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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 22, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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contributed to our evolution, the technical revolution, this is both the future of mankind and the history of mankind, this is a universal language, over the last 2,000 years, bread has shaped our attitude to life, this is the power of our country, its strength and fashion, every day i always take a piece of black bread i enjoy life. when confronted with bread, a person is literally transformed. this is what our distant ancestors thought, and we really hope that you think so too.
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sergeina's news in short: the united states hastily renamed biden's election headquarters, it is now called kharis president. cnn reports that she is pitching democratic congressmen to try to drum up support. americans have already donated more than $50 million to hari's company. the kremlin emphasized achieving the goals of the north military district as a priority for russia, rather than the results of the us elections. the russian media called this an internal political matter of the states. in which moscow does not interfere. the state duma says biden needs to be held accountable. government delegation in magadan region led by prime minister mikhail mishustin, got acquainted with the work of a unique enterprise for russia. this is the only place in the country where omega-3 dietary supplements are produced. it is obtained from white fish. in buryat, more than 100 people are in temporary accommodation centers due to the collapse of a bridge in the tunkinsky district. these are mainly tourists.
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a hot food point has been set up for motorists, and heavy equipment is working at the site of the collapse. a new batch of modern domestic aircraft engines is being tested in perm, they are being installed on cargo and passenger aircraft, including the special russian flight squadron, on which the country's leadership flies. even at low speeds, each engine roars deafeningly, how they preserve the peace of the residents of neighboring villages and what they came up with to scare away birds, our correspondent.
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enterprise specialists have produced more than 550 engines of the ps90a family; they are used by the tu-204 and 214, and the il-76 transport. last year, such a modernized il with updated engines landed for the first time and then took off from a dirt runway. ps90a is used on various modifications of il96, including a special one. russia air squad, which transports top officials of the state. on each engine , this characteristic detail of the fairing is clearly visible; when rotated, it resembles an eagle’s eye, and thus all this helps to scare off various kinds of birds. before delivery to the customer, the engines are tested at the nazis, a suburban testing station, and the pressure of air, oil, fuel, turbofan speed, and thrust are recorded. a typical test cycle is 96
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hours, approximately 6 hours in engine hours. on on the remote control stand the power is regulated by rud, the engine control knob. shift teams of six people consist of truly uniquely qualified specialists who are passionate about their work. the profession of test mechanic is not taught by any university in the russian federation, that is , test mechanic is born here. when i started working at the plant in 2009. ah, what - i was, so to speak, hooked by this work, when the engine hums, when the modes change, from low to maximum increased, and this directly permeates. engine during tests, even at low gas it makes a noise of at least 100 decibels, and in order not to create inconvenience for residents of surrounding settlements, there is a special pipe, noise suppression, roughly speaking, this is a giant muffler measuring 50. every
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engine produced on perm engines is brought here from this workshop . more than 3000 parts, tens of kilometers of pipes and wires. all this is becoming. as one whole in this workshop, assembling aircraft engines. the engine assembly process is extremely complex, involving hundreds of people at different stages. responsibility, of course, it is always felt, this is unconditional, because every performer must be aware that the reliability of the engine and its performance depend on his actions. alexey, a workshop fitter, says that each stage of assembly has its own characteristics, and you have to deal with parts from completely different materials. of various weights and sizes, you assemble one as if for you, as if some kind of small nut, it leads to the fact that we have people flying and transporting cargo on these engines, the work is non-routine, the engines are practically all in different versions, that is , they are installed on different aircraft, so the communications
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are different, everything else can also be different, now perm engines produce three modifications of ps90a, and finally last year in russian foreign companies... 354 engines were operated, they are constantly being modernized taking into account new ones technologies and developments. these are technologies and materials such as casting with directional crystallization, powder metallurgy, which means heat-protective coating, and much more. and of course we use promising technologies, materials, including in our serial engines in the ps90a engine. well, first of all, we can say that this is the use of polymer compensation materials. all these innovations help produce engines that are more reliable, quieter, more environmentally friendly, and cheaper to operate. thus , the modular design of the ps90a allows you to change some of the units without removing the product from the wing, and the process of its modernization continues, because the need of russian aviation for this reliable engine will only grow.
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evgeny nipot, ivan malyshev, dmitry tolstoukhov and dmitry evdokimov, news. permian. how the joint naval exercises between russia and china went, more on that in a couple of minutes. sing in the knee, big in the back, neck maybe, pentalgin, extragel, pentalgin extragel against pain in muscles and joints, start your journey into business with the support of sber, they will open an account in sber business, help with accounting, legal issues and connect online cash register, all this is free, we open the way to business. collect business this summer with us, this summer with us, it will sparkle with new colors, buy a big combo, collect a collection of glasses and summer impressions, only at a delicious point, this summer is with us, register your car in the avito auto garage
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worked together to combat air attacks, as well as submarines of a mock enemy. our corvettes, loud and sharp , acted in concert with the ships and frigates of the prc naval forces. our own correspondent in the region, alexander baletsky, will tell you how the naval exercises and maritime interaction 2024 went. i'm at a naval base in zhangzane, right now a group of russian ships is entering the port behind me. russian ships are displaying signal flags, welcoming chinese sailors; they are not strangers to us.
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russia and china practiced air defense, convoying ships, and artillery firing; this is what it looked like when the chinese destroyer was assembled at ning. targets on the water, land in the air and definitely hit. naval aviation, escort of ships in the strait zone and comprehensive defense of one of the ships, joint inspection operation
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on a suspicious ship in his role is the chinese ship hengshui. a unit of underwater sabotage forces of the pacific fleet, together with chinese naval special forces, act in amazing harmony, understanding each other with just one gesture. all soldiers, sailors and officers underwent preliminary training . made it possible to quickly conduct an inspection operation as part of mixed groups and increase the effectiveness of combat coordination. why did they tell all this in detail in the chinese news? the goal is to demonstrate determination and ability. both sides to strengthen their joint response to maritime security threats and maintain international and regional peace. moreover, both china and russia especially emphasize these maneuvers solely for the sake of global security. chinese sailors have always treated our crews. good, these are our friends, brothers in arms, we already have a tradition and have been conducting them for
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more than 10 years, our joint exercises with the chinese naval forces, this alliance is absolutely not aimed at threatening other states in any way, on the contrary symbolize maintaining stability in the asia-pacific region. such interactions irritate washington and its allies. we are, of course, monitoring them closely and will continue to do so. they are monitoring and putting together a military alliance in asia aokus like nato , in addition to supplying weapons to taiwan, they are strengthening the armed forces of neighboring china, japan, south korea and the philippines. the chinese military is increasingly detecting american ships near its territorial waters. and us aircraft are conducting overt surveillance here. just on the eve of the maneuvers, the chinese zian 10 fighter intercepted an american reconnaissance aircraft, approaching it at a minimum distance of 3 m. washington is very afraid that russia is transferring to china all the data on american weapons and equipment that were
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captured or destroyed in ukraine. this means that the chinese also know all the secrets of its vulnerability, including those that relate to unmanned combat boats, drones and nato cruise missiles, which could be used by the americans in a hypothetical conflict for taiwan. a letter demanding to determine this, a special committee of the house of representatives of the us congress sent to biden's national security adviser salevan, something that russia and china do not have from each other,
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a helicopter was found completely destroyed in yakutia, news agencies report, the bodies of the pilot and three passengers were found, the helicopter, let me remind you that he disappeared on friday the 19th at 80 km alone. from the villages of yakutia there were pilots and three passengers on board. the investigative committee for transport opened a criminal case. in chukotka , pedagogical teams of the atomic energy project the sport has opened its second season. students will host sports events, help run summer camps, and organize activities in kindergartens. in addition, program participants will be able to get acquainted with
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the far north, because perhaps they will work there later. more details anton kuchin. the sports and pedagogical landing party arrived in chakotka as part of the project of the rosenergoatom concern ; a special nuclear energy sports project is being implemented in the satellite cities of nuclear power plants. students of smolensk state university for a whole month will work in anadra, belibina and peveik, conduct sports events and attract adults and children to them. the main purpose of our visit is to help coaches, teachers, and educators. the audience with which we hold the event is the most diverse, starting. corners of russia. the practice of attracting sports and pedagogical teams to chikotka began last year. the project is being implemented within the framework of an agreement between the center of modern sports technologies of the rosenerget concern and the government of the chakota autonomous okrug
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in several directions. our region is quite specific, that is, in the summer we have everything. vacations, or the children go to health camps, where our personnel in the field of physical culture and sports also go with them, and it just helps us when these young personnel are engaged in physical education work with our children from the population here in chikotka. in anadra, the sports and pedagogical team conducts morning exercises with pupils of kindergartens and school camps. students also plan to participate in city sporting events as part of the beiring strait festival. planned. holding sporting events in a children's rehabilitation center, as well as in a kindergarten, continuing work, as well as in a school camp and for the first time in chikotka there will be adaptive exercises for children with disabilities. the atomic energy sports project has a positive impact on
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all its participants. students get acquainted with the far north, learn the living and working conditions in chakotka and it is possible. that in the future they will come here to work. anton kuchin, arseny gusev, nikita penelkut, vesti chikotka. start your business journey with sber support. sber-business will open an account, help with accounting, legal issues and connect an online cash register. and all this is free. we open the way to business. sberbusiness. fairytale chicken. needed for sweet dreams, rubber chicken for distracting maneuvers, the most tender chicken for burgers in a tasty spot, new curry sauce in chicken premier and chicken hit carry, try in a tasty spot what we bring from traveling with avito, cashback bonuses for your next trip, avito
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will allow residents of the central regions to enjoy the summer warmth a little. which day of the coming week will be the hottest, and where the rains will continue to refresh in the near future. atmosphere, current weather analytics on the russia 24 channel, i’m vadim zavuchenkov, leading specialist at centrobass, hello, the july heat will soon return to the central region, here in the urals the temperature background will become september, over the weekend most of the russian plain ended to the accompaniment of showers and thunderstorms, in in st. petersburg, bad weather did not prevent the rehearsal of the navy day parade, although at times swaddled...
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downpour in the southwest, sunshine please. the following shots are from tatarstan, near kazan, lightning struck the roof of a cottage and caused a fire, and meanwhile, in the west of udmurtia, an unusually large hail occurred, some pieces of ice were larger than a walnut, for example, in bashkiria, a herd of horses was washed into the river by a flood. mommies! but the elements dealt the most powerful blow to chelyabinsk,
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a storm rushed over the city, flooded avenues and courtyards, in a short period 45 mm of rain fell on the metropolis, that’s more half the monthly norm. all these weather cataclysms are caused by a cloud ridge of an atmospheric front stretching in... the middle latitudes of russia from the baltic to lake baikal, but now a new player, the northern anticyclone, has intervened during the atmospheric processes, in the coming days this center will displace arrays of rain clouds further to the south and the east of the russian plain. today, in the north and south of european russia, thanks to anticyclones, there will still be no conditions for the development of rain clouds; at the epicenter of the storm , average cloudiness will remain. strip of the region, while the most intense precipitation is expected on the slopes of the urals and in the center of the country; here in some places more than 10-20 mm
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of moisture may fall per day. the capital will also fall into this zone. in megapolis, small local rains began in the morning, and the heaviest showers are expected in the afternoon. according to model estimates, their intensity can reach 4 mm in 3 hours. the weather will begin to improve only in the evening, in 12 hours 13 mm of moisture will fall in moscow, almost half of the ten-day norm. already on tuesday-wednesday it will be sunny. the anticyclone will not be only the north, but the west of the russian plain, the temperature regime will immediately react to this, so in the north-west and in the center of the region the daytime temperature will again rise to +25-30, in the south, on the contrary, a thunderstorm front will weaken the heat by noon the thermometers will not rise above +30- 35, and the densest frontal clouds will cover the middle volga and the urals, so the weather here is not at all
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like july, for example, in yekaterinburg there is daily rain until friday, and the prevailing daytime temperature, as if in september, is +16-18, only on tuesday and thursday, when the sun will appear more often in the clouds, the thermometers will be able to reach +19, but this is also 5° colder than usual, in central russia, on the contrary, sunny weather will return from tuesday, so... below normal, but then the air in the capital will quickly become warm up, warming peak on wednesday-thursday, midday hours around +27. that's all for me, goodbye. i choose rosselkhozbank, it has everything i need, high cashback, profitable deposits , a convenient credit card. rosselkhozbank is bigger than you think.
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biden left, harris remained. kamela harris has officially announced her participation in the american presidential race, how financial donors of the democrats evaluate her chance, about
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this and more in our material. correspondent, the advance of russian troops after the liberation of harvest, the ukrainian military is being pushed towards vremevka. about how our attack aircraft can operate at night and occupy new positions in pitch darkness, in a report from the front line. read more about the situation in the dpr and the consequences of ukrainian shelling live, let's talk with the head of the republic denis pushilin. mikhail mishustin's working trip to the far east, the prime minister flies to khabarovsk, where he will be presented with airport plans and masterplans for khabarovsk and komsomolsk-on -mura. the perm plant is reaching new capacity; it produces engines for passenger and cargo aircraft. what is their advantage and what are the needs of the industry? our special correspondent visited the enterprise. let's start with news from the usa.
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joe biden's headquarters was renamed after his withdrawal from the election race. now he called haris for president. kamala haris herself has already submitted an application to the us federal election commission about her nomination for the post of head of state. according to the politician's publication, in the first 10 hours alone , americans have already donated more than $55 million to her company. anton dadykin will tell you the details. there is a replacement on the democratic team. incumbent president joe biden announced his withdrawal from the election race and named who he decided to pass the baton to. i decided not to stand for election to concentrate everything strength to perform the duties of president for the remainder of my term. today i want to declare my full support for kamalo to be our party's candidate this year. democrats, it's time to unite to defeat trump. american media.


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