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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 21, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

10:30 pm
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worked in television for a time, but you worked in the news segment, preparing interviews and programs every day for decades, there is already some data, there was a debate that you just mentioned, and people were very surprised by his behavior, and now we have abc interview and full transcript. i think the time has come for other media outlets that have interviewed the president over the past couple of years to release the full transcript
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of those interviews. i think it makes sense because we'll have a wider range data for evaluation. was this an isolated phenomenon, as the white house claims, or has it happened before? and i remember my reaction in 2019 when he decided to run for president, for the fourth time, i think, i thought, this is not the guy i knew, he is completely different, and then his sister told my friend that he in fact, they are very upset because he has a cognitive impairment, he has some kind of neurological disease,
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they don’t want him to run for president, i immediately spoke about this on air fox news, you reported this at the time, exactly yes, and then i showed the tape, like look at this guy, and me, of course, this was 5 years ago, i was not shocked by his performance, especially the debate, but others the journalists seemed to be there, or they were pretending, i don’t understand how someone who interviewed him two years ago could not know that something was wrong. i think this is an opportunity to provide a broader set of data so that the public can make an independent assessment. what will this data look like? let's see what they're talking about printed versions of interviews. are they saying that joe biden is consistent, focused and gives thoughtful answers to questions, or perhaps he is struggling to stay on topic. we have transcripts. the news organizations that interviewed the president should have them.
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it is not customary to publish video excerpts from interviews, but you can publish a transcript. and i say this as the person who released the transcript of my 2020 interview with president trump . i think the publication helps transparency so you get an overview of the interview. i think that makes sense because there are other sections of the interview that maybe your news organization wouldn't look at, you know, in isolation, i think you have a huge responsibility when you're talking to the president of the united states, probably the main newsmaker, ask him questions that are of interest not only to your news organization, but also to others, right? end, i think the transcript allows you to complete the edited version that you either publish or broadcast, right, because then the public will be able to see those sections of the interview that you cut or changed for clarity, right, so, i know, i
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haven't thought about this enough, but i know that in 2015 or '16 the new editorial board the york times met with trump, they published an apparently unedited transcript, but you know, that's common knowledge, i think he's much better in front of the camera than in the transcripts, but whatever you think about it, they released it, i don't remember for for the last 4 years any news organization has posted a transcript of an interview with biden, what about you? you know, i don't remember, but actually... i didn't check them all, but what's the reason? i guess what bothers me is that everyone is acting like it's a shock. it wasn't a shock to me, i don't have any special knowledge, i have some, i made it public right away, but every time i saw him it was very obvious that
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there was something wrong with this guy like this it might have shocked the journalists why they didn't immediately announce it, but they could have, i think. it makes sense now, it's ultimately up to them, but i... i think it's about transparency. i think now it's about informing the public whether the president is fit for office and ready for re-election, and i think that also means complementing their work. they decided to make edits along the way for clarity, to save time, so they can actually add to their work, i think that's important, i can't tell what they 're thinking about, in my case i felt it was important to post the transcript so letting people see all the work, and it's also hard to look at your own transcript because you look at it and say, i could have focused more here, or i should have continued here , or... missed that little news item, i should have gone a little deeper into details, or i shouldn't have interrupted the interviewee here,
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you see some flaws and the whole process, but it's about the integrity of the interview, you know, when you make edits, you do it for clarity, sometimes you do it because you need to condense the information because you only have a certain amount of time to broadcast, but it's a very fine line and you shouldn't for the sake of clarity. i don't want to be too judgmental of others, i once deleted something from an interview with someone, i can't remember ever doing it again, but i wouldn't do it now either, but a few years ago someone... then said something so strange in an interview that i didn't want to continue, like i don't even know what the hell you're talking about, and i asked the editors to take it down just because it had nothing to do with the conversation, it was weird, so whatever, i did this, i
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did that, but if you're interviewing someone and they seem weird throughout the interview and you try to hide it, then maybe you liar, what do you think, i think when you talk to the president of the united states, your instinct is to make him look his best, i understand that, but if there are signs. i don't know if there were, but if there are signs of poor health, or he really finds it difficult to answer a number questions, this is important. isn't it a news headline? for those of us who missed the cbs report, tell us what this tax investigation into hunter biden is all about. in the end, he was convicted, in my personal opinion, of a completely ridiculous crime, illegal possession of weapons, who cares? but there are others too.
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this document contains information about his business with ukraine, china and other countries, so in my opinion the door for a new indictment remains open, i'm not saying that there will be one, but... to me this is definitely a sign that it is possible. so what exactly
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is the tax charge? this is a criminal tax evasion charge, quite a significant one, and the problem with a tax case for any defendant is that it is based on documents rather than witness testimony. what did you confirm when you signed the documents? what your accountant confirmed, and i think it's important to understand that in this case.
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they sympathize with such people because it is a daily challenge for them, and i think if you you know at what point they were able to think clearly, it helps you understand their perspective on the evidence that actually, i think that's correct, so what's the status of these charges, i don't follow it as closely, but in the fall... it's interesting, it's relevant now, and i don't think it 's often mentioned in detail when talking about what joe biden is going through right now, and it hasn't been recently. debate, people were shocked, it seems like the democratic donors are shocked, i talked to one of them who was actually shocked, he wasn't knew that biden's health was failing, and members of congress were strongly pressing biden to give way to another, and now he published a letter, which i believe was written by his son hunter, saying i remain, and hunter was reported to be in the white house, he's
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his father's top adviser, and you kind of ask what this is, and you say hunter biden is going to appear. before the trial, yeah, it's probably better that your father is president when you 're on trial, you know, i really can't, no, i'm just saying, you don't have to these conclusions, but it's an important fact that he's being presented with these, it's an important fact, and i think what's come to my attention is that over the last couple of years, the white house has made a lot of attempts to distance the president from his son, especially in terms of... but now apparently they really are kind of inseparable, i don't know for sure, but did their relationship really suddenly change at that moment, or maybe it was always like this? i do not know the answer to this question. in my mind, knowing hunter biden well, i think he was always close to father, he respected his father, being close to someone
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and doing business with someone is not the same thing, of course, i honor my father, but i don’t do business with him, but i think i know for sure. that he was always close to his father, always loved his father, that's actually what i liked about him, but you know, these are very different circumstances, so he faces, and this charge potentially carries with it a prison sentence, right, yeah, guns and taxes, guns, right, interesting, so why do you think something big happened, it doesn't seem like such a big deal, you reported on it, but... in general, it doesn't get talked about very much, i guess i would say that i was very proud of working at cbs, the investigative journalism that we did, whether it was a whistleblower or a laptop, and i went to great lengths to get the data from that laptop, which contained a very clear
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chain of evidence that i learned in my investigation was a mirror image of... what was turned over to the fbi, and i felt it was important to understand the integrity of the data , considering that this the laptop was described by a group of retired intelligence officials as a russian fake, true, and we went to great lengths to have a very respected group conduct a forensic examination. this group had no political leanings and was outside the ruling party.
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data on the first day because there were emails from me and no one knew that i knew hunter biden, so i knew it was true, no one would ever fake all your typos, plus i lived next door hunter biden so i knew him, it's just that i lived in washington, like you, so it's not that strange if you live in a small town, everyone knows everyone, but i
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knew that no one knew that i knew him, if you you're putting together a fake laptop, you won't put letters from the host fox on there, it's too weird. so i knew right away that this was real, and i'm just a little surprised that it took you so long, so you're saying that there were actually obstacles, i just think that i have a reputation for being quick and effectively confirm it, yes, but this story took, took two years, i'm glad it did, yeah, because i think it really changed the debate, of course, uh... i wonder if you felt, if you felt , that the company doesn’t want you to do this? you know, i've always tried to be respectful of... my former employers, and i told congress that there was tension with the biden investigation, especially when i kind of turned my attention to president
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biden, they didn't like it, sorry, you no need, i'm not even talking about cbs specifically, it's so bad it's ridiculous because it's not a reporter's job to cover up for a politician, that's right, i'm just clarifying, has it ever occurred to you how small our world has become, you you work 30 years or more to become more, more, actually i know how long, but i'm not going to long, and you become, you know, probably the most famous investigative journalist in the united states, i 'm not sure about it, but i would say it's true, or of course you're in the top two or three, definitely, but you'd think every news organization would say,
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i didn't really understand how much change has happened in the last 4.5 years, when you start looking at the numbers, you see that these large corporate organizations are essentially no longer the custodians of information, yeah, there's a lot more of it on other platforms and i, i truly believe in my heart of hearts that there is a place for investigative journalism there, people are just hungry for it and... one investigation that we did, it got like 3 million views, that's good, healthy number. our next project will focus on
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immigration and border issues. and i don't want to give everything away, but we have a lot of good data on how the department of homeland security violates federal regulations every day and creates, i think, a significant security risk for many american citizens. and i think this really deserves a thorough investigation. and this is a story that i can really tell now, although it was difficult to tell before. i can't even get it and i tried to get it exactly figures on how many people came to our country illegally over the past 4 years. the figure ranges from 5 to 30 million. all these estimates seem to be reliable and i have no idea which one is correct, but why? can't get a real figure at least here, i think the simple answer might be, i don't know, but my estimate is the volume we
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're talking about, i think it's the volume, so, but back to your point, i don't think there is much transparency on this issue, i hope to bring a little more to it transparency, so in your opinion this is a very important story, 100%. yes, i'm not just talking about what issues american voters consider to be the main issues in this election cycle. i ask myself: i have information, i think that federal law and federal regulations are being violated on a daily basis at the border. i need to find out if this is really true, if this is really true, then why is it true, who really loses in this equation, will the country become less? safe or not, i don't know the answers yet, but this completely natural questions. and how does our bankrupt country pay for all these services? i,
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yes, there are a lot of questions, i absolutely agree, but your focus is on the question of whether the federal government is breaking its own laws? federal employees, yes. and based on your investigation, you're close to the answer. i think, based on our reporting, everything points to this, it seems to be the case, so my question is: you know, who was punished, who was suspended, who was fired, who was demoted, and i believe the answer is no one, except for those reporting the problem, really, don't make me reveal it, i want to stop you right now, i'm shocked, i mean, you know, but i think that... that's the kind of story you want to see, right, i just think that news consumers in this country have always encouraged me
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that... freedom of speech in the united states is going to be in question. no, i could not imagine the situation i am in now. that's for sure. well, we 're rooting for you, we're rooting for you. thank you. catherine harridge, thank you very much. i am very happy to see you.
10:57 pm
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10:58 pm
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10:59 pm
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11:00 pm
hello, the big sunday news is on air on the russia tv channel, with you. evgeny popov is on the program today. an ironclad response to the missile threat from the usa and germany. iskander is ready for combat use. where are the iskanders flying now? descent range - 500 km. we will wait for target f16. why is the current damage radius far from the limit? do you realize?


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