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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 22, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

3:30 am
i wouldn’t want to screw up like that anymore, although they screwed up so much during this time that i’m actually not sure that their qualifications are enough to do everything carefully, of course, the best way now is for those who...
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he had a reserve of how the current president, but this requires the consent of all clans, at least the main four, they do not have this consent, that is the problem, and we see this, by the way, from the reactions that there were and cases when the vice presidents came, well, yes, for example, under bush jr., when he had an operation operation.
3:32 am
are you really sure that, so to speak, the dollar exchange rate there, i don’t know, in relation to the yuan, i’ll say this very carefully, now in a year there will be about the same as now, but i’m not sure, everything can be there , anything, absolutely, now everything that is going on, now this is the democratic camp, which means i can’t say how obvious this decision really was, i once said that there was 70 percent that he would leave, but 30, that’s all - i left it for the fact that they can simply resist everything for a long time pull straight all the way to the exit, so it's valid.
3:33 am
well, back then he sent her money to the prosecutor, well, he sent money to everyone, by the way, he said about this, that he even gave a little money to her wedding, in the eleventh year he gave her 500 dollars, in the thirteenth thousand, donations were made then while trump was facing a class-action lawsuit that claimed trump university was defrauding students of money and haris's office never took action against the organization, officials working for haris at the time said the donations have nothing to do with the lack of action, right now that’s all. pulling out
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this, and with a degree of reliability of 50% at best, now, it means that on the other hand, in fact, we do not fully understand this kind of religious upsurge on the part of conservatives, it is connected not only with the fact that the hand of god deflected the bullet, in fact these are much deeper beliefs of these evangelists, that is, these are not just protestants, they are a very special type of protestants who have the idea that for america there is...
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but they hate stormy daniels and love trump, this is a very deep, again protestant point of view that he is a man, all men are burned by passions, but... i really, in general, i think that the conversation is all about the fact that this is a production, well, guys, it’s me, i don’t believe in it even once, of course, but, but by the secret service , i propose to judge what level of incompetence has actually reached, here the whole state machine, of course, secret, has broken down, so to speak.
3:36 am
the service is an outstanding intelligence service, in this sense , its jambs are scandals, when they came, it means the vice president of the united states, that means this very speaker, that means the protempers, this very senate is guarded by drunks...
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because they don’t know how, simply due to incompetence, they won’t allow something like that to happen , that then it will take a very long time to peck, so to speak, that’s what we need to keep in mind, but we’ll only peck at it after the advertisement, okay, here in avdeevka people
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were driven to death, there was terror, it keeps flying, guys, the war is real, there’s a man here life is completely different here, it’s not... but it’s curious that now cnn is throwing out information that it turns out that already on saturday evening the assistants began to compose a letter, but kamala only found out about this this morning,
3:39 am
that is, sunday morning, that is, what -it’s a very strange situation, well, yes, that is , of course, total miscommunication, so you ’re saying that some employees seemed to know about this and drafted a letter in advance and that’s why they even showed up. obviously everyone around me accepted this, but many didn’t get it, so there was a certain shock there of course, it remains, i still don’t quite agree that everyone will remain there, but after all, kamela harris, of course, as we remember, yes, she was very active in purging her employees of her apparatus, there were even constant scandals about the fact that there is such a very toxic atmosphere in
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the vice-president’s office, so i think that of course, after all, if they drag her out to these elections, she wins theoretically, but there after january of twenty- five she is all- still... of the bidenists there, especially the most ardent ones, removes, installs her own, and of course installs many representatives, yes, the clinton clan, the obama clan, with whom she works, so the fact that hillary and bill clinton immediately supported kamala haris is not surprising, considering. that she is, in general, literally their protege, they helped her there for a very long time in promoting her career, especially hillary clinton, so the fact that barack obama also distanced himself from all this, well, to some extent it is not surprising, well so again, i’m not inclined to think that barack obama has some kind of dark the horse that he will now bring to the fore, somehow you said so harshly about mishli, somehow it sounded very ambiguous, intended, as they say, yes, that is, this is this, yes, i didn’t mean the color there skin, of course, i mean everything.
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to make such a king on migration, that is , a person who was supposed to resolve it, she failed, we remember how they tried to do it during the migration crisis, but this is a complete failure, and there are millions of migrants crossing this american, southern border, that is, there is no success, her were constantly taken to some international tours, there from europe, she constantly spoke at the munich security conference and everywhere in general, and her performance. didn’t lead to anything, that is , they were very bad, she constantly misspoke, and she had a word salad, i remember how she laughed there, answering some serious questions, such a defensive reaction, now it’s kind of like with her political strategists have worked and you and i have already said this, mentioned, yes, that we laugh a little less often there, but at the same time she has a different kind of swearing reaction, yes, then that is, she began to swear more often, well , it’s not entirely clear what is better, laughing inappropriately, or swearing inappropriately, well, in general, it’s obvious that an image maker still needs to work with her. and work very, very, very hard, and there is very little time left before the elections, 100 days, and
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indeed, of course, the situation is unprecedented, that is, many compare it with the year sixty-eight with lyndon johnson, but you need to understand that still then there was another political tradition, yes, there was still no tradition of that you have democratic primaries , the one who wins them already becomes an official candidate, plus after all, lyndon johnson withdrew more than even six months before the elections, yes, it was march, immediately after the vote in newhamshire, where... johnson won, but he didn’t perform very confidently and seemed to have decided that he really had to deal with the stench of the war in vietnam and he could n’t serve a third term like that, which is why now , of course, yes, they’re really trying to change horses at the crossing when you’re on the clock it’s already 23:59 election campaigns, and there are even some legal problems arising with the registration of candidates in each specific state, because in many , registration ends in august or september, so as for the money of the election headquarters, this is certainly interesting, right? because it seems like yes, except for biden, no one can manage this , but by the way, i admit that
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there may not be such a serious problem with this, if we take the money of the headquarters, and not the money of super pacs, that is , external groups that are associated with democrats, they can, in general, spend money on any candidate in support of anyone, because no matter how this does not limit them in any way, just today we saw very bad figures for fundraising, that is, for collecting donations for the second quarter of 2024. democrats compared to republicans by... that is, trump took the lead in collecting donations, he collected $430 million there, the democrats collected 330 million in the second quarter, and the most important thing is that the biden campaign actually had it at the beginning of july there are only 95 million dollars left, and if we take away the budgets of the democratic national committee, there may be 30-40 million left, that is, they have burned a lot of money during this time, but to no avail, the ratings there for both biden and harris are not particularly good have grown up, maybe they are political ukrainians? but it’s passing through, and have you noticed how ukraine is generally quiet now, they just
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don’t understand what to do, guys, what’s wrong with their faces, well, yes, something certainly happened to their faces, especially with ukrainian lobbyists, yes, who actively worked with biden’s supporters, well, returning to this story, that is, these 3 weeks after the debate, i think that they also passed against the backdrop of simply the maximum burning of budgets, so we don’t know how much money they have left, but i fully admit that very little, by the way, this could also...
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considering that he financed all these pro-palestinian protests against the biden administration, this was also, of course, a very good story at that time for the republicans, considering that it was like strengthened the split between the democrats, but still returning to all this, that is, i admit that both the decision of the sponsors and the lack of money had an impact, unless we still take some kind of radical scenario, which we also talked about today , yes, about why biden is not shown, he really could have an exacerbation of dementia, an exacerbation of parkinson’s, there are also some sources who say that maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow we will talk about this... i’ve already officially heard about it, so then it’s necessary and yes , then you have a question, what to kind of resign with biden, as the current president of the united states, of course, in my opinion, after all, yes, for the establishment of the democratic party the ideal scenario was to leave biden, even in this unconscious state, until january 20, in order to don’t start all this fuss with the twenty
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-fifth amendment, because, first of all , kamala harris as president can also mess things up, even though she’s not there subjectively and not independently. behind the republicans, they will do their best to torpedo all this, slow down the process statements, well, that is, there will be a lot of problems, i fully admit that it may not be possible to agree even on the first attempt, you will have to look for another candidate, well, in general, there are a lot of such legislative and institutional difficulties, so i think we would like of course, they want biden to sit out, but it’s not a fact that biden will succeed, yes, especially if, of course
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, it turns out that he has parkinson’s disease in an advanced stage, of course, the pressure on him will be significant, just as there was pressure now and so. .. who participated in the prime, she is the current vice president, yes, although, of course, this is still a joke, plus a dark-skinned woman, and of course, any questions, kammali harres about, maybe you should leave, because you low ratings will be met, of course, yes, responses that you are russian sexists, a racist, a sexist, yes, a misogynist and in general it’s like kamala haris’s turn, she endured all the bullying for 3.5 years for this, yes there
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that everyone humiliated her too and said what she was like, what an ineffective vice president she is. in order to wait for this moment and now still lead the party forward, but it would seem, and indeed, the replacement of biden with kamala haris is a replacement of the enemy with soap, given that both have low ratings, but nevertheless, however, i admit that the democrats can still hope that now, at this very semi-open convention in august, they will find kamali harris a strong vice president, or rather a candidate for vice president, who will allow democrats, even if they lose in the elections, will not be so significant. " the us federal election commission has received notification of haris's nomination for the presidency, well, yes, who could be a possible candidate for vice-presidential kamali harres, well, several names have already been discussed over the past week, and there is a senator - arizona,
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mark kelly, here is a former astronaut, a really well-known person for many americans, considering that, well, it’s like an astronaut.” one of the last was who i flew on the american shuttles at the end of the 2000s in 1911, when the shuttle program was still active with us, maybe they’ll pull him out and what’s the answer , so to speak, from the democrats jady vance, because mark kelly is also perceived by many as such a national hero, really there is a popular one especially of his generation 45-50 plus, maybe his, but there are several relatively strong governors, yes, who are considered to be strong farms.
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this is exactly what the democrats are banking on now,
3:52 am
there are difficulties, but i fully admit that many of them, as we have seen, again from a large number of stuff in the press, are morally resigned to the fact that maybe trump will be re-elected for a second term, well, in general the republicans are winning, well we are determined to work as if in the future for the next electoral campaign, but for the congressional elections in 2026, for the presidential race in 28, and so on, the main thing now is not... to lose devastatingly in order to maintain at least some of our positions in congress in the senate, therefore they are the ones who will work, so, well, as for changes in policy in general, i honestly don’t expect them in general, because we correctly noted today, yes, that those who are involved in foreign policy there in the current administration, be it anthony blinken, jake sullivan or bill burns, they no longer particularly agree with themselves on all their own decisions, at least this can already be observed there from the middle of the second half of twenty- three. yes, the biden administration's foreign policy has gone completely wrong scolding, there was first a failed ukrainian counter-offensive, and then the conflict of israel, the gaza strip, palestine, but zelensky, by the way, is not to be envied now,
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i wonder how i saw abbas juma in the telegram channel, he says: you see, the curse is working assad, well, yes, another one has disappeared, but again zelensky’s curse works, a tactful character, that’s how it is, everyone is being demolished, well, it’s interesting, vladimir vladimirovich. yes, you know, in fact, when i hear there that the biden team made a decision at the last moment, in fact, i also pay attention to how the staff of biden’s office, official ones, and his representatives, on friday, saturday, this morning, said that no, that’s it, it’s ironclad, it won’t be removed, the decision accepted, in fact, as cnn and a number of other agencies are now reporting, a number of headquarters employees.
3:54 am
that is, indeed, the only intrigue that remains is who made the decision and who will make these same decisions until the end of biden’s reign, for him, under his signature, and so on, but you know, with in this case, i don’t think that there will be a serious fight for the post of candidate from the democratic party, because in fact, well, to defeat trump in the current conditions, i think everyone understands this, the democratic party actually...
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4:00 am
but biden’s capacity is definitely not there, so it’s already on your own. trump and no at once, well it’s just that then the question arises: the decisions that were made over the past months, we can consider as a decision made by the president, well, what then is the legitimacy, the legal purity of making such a decision, how many years have we been told that all these lies about the state of health, mental state.


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