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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 22, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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usa speech. biden's campaign headquarters has changed, now it is called harris for president, cnn reports that she is calling congressmen and democrats with all her might, trying to gain support. americans have already donated more than $27 million to harris. the kremlin emphasized achieving the goals of the northern military district as a priority for russia, and not the results of the us presidential elections. russian media called this internal political affairs of the states, in which moscow does not interfere. the state duma said that biden needs to be involved. responsibility. in
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the magadan region government delegation led by prime minister mikhail mishustin got acquainted with the work of a unique enterprise for russia. this is the only place in the country where omega-3 dietary supplement is produced; it is obtained from white fish. in buryatia , more than 100 people are in temporary accommodation centers due to the collapse of a bridge in the tonkin region. these are mainly tourists. a hot food point has been set up for motorists and is working at the site of the collapse. technique. joe biden campaign headquarters renamed after his withdrawal from the presidential race. now he is called haris as president. the vice president herself stated that, in agreement to fight , the us federal election commission has already received notification of her nomination for the post of head of state. according to cnn, haris began calling democratic congressmen asking them to support the nomination. in 5 hours , americans have already donated more than $27 million to her company.
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anton dadykin has details. there is a replacement on the democratic team. incumbent president joe biden announced his withdrawal from the election race and named who he decided to pass the baton to. i decided not to put forward my candidacy for election to concentrate all my efforts on fulfilling the duties of president until the end of my term. today i want to declare my full support for kamalo to be our party's candidate this year. democrats, it's time to unite to defeat trump. american media name several candidates to replace biden, the favorite is vice president kamala haris, who, of course, immediately picked up baton, i am honored to receive the president's endorsement and intend to seek the nomination. haris received support not only from biden, but also from the extremely influential clinton couple in the democratic party. we join millions of americans who thank president biden for all he has done, time after time, to stand for america. it's time to.
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life, and kamala haris was by his side every step of the way. over the past four years , she has supported biden's open border policies and environmental scams. which led to rising prices for housing products. president trump and i are ready to save america, no matter who leads the democrats. according to the latest opinion poll, harris was inferior to trump in popularity, but ahead of biden. a possible replacement in the democratic camp was no secret to the republicans; they began a campaign against kamala in advance. i call her laughing kamala, have you ever seen how she laughs, but she’s not all at home, you know, you can tell a lot about a person by his laughter, she’s definitely crazy, completely sick head. trump supporters on social networks distributed a series of archival video footage dedicated to haris.
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you need to go out and be able to go where you need to go. the importance of the passage of time, okay? the importance of the passage of time when you think about it. then the passage of time becomes very important. the american television channel cnn notes that this is the first time since 1968 that a sitting president has withdrawn from the election race. then lyndon johnson, by the way, also a representative of the democratic party, refused to participate in the elections. parties. his popularity declined due to the american invasion of vietnam. johnson's replacement lost the election to: republican richard nixon. biden has already lost in an online competition organized by one of the bookmakers.
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instead of president joe biden, rather than just quickly appointing vice president kamala hares. at least three candidates may join the fight for the presidency. kamala haris is the most obvious candidate, and it was she who was endorsed by joe biden. for all 4 years she was vice president in his administration. it is believed that she will be the fastest to organize an election campaign. moreover, according to recent polls, she has surpassed even the current leader of the country in popularity. for 9 years, she was a senator from california, and before that she worked as attorney general in the same state. in addition, there is active discussion on social networks that michelle obama, who has been the country’s first lady for a long time, could be a good replacement for biden. her nomination would pose a serious threat to republicans, as
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it could unite democrats and mobilize a key part of the electorate - african americans. the former first lady can count on more support than any other alternative figure. the latest candidate, as ... the american press, may be california governor gavin newsom. he is 56 years old. newsom is one of the most popular and charismatic governors among democrats. by the way, he himself did not rule out the possibility of nominating his candidacy for the presidency, although he said that he was going to try his luck no earlier than 2028. the priority for russia is achieving the goals of the central military district, not the results us presidential elections. this was stated by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. in a conversation with... journalists, he noted: you need to be patient, a lot can change in 4 months, the russian media, in turn , emphasized: russia does not interfere in the internal affairs of americans, including their elections. state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin said: biden created problems not only in the united states, but throughout the world, and now he is running away without
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waiting for the elections. he should be held accountable for the conflict that started on ukraine, anti-russian sanctions and the destruction of the economies of european countries. to replace biden in the election race and not lose political points, the us democratic party needs to make frantic efforts, the political publication reports this, citing recent opinion polls. alika komarova will tell you what other statements were made in connection with the american president’s refusal to participate in the elections. the people who have real power in the united states have finally gotten rid of the puppet joe biden, said elon musk. american billionaire david sachs compared the politician’s exit from the election race with a coup d’etat, while ron desantis, the governor of florida, is confident that biden’s flight for the us democratic party is a disaster on the scale of the sinking of the titanic, and members of the house of representatives called on the american president to immediately leave his post. according to the logic of the congressmen, since biden admitted
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the existence of a problem, it means that he is already incompetent. we all know biden can't be president if he can't run, but he's avoiding kamala's coronation. without resigning. democrats, intelligence agencies and their activists in the media have been lying to us for years, telling us that biden is fine. it's still a long time until november; the patriots will ultimately control the situation. on the other hand, democrats came out in defense of the first person. senate majority leader chuck schumer said biden's withdrawal from the race shows that the head of the white house has put the interests of the country first. doves of hope were sent. to washington and from overseas, the british prime minister is convinced that biden has refused the second presidential term out of concern for the american people. support in warsaw. the polish prime minister said that biden's decision to remove himself may have been the most difficult in the life of an american
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president. but the western press only makes fun of joe, who has already been dubbed crooked. time has updated the cover it previously published. initially on it. biden was depicted going beyond the limits, words of panic, now instead of panic on the cover, kamalla haris is the one who, by the way, is accused of exacerbating the migrant crisis. haris is in the office. reuters journalists claim that joe biden did not want to leave
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the presidential race until the last moment; the decision to withdraw his candidacy was made just a few hours before the official announcement on social networks. british comedians have already made a joke; most likely the post was posted by one of the white house interns; no one knows the password except him, so it’s impossible to delete the message. alek komarov, lead. the government delegation got acquainted with the work of the unique. for russia, an enterprise in the magadan region prime minister mikhail mishustin and his entourage visited a fish oil processing and refining plant. this company produces omega-3 dietary supplement, which is obtained from white fish. production started last year. for me, this is still a memory from childhood. remember, when they forced us to fish oil, they gave us spoons, they gave it to us, it immediately, so to speak, smelled like that, interesting.
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now residents can walk through landscaped areas, play sports, relax with their children, in the near future the park will be replenished with new objects, including two... the west destroyed armored vehicles and manpower of the ukrainian armed forces. scouts using a drone discovered an accumulation of equipment in a strategically important direction. the coordinates were transmitted to the command post. acacia self-propelled artillery crews quickly moved to combat positions and launched strikes. the fire was corrected using drones. thanks to coordinated work , the armor managed to destroy the nationalists. m-113 transporters. we met at the institute, we have been friends for
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probably 7-8 years, we made a decision together the army went together to the siberian federal district from the very first day, like this. we graduated from universities and , well, it was like there was a choice of either going to study for a master’s degree, or, well, joining the army , as it were, because they didn’t serve in compulsory service, so, well, how would they get together and sit there, i say boys, well, i say there is an option. i say go and serve. in the donetsk people's republic, units of russian troops are pushing the ukrainian armed forces towards vremevka. our fighters managed to gain a foothold in new positions after the liberation of urozhainy. to catch the enemy was taken aback, the attack aircraft acted secretly, walking almost without seeing anything around them. our war correspondent sergei samokha will tell you who became their guide. the commands are clear and very short, there is no time to reason. two attack aircraft are working on the southern outskirts of urozhainy, ahead, within firing distance, there are already ukrainian positions, the enemy
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is constantly shelling. just a few days ago, these concrete basements were fortified points in iisu. the positions were taken over by attack aircraft from the group's tank formation east from buryatia. having lost control of the positions, the enemy continues to pour fire on the destroyed houses. now our reinforcement groups are building a line of defense here. the assault on the harvest is, on the one hand , a classic operation to encircle the enemy, but in modern realities, making any maneuver go unnoticed is a real art of war. the sky on the line of combat contact is flooded with drones, 100% visible, so you need to enter either very secretly at night, or vice versa, openly and boldly, very quickly, here so here it is. on motorcycles, the attack aircraft split into groups, ground troops entered from the left
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and right flanks. at night, when you walk, the ground is heated, the signature is practically invisible. in pitch darkness , reconnaissance drones helped to pass through minefields, when there is no moon, it’s as if you can’t see anything with your own eyes, so everyone has means of communication, we use these means of communication, that is, we literally lead like, well, turn right, he turns right, then after 30 m he turns left, he turns left. group on motorcycles as they say, in the open, i ran into the enemy’s rear and the pincers slammed shut, it’s very heavy in terms of the fact that when you drive in, and there you are... these drones see, report your position, well, as it were, your location, according to you everything that is immediately works, the assault on the southern part of urozhaynoye took only an hour and a half, the ukrainian soldiers mostly fled or surrendered, my men threw me into the rabble, and these people saved my life, they won’t
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let me die, thank you very much to the doctors, after the surrender . the armed forces of ukraine only had one sense an attempt to counterattack on the ground, they threw mercenaries into the battle, in the range of 30-35 years old, mostly poles, they work effectively in small arms combat, they defend normally, like specialists, they are prepared. most of those who stormed the harvest have already been taken to the growing areas. many of the fighters fought off the onslaught at the forefront for a week. they didn’t abandon any of their own.
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donald trump has repeatedly called vice president kamala haris the weaker candidate ; the consensus at the moment is that the republicans' chances are growing. the market is almost i immediately thought of another vice president nominated by trump. jady vance is considered a staunch supporter of cryptocurrencies, and this fact has again become a reason for the growth
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of bitcoin, especially against the backdrop of the current weakening of the american currency. the mark of... was again crossed... how the commodity market reacted to the decision of the us president to abandon the fight for a second term, i will tell you in the next issue of economic news, but for now let’s move on to other topics. hungary at today's council of eu foreign ministers in brussels will raise the issue of kiev blocking druzhba oil pipeline. it supplies raw materials from russia to central europe. in budapest they are surprised at least by the fact that so many people strive for it. european union ukraine threatens the energy supply of the two countries of the community. the kiev regime decided last month that russian lukoil should be included in its own sanctions list in order to shut down the pipeline, despite the fact that the eu initially removed oil from its embargo on friendship. what is the benefit of ukraine’s actions and the tacit consent of brussels, the prime minister does not understand
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slovakia. in an appeal on social networks, robert fitz asked to explain what is good about the sanctions against lukoil, which is larger. everything will damage slovakia, hungary, ukraine itself and partly the czech republic. however, they will practically not affect lukoil. he will place his oil on other markets, the slovak prime minister noted. well, the kiev regime is sawing the branch on which it sits. if in hungary and slovakia several factories are owned by the hungarian company mol, then in the czech republic it is the polish company orland, and poland is precisely the main supplier of petroleum products for ukraine. some restaurants in paris have seen their revenues drop by 60%. according to the head of the union of ateliers of france, this was a consequence of the draconian security measures taken by the capital’s
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authorities on the eve of the olympics. the streets are blocked, special passes are introduced. all this does not benefit catering establishments. customers are canceling table reservations, people are traveling around the country to these areas. representatives of the national tourism industry intend to demand compensation for lost revenue. well, at the end of the issue, as always about dollar currencies. today it costs 88 rub 2 kopecks the euro exchange rate is 9603. and that’s all for now. novel. konstantin, thank you. now with the latest message. biden's headquarters was renamed after his withdrawal from the election race. now he is called hires for president. as cnn reported , the vice president is already calling democratic congressmen to enlist their support. in the magadan region, mikhail mishustin, together with a government delegation, visited a unique event for russia. the plant produces omega-3 dietary supplement, which is obtained from white fish, production started last year. in the special operation zone, the crew
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of the su-25 aircraft was struck by unguided aircraft missiles, as a result of which the equipment and manpower of the nationalists were destroyed. after successful combat work , the crews performed an anti-missile maneuver and returned to the airfield. the west is actively preparing to enter into direct conflict with russia, this is on the serbian airwaves. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even interest on everything is more profitable with a subscription from berp. a fairy chicken is needed for
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coverage speed, you don’t decide which option you will get, but you decide what your future will be, go wherever you want with an educational loan from spera with state support, calculate payments right now! sports news, the issue will be presented by ilya kostin, ilya, good morning, lionel messi's club inter miami held a ceremony honoring the player. yes, good morning, it was dedicated to the fact that messi is the most titled football player in history; he won his forty-fifth trophy at the recent copa america as part of the argentina national team. spartak started the new season of the russian premier league with a defeat. in the opening round , the muscovites lost away. orenburg 0:2. there were no goals in the first half. the hosts opened the scoring in the 62nd minute, emercan gurluk's cross was closed by matyas perez. after 5 minutes, orenburg
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scored the second goal. i made a mistake. spartak extended its unsuccessful streak in orenburg, muscovites have not won there since the spring of 2022, since then they have lost three times and drawn once. in two other sunday matches of the first round of the rpl, the league debutant makhachkala dynamo played away in nichu with khimki 1:1, the players of the moscow region team did not convert two goals. in the first half. akhmat in grozny also finished the meeting with krasnodar with a score of 1:1. the opening round will end today in nizhny novgorod with a match between arin and kazan rubin. the championship began on saturday with four games. lokomotiv won at home with a score of 3:2 tolyatinsky okron. zenit defeated samara wings away - 4:0. dynamo was stronger than the torch - 3:1. rostov and cska did not score goals. russian tennis player diana schneider became
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champion. clay tournament in budapest, in the final she was stronger than the representative of belarus alexandra sosnovich. two sets were enough for schneider to win. 6:4 6:4. this is the russian’s third title this season and in her career in general, all three on different surfaces, clay, hard and grass. schneider became the first in the season to achieve this, and also turned out to be the youngest tennis player in the last 15 years who managed to win on three different surfaces in one season. schneider is 20 years old and is currently ranks twenty-eighth in the wta world rankings. mercedes driver luce hamilton became the first in formula 1 history to achieve 200 career podiums. at the last hungarian grand prix, the thirty-nine-year-old briton took third place. in the final laps, hamilton collided with reigning red bull champion max verstapin in the fight for the podium. as a result, verstapin was thrown off the track and could only finish fifth. well, the victory at
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the hungarian grand prix. but after the command order he let his partner go ahead. women's volleyball club from saratovo proton won victory in a friendly match with the nepal national team. the meeting ended with a score of 3:0 in games. the second set turned out to be the most stubborn, when the nepalese volleyball players managed to score 19 points. proton arrived in kathmandu at the invitation of the local federation. volleyball in the capital of nepal, the russians are scheduled to have two friendly matches with the women's national team of this country, as well as meetings with representatives of the nepalese federation and a master class. and finally, let's return to football. a funny episode happened in the brazilian championship match between flamengo and chrisuma. there the referee awarded a penalty for playing with the second ball. at the end of the meeting , crisuma's footballer gustavo bareto, being in his
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penalty area, kicked one ball. from under the feet of the flamengo player the second, who was thrown out of the stands by a fan. the referee showed bareto a yellow card and awarded a penalty kick, which was converted by gabriel barbosa. this goal was the winning goal for flamengo, the team won 2:1. this was the most noticeable news in the sports world up to that moment. who are you? i, traveler, aeronaut, genre ivan! oh, so we are getting bored! which fairy tale, without ivan? eh, what started? without deception and without flint. i was imprisoned in the flint and steel. pen, magic self-written ink.
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you’ll get it, the main thing is, van, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, but beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where it’s needed, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where necessary, i can’t live without travel, flint, he doesn’t need a pen, he who has flint in his pocket, soon, have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we didn’t have bread? bread - this is peace, this is the most sacred thing that a person has, what is in every family. bread created our civilization, contributed to our evolution, the technical revolution. this is both the future of humanity and the history of humanity. it is a universal language. over the past 2.0 years, bread has shaped our attitude towards life.


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