everything is fine, i will live. city hospital connected to diesel generators, they turn on automatically when the light goes out in new kokhovka after another shelling. the division of the armed forces, which are located in the novaya kokhovka area, generates electricity for themselves. the kiev regime itself knows about this and nevertheless daily strikes at the city’s infrastructure, aimed exclusively. against the civilian population. mikhail andronik, vladislav mirzayans, conduct the kherson region. mikhail mishustin is now on a working trip to the far east, it started from magadan
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areas. the government was already there 4 years ago and was now able to appreciate the changes that have occurred in the region recently. evgeniy petrukhina about what was shown to the prime minister. the special board lands in magadan. this is the first city on mikhail mishustin’s working trip to the far east and siberia. the program is dynamic. a few welcoming words immediately to the object. vysotsky international airport is changing its appearance. here it is, a new aerovocal complex, created according to the designs of russian designers. magadan airport is one of...
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plans for the development of far eastern cities, for example, in magadan the construction of a marine tourist center has begun, where, just like here, an entire cruise harbor will appear on the western coast of nagaev bay. for magadan, this is a maritime center that should make the entire region attractive to tourists, and the largest housing projects are the far eastern quarter, rental housing and an urban improvement competition. the implementation of these programs will be discussed in detail
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at the meeting. with governor of the magadan region sergei nosov. growth in 4 years private investment here has increased one and a half times. these are very good numbers. there were difficulties, this is in the twenty-second year, these are sanctions on the gold mining industry, these are the prices of gold, but i want to say that our industrialists have found replacement equipment suppliers and we expect, compared to the twenty-third year, an increase in gold production by 5. 6. investors trust us. investors are showing interest in the region's fishing industry. two specialized fishing vessels were supplied. crockers made in khabarovsk factory in addition, social infrastructure is being developed. this year , the magadan polytechnic school, which was mothballed back in the nineties, will be completed. today we pay special attention to the issue of personnel training. for this purpose, a professional program is being developed. 18 laboratories were reconstructed and re-equipped for
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student training. and today in magadan. center, 50 new treatment methods are available. in the region, a regional onological hospital has been built . in magadan, the construction of a maternity hospital continues, which will become a real center motherhood and childhood. as part of the modernization of primary care, we received resources worth one billion 350 million rubles. one of the big projects is our maternity hospital, which was ordered by the president. the magadan region is systematically
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deciding. so the new terminal at vysotsky international airport is only part of the far eastern changes. evgenia petrukhina, news.


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