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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 22, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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and just now donald trump, the cnn television channel , said that defeating kamala haris, who biden announced as his successor after leaving the race, would be much easier than...
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he proposes to send her to us military bases in europe. all this could become a reality if trump wins the us elections. first of all, with the arrival of trump in the white house, there will be a real prospect of some kind of global rapprochement with russia and putin, a return to the times when russia was a respected partner of the g8 and even nato. once again we are convinced that retired western politicians are smarter than current ones, take, for example, the reappointed head of the european commission, ursula fondeer. on a wave of euphoria from the fact that she was able to maintain her post, ursula agreed to the point that she proposed turning the european union into a military bloc. and only scholz does not change himself, he is apathetic. an hour ago, the german chancellor said that he still watches tube tv at home, but...
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of course, the compact, as the largest opposition media, plays a big role in bringing about a change in the country's course. we are not odg assistants in the elections, we are not a party publication, but we are a very important factor in the sense of the struggle for changing the political course. during the week, the european commission also tried to suppress the voice of the internal opposition. brussels did not dare to cancel the hungarian presidency of the eu, but according to the press secretary of the european commission, it was decided to reduce the level of contacts with budapest in the next six months.
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there are many countries that support the war, they believe that they can destroy the russians militarily, but i don't think so, because i believe that there is no solution to this conflict on the battlefield, western countries hope for this, but i think differently, i don’t believe in such a development of events at all, because i know the russians, i know.
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expect no peace initiatives from him before the elections, but i can confidently say that soon after his victory in the elections he will not wait for his inauguration, he will be ready to speak out immediately. as a mediator in establishing peace. the peacekeeping efforts of the hungarian prime minister were not appreciated either in brussels or in the vast majority of other european capitals, although the pressure on him decreased somewhat due to trump's increased chances of returning to the white house, the surge in activity of the hungarian prime minister on the diplomatic front in europe is directly associated with the republican candidate. the fact that trump chose 100% like-minded jade vance as his second number increased skepticism. only in relation to the continuity of washington’s policy in the ukrainian direction. the politician’s publication, with reference to an anonymous european official, writes about a disaster for ukraine, but completely undermined confidence in maintaining the previous us course towards the european union and nato. the former us ambassador to berlin,
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richard grenell, was the one who terrorized the merkel government about nord stream 2, and is now the main contender for the post of us secretary of state in the trump administration. gave an interview to the bilt newspaper; even compact magazine could publish some of his thoughts. do you think that if donald trump becomes president, will germany and the eu then have to pay more for ukraine than they do now? of course, this is a war in europe. and this then this is a war in your backyard. if there had been a war in mexico, we would have taken on most of the tasks, although we probably wouldn’t have asked for all the work ourselves. i listen to my people. if representatives of the russian government, the german government do not say such things, the media in germany is closed, i think that the problem lies in the german language , so the americans can. it is possible that the bullet that cleared the viz will strengthen trump’s
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false sense of messianism and god’s chosenness, which will affect his desire to communicate with everyone in the language of ultimatums. well, europeans certainly won’t escape this kind of attitude. the people of dresdon greeted their chancellor with cries of a failed warmonger. the election campaign of the german social democrats in saxony, where their rating fluctuates around an insignificant 5%, is taking place under such verbal accompaniment. the presentation
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of the new british government, held within the framework of the european political community summit, leaves no doubt. labor will do the same thing as those who came before them. conservatives were engaged testing the patience and strength of the british - howling about the russian threat. ukraine is fighting not only for the ukrainian people, although of course this is so, but for the european people, for freedom, democracy, the rule of law, so our security begins with ukraine. zelensky is an invariable part of the scenery, he was shown here too, everywhere he begged for money, weapons and permission to strike deep into russian territory. for now. without much success. the main thing that worries the friends of ukraine is the russian oil and the tankers that transport it. i want to support prime minister starmer's call from around 40 member countries of the european political community
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to step up our action against what we call the ghost fleet, ships that allow russia to circumvent our sanctions on russian oil trade. the european union has already taken retaliatory measures in the form of sanctions, now we want to join forces in a global coalition to put an end to this cash fleet, but europeans will have to be careful with russian oil, because it is not in the interests of the united states for its disappearance from the global market, and it is still very far away before they stop listening to washington; this certainly will not happen during fondern’s succession, who remains the head of the european commission for another 5 years. 401 votes in favor, 284 against, 15 abstentions and seven ballots declared invalid. fonderline has identified the militarization of the european union as a big goal for the second term, which clearly corresponds to the wishes of washington,
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no matter who is in command. we will strengthen our own strength. for this purpose it will be established the post of european commissioner for defense, which josé barel is vying for, lost to the estonian woman in december. euro, but since europe does not have many resources and power.
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using the administrative, financial and legal levers at the disposal of the european commission,
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it is unclear what will remain of democracy as a result of this struggle, only a sign is possible. the struggle for democracy is, in fact, the struggle of the european elites for survival, for the right to remain at the trough during a period when an american ally, no matter trump or biden will begin to squeeze the remaining juices out of europe, their value system will be further and further from reality. for the average voter, the only effective way to deal with the dissatisfied is through political repression, so the destruction of the compact magazine is perhaps only the beginning. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, andrey putra, conductor berlin, germany. and us house speaker mike johnson has just called on joseph biden to resign immediately without waiting for the end of his presidential term. we will return to this topic later. nato must to understand that. will not win, and the worsening of the conflict in ukraine leads to its defeat,
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nicaragovo president daniel ortega said at a meeting in monago with vyacheslav volodin, chairman of the state duma on a large diplomatic south american tour. in the morning , volodin arrived in havana at hosimarti airport, and a warm welcome awaited him. today, the speaker of parliament met with the president of cuba, miguel dis canel. the day before, in monago , volodin represented our country at celebrations in honor. forty-fifth anniversary of the sandinista revolution and added congratulations from vladimir putin. our country has always supported nicaragua and supports it now. we are fighting together for a multipolar world, for the opportunity to build our future. we do everything to make the world fair. in ukraine , the night before, the odious
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irina frion was shot in the back of the head. an active komsomol member, a people's deputy of ukraine, eventually became the face of bandera's state and, if you like, a demon of russophobia. the killer waited for farion to arrive in the center of lvov. the moment of the assassination attempt was not recorded by surveillance cameras that were turned off due to power outages, but the zelensky administration has already announced a russian trace. details from andrey grigoriev. in lvov , irina farion, a former deputy of the verkhovna rada, an ideological ukrainian nazi, a fan of stepan bandera and a hater of everything russian, was shot dead in the courtyard of her own house. why is it that my grandson, dmitrik, who is 35 years old, enters the kindergarten and sees some grisha in front of him, who says hello to him, and my grandson has to teach him the ukrainian language with his little fist, because the child comes nervous home and says: grandma is in moskal kindergarten, granny says that muscovite needs to be destroyed.
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this is how she responded to the death of publicist oles buzina, who was killed by her ideological comrades, who, by the way, are still at large. the degenerate buzin was killed. perhaps this brazen death will somehow neutralize the dirt spilled by this bastard. in this desire to destroy the russian, freon drove itself into a corner and got involved in a language conflict with the militants of terrorist azov. "i can't call them ukrainians if they don't they speak the ukrainian language, go, gather ukrainians, come here, and all of us russian-speaking people are unworthy, free us from military positions, open the borders, and we ’ll all get the hell out of here. there was a reason for zelensky to be detained on forion, the nazi publicly called him biological garbage. the complete manifestation of this, the complete manifestation of this biological garbage, is certainly zelensky. the police have two versions: the socio-political activities of the murdered woman and the personal hostility towards her, they are looking for this
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young man who has been around for several days. stalked the victim in the yard. they can't identify him because...
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funds in the accounts, then the executor can foreclose on the only housing of such a debtor. that if a summons was sent by mail, it is already considered received, no one will wait for delivery and signature of the addressee, a real hunt is open for recruits, this one in odessa got his head pierced on the way to the military registration and enlistment office, did you see in what condition you are picking him up, people are in trouble to despair, in the village of rakitnaya near kiev, a ukrainian woman set herself on fire, her husband was denied a reservation, in dnepropetrovsk, the conscript was repulsed from the military commissars by the entire yard, in odessa for protection. the colonists began to supply goods to the market; only additional armed police units were able to seize it. this is already a real resistance movement, the cars of military commissars are burning en masse , more and more uncomfortable questions are being asked to the authorities , people’s deputies are tired of it, it’s surprising, but the people’s deputies who swore the oath to the citizens of ukraine, first of all
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, exempted themselves and their assistants from service, they didn’t even have a medical examination need to go through, they after all, they themselves made changes to the law. in the west they are pushing, since no one is doing this, the conscription age needs to be further reduced; radical nationalists have become more active within the country, also dissatisfied with the lack of personnel. what do you want to wait for, why exactly 25, you can join the armed forces from the age of 18, it’s just easier for you to endure any physical activity at 18, don’t wait until they come to you from the military registration and enlistment office, hope for foreign mercenaries, but there are fewer and fewer of them in the ssu , a german citizen who fought in the country.
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here ramzan kadyrov personally inspects the progress of construction while driving: 150 residential buildings, a mosque, a school, a kindergarten, in the very center of grozny. this is a trailer of a new cable car, which is currently being built in the chechen republic. i have to earn money. more than 600 five-star rooms, as well as apart-hotels, individual cottages and a spa center. for the region, this is more than 2.0 new jobs. it
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will be possible to book a room there in 3 years, but it is extremely important that getting there is convenient. here is a project for a new airport in grozny, the same modern air terminals are being built by neighbors. during his address, the president noted that it is important to increase the aviation mobility of citizens to increase the intensity of air traffic by one and a half times in 6 years. a new terminal has already been built. and there was no square there, there were stones, and there wasn’t even a single whole stone. when you come to grozny today, to this city, which somehow
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actually appears straight out of an oriental fairy tale, you always think that how in a short time time really managed to do wonders, and of course it thanks to the president of our country , vladimirovich putin, and also, of course , the first president of the chechen republic, and the logistics centers, wholesale distribution centers, storage. a decision has already been made to create a new arkhis airport, the cost of the investment project is 28 billion rubles.
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due to private investment, by the end of 28, a terminal, a runway, and infrastructure will be built, that is, getting to the ski slopes will be much easier than now. there is something to see in dagestan, for example, ancient derbend. young people, come, carpets, souvenirs. but the region is relying on seaside recreation, and new hotels are opening. in the caspian sea, today, of course, as our main driver, including the economy of other areas of socio-economic development, we are considering the participation of dagestan in the presidential program, the five seas of lake baikal, and in the republic they are proud that they can make excellent shoes, real shoemaker city should appear by 2030, 1,600 new jobs. we are currently implementing a defense order. this shoe comes in military part of the russian federation, of course, the pearl of the russian south is the caucasian mineral waters, where you can improve your health,
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special military operations await participants there. the rehabilitation process, especially in komenvody, where we have a large number of sanatoriums that specialize, including in issues of treatment, disease and rehabilitation, so this will be actively used. another promising area is agriculture. a real gold mine. trout fisheries are actively developing in north ossetia farms, there are more than 100 of them. springs with the purest glacial water, ideal conditions for growing fish. in addition, the business is investing in new energy technologies, including in stavropol, where construction of a new wind power plant will begin next year. the social sphere is also changing, including in the chechen republic, kadyrov reports to mishushchin. thanks to example, it was possible to completely eliminate three shifts at school. will ensure 100% accessibility of preschool education; over the last 3 years, 82 schools have been built for 49,380
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places broadcast the chechen republic live , big sunday news and further in our program. latest news from the usa: biden has dropped out of the race, will kamala haris definitely replace him? why elon musk is fleeing to texas from california. why is the white house getting into bed with the american founding fathers? a grandiose reconstruction of the sacred land, the new chersonese, what will the largest museum of antiquity in the south be like? this is the big sunday
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news and we continue. an hour ago, joe biden announced that he was withdrawing his candidacy. us presidential elections. many senior members of biden's team learned of his decision not to seek re-election shortly before the official release of the letter, abc reports. more news: biden has endorsed vice president kamala haris as the new democratic nominee. after the debate failure, prominent party members called on biden to voluntarily withdraw. participation in elections. 3 days ago, eighty-one-year-old biden came down with coronavirus and was unable to take part in a campaign rally. first reaction from the republican candidate to today's news: donald trump called biden the worst president in us history. let's quote. fraudster joe biden was unfit to run for president, certainly not fit to serve, and never was fit to serve. he achieved
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the presidency only through lies, fakes on... from the race, individual delegates will need to choose the party's candidate either during a virtual vote tentatively scheduled for early august or at an in-person convention in chicago in next month. now everyone is waiting for a video address to the nation, which was also announced by the white house. well, here is the kremlin’s first reaction, dmitry peskov recalled that vladimir putin had previously said that
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predictable is preferable for russia. candidate biden, but quote: there are still 4 months before the election - this is a long time, during which a lot can change, you need to be patient and carefully monitor what happens next. our priority is to achieve the goals of the special military operation, the kremlin added. in those ancient times when there were no gadgets, people used magic, but beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where
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it’s needed, that’s what my name is, watch videos online, it stopped working, i can’t live without traveling, soon, we’re used to installing, opening, watching. russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.


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