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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 22, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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design of the embankment and what program does mikhail mishustin have in magadan? our aviation destroyed enemy fortifications in the zaporozhye direction. let's show footage of precise strikes. made in russia. perm aircraft engines operate in the tropics and withstand arctic frosts. report from production. joe biden's campaign headquarters was renamed after his withdrawal from the presidential race and is now called harris for president. the vice president herself said that the us federal election commission has already received a consent to fight notification of her nomination for the post of head of state. according to snn, haris began calling democratic congressmen asking them to support the nomination. in just a few hours, americans have already donated more than $50 million to her company. details.
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there is a replacement on the democratic team. incumbent president joe biden announced his withdrawal from the election race and named who he decided to pass the baton to. i decided not to put forward my candidacy for election to concentrate all my efforts on fulfilling the duties of the president until the end of my term. today i want to declare my full support for kamalo to be our party's candidate this year. democrats, it's time to unite to defeat trump. the american media call it... several candidates to replace biden, the favorite is vice president kamala harris, who, of course, immediately picked up the baton. i am honored to receive the president's support and am committed to seeking the nomination. haris received support not only from biden, but also from the extremely influential clinton couple in the democratic party. we we join millions of americans who thank president biden for everything he has done, time after time, to stand for america. it's time to support kamala haris. to give her all in the fight for her
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election, the future of america depends on it. however, kamala’s candidacy does not yet appear to have an alternative, because another pillar of the democratic party, former president barack obama, has not declared her support. navigation in uncharted waters lies ahead of us, but i am extremely confident that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process that will result in the selection of an outstanding candidate. i am convinced that joe biden's vision of a generous, prosperous and united america. which provides opportunity for everyone will be fully taken into account at the democratic national convention in august, and i expect that each of us is ready to carry this message with the hope of progress forward into november and beyond. republicans are celebrating. donald trump wrote on social networks that biden left the presidential race in complete disgrace. what as for haris, trump intends to defeat her with the help of his vice president jady vence. joe biden was the worst president i've ever had, and kamalaha. was by his side
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every step of the way. for the past four years , she has supported biden's open border policies and the environmental scam that has driven up housing and food prices. president trump and i are ready to save america, no matter who leads the democrats. according to the latest opinion poll, harris was inferior to trump in popularity, but ahead of biden. a possible replacement in the democratic camp was no secret to the republicans; they began a campaign against kamala in advance. i call her laughing kamala, have you ever seen how she laughs, but she’s not all at home, you know, you can tell a lot about a person by her laughter, she’s definitely crazy, completely sick . trump supporters on social networks distributed a series of archival video footage dedicated to haris.
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you need to go out and be able to go where you need to go. the importance of the passage of time, okay? the importance of the passage of time, when you think about it, the passage of time is very important. the american television channel cnn notes that the withdrawal of the current president from the election race occurred for the first time since 1968, when lyndon johnson, by the way, also a representative of the democratic party, refused to participate in the elections. his popularity fell. due to the american invasion of vietnam, johnson's successor lost the election to republican richard nixon. biden has already been defeated in an online competition organized by one of the us bookmakers, modeled after british media in 2022, they bet what would happen first, the then prime minister would resign or the lettuce salad would spoil. now bets were taken on biden leaving the race or the same vegetable being damaged. in both cases he won. president, while
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it is known that harias’ nomination has already been supported by 26 senators, democrats and 72 members of the house of representatives. kamala haris is the most obvious candidate, and it was she who was endorsed by joe biden. for all 4 years she was vice president in his administration. it is believed that she will be the fastest organize an election campaign. in addition, according to recent polls , she has surpassed even the current leader of the country in popularity. haris is 59 years old, she was. from california and previously worked as attorney general in the same state. russia's priority is to achieve the goals of the central military district, and not the results of the us elections. this was stated by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. in a conversation with journalists, he noted: you need to be patient, a lot can
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change in 4 months. the russian media, in turn , emphasized: russia does not interfere in the internal affairs of americans, including their elections. state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin said: biden created. problems not only in the usa, but throughout the world, and now he’s running away without waiting for the elections. he should be held accountable for the conflict that started in ukraine, anti-russian sanctions and the destruction of the economies of european countries. to replace biden in the election race without losing political points, the us democratic party needs to make frantic efforts. this was reported by the publication of the politician with reference to recent opinion poll. what other statements were made in connection with the american president’s refusal to participate in the elections. alika komarova will tell you. the people who have real power in the united states have finally gotten rid of the puppet joe biden, said elon musk. american billionaire david sachs compared a politician's withdrawal from the election race to a coup d'état. at the same time, ron desantes,
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the governor of florida, is confident that biden’s flight for the us democratic party will be a disaster on the scale of the sinking of the titanic, and members of the house of representatives called on the american the president to leave immediately. fast. according to the logic of the congressmen, since biden admitted the existence of a problem, it means that he is already incompetent. we all know biden can't be president if he can't run, but he's avoiding kamala's coronation by not resigning. democrats, intelligence agencies, and media activists have been lying to us for years, telling us that biden is fine. there is still a long time until november; the patriots will ultimately control the situation. on the other hand, in defense. democrats spoke first, senate majority leader chuck schumer said: biden's withdrawal from the election race indicates that the head of the white house put the interests of the country first, doves of hope were sent to washington and from overseas, the british prime minister
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is convinced, biden abandoned his second presidential term out of concern for the american people, is supported in warsaw. the polish prime minister said that biden's decision was to remove himself. may have been the most difficult time in the life of an american president, but the western press only najo is ironic, who has already been called crooked, the time edition updated the cover that it published earlier, initially it depicted biden, who went beyond the word panic, now instead of panic on the cover, kamalla haris, she, by the way, is accused of exacerbating the migrant crisis . in biden's cabinet, haris oversaw migrant policy issues in particular. trump's completed wall. over the course of 4 years , several tens of thousands of illegal migrants broke through this wall. american tv channels have already interviewed them. visitors they understand perfectly well what biden’s withdrawal from the presidential race will lead to. with joe biden's government, the border is not as
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impenetrable as it was with donald trump. the trumpists are acting much tougher; they are really trying to fight migration. reuters journalists claim joe biden to the last. didn’t want to leave the presidential race at the moment, the decision to withdraw the candidacy was made just a few hours before the official message on social networks, british comedians had already made jokes, most likely, one of the white house interns posted the post, no one knows the password except him, so it’s impossible to delete the message. alika komarova, lead. the government delegation got acquainted with the work of a unique enterprise for russia. in the magadan region, prime minister, mikhail. together with his entourage, he visited a fish oil processing and refining plant. this company produces dietary supplement omega-3, which is obtained from white fish. production started last year. for me, these are also memories from childhood.
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remember when we were given spoons of fish oil, they gave it, it immediately smelled so interesting, so to speak. i don’t know how much it was cleared at the time, as our respected director showed you today. there probably weren’t five stages of cleaning, but it was very tasty, but for whom, some loved it, some didn’t like it, but everyone remembers the fish, in addition, the prime minister visited the park. now residents can stroll through landscaped areas, play sports, and relax with their children. in the near future, the park will be replenished with new facilities, including a two-level waterfall. meshutin also visited the sea fishing port, where the bays are being cleaned of sunken ships; in recent years , more than 20 ships have been removed from the water; the work is planned to be completed this year. in the special operation zone, fighters from a group of troops to the north.
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to work in belgorod, as well as in border areas, in order to prevent the death of civilians. my calculations are all coordinated, so the guys are all great, that is, i have complete confidence in them, they work with full dedication. in the zaporozhye direction , russian aviation destroyed the fortifications of the ukrainian armed forces and artillery pieces, the task was successfully completed by the crew of su-25 attack aircraft. k-52 attack helicopters provided powerful support to ground units. our war correspondent, igor pikhanov, will tell you. details the army airfield in the
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special military operation zone is in full swing. aviation technicians are preparing a formidable pair of s-25 attack aircraft of the russian aerospace forces for a combat mission due to their powerful weapons and high survivability. experts call these aircraft air tanks. the flight director gives the command to take off and the planes take off into the sky. target attack aircraft - ukrainian positions. vikov on the zaporozhye direction of the front. the fortified area with artillery weapons was discovered by scouts and the coordinates were transmitted. the planes quickly reached the target and struck the enemy. airplanes fly at extremely low altitudes, so you can’t see them behind the trees, you get the feeling that they passed right over your head, this tactic is necessary because you can get as close as possible to the enemy and not come under his fire. on the neighboring sector of the front , k-52 helicopters are attacking the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. operational tactical aviation work led to the fact that on the front line in zaporozhye the enemy lost the opportunity to use heavy
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military equipment; it was immediately destroyed. ground forces aviation actions together as a single whole, and day after day we carry out combat missions to support the ground forces, we try to hit and destroy all the targets that the aircraft gunners give us with maximum quality. the enemy promises that the ukrainian armed forces will soon have f-16 combat aircraft controlled by ukrainian pilots, our pilots they say that this will not change the situation, parity in the sky will remain with the vks. in terms of their technical characteristics, western aircraft are inferior to modern russian fighters. the f-16 aircraft, as far as i know, was produced in 1978, as we all know, this is the last century, the f-16 aircraft is single-engine, which, let’s say, minimizes its combat capabilities in terms of combat load.
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at the front, much attention is also paid to unmanned aircraft. drones help scouts identify enemy positions. uav equipped ammunition destroys fortified areas and military equipment. modern russian drones are created taking into account the requirements of the front, so they have a long flight range, high-resolution cameras and, most importantly, they cannot be harmed by enemy rap stations. igor pikhanov, sergey eliseev. news: zaporozhye direction of the front. ukrainian police announced.
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it is impossible to expect them to defeat russia in the way some imagine. this is only possible if something happens to putin, in the west they wanted would conduct military operations at a distance, through someone else, invest money, and so on. they are preparing for conflict with russia and they are preparing much faster than some people would like to see, in every
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sense, we know that. in buryatia, more than 100 people are in temporary accommodation centers. rocky soil from the neighboring irkutsk region, equipment is being brought in to restore traffic; in total, about 600 cubic meters need to be delivered. according to the traffic plan, it may open in the near future, the bridge collapsed the day before, due to soil erosion, a criminal case was initiated under the article "negligence". now there is footage from the usa, there are strong fires in california, residents of one of the districts are urgently leaving their homes, local authorities said that it was not possible to localize the fire, special aircraft are involved in the liquidation, now eyewitnesses have already filmed this footage on your screens, information about the victims i haven’t received it yet, now there is economic news,
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konstantin churikov joins me, konstantin, good morning, how are currencies reacting to... election news from the usa. novel, hello, the dollar is falling a little, cryptocurrencies are growing. joe biden's withdrawal from the presidential race led to the dollar index falling by 2%. donald trump has repeatedly called vice president kamala haris the weaker candidate, but the consensus at the moment is that the republicans' chances are growing. the market almost immediately remembered the other vice president nominated by trump. jaydee vance is considered a staunch supporter of cryptocurrencies, and this is a fact. became a reason for the growth of bitcoin, especially against the backdrop of the current weakening american currency. the $68,000 mark was again surpassed, although at the beginning of the month bitcoin was worth $12,000 less. in hungary, at today's council of eu foreign ministers in brussels , the issue of kiev's blocking of the druzhba oil pipeline will be raised. it supplies raw materials from russia to central europe. people in budapest
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are surprised, if only because ukraine, which is striving so hard to join the european union, is threatening its energy supply. two countries of the community. the kiev regime decided last month that russian lukoil should be included in its own sanctions list, in this case, shut off the pipe. despite the fact that the eu initially withdrew from its embargo oil coming through friendship. the prime minister of slovakia does not understand what is the benefit of ukraine’s actions and the tacit consent of brussels. in an address on social networks, robert fitsa asked to explain what is good about the sanctions against lukoil, which will most harm slovakia, hungary, ukraine itself and partly the czech republic. at the same time, they will practically not affect lukoil; it will place its oil on other markets, noted the slovak prime minister. but the kiev regime is the one on which it sits. if in hungary and slovakia the nerovaty plants are owned by the hungarian company mol, then in the czech republic it is the polish company orland. and poland is precisely the main
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supplier of petroleum products for ukraine. she accounts for more than half. and if the polish company suffers, then poland can... in turn, also in response to ukraine, reduce supplies to it so that it behaves correctly. anti-russian sanctions have failed and, moreover, may damage the country itself. europe in the near future. the stage of accepting the inevitable has arrived among german analysts, who were commissioned by the german ministry of economics to carry out relevant research. the results are published by handelсblad. the commentary emphasizes that the restrictions have led to an increase in the price of raw materials, while russia is one of the largest. exporters in the world, this reveals a complete lack of internal logic of sanctions. another striking example that german experts pay attention to is the import of indian diesel fuel produced from russian raw materials. it would be much more profitable for germany to buy fuel in russia itself and not transport it halfway around the world, but sanctions do not allow this . japanese steel company
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nipen stil has hired former us secretary of state mike pompeo to help it take over its us rival. us steel, the rater reports this. so the japanese, in pursuit of a tasty morsel, are trying to convince their overseas partners that there is no threat to national security. it was these fears that the current us president joe biden and the potential future donald trump expressed back in december immediately after the deal was announced. its value, taking into account the debt obligations of the american manufacturer, was then estimated at almost $15 billion. in japan, both companies have already received regulatory approval. and at the end of the issue i’ll tell you about currencies. a dollar today costs 80.8 rubles. 2 kopecks the euro exchange rate is 96.03, that's all i have for now. novel. konstantin, thank you. we continue the release. import substitution is gaining momentum in the volgograd region. electronic products at the enterprise in the city of volzhsky , the first stage of the agat project is being completed, development and production of new types of quartz oscillators. government support also helped the plant increase its capacity. more details,
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alexander kulishenko. this is not a medical laboratory, factory production facilities, advanced automation systems, domestic software, enterprises are actively digitalizing. the components produced here are used in various applications. special conditions have been created in these workshops; this is required by the standards of electronics, protective clothing, modern climate control systems, not a single a speck of dust should not get into the body of the future product. now the enterprise is completing the first stage of the agat project to develop and master the production of new types of quartz oscillators. it started in 2021. the main advantage of the products will be a wider range of nominal frequencies compared to imported analogues. for any means of mobile communication, for e-processors,
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office equipment, computer equipment, for controlling unmanned vehicles, in order to begin serial production, the plant is completing the second stage of technical production today, we also invest a lot of money , including in the development of new potential products in the form of smd-mounted generators and resonators, new generation filters, and new generation lighting generators. last year alone, about 400 million rubles were allocated for the modernization of the enterprise, of which 270 were state support funds. in 3 years, the plant managed to triple its production volume, and the team grew professionally and became younger. the average age of employees is 42 years. by the way, these days one of the leading enterprises of the russian radio-electronic the meteor industry celebrates its sixty-fifth anniversary. alexander kulishenko, alexander komochkov, lead volgograd.
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sports news, ilya kostin will tell you about the most notable ones. ilya, good morning, in paris, due to the upcoming olympics, the revenue of some restaurants has dropped by 60%. roman, good morning, the fact is that paris on the eve of the games was divided into several zones, some of which can only be accessed with special passes, respectively. in these zones, traffic has become significantly less. spartak started the new season of the russian premier league with a defeat. in in the opening round, muscovites lost away to orenburg 0:2. there were no goals in the first half; the hosts opened the scoring only in the 62nd minute. emercan gürlük's cross was completed by matyas perez. after 5 minutes, orenburg scored the second goal, an error was made by spartak goalkeeper maksimenko. florentin intercepted the ball, passed it to gerliuk, and all he had to do was hit it. spartak extended its unsuccessful streak in orenburg, the muscovites have not won there since the spring of 2022, since then they have lost three times and drawn once. in two other
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sunday matches of the first round of the rpl, the debutant league makhachkala dynamo played away to a draw with skhimki 1:1, the players of the moscow region team missed two penalties in the first half. akhmat in grozny also finished the meeting with krasnodar with a score of 1:1. the starting tour will end today in the lower one. in novgorod with a match between arena and kazan rubin, the championship began on saturday with four games. lokomotiv won at home with a score of 3:2 talyatinsky okron. zenit defeated the samara wings of the soviets 4:0. dynamo was stronger than the torch 3:1. rostov and cska did not score goals. russian tennis player diana schneider became the champion of the clay tournament in budapest. in the final, she was stronger than the representative of belarus, alexandra sasnovich. it was enough for schneider to win. in two sets 6-4-6-4, the russian won the third title this season and in her career in general, all three on different surfaces, clay, hard and grass.
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schneider became the first in the season to achieve this, and also turned out to be the youngest tennis player in the last 15 years who managed to win on three different surfaces in one season. schneider is 20 years old, currently ranked twenty-eighth place in the wta world rankings. spanish. won 200 podiums in his career, at the last hungarian grand prix, the thirty-nine-year-old briton took third place in...
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noris, who a few laps before the finish was second, his teammate landa was in the lead, but after the team order, he let his teammate go ahead. inter miami held a ceremony honoring lionel messi on the eve of the mls match, it was dedicated to winning the forty-fifth title of leo's career. in the central circle there was a large poster with the number 45, around it stood 45 children, each of which held a picture with a separate title. messi, the striker won his last trophy at the last copa america as part of the argentina national team. lionel is now the most decorated football player in history. messi's inter miami club won the match, on the eve of which a honoring ceremony was held. with a score of 2:1, inter was stronger than chicago fire. the argentine himself did not take part in the meeting due to injury. his club continues to lead the mls table by four points and
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match in reserve. a funny episode happened in the brazilian championship match between flamengo and crisuma, where the referee awarded a penalty for playing with the second ball. at the end of the meeting , crisuma's footballer gustavo baretto, being in his penalty area, knocked one ball out from under the feet of a flamengo player with a second one, which was thrown out of the stands by a fan. the referee showed bareto a yellow card and awarded a penalty kick, which was converted by gabriel barbosa. this goal was the winning goal for flamengo, the team won. 2:1. this was the most notable sports news for this minute. slana petrovna. good afternoon. your bank's security service. in an instant, the scammer would have access to the money. but svetlana petrovna turned on the scout. seconds counted. urgently dictate your card number so that the money can be transferred to a secure account. sound the window to the bank itself.
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hung up, whoever the scammers pretend to be to get money out of you, hang up without talking. who are you? i, traveler, aeronaut, jean ivan. oh, so we’re wondering, what’s a fairy tale without ivan? eh, what? without deception without
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flint, maybe you sharpened me quickly, a pen, hand-written, magic ink, you’ll get it, you’re the main thing in van, hurry up, so give me a horse, mechanically, and hit yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where it’s needed, that’s how i they call you because i’m not taking you where you fool want, but where you need to go. i can’t live without travel, flint, he who doesn’t need a pen, who has flint in his pocket, soon! have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we didn't have bread? bread is the world, the most sacred thing a person has, what is every family. bread created our civilization, contributed to our evolution and technological
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revolution. this is both the future of humanity and the history of humanity, this is a universal language. over the past 200 years, bread has shaped our approach to life. this is the power of our country, its strength and power. every day, i take a piece of black bread and always enjoy life. when confronted with bread, a person is literally transformed. this is what our distant ancestors thought, and we really hope that you think so too.


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