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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 22, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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installation of a gun, for which in turn there is also a real hunt, a product that makes the enemy tremble, one of the varieties of landset, perhaps the best method of counter-battery warfare, here on the dnieper there are enough of them to destroy the enemy’s artillery, in full, enough to destroy all enemy equipment. exactly 2 years ago it became known about the first use of warding ammunition in the zone; since then , more than one and a half thousand pieces of equipment have been destroyed and damaged. enemy for billions of dollars, and as it were western curators of the kiev regime did not try to mislead the lancet operators, using high-quality mock-ups, expensive equipment continues to burn, they are basically trying to make the enemy somehow make garbage, well, look away, completely convince that this is a living target, but still, probably , even the soul tells you that this is a living goal that works. lancets have become one of the most effective tools used by the russian armed forces. to
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destroy enemy targets and significantly influenced the course of our offensive and defensive operations, complementing the capabilities of artillery. mikhail andronik, vladislav mirzayans, conduct the kherson region. prime minister mikhail mishustin arrived in magadan today as part of a working trip to the regions of siberia and the far east. khabarovsk, novosibirs, gorno-altaisk. the construction of a new terminal at the vladimir vysotsky international airport in kolyma should be completed by the end of the year. in 6 years, 75 airports will be modernized in russia. mishustin was presented with master plans for far eastern cities. this a new format for the integrated development of regions for the years to come. from the construction of schools and housing to sports and cultural centers. report by columnist asya semyonova. every tourist who finds himself in magadan is familiar with this place from the measuring platform, the city is at a glance. about 90 thousand people live here. in
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the near future, their environment should become more comfortable, the master plan for the development of the city is aimed at this, it primarily talks about the creation of new housing, as well as new cultural objects, there is something to show tourists, infrastructure is needed, starting with the city’s air gates; the building of the new passenger terminal of the vysotsky sokol airport is almost ready. the work will be completed in december this year , with the participation of builders from turkey. don't you miss the sun? taking into account the difficult climatic conditions, two jet bridges are provided so that passengers, arriving in winter, do not freeze on the airfield, after all, it can sometimes be -50. in december 2024 , it will be like in the picture, these words, media representatives have already recorded. the prime minister inspects the future reception and baggage claim hall. until now, this is for those who fly to the capital of kalyma. there was
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a sore point, the issue was carried out in an old and cramped building built in the eighties, sometimes you had to wait for your suitcase for several hours. passenger traffic is growing, of course, and not only from the russian federation, from the people's republic of china, quite quickly, this limit of 1.5 million passengers will be reached. in total, in the next 6 years in russia there should be every third airport should be modernized; the federal budget is ready to allocate at least 250 billion rubles for this. 75 - respectively , airports, which in the country should be a reliable support for people who travel, return to their loved ones, should be comfortable and convenient. what is working here today, including public-private partnerships, is very important. the last time mikhail mishustin was in magadan was 4 years ago, then the city made a depressing impression, these archival footage speak for themselves: dilapidated the seaport, as the prime minister said then, you can’t look at without tears,
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magadan is a city of shift workers, it needs workers, to understand , 390 unemployed people are officially registered in the entire region, and there are more than 300 vacancies. by order of the president, centers for advanced training of professional workers are now being created everywhere personnel on the basis of the best technical schools, professional institutions, one of these institutions has been operating since september last year.
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chicken pairs premiere chicken hit with a new curry sauce at a bargain price, i am the chef of kota aganezov, on my blog i share simple and... quick recipes, and to make it even tastier, the right sauce is important. astoria, now it’s definitely delicious. syota, your money won’t fly away, you’re catching up, there are gigs and minutes left, we return rubles for them every month, you can, iota, still think about the ideal housing. it's time to go to domklik to find housing to suit every taste! with a mortgage for building a house, a new building or a resale? choose something that everyone will like. at domklik everyone will find housing for themselves.
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donald trump's ear mutilation from thomas crooks' bullet is bleeding like crazy, the republican senator told the new york times on thursday. jackson, the former head of the white house, changed trump's bandage on the plane on the way to the convention in meluka. the presidential candidate arrived in wisconsin from badminster, new jersey, where donald one of its seventeen luxurious golf courses. in general, he recovered quickly after the assassination attempt. politics and here it is worth clarifying that a publication close to the democratic party does not rule out citing intelligence. a new assassination attempt, and iran could be behind it, it’s not even funny, yes, trump withdrew from the nuclear
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deal with tehran, but biden didn’t lift a finger to return it, so the iranians don’t care, it’s vital for the democrats to take the reasons for the assassination outside the united states , level of internal confrontation between conservatives and liberals, and so on beyond the pale, and this is also the result of working in white. home of the joseph biden administration. here's what pulitzer winners according to forbes, one of the most influential journalists in america, andres openheimer from the miami herald, writes on the topic. when a marist poll in may showed that 47% of americans thought there would be a civil war in the united states in their lifetime, i initially thought people were watching too many sci-fi movies about politics. but no one should laugh at such polls after saturday's assassination attempt. life. former president donald trump. judging by the initial reaction after the shootings, political polarization is likely to reach
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dangerous levels. as we approach the november election, the number of semi-automatic weapons in the hands of civilians is at an all-time high . according to the wall street journal, americans now have more than 20 million semi-automatic ar-15 rifles in their hands, up from 400,000 in the early 1990s. ar-15. the weapon of choice for american mass shooters has also been used a twenty-year-old suspect who tried to kill the former president. i'm not overly optimistic that the cool -headed people in the majority, both democrats and republicans, are likely to take the other side that encourages political violence. all of this brings me back to the merist poll showing that nearly half of americans fear a civil war in their lifetime, and it's not the only rasmuson poll. introduced in april showed that 41% of american voters believe that a second civil war could begin in
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the next 5 years. fierce internal political confrontation is a chronic condition for the united states. let me remind you that the north and south even fought for more than 4 years in the second half of the 19th century. since then, the system in america has been cemented. since 1853, there has been either a democrat or a democrat in the white house... 100 years ago, they actually changed places in ideology, the republicans began to fight with the left and trade unions, and the democrats, on the contrary, acquired their center-left liberal flavor. and all this time, the american government was accompanied by conspiracy theories that in our time called deepstate, deep state. they say america is governed not by the president and congress, but... by some shadow multi-billionaires, through the hands of public politicians. in part, this conspiracy theory was
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confirmed. what is dick cheney, a native of the oil corporation hali burton, worth? vice president of george w. bush. cheney is the architect of operation desert storm in iraq and the deployment of military forces in oil-rich saudi arabia. loy dostin stands out in the current administration. he is back. provided the military-industrial complex with orders for decades to come, for 2 years before the murder, and the world behind the scenes manipulation of politicians and people, the thirty-fifth president of the united states, john fitzgerald kennedy, the last of the american leaders who advocated peaceful coexistence, spoke in his speech.
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if the press waits for a declaration of war before imposing military censorship, then i can only say that no war has ever posed a greater threat to our security.
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a theme that mobilized enormous human and material resources to create a cohesive, highly effective machine combining military diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. kennedy was killed by shots from a carcan rifle in dallas on november 22, 1963 . the world is still arguing about the motives of the killer lee harvey oswald. but let's return to the assassination attempt on donald trump. about the details. investigation denis davidov is exactly a week after the assassination attempt, but trump is gathering stadiums again. the arena in michigan is full. 20 thousand people. they keep saying he's a threat to
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democracy. what have i done for democracy? last week i took a bullet for democracy. what happened last saturday in pennsylvania is still unclear, there are no clear answers from either the fbi or the secret service, more and more videos taken by eyewitnesses are appearing, they are no longer just looking closely at the footage, they are listening, it is heard that there was not one, but two types of shooter weapons, one rifle fires three times, another five or six times, all these shots are fired in the direction of trump, listen. muffled acoustics were then installed, shooting was carried out from at least three types of weapons, there were nine shots, only the last one was on the sixteenth a second was made by a secret service sniper, there is no echo of the sixth shot, just as there is no echo of shot number three, it should be here, but it is not, shots 1 2 4 5 were made
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by crooks from the roof, and 3.6 - with someone more.
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most of the personnel who accompanied trump at this rally were not secret service employees, they were from other agencies, they had no training, they did not know what to do. the secret service did not monitor the situation from the air that day; they had neither helicopters nor quadcopters; the shooter used a drone, he studied the area and had a rangefinder with him, which snipers use to determine the distance to
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an object. the police noticed a suspicious device on him an hour before trump took the stage.
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the locals radioed that he was under suspicion, the locals sent messages and photographs of him to the secret service, saying that he had been acting suspiciously for an hour, but the secret service did nothing. for years, trump received threats from democrats that only death would stop him, they openly spoke on air. secret service specifically arranged so that any idiot could get on the roof and shoot the president, there was probably a second shooter, because the bullets that crooks had were very large, 5.56, they would have torn the president's ear, the damage to the ear corresponds to 22 magnum bullets, these are long-range bullets , very small, fast and snipers prefer them, through numerous leaks in friendly ... media , the democrats give a tip, allegedly iran may be involved in the assassination attempt, tehran denies everything, but the authors of the idea insist, the traces lead far overseas, and not to the washington swamp. at
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the briefing, the secret service and the fbi said that crooks had three foreign accounts on certain overseas platforms. now there is a foreign component to all this. it’s a mystery where a twenty-year-old nursing home worker from a remote american province got an account abroad. thomas matthew crooks does not at all look like the one who decided to take the fate of america into his own hands. he graduated from school 2 years ago. on the day of the assassination attempt, krug parked his car a couple of kilometers from the farm where he was supposed to trump was speaking. i bought a small ladder at a hardware store, but for some reason i didn’t take it with me. there were explosives left in the trunk, and he got on his bike and went to the place. later they find a remote control on him that could have been used to activate the bomb. the new york times reports that the attacker. i have been receiving packages labeled hazardous materials for several months. the fbi did not find or report finding requests on how
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to assemble a bomb in crooks's two phones or on his laptop; he was not an expert on where took or how he made the explosives is a question. the history of the search for his devices, party conventions, data about trump and biden, more information on how to cope with depression and a lot of computer games. i have so many questions about how this twenty year old guy did it. single-handedly assassinate president trump. it smells like something much more sinister big. crazy leftists have been fantasizing out loud about killing trump for years. prove me wrong. this video, filmed last year, raised questions. it flashes several times trump shooter thomas crooks. this is an advertisement for one of the world's largest investment companies, black roll. it manages more than $6 trillion. investors are actively involved in pumping arms into ukraine. in the states, blackrock is associated with the same deep state. numerous models show how a miracle saved trump. turning his head for a split second saved his life.
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fans see god's providence in this, that this really happened, congress is going to find out, and on monday the director of the secret service was summoned there for questioning. denis davidov, anna lvova, dmitry deneshkin and maria poderina, lead. and urgent expected news from the united states. joe biden is withdrawing from the election race. the document is published by the white house. biden explains that he is withdrawing his candidacy for the presidency to focus. fulfilling his presidential obligations for the remainder of his term, which is until january next year when the next head of the white house takes the oath of office, biden is expected to address the nation later this week on of your decision. in a statement, biden expressed gratitude to everyone who worked hard to get him re-elected, thanked vice president kamala haris, and celebrated the faith of the american people who elected him the
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first time. let's. let's listen to the letter: it has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your president, and although it was my intention to seek re-election, i believe it would be in the best interests of my party and country if i resign and focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president in during the remaining term. acs reports that biden declined to immediately endorse kamala's candidacy. haris for the post. president of the united states. let me remind you that just 3 days ago biden became infected with coronavirus. the disease is mild, white house press secretary karine john pierre said. she added that the president had previously received all the necessary vaccinations. biden, 81, attended a campaign event in las vegas on wednesday. in the evening he was supposed to speak there at the meeting, but canceled his speech and left for delaware,
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there i spoke with nancy. on friday, donald trump accepted the republican national convention nomination and officially became a candidate to become the forty-seventh president of the united states. the pompous ceremony took place in the city of melookie, wisconsin, at the home arena of the melookie bucks basketball club, the picerum. speaking for the first time since the assassination attempt last saturday. the wounded trump, with his right ear taped up, took a long time to get to the stage. the backdrop for the main character was a hit by country style veteran lee greenwood. god bless america. trump is a music lover
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and as he writes, in his palace, mara laga personally controls everything that sounds from the speakers. donald loves elvis presley. loves to listen to the song “nothing compares to you.” one of the trump family's favorite bands is the rolling stones song "you can't always get what you want." if trump had wanted to go on stage to the rolling stones, he would not have been able to. mick jagger, like the lion's part of musical hollywood, forbade him to use his works for the election campaign for political reasons. the washington post writes about this.
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everything looked bright, colorful, politically significant, and the speeches showed a thirst for place and revenge. one of trump's key allies and trade adviser in his administration, peter navaro just left a miami prison on wednesday, where he served 4 months for refusal.


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