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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 22, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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it was destroyed, very pleasant, but still it’s more pleasant to see the germans dead. i knew the german army well and the germans themselves as a proud and self-loving nation, but today it was not the army that marched, but troops of animals. this demonstration is very characteristic in that it shows the massive disintegration of the german army. it is a pity that the soviet government preserved these thugs; they should have been destroyed so that their view of moscow would be the last. following the parade are city sprinklers with water, which symbolically clear the streets of the capital from german mud. the very next day, july 18 , a note was published in the english newspaper times with a photograph on the front page. daily okero described the fascists as unshaven, gloomy, with their heads down. the article was published in the new york times, which noted the presence of the american ambassador at the great waltz in moscow. the reaction in the west was shocking, if anyone else
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had any doubts that they could conduct some of their secret maneuvers behind the back of the soviet union, and not take into account the opinion, position of the soviet union, now these thoughts, they probably threw it aside, you want this to happen to you, look, military operations continued, and now everyone has seen, the red army is very strong and can attack on all fronts, and soon liberations began. as for germany, of course, the spirit of revanchism emanates from there, there is a lot of this fascist spawn that has surfaced today, has surfaced, so they demonstrate their attitude towards modern russia. through ukraine. the russians
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took berlin three times, the germans never took moscow. teftonian honor violated. germany was thirsty revenge. with the start of a special military operation, this desire intensified. in berlin they openly declare that they are waging war against russia. nato equipment is plowing through the black soil of ukraine with might and main, just like 80 years ago, destroying peaceful cities and shooting at russian people. the germans dreamed that their tanks would reach moscow, here they are, next to... american abrams, damaged, disabled with traces of shell hits, now these are trophies of the russian army. after the big waltz , approaching victories were wafted with the wind, and on the evening of july 17, trainloads of prisoners left for siberian camps; there were still 9 months and 22 days left before the victorious march. elena yarofeeva, victoria golovkin, elena bedyak, maria dobroradnykh, magomed asaev, nikita korneev, news. the russian ministry of foreign affairs has just
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responded to joe biden’s withdrawal from the election race. this is their story, russia does not interfere in their internal life. according to reuters, biden was planning to continue the race on saturday night, but on sunday afternoon he decided not to run for a second term. the situation is really unique. biden withdrew from the race, but did not leave the white house. given the current level of antagonism between democrats and republicans. the chief of our american bureau, dmitry melnikov, could provoke a constitutional crisis from washington. a long-awaited, but still sensational letter on one page, joe biden addresses his american friends, in which he says that in the interests of the democratic party he decides to withdraw from the election race, remaining to serve out the term. as president,
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it was the greatest honor of my life to be your president, and while it was my intention to seek re-election, i believe it would be in the best interests of my party and country if i resign and focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term. in the letter, biden thanks vice president kamala harris for her work. he later endorsed her as the new democratic nominee in the upcoming election. president biden has endorsed vice president kamala haris to be his presidential nominee. democrats this year. the kharis company gained momentum just the day before . everything else, we know something
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and don’t know something based on what we just saw, and if we didn’t see something, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. donald trump has already told cnn that it will be much easier for him to defeat haris than biden. his reaction to removing biden from the fight is harsh; he was never fit to be the american president. thieving joe biden was not fit to run for president, certainly not fit to serve. and never. was no good, he achieved the presidency only by lying, fake news and not leaving his basement. everyone around him, including his doctor and the media, knew that he was not capable of being president, and he did not become one. now look what he has done to our country: millions of people are crossing our
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border completely unchecked without being checked. many of them are from prisons, psychiatric clinics and a record number of terrorists. we will suffer greatly because of his presidency, but we will very quickly we will repair the damage done to them. make america great again. biden is now in self-isolation in delaware, but back in the middle of the week he stated that he would withdraw from the election race only if doctors advised him to do so. if i had some kind of disease, if someone, the doctors came and said you have such and such a health problem, to be honest , i think the only thing that age brings is a little wisdom. mr. president, how are you feeling? i'm fine. unfortunately, president biden has a choice: vanity or virtue. he can either condemn the country to dark and cruel times, or he can listen to the voice of time. time is up. former prosecutor kamala haris against a convicted felon, as
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democrats call trump. harris' candidacy can be approved before the democratic party congress in august using the so-called express price. dmitry melnikov, news from washington. the situation is further complicated by the fact that sky news has just reported that barack obama will not support kamala haris. on friday , an unusual event took place near the american embassy in moscow. a rally-concert organized by singer yaroslav dronov, known under the pseudonym shaman. this is how he reacted to the blocking of the accounts of his and other russian performers on the youtube platform. the blocking had no effect. users massively upload songs by russian artists to youtube to replace deleted ones. moreover, due to us sanctions and a lack of updates for google's equipment, which is owned by youtube, the streaming service in russia is slowing down. this means that the west is losing
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access to a huge audience. every coin two sides. a giant russian flag was also projected onto the embassy building on friday. representatives of crimean travel companies were the first to visit. according to the head of the simferopol crimean diocese, metropolitan tikhon, new chersonese is not only a museum of christianity, byzantium, crimea and new russia, but a modern space for promoting the cultural heritage of the republic on the world
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stage. yana shcherbataya was convinced of this personally. ancient khersanostauric for russia is not just an ancient city that once was. blossomed in the south of crimea, a very special and sacred place, because it is from here that our culture and faith take its origins. sacred land. in 988, prince vladimir adopted christianity here, followed by all of russia. new chersonesus recalls one of the most important episodes in the history of our state. chersonesos is truly our common homeland, because russian statehood was born here. by and large. it was orthodoxy, culture, arts and other things, other things, and continuity in all this that was missing pagan tribes, already brought together by the harsh power of the prince, but
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this main spiritual core was missing, the spirit revives, now this is a place reflecting the greatness and continuity of byzantine culture, this is not only in russia in... very beautiful, very beautiful, so that it was and a temple, and a park, and a place of prayer and a place and
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the beauty of god’s garden, here will be these pergalas, which will be covered in a matter of days with grapes and roses that we have been growing for 2 years, a spiritual and. .. the excavations, which became the largest, covering
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24 hectares of land, were examined by archaeologists. during the history of the ancient city, archaeologists discovered more than 6 million finds here, an incredible figure. among them, there are such large structures, for example, heraon, the grave of presumably the founder of ancient khersanes, and a large number of such small fragments of ceramics. they do not represent museum values, but they also found use here in new khersanes. small pieces of pottery and amphorae line the paths in the quarter reconstructions in hersanes recreated the city exactly as prince vladimir saw the ancient polis. the stone houses will house a pottery workshop, a mint, and a winery and estate. now builders are engaged in interior decoration, working with materials that have lain underground for 2,000 years, the same fragments of ceramics. it really shakes me from the realization that it will work. almost half a million more finds will replenish the museum’s funds.
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exhibits from the now open khersanez tauride museum will also be moved here. in one of halls - diarama, the moment of the baptism of prince vladimir. here we see the back of a warrior, and he is walking with a weapon, and he is also going to be baptized. when we unfold it to the end, we will see that this same warrior, he is already walking towards us , having already crossed himself and holding a candle. the construction of the archaeological park made it possible to recreate st. vladimir chersonese. in ancient cells, in old
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houses, there is still a museum, and we are waiting for them to move to a new building; in the main shrine of the monastery in st. vladimir’s cathedral there are now also many workers, specialists based on the mosaic they are returning it to the temple from...
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there is one here too, the gryphon performance in the arena of the same name has already been watched by thousands of artek residents, the korsun branch and art school built for them is also a new chersonesos. the builders of khersanes did the seemingly impossible. the cradle of russian orthodoxy is being revived again. yana shcherbaty and andrey terentsev, host. khersanez, sevastopol. that's all for today, all the best to you and see you next sunday.
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we watch to know everything about russia. the best historical series, watch, watch in application or on the website, i have only one question for everyone, simple, clear, clear, like a lime newspaper? what year is this from 19007 g. biden was taken out of the game, well, explain it to me, well, i can understand everything, but why explain it, in 1987 we had the same thing, of course, i mean that in all seriousness, yes a direct witness, in all
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seriousness, in 1987 they already knew that g. biden... after many rumors of stuffing, he finally announced that he was withdrawing from the presidential race. it’s interesting that just a few hours ago there were statements from his team, his the very fact that he has a plan, he knows how to suppress, how to rally, let’s all break trump together, but something went wrong. he promised to give a detailed explanation in a special address to the nation next week, while he wrote that the current term plans to finish, which, by the way, does not look obvious now; moreover, a little later biden supported the candidacy of us vice president kamala haris, it is interesting that this did not happen right away, that is, his initial
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statement was that he was great, that he had never miscalculated, that he appointed kamala. it is interesting that among all that he listed in this farewell letter, he did not remember international relations for the first time, probably without mentioning ukraine, which is also quite significant. kamala haris is an unusual person, i would say special, and there was a big question, could kamala haris become the successor? now, obviously this one. the issue has not yet been completely resolved, but several strong steps have been taken, because a little later not only biden announced support for kamala haris, but also the clintons said that they support this candidacy, there are legal nuances related to money, donation, but experts will talk about this much better than i can.
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trump, of course, was immediately delighted, on his social network true social, he... wrote the following: corrupt joe biden was not fit to run for president , certainly not fit to serve, never was, he only achieved the presidency thanks to lies, fake news and the fact that he never left his basement, and so on and so on and so on, he generally, honestly speaking, kamaluto didn’t cackle very much, but he didn’t cackle at all. this is what, with his characteristic optimism, donald fredrick trump wanted to say that the viceroy, in his opinion, is probably a god on earth, although he spoke with my close friend steven segalov, he says: no, no, he has long considered himself a god, and i’m not here i can argue with steven. this is what he said about kamala.
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as soon as we reclaim the white house and take it back from the corrupt joy kamalo, i'm calling her. coil kamala, have you heard her laugh? she's crazy, a person can do a lot by laughing i can tell you that she is absolutely crazy! this cheerful hottie, she, when they appointed jady bence, well, they chose him for the position of trump’s assistant to go next to him. otherwise she called him and said kamalo, he sent her to an answering machine, and she wanted to call him, therefore, to a debate, now the debate can be tougher, although
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based on what is happening, i do not exclude the development of the situation according to the scenario predicted a long time ago zhirinovsky, trump has already removed the slogan, let’s make america great, save america, that’s right, trump, just not you will be able to save america. because there will be no elections in america in the twenty-fourth year, because there will be no america, that means there will be no elections, let him play golf for the last time on this golf course. good fellow, before that he predicted trump’s fate, donald trump will do something wrong, they will be killed like john kennedy. by chance, in some state, some crazy person killed him. therefore , the feeling is that we may be witnessing an election, where on the one hand...
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this is such an incredible blessed week, how great that president trump proposed i want to become his running mate in the election campaign, but in fact there is bad news, the vice president doesn’t like me.
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now, probably, it will be mowed because he is three hundredth, so he is over five hundred, well, that’s not the point, but he knew, he showed what would happen in the very next hours, he turned out to be right.
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now artificial intelligence allows you to do just anything, the famous film the matrix, i really liked the slippers, yes, that is, sneakers, trump’s famous golden sneakers, he is the chosen one.
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and notice now what characters will stand behind jae arbinet biden jr. is this barack obama? and a well-known person. who stole facebook, as some believe, here - biden is withdrawing his candidacy, but he looks good, yes, handsome, beautiful, and at the same time elon musk took revenge on everyone, everyone, everyone he doesn’t like, yes, zuckerberg looked at obama, both ran away,
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trump fully. now he corresponds to this image, the feeling that he considers himself a saint, and he directly says, it’s all thanks to god, he is here. i felt something hit me very, very hard, hitting me in the right ear. i thought to myself, wow, what is this? it can only be a bullet. i touched my ear and looked at my hand. she was covered in blood, there was blood everywhere. i realized that everything was serious, that we were under attack, but i felt safe because i knew that god was on my side. i felt it, and now i stand here before you by the grace of god. bullets flew over us, but i felt
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calm. be here, no, you must, the whole crowd is like this, snow maiden, snow maiden, fixes, i am a traveler, aeronaut jean ivan, and so we go out, what a
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fairy tale? without ivan, uh, what began, without deception, without a flint, i quickly imprisoned myself in flints , a self-written pen, magic ink, you’ll get it, the main thing is van, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, but beat yourself on the head, nickname- then you have where you need to go, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need to, i can’t live without travel, flint, he doesn’t need a pen, he who has flint in his pocket, soon, you when have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we didn’t have bread, bread - this is the world, this is the most sacred thing that a person has, what every family has,
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created bread. our civilization, contributed to our evolution, technological revolution. this is both the future of humanity and the history of humanity. this is a universal language. over the past 2.0 years, bread has shaped our attitude to life, this is the power of our country, the strength of its imot. every day i take a piece of black bread and always enjoy life. when confronted with bread, a person is literally transformed. this is what our distant ancestors thought, and we really hope that he does.


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