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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 22, 2024 3:00am-3:30am MSK

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and there will be a fight, to what extent, so to speak, will this fight be at the congress itself or before the congress?
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in the sixteenth year, maybe it would have been better, i don’t know, but now i see how there will be 4 months of such hell, now, now there will actually be 4 months of hysteria, because when such a gigantic colossus that is america goes to scolding, then dmitry’s forecast that a civil war will break out may come true much earlier, well , a civil war, there will still be some kind of civil resistance against trump, some form of civil resistance that can be call it a civil war, even if.
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well, of course not liberal, but liberal illiberal is still the same audience that trump is addressing - this is the same audience, well, relatively speaking, television evangelists, and the style is everything else, so one should not underestimate here, purely american, the weakling must go, yes , of course, but leaving like that is a complete weakling, right?
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biden will come to the congress, i wonder, i’m afraid, i’m obliged to do this, i’m afraid of something else, i’m afraid, speech, yes, that he physically won’t be able to, because what happened today is not his they showed it in this form, absolutely right, they didn’t show it, most likely during the week, i don’t rule out that marya vladimirovna is right, biden may no longer know that this text was published on his behalf, whatever, grandfather, if you you've been taken hostage, at least blink. yes, advertising, well, it was then. have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we didn't have bread? bread is the world. this is the most sacred thing a person has. what everyone is is family. bread created our civilization, contributed to our evolution, technical revolution. this is both the future of humanity and the history of humanity. this is a universal language. over the past 2.0 years, bread has shaped our. attitude to life, this is
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the power of our country, its strength and spendthrift, every day, i take a piece of black bread , life always makes me happy. when faced with bread, a person is literally... transformed, our distant ancestors believed so, we really hope that you think so too, please, thank you, great times are coming for the amateur americanist, really, yes, that’s right, every day something, yes, at least how much i ate popcorn.
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and now that biden is no longer a candidate, a redistribution will begin, it has already begun, it began before, but now
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the hunt is open, and this redistribution is very big and very important, because imagine, for the leadership of the party, not just the presidency and the white house , but in general on the leadership of the party, on that group that...
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these are all three huge pieces, global pieces, and what will happen now, well, the redistribution of all this influence. this is the group that included, of course, obama, but above all the clintons
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their entourage, and the entourage of the dem parties that they built around themselves, and biden was their creature, naturally, just like obama a long time ago, but obama grew a little during this time, and this group, which held power for almost 30 years and which did not let anyone into power, created this deficit, when there was no one to put in place... personally, he was very brave, just like trump, but he did not bend under the bullet, he also
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climbed onto the tank, knowing what was there, suddenly there what kind of sniper, what did it lead to, what did it lead to the country when two people those who are incompetent to govern the country and who, due to their personal qualities, are not capable of making an informed decision for the whole world, find themselves in power, this is our perspective - to realize this. like a screen, and now you have to answer for all this, and that’s not enough, you need to understand
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what state trump is heading towards? trump is going to take revenge, trump is going to take revenge, and trump will figure it out now that he has seen what he is, if you imagine trump’s state when he demolished biden, but he just destroyed him now, he tore him apart, that’s what he was talking about, he i just smeared him, forced him to leave in this way.
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dmitry, it’s a fun day for you today, the whole world is shaking and jumping up and down, yes, hello, vladimir rudolfevich, indeed, in principle, this is of course unexpected, although i must admit, a long-awaited decision, it was strange that the democrats waited so long, but obviously, that somehow, this letter that appeared today, and we really don’t know who exactly... its author appeared after the republican convention, after this triumphant return was completed trump, after his assassination attempt, biden was already ready for this, he was already in self-isolation, if we, of course, talk about the fact that the decision to withdraw from the presidential race was made by the team, and not by him personally, despite the fact that of course he i myself, to the last, let’s say, held on to the opportunity to take part in the 20-24 elections, but it is obvious that... after the triumph that trump received, there was nothing left to do, if before that, before the assassination attempt, it was still
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somehow possible run on old fuel and also carry out a sluggish campaign, then now that everyone has seen this unity of what is called the magic movement, and we, by the way, were present at this congress, it really looked more like some kind of religious meeting, but now biden has nothing to oppose, in fact, in the remaining 3 months before the elections, especially since the last footage that we saw shows that he is already really really bad, footage from the vera case, where even the secret service, the secret service officer seems to be helping him lift his leg to get into the car, so there really is a solution at least... urgent, but hard-won, what is called, and one can imagine what a breath of relief has now swept through the democratic party, because of course, despite what is assured, and that only after the debate in the leadership of the democratic party they began to think seriously and publicly more or less to declare the need to remove biden, of course, everyone saw everything, everyone saw everything, they saw him before
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the g7 in italy, they saw him before the nato summit in washington. another thing is that trump is right about this, of course, in his today's announcement, the media machine did everything possible to hide it, these were edited videos, these were specially staged videos with a strong, firm voice, small editing, the kind that allowed you to create the effect of activity, but it was impossible to hide, in the era of social networks, in the era of video, everyone understood that biden was in a state in which he would not be able to spend the next 4 years, obviously, as ...
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such a disguise continues, and one way or another an obvious decision was made, now 3 months before the elections, of course, the entire media machine, the entire pr resource of the democrats will be turned on in order to make kharis at least bring her closer in popularity, charisma and, let’s say, in the coherence of her speech to trump, who hosts two-hour, almost one and a half hour, his speech was at the republican convention in one and a half hour pre-election rallies, now... kharis will need to do something similar and the main interesting question is: who, if she is officially nominated from the party, will she pair as vice -president, because after the confirmation of vance, as number two for the republicans, vice presidents must also hold their debates, and accordingly, we understand that whoever it is, now we can only
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guess, put forward versions, vance is already that figure , which is promoted, which is strong enough. quite ideologically savvy, at this last congress the republicans approved the official program, this is such a monolithic program of new trumpism, new republican conservatism, and what will happen to oppose the candidacy that the republicans will put forward against him, of course, this is also very interesting now and there is still intrigue, vladimir, american television is probably going through difficult times now, that is, they do not understand how to comment, what to do, what to talk about. they were sure that the handshake was firm and the fight against covid was quite comparable to an attempted murder, as psaki said with her guest, like, what is this, isn’t it heroism? that is , now they are probably in mourning, they are not understand what to do. well, let's be honest, of course, this option was considered immediately after
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biden's speech at the debate, naturally, haris was already preparing, she began to carry it out, at least for now. quiet, but an election campaign, but they noticed that 4 days ago, while there were no cameras, she held a very powerful election meeting with donors, there were thousands of people, it was a closed event, on thursday she was at a public event, which was also actively covered, in principle, now, of course, this is the main news, this is obvious the main news, because america has now realized that it will definitely 100% have another president, if before that one had any hopes...
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it turns out that kamala and jo spoke several times during the day, jo did not answer once, but they said several times, this is the policy about this. they spoke several times today before the statement, and jedi wen on the social network x, aka, aka former twitter. joe biden was the worst president of
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my life, and kamala harris was by his side every step of the way. over the past 4 years she co-authored bayton's open border green fraud policy, which led to rising housing and food prices. she owns all these failures, she lied about her mental abilities for almost 4 years. dmitry, well, look, we really don’t really understand what happened in the morning according to their time, well, so to speak, not quite early in the morning, according to their time, that means in the state of delaware. and indeed all this looks very strange, because first one message comes out on a social network, the white house website is silent at that moment, then it comes out additional tweet about the fact that he
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supports harris's candidacy, now anything can be leaked through a politician, in fact, we do not understand what kind of reversal has occurred, because 6 hours ago, 6 hours ago jennifer amelie dylan made a comment that biden is determined how to defeat donald trump like never before, what happened in... maybe we should also call him by his middle name, god knows, well , let’s get used to it little by little, in any case, it’s like it will be a candidate for sure, since it was thrown in, why is this the candidate is so good not because she is the vice president, there are different vice presidents, as you know at one time in america they told a joke that there was a father who had two sons, one of them went far into the sea and the other became vice president.
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now further, but we don’t know, kamala, in theory, is the same as he was now, no, i, we don’t know, i don’t have the feeling that his physical condition is such that he will live, look, of course, the greatest
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option, that is, why kamala, because nothing can be changed, everyone remains, all the same clans, groups, all the same remain, which means people remain around, nothing needs to be changed, of course, this is a big risk, because i don’t know who could do this now, except kamel haris.
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it’s not for biden to decide with certainty, exactly, it’s too serious a matter for biden to decide this, that’s why what he writes there, not the one who is now writing tweets for him, it’s not up to him to decide, now why is obama against what,
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as it were even clinton. supported, because i think that obama, and so to speak, people, those who have gathered around him understand that they are going to the elections now with the same dismantled administration, which has failed everything, name me at least one project that they have come together, well, not a single one, yes, they won’t even kill trump, they won’t imprison him they couldn’t, that means they, that means they failed everything, all the crises arose under them, a trillion dollars allocated for infrastructure disappeared inside the political and foreign policy, not a single bridge was restored on federal property. a trillion dollars, broadband internet was never admitted to the odel headquarters, which means that it is impossible, impossible to come out now without accusing someone of gross mistakes, that’s what, that’s what obama understands, so he can even step aside at some point, but then he will say , and i warned you. another thing is that this time may not exist, i believe that the level of hatred, distrust and rejection of simply one america towards another is such that this cannot be decided
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democratically, you... well, there is no way of force, not necessarily tanks for such, therefore the power path means this white house or somewhere in texas, this is this film, the great civil war or , so to speak, the fall of the empire, as we translated it, this is an absolutely great cranberry in order to distract from, so to speak, the real nature of the civil war, which will be hybrid, creeping, in fact, it will begin with the disobedience of the states to the central apparatus, so to speak. incriminating evidence had already been leaked on her an hour almost before this was reported, which means that after all these conversations that our correspondent talked about, in friday she had a telecon conversation with her and the chief of staff, so this is another incompetent woman, jennifeli dillan, they
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talked with more than three hundred of the most... that means, sponsors of the democratic party, they said that it was all ridiculous, that it was for them i really didn’t like that it was, so to speak, they were completely disappointed with this whole thing, but this is actually a big deal, because despite the fact that she is still on the same ballot, legal actions will still be necessary produce in order to transfer this money there, did you imprison me in the fires? you'll get a self-written pen, magic ink, you're the main thing, van, hurry up, so give me a horse, mechanically, in those ancient times, when there were no gadgets, people used magic, but beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname that's right for you , that’s what they call me, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need to go, who
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doesn’t need a pen, who has fire, watch movies, watch them on the app or on the website.
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it’s already so messed up, i wouldn’t like it, although they they messed up so much during this time that i’m actually not sure that their qualifications are enough, to do everything carefully, of course, is the best way now for those who are top.


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