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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 22, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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let's start with news from the usa. joe biden's headquarters was renamed after his withdrawal from the election race. now he is called haris for president. kamala haris herself has already submitted an application to the us federal election commission about her nomination for the post of head of state. according to the politician's publication, in the first 10 hours alone , americans have already donated more than $55 million to her company. anton dadykin will tell you the details. there is a replacement on the democratic team. incumbent president joe biden announced his withdrawal from the election race, named the person to whom decided to pass the baton. i decided not to put forward my candidacy for election to concentrate all my efforts on fulfilling the duties of president until the end of my term. today i want to declare my full support for kamalo to be our party's candidate this year. democrats, it's time to unite to defeat trump. american. they name several
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candidates to replace biden, the favorite is vice president kamala harris, who, of course, immediately picked up the baton, i am honored to receive support from president, and i intend to seek nomination as a candidate. haris received support not only from biden, but also from the extremely influential clinton couple in the democratic party. we join millions of americans who thank president biden for everything he has done, time after time, to stand for america. it's time to support. and give all your strength in the fight for her election, the future of america depends on it. however, kamala’s candidacy does not yet look like there is no alternative, because another pillar of the democratic party, former president barack obama did not declare his support. we are navigating uncharted waters ahead, but i have every confidence that our party's leaders will be able to create a process that will result in the selection of an outstanding candidate. i am convinced that joe biden's vision is generous, prosperous. an america
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that provides opportunity for everyone will be fully reflected at the democratic national convention in august. and i expect that each of us is ready to carry this message of hope of progress forward into november and beyond. republicans are celebrating. donald trump wrote on social networks that biden left the presidential race in complete disgrace. as for haris, trump intends to defeat her with the help of his vice president jady vance. joe biden was the worst president i've ever had. okamala haris was by his side every step of the way. for the past four years , she has supported biden's open border policies and the environmental scam that has driven up housing and food prices. president trump and i are ready to save america, no matter who tops the list. democrats. according to the latest opinion poll, harris was inferior to trump in popularity, but ahead of biden. a possible replacement in the democratic camp was no secret to the republicans; they began a campaign against kamala in advance. i call
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her laughing kamala, have you ever seen how she laughs, but she’s not all at home, you know, you can tell a lot about a person by her laughter, she’s definitely crazy, completely sick . trump supporters on social networks distributed a series of archival video footage dedicated to haris. you need to go out and be able to go there, where you need to go. the importance of the passage of time, clearly, the importance of the passage of time. when you think about it, the passage of time is very important. the american television channel cnn notes that the withdrawal of the current president from the election race occurred for the first time since 1968, when lyndon johnson, by the way, also a representative of the democratic party, refused to participate in the elections. his popularity. fell due to
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the american invasion of vietnam, johnson's successor lost the election to republican richard nixon. biden has already suffered defeat in an online competition organized by one of the us bookmakers, modeled on the british media. in 2022, they bet on what would happen first, whether the then prime minister would resign or the lettuce would spoil. now bets were taken on biden leaving the race or the same vegetable being damaged. in both cases he won. salad. anton dadykin, ekaterina radaeva, lead. democrats in the us congress intend not just to automatically appoint vice president kamala haris, but to hold an open process for choosing a candidate to replace president joe biden. and this despite the fact that haris’s nomination has already been supported not only by the american leader himself, but also by 26 senators, democrats and 72 members of the house of representatives. in the fight for the presidency he could.
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if at least three more candidates join, the final verdict in anyone’s favor will be made at the democratic party convention on august 19. a prominent candidate from the democratic party and so far the only one who has declared her desire to become president, she was vice president in the biden administration for all 4 years. she is considered to be the fastest will be able to organize an election campaign. in addition, according to recent popularity polls, haris has even surpassed the current leader of the country. she is 59 years old, previously a senator from california, and before that she worked as attorney general in the same state. in 2019 . already took part in the democratic party's primary for the presidential nomination, but withdrew her candidacy in favor of joe biden, and in 2021 she became the first black woman vice president. for moscow, the priority is to achieve the goals of the northern military district,
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and not the results of the us presidential election, stated presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. in a conversation with reporters, he noted that one needs to be patient, a lot can change in 4 months... the russian foreign ministry, in turn, emphasized that russia does not interfere in the internal affairs of the americans. state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin said that biden created problems not only in the united states, but throughout the world, and now he is running away without waiting for the elections. he should be brought to justice for the conflict in ukraine, anti-russian sanctions and destruction economies of european countries. and one more interesting detail, joe biden announced his withdrawal from the election race. their social networks, elon musk drew attention to this. the entrepreneur emphasized that there have still been no official statements or press conferences in the white house. at the same time , joe biden himself appeared in public for the last time on friday, when the politician announced that he was not going to withdraw his candidacy for the presidency. social media is now asking
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the question: where is biden himself? there isn't even a photo of him signing the document, but the billionaire, david sachs even suggested that the announcement to withdraw from the race may not have been agreed upon. with biden. alka komarova will continue the topic. the people who have real power in the united states have finally gotten rid of the puppet joe biden, said elon musk. american billionaire david sachs compared a politician's withdrawal from the election race to a coup. at the same time, ron desantes, the governor of florida, is sure that biden’s flight for the us democratic party is a disaster on the scale of the titanic, and members of the house of representatives called on the american president. slowly leave your post. according to the logic of the congressmen, since biden admitted the existence of a problem, it means that he is already incompetent. we all know biden can't be president if he can't run, but he's avoiding kamala's coronation by not resigning. democrats, intelligence agencies, and
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media activists have been lying to us for years, telling us that biden is fine. there is still a long time until november; the patriots will ultimately control the situation. with another. democrats, the majority leader in in the senate, chuck schumer reported that biden's withdrawal from the election race indicates that the head of the white house has put the interests of the country first; doves of hope have been sent to washington and from overseas. the british prime minister is convinced that biden refused a second presidential term out of concern for the american people. support in warsaw. the polish prime minister said that biden's decision. elimination may have become the most difficult in the life of an american president, but the western press only makes fun of joe, which has already been dubbed crooked. time has updated the cover it previously published. initially, it depicted biden going beyond limits, words of panic.
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now instead of panic, kamalla haris is on the cover. it is she, by the way, who is accused of exacerbating the migrant crisis. haris oversaw migrant policy issues in biden's cabinet. in particular , trump’s unfinished wall. over the course of 4 years , several tens of thousands of illegal migrants broke through this wall. american tv channels have already interviewed them. visitors they understand perfectly well what biden’s withdrawal from the presidential race will lead to. with joe biden's government, the border is not as impenetrable as it was with donald trump. the trumpists are acting much tougher; they are really trying to fight migration. reuters journalists say. joe biden did not want to leave the presidential race until the last moment; the decision to withdraw his candidacy was made just a few hours before the official announcement on social networks. british comedians have already made jokes. most likely, one of the white house interns posted the post, no one knows the password except him, so
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it’s impossible to delete the message. alika komarova, lead. and now to the messages of the last hour from the obshironsk-krasnodar region. the building collapsed, the entire street was strewn with rubble, these are the images now published by telegram channels, including people who were near the building and standing at the bus stop. emergency services are already on site, the rubble is being cleared, according to preliminary information , 15 people were injured, one woman has already been pulled out from under the rubble and taken to the central hospital of obshironsk, but the cause of the explosion, as the agency now reports with reference to the regional ministry of emergency situations, was a domestic gas explosion. the khabarovsk territory is awaiting the arrival of a government delegation led by prime minister mikhail mishustin. he will get acquainted with the plans for the development of the airport, visit a machine-building plant,
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the university of railways and a children's hospital, and before the khabarovsk territory, mikhail mishustin visited the magadan region. our correspondent, anna voronina, will tell you the details. where there used to be a vacant lot with old garages, today children's sports grounds, a cafe, an exhibition pavilion, and of course, a promenade overlooking the sea of ​​okhotsk. look at the beauty, well... well, the beauty of the midnight days people even sunbathe, why even, well, it seems cool, but they sunbathe, swim, the new look of the magadan embankment is being shown today to mikhail mishustin, the prime minister was here 4 years ago and notes, the changes are colossal, and the idea of ​​​​reconstructing this part of the city belongs to an architect from magadan, they came up with everything themselves, starting from the idea, it was just an idea to first restore the old...
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the locals who walk here, it’s great, the place is extensive, that’s what all the projects were aimed at, for the construction of mayak park, as mikhail mishustin noted , they managed to attract about a billion rubles from private investments. in addition, magadan was provided with a set of support tools, these are infrastructure budget loans and grants. funds were allocated for the so-called general cleaning in bukhna nagaev. it's about raising twenty sunken ships that have been polluting the water area for 30 years. today there is an absolutely clean coastline, an absolutely clean water area, which a
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is the safety of navigation, b) is an environmentally friendly atmosphere, and of course, this is an opportunity to implement our big project to restore the work of a logistics center here that will be able to serve the sea of ​​okhotsk mentai expedition work in general, this is the only thing we have now... it is necessary to create all the conditions to attract investors to the restoration magadan sea fishing port, because the region has many opportunities, a local plant for the production of purified fish oil became a striking example of a successful private investment. and this is what happens when the investor goes forward, and not just government investment. and so on, you considered the economic model here, it is very important that of course there is demand, but you
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are absolutely right, of course, triglycerides and omega-3 are today the most important element, including the prevention and cardiovascular care of diseases and many other diseases, but for me this is still a memory from childhood, remember, when they forced us to give us spoons of fish oil, it immediately smelled interesting, so to speak, but i don’t know how purified it was at that time. as our respected director showed you today, there were probably no five degrees of purification, but it was very tasty, but for everyone, some loved it, some didn’t like it, but everyone remembers fish oil, in soviet times, yes it was prescribed by my children, for 4 years private investment in the development of the magadan region increased by one and a half times among new projects, also a maritime tourism center and the construction of a new airport terminal complex, which will allow... the region to also show its attractiveness for travelers. anna voronina, news. at the perm plant, where
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eps-90a engines are produced for passenger and cargo aircraft, capacity is being increased. the needs of the domestic aircraft industry are growing; as expected, next year, at least 120 engines will be needed per year. they fly tu-204, tu-214, and il-76. exploited. our parts are available not only in russian companies, but also in foreign ones. the topic will be continued by evgenia nipot. they operate in the tropics, withstand arctic frosts, and aircraft engines of the ps90a family for domestic cargo. aircraft, passenger aircraft, are assembled on perm engines, the united engines of the rostec construction corporation. in the coming years, production plans to significantly increase. the forecast demand for today is up to 120 engines per year, from the twenty-seventh to the thirtieth. the engine is named after pavel solovyov, the founder of the perm design and technology school of gas turbine engine engineering.
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the company's specialists have produced more than 550 engines of the ps90a family. they fly tu-204 and 214. transport il-76. last year, such a modernized il with updated engines landed for the first time and then took off from a dirt runway. ps-90a is operated on various modifications by the ninety-sixth, including the special flight squadron russia, which transports top officials states. this characteristic fairing detail is clearly visible on each engine. when rotated, it resembles an eagle's eye and thus all this helps to scare away various kinds of birds. before delivery to the customer, engines are tested at a suburban testing station. record the pressure of air, oil, fuel, speed of the high-pressure fan, engine thrust. a typical test cycle is
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96 hours, approximately 6 hours in engine hours. at the control stand the power is regulated. engine control, in shift teams for six people, specialists with truly unique qualifications, passionate about their work, the profession of test mechanic, not a single university in the russian federation teaches for it, that is, test mechanic is born here, when i came to work in 2009 at the plant, and what - so to speak, i was hooked by this work, when the engine hums, when the modes change from low. to the maximum heightened level, and this directly penetrates. during testing, even at low throttle, the engine produces a noise of at least 100 decib, and in order not to create inconvenience to residents of the surrounding populated areas, there is a special pipe, noise suppression, roughly speaking, this is a giant muffler measuring 50 m. every
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engine produced on perm engines from this workshop is brought here. more than 30 thousand parts, dozens. features, you have to deal with parts made of completely different materials, different weights and sizes. you collect one, as if for you, as if it were some kind of small nut, it leads to this, that here we have people flying and transporting cargo on these engines. non-routine work, all engines practically in different versions, that is , they are installed on different aircraft, so the communications are different, everything else can also
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be different. now perm engines produce three modifications of ps90a. last year , russian foreign companies operated 354 engines; they are constantly being modernized taking into account new technologies and developments. these are technologies and materials such as directed crystallization casting, powder metallurgy, which means heat-protective coating, and much more. and of course we use promising technologies, materials, including in our serial engines in the ps9a engine. well, first of all. we can say that this is the use of polymer compensation materials. all these innovations help produce engines that are more reliable, quieter, more environmentally friendly, and cheaper to operate. thus, the modular design of the ps90a allows you to change some of the units without removing the product from the wing, and the process of its modernization continues, because the need of russian aviation for this reliable engine will only grow. evgeny nipot, ivan malyshev, dmitry
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tolstoukhov and dmitry evdokimov, news: perm. latest news from donbass. not only will we discuss live with the head of the dpr denis pushilny, he contacts us, denis vladimirovich, hello, hello, daria, i would like to discuss with you the events of the last days and the last weekend, it seems that kiev has already begun somehow morally prepare for president trump, for the trump presidency, trying to enlist his support, build a dialogue with him, from zelensky’s latest statements, it seems to follow that they have already are trying from the future. a republican president, with a possible republican president, to build a dialogue, what impression did you get based on the analysis of the statements that were made in kiev in recent days? you know, the resourcefulness of kiev has long been absolutely obvious to us, and of course they see what prospects their
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main, let’s say, curators have and how these changes will affect ukraine, of course they predict for themselves, which is why various kinds of turbulence are associated, which we see, and most importantly. we we see that they have already started talking about moments that they couldn’t even talk about before, they couldn’t even say them out loud, they’re already there and they’re talking about possible referendums there and so on, well, let’s just say, the encirclement or the second, third, eh, let's say, a circle close to zelensky, but here we should not be offended in any way, because this is premature, and here we must first of all rely on our own strengths, and we see that...
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the republicans, but also what is important for the possible to the future new president here zelensky and his team, some ways will need to be found to the vice president, which i also think will be demonstrated here... in the coming months, but here again we are still concentrating on our capabilities and, of course, we are pinning our hopes on our
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military personnel who demonstrate results every day. boris johnson, the ex-prime minister of britain, because of whom peace negotiations broke down back in the spring of 22, is now again making his proposals; over the weekend he published an article in the british press, where he proposed now your world. looks like a mandate from donald trump if he comes to power in the united states. how did the dpr perceive this new, so- called peace plan of boris johnson? you know, the first thing that is, of course, very striking is johnson’s excessive media activity, he is already an ex, and there are quite a lot of such exes, here. in the uk, but nevertheless johnson is showing some activity, and there are several versions of why this is happening, but not even about that, if we talk about the, say, so-called
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peace plan itself, then in one word we can it’s too late to describe why, because what johnson proposes, well, at some other stages, in some other formations, of course, it was being considered seriously now.
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a criminal, yes, she inflamed certain stages, certain points, she was a certain kind of irritant, but for us personally she did not pose any kind of threat or anything like that, and of course, now a person has already died, well, that’s it, on the bones for sure we don’t intend to trample, and of course we still have many other enemies who pose threats for our country, for the donetsk people's republic. therefore, of course, we will concentrate our efforts on this, and she has already done everything that she could, of course, there are a lot of enemies, apparently,
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just inside ukraine, and here...
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now a situation is developing that they say what conditions are they in now? yes, daria, i didn’t just mean about krasnogorovka, and about dzerzhinsk, taretsk-zerzhinsk is the same settlement, just the ukrainian regime in 2016 from derzhinsk, in as part of their anti-soviet activities, let's say, they renamed the second...
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and so from this settlement there are people who managed to escape, but they are telling very terrible things, investigators and law enforcement agencies are working with them now, because there is a lot of evidence a lot, and all of this is precisely what leads to war crimes committed by the armed formations of ukraine, and we, of course, are studying this very carefully, of course, this is all this, all this information is being summarized, but... of course, we, for our part, are doing everything possible so that as many people living in liberated settlements as possible can escape, this does not always work out, there is a terrible situation when people are shot, entire families, unfortunately, there is more and more such evidence , from these settlements, well , the shelling does not stop, artillery
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shelling on the territory... is under russian control, now we are also receiving reports of casualties as a result of shelling this morning, less than an hour ago a message came from horlivka that a civilian there was injured as a result of shelling in the ssu. what data do you have for the last 24 hours? daria, unfortunately, we record dead and wounded literally every day; in the last 24 hours there have been four dead and more than ten people injured. well, in general, the numbers, of course, speak volumes, if we look at the beginning of summer, well , unfortunately, we lost a large number of people, civilians, that is, who died as a result of shelling, on april 1, 65 people died, one of of them a child, 277 people were wounded, of which 22 children, this is on the territory of the republic, and this is absolutely.


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