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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 22, 2024 6:30am-7:00am MSK

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van, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, but beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where it’s needed, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where i need to, i can’t live without travel, without flint, he who has flint in his pocket does not need a pen, soon! have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we didn't have bread? bread is the world, the most sacred thing that a person has, that which is in every family. bread created our civilization, contributed to our evolution of the technological revolution. this is the future too humanity, and human history. this is a universal language. over the past 2.0 years, bread has shaped our attitude to life, it is the power of our country, strength. when faced with
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bread, a person is literally transformed, as our distant ancestors believed, and we really hope that you think so too. mid-hour news in short: the us has successfully renamed biden's campaign headquarters, now called haris for president. cnn reports that she keeps calling democratic congressmen, trying to gain support. american. have already donated to
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harris company more than $27 million. the kremlin emphasized achieving the goals of the northern military district as a priority for russia, and not the results of the us presidential elections. the russian media called this an internal political matter of the states, in which moscow does not interfere. the state duma says biden needs to be held accountable. in the magadan region , a government delegation led by prime minister mikhail mishustin got acquainted with the work of a unique enterprise for russia. this is the only place in the country. where is the dietary supplement produced? omega-3, it is obtained from white fish. in buryat , more than 100 people are in temporary accommodation centers due to the collapse of a bridge in the tunkinsky district. these are mainly tourists. a hot food point has been organized for motorists. heavy equipment is working at the site of the collapse. moscow and beijing have successfully worked together to combat air attacks, as well as submarines of a mock enemy. our corvettes. loud and harsh acted in communication
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with isminets and the frigates of the prc naval forces. how did the naval military exercises go? interaction 24 will be told by our own correspondent in the region, alexander baletsky. i’m at the naval base in zhangzan, right now a group of russian ships is entering the port behind me. russian ships are full of signal flags, welcoming chinese sailors; they are not strangers to us. the pacific ocean ships are loud and harsh in chinese janjiang with a special mission: joint maneuvers with the southern chinese fleet, and it was loud and harsh to match the name of the russian corvettes. 3 days and three dozen tasks, russian sailors.
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between the navies of china and russia, which contributed to the standardization and systematization of bilateral practical cooperation. simultaneously with maritime cooperation, there are also joint patrols in the north and west of the pacific ocean, also with the participation of naval aviation, convoying ships in the strait zone and comprehensive defense of one of the ships, a joint inspection operation on a suspicious ship, in its role the chinese ship henshuey. division of underwater sabotage forces of the pacific fleet. together
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with the chinese naval special forces they act in amazing harmony, understanding each other with just one gesture. all soldiers and sailors. the officers underwent preliminary training, which made it possible to quickly conduct an inspection operation as part of mixed groups and increase the effectiveness of combat coordination. why did they tell all this in detail in the chinese news? the goal is to demonstrate the resolve and ability of both sides, strengthen joint responses to maritime security threats, support international and regional world. moreover, both china and russia especially emphasize these maneuvers solely for the sake of global security. our crews come from
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china, japan, south korea and the philippines. the chinese military is increasingly detecting american ships near its territorial waters. and us aviation is conducting open surveillance here, just on the eve of the maneuvers, a chinese 10 intercepted an american reconnaissance plane, approaching it at a minimum distance of 3 m. in washington , they are very afraid that russia is transferring to china all the data on american weapons and equipment, that they were captured or destroyed in ukraine, which means that the chinese also know all the secrets of its vulnerability, including those related to unmanned combat boats, drones , and nato cruise missiles, which could be used
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by the americans in a hypothetical conflict over taiwan. a special committee of the us house of representatives sent a letter demanding this determination to biden's national security adviser salevan; the fact that russia and china have no secrets from each other was clear from the footage from the exercises. pass it on please, our heartfelt greetings to all officers and sailors. thanks a lot. even before going to sea, chinese and russian sailors carefully familiarized themselves with the technical characteristics of each other’s ships and their weapons. i had already participated in joint exercises with russia before, but this was my first time on a russian ship, it was like meeting an old friend. that’s why our military find a common language easily. the training program includes not only maneuvers, acquaintance with the culture of the two countries and culinary experiments, sailors, pacific we enjoyed making chinese dumplings, after which we also mastered the techniques of traditional chinese gymnastics: tai chi with swords in the chinese blogosphere, this has already been called a real example of military brotherhood for the sake of peace
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and stability. alexander baalsky onno lvova, andrey netreba and nikolai petrov, lead china. yellow danger level declared. in the capital region due to rain and thunderstorms, weather forecasters warn that an active front will hit moscow today, how much precipitation will fall and how the situation will develop further, vadim will tell zavodchenko. goodbye coolness, nature will allow residents of the central regions to enjoy the summer warmth a little more. which day of the coming week will be the hottest and where will the rain continue to cool the atmosphere in the near future? current weather analytics for... russia 24, i’m vadim zavuchenkov, leading specialist of centrophobos, hello, the july heat will soon return to the central region, but in the urals the temperature background will become september. the weekend ended across much of the russian plain to the accompaniment of
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showers and load. in st. petersburg, bad weather did not interfere with the rehearsal of the navy day parade, although at times the neva was difficult to see due to the rain. and the wind intensified to a storm, in moscow the precipitation was also intense, a sudden downpour scared away tourists on red square, somewhere roads began to go under water, however, the dynasty turned out to be fleeting and, as often happens in the capital, it is very mosaic, while in some areas of moscow show rain. in the southwest, please, sunshine, the next shots are from tatarstan, lightning near kazan hit the roof of the cottage and caused a fire, and meanwhile in the west of udmurtia there was an unusually large hailstorm, some pieces of ice were larger
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than a walnut, for example, in bashkiria, a herd of horses, mothers, and one child were washed into the river by a leash. in a short period, 45 mm of rain fell on megapolis, which is more than half the monthly norm. all these weather disasters are caused by a cloud ridge of an atmospheric front stretching in the middle latitudes of russia, from the baltic to lake baikal, but now a new player has intervened in the atmospheric processes, the northern anticyclone, in the following days this eye will displace rain masses. further to the south and east of the russian plain. today, in the north and south of european russia, thanks to
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anticyclones, there will still be no conditions for the development of rain clouds; the middle zone of the region will remain in the epicenter of nenaste, while the most intense precipitation is expected on the slopes of the urals and in the center of the country. here in some places more than 10-20 mm of moisture can fall per day. the capital will also fall into this zone; small local rains began in the morning, with the heaviest showers expected in the afternoon. according to model estimates, their intensity can reach 4 mm in 3 hours. the weather will begin to improve only in the evening; in 12 hours 13 mm of moisture will fall in moscow, almost half of the ten-day norm. already on tuesday and wednesday, not only the north, but the west will be in the area of ​​the solar anticyclone. from the russian plain the temperature regime will immediately react to this, so in the north-west and in the center of the region the daytime
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temperature will again rise to +25-30, in the south , on the contrary, a thunderstorm front will weaken the heat by in the afternoon the thermometers will not rise above +30-35, and the densest frontal clouds will cover the middle volga and the urals, so the weather here is not july at all, for example, in yekaterinburg...burg there is daily rain until friday, and the prevailing daytime temperature is like in september +16-18, only on tuesday and thursday, when the sun will appear more often through the breaks in the clouds, the thermometers will be able to reach +19, but this is also 5° colder than usual, in central russia, on the contrary, sunny weather will return from tuesday, so in moscow due to rain today is not higher than plus... this is 2° below normal, but then the air in the capital will quickly
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warm up, the warming peak on wednesday thursday, at midday around +27. that 's all for me, goodbye, i choose russian agricultural bank, it has everything i need, high cashback, profitable deposits, a convenient credit card. rosselkhozbank is bigger than you think. how commodity markets react to biden's decision to withdraw from the presidential race. we'll tell you in the economic news after the advertisement, the sberspasibo loyalty program has been updated, every month choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even interest on everything is more profitable with a subscription to berprime. fairytale chicken is needed for sweet dreams, rubber chicken for distracting
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alpha fridays. discover all profitable destinations in the bank app or on the website alphatravel.ruru. we put in burger king on the fire. burger king. make your plans come true. te-bank business will provide reliable tools for starting your business. register a business in tebank and get 6 months of free service. tebank is a business and the job is done. economic news now, konstantin, how are commodity markets reacting to biden’s decision to withdraw from the presidential race? roman, world oil prices are rising, brand oil is again trading around $83 per barrel, now we will see this on the screen. donald
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trump is a well-known supporter of traditional hydrocarbon energy, but in addition to joe biden's withdrawal from the presidential race, there is also one. the oil-producing province of alberta , the northern neighbor of the united states, is engulfed in forest fires, according to canadian experts , threatening production of up to 350,000 barrels per day. in addition, over the weekend, israel launched strikes on houthi targets, which led to a noticeable increase in the geopolitical premium in oil prices. in general, the reaction of the american markets to biden's departure can be called moderately positive. futures for major stock indices entered symbolic trading at the beginning of trading. plus bloomberg immediately remembered the so-called trump trade. it is believed that the arrival of the republican will have a positive impact on the shares of traditional energy and industry, medium-sized banks, and will also lead to the growth of cryptocurrencies, which, by the way, has already happened. negativity is expected to be significantly less; it will primarily affect manufacturers of electric vehicles and green energy.
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experts also started talking about the potential growth of gold as a tool to protect against volatility, but only in the long term. i don't think it matters in the short term, in the long term, knowing who's going to be in the white house, what his policies are going to be, who's in congress, that's going to be important in terms of things like tariffs and trade policy, budget deficits, and so on, so you can talk about some long-term consequences , but i think this is not something that can be done in the near future. easy to speculate. anti-russian sanctions have failed and, moreover, may harm europe itself in the near future. the stage of accepting the inevitable has arrived among the germans analysts who were commissioned by the german ministry of economics to carry out relevant research. the results are published by handel's blade. the commentary emphasizes that the restrictions have led to an increase in prices for raw materials at a time when russia is one of its largest exporters in
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the world. this exposes the complete lack of internal logic of sanctions. another bright moment that draws attention to. attention of german experts, import of indian diesel fuel produced from russian raw materials. it would be much more profitable for germany to buy fuel in russia itself and not take it halfway around the world, but sanctions do not allow this. turkish resorts are experiencing a decline amid declining demand for travel packages from russians. according to local media, in an attempt to attract guests, restaurants, following hotels, began to offer significant discounts of 10-20%. and some establishments. pita even abolished the entrance fee, there is such a practice there. by the end of june, according to the association of russian tour operators, the flow of people wishing to holiday in turkey compared to the beginning of the year decreased by 20%. after as a result, prices for travel packages have also gone down. for many, at the peak of demand, the cost of tours was simply prohibitive. well, at the end of the issue about currencies, the dollar today costs 88 rubles. 2 kopecks the euro exchange rate
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is 9603. and that’s all the economic news for now. novel. konstantin, thank you. let me briefly talk about some of the central themes of the hour. biden's headquarters was renamed after his withdrawal from the election race. now he is called haris president. according to cnn, the vice president is already calling democratic congressmen to enlist their support. in the magatan region, mikhail mishustin, together with a government delegation, visited a unique plant for russia. it produces dietary supplement omega-3, which is obtained from white fish. production started last year. in the special operation zone, the crews of aircraft 125 struck with unguided aircraft missiles, as a result of which the equipment and manpower of the nationalists were destroyed. after successful combat work , the crews performed an anti-missile maneuver and returned to the airfield. west actively is preparing to enter into direct conflict with russia.
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president aleksandar vucic stated this on a serbian tv channel. according to him , military confrontation at the initiative of western countries is inevitable. at the international mathematical olympiad, russian schoolchildren won six medals at once, more on this and more in just half a minute. the official city tourist portal visit st. petersburg invites you to st. petersburg. city of history and romance. architectural splendor, innovative museums, the highest level of excursion services. space and unique atmosphere of the northern capital, in which everyone can feel like a st. petersburg resident, all this is a unique journey of impressions with family and friends. welcome to st. petersburg. a city where good mood is born.
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a three-day rescue course for volunteers searching for people was held in the murmansk region. 60 volunteers from different regions were involved in the exercises. under the guidance of experienced instructors , participants received intensive training specifically tailored to local climate and geographical location. on the first and second days we studied the features of working in forest areas, and on the third we began practice. the course was organized with the support of the ministry of emergency situations, the investigative committee and the ministry of internal affairs of russia. at the international mathematical olympiad, russian schoolchildren won six medals, four gold and two silver. the competition took place in great britain. our guys participated remotely, the young mathematicians had to compete under a neutral flag, and dmitry akimov watched the competition. shirts laid out, ties neatly tied, and some with mascots, these are handmade dinosaurs, not that i
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was completely happy with my result, but perhaps if it had not been there, it would have been even worse, just to make the olympic team in mathematics, it was necessary to pass an incredibly difficult competition, the top six were selected from thousands of candidates, those who have already made it to the team for the international olympiad are... not just super-talented, but also very efficient and quite versatile, that is, mathematicians can prove themselves in different areas. as a result, our team, with four gold and two silver medals, takes third place in the team competition, one of the participants, ivan chasovskikh, took second place in the individual competition. i begin to think, think about problems, and for me it’s as if the whole world disappears. he doesn't think about competitors, he doesn't think about anything. ratings, revenge and so on, he is immersed, he is switched off from, he is really switched off from reality in fact. the strongest from more than 100 countries came to the olympics,
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russia competed under a neutral flag. on the one hand, of course, i am very offended by all this, on the other hand, well, it seems to me that they are behaving ugly, one day god will remember this to them. our mathematicians solved problems remotely at the university of hercyn, with the strictest control. there were even international observers from the republic of cuba, it’s hard to wait for results, it’s hard for a child to wait for results, generally speaking, this road is very difficult, they generally understood that i would be very upset, well, basically, well they've been calming me down for the last few days, well, overall they're doing great. it turned out that mikhail yugov received silver, but gold was only one point short, and nevertheless, for each of them this is a real victory, young talents showed that
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the domestic school is one of the best in the world. after all the tests were completed and the results were announced, a team of young mathematicians came here to the my petersburg exhibition, where the main achievements of the city were shown. here is another brand of st. petersburg - the mathematical capital of russia, which has become such, including thanks to these guys. dmitry akimov, sergey fodeev and maria dobroradnykh, news from st. petersburg. in chakotka, pedagogical teams of atomic energy sports projects opened their second season. students will host sports events, help run summer camps, and organize activities in kindergartens. in addition, program participants will be able to... get acquainted with the far north, because perhaps later they will work there. more details anton kuchin. the sports and pedagogical landing party arrived in
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chakotka. as part of the concern's project rosenergoatom is implementing a special nuclear energy sports project in the satellite towns of nuclear power plants. students of smolensk state university will work for a whole month in anadra, belibino and pevek, hold sports events and attract adults and children to them. our visit is to help the trainer, teachers, educators. the audience with which we conduct events is very diverse, from kindergarten children to adults. for me personally, this project gives, first of all, a colossal experience of being able to visit the most remote corners of russia. the practice of attracting sports and pedagogical teams to chikotka began last year. the project is being implemented within the framework of an agreement between the center of modern sports technologies of the rosenergo-atom concern and the government of chukotka. autonomous okrug in several areas, our region is quite specific, that is, in the summer we all have vacations, or children go to health camps, where
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our personnel in the field of physical activity also leave with them... culture of sports, and it will help us when these young people are engaged in physical culture and health work with our children in the population here in chikotka. in anadra, the sports and pedagogical team conducts morning exercises with pupils of kindergartens and school camps. students are also planning to participate in city sporting events as part of the beiring strait festival. there are plans to hold sporting events in the children's building.
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here in avdeevka people were driven to death, there was terror, it’s flying, everything is flying here, guys, war the real one, here people live completely differently, you weren’t offended here until our people came, don’t ask, i’ll see like a wolf in the basement. here outside the window you sit like this and think whether the next person is following you or not, at the last explosion there were 18 people left here under the slabs who are still lying , god help me, oh, thank you, that ’s just it, we have come here forever.
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the united states hastily renamed biden's campaign headquarters, now it is called caris for president, cnn reports that she, she is in full swing calling congressmen, democrats, trying to gain support, the americans
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are already... donated more than $27 million to her company. the kremlin emphasized achieving the goals of the northern military district as a priority for russia, and not the results of the us presidential elections. the russian media called this an internal political matter of the states, in which moscow does not interfere. the state duma said that biden needs to be held accountable. in the magadan region , a government delegation led by prime minister mikhail mishustin got acquainted with the work of a unique enterprise for russia. this is the only place in the country where is the release?


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