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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 22, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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artillery shelling on the territory that is now under russian control, now there is also a message about casualties as a result of shelling this morning, less than an hour ago a message came from gorlovka that a civilian there was injured as a result of shelling in isu, what data do you have for the last 24 hours ? dali, unfortunately, and we literally record the dead and wounded every day; in the last 24 hours there have been four dead. and more than ten people were injured, well, in general, the numbers, of course, speak volumes, if we look at the beginning of summer, a lot the number of people, unfortunately, we lost, civilians, that is, who died as a result of shelling, on april 1, 65 people died, one of them was a child, 277 people were wounded, of which 22 were children, this is on the territory of the republic, and this ...
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uh, let’s say, rszz missiles, which allow them to reach even further distances and use them against the civilian population. i'll tell you that he is doing very serious work - here - for our unit, under uh, in general, let's say, this is the donbass dome system, which is now controlled by fsb, and in the donetsk people's republic, but i 'll tell you, a very large number.
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drones that manage to be intercepted or destroyed, over the past week there were 184 drones, well, in fact, you can count how many lives were saved, because all these drones, well, that is, they were aimed at civilian objects, they were aimed at causing harm to the life and health of the civilian population, that is, this is the kind of work being carried out, and i will tell you that the dome of donbass now is generally...
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establishing and developing metallurgical industry in donbass? daria, you know, indeed for the donetsk people's republic, for the industrial region, metallurgy plays a very important role, taking into account the full cycle, the production chains that are represented here on the territory of the republic, of course, we support in every possible way, but our metallurgists are truly heroes, this is very hard work, but... and this is creation, this is creative work, which demonstrates our region and the industrial potential in general , we have yet to reveal, and we are at along this path, our president also highly appreciated the role of donbass metallurgy, and last week there was an opportunity at a joint event to open blast furnace number 5 at the genakevo metallurgical plant, and this, of course, all adds up to the treasury, here... the achievements of our republic,
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even this is wartime, and of course , i would like to congratulate the metalheads more brightly, more festively, but taking into account security, well, taking into account the fact that there is still a special military operation going on, of course, we do not have such bright and large-scale events carried out, but nevertheless in individual cities and regions of the republic, of course , honestly, i had the importance of our metallurgists...
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prosecutor general of russia igor krasnov arrived in the dprk. the trip of the head of the russian supervisory agency to north korea was the first in the history of cooperation between the authorities of the two countries. representatives of the leadership of the central prosecutor's office of the dprk met krasny at the boarding ramp. in finyan he will meet with his colleague and negotiate with other officials. we will talk about two-way interaction. also on the agenda for signing the program cooperation between supervisory agencies until 2026. welcome.
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here in avdeevka people were driven to death, there was terror, it’s flying, everything is flying here, guys, the war
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is real, here people are completely different, they live, you didn’t offend you here until our people came, don’t ask, i’ll see how the wolf will hide in the basement. when they hammer you, you sit here outside the window and think, is the next one for you or not? at the last explosion, there were 18 people left under the slabs who are still lying there, god help me, oh, thank you, we just came here forever.
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in buryatia at the site of a bridge collapse in... dozens of pieces of heavy equipment are working at the emergency site to restore traffic, rock soil is being delivered from the neighboring irkutsk region, in total about 6.00 cubic meters need to be delivered. when traffic opens, we will find out from our correspondent margarita vasilyeva, she is in direct contact with the studio. hello margarta, how long will it take to repair the crossing? hello, daria, i’ll start by saying that the bridge collapse happened yesterday. 1510 at the 142nd kilometer of the kultuk highway monde, car traffic was immediately blocked. the structure collapsed due to erosion of the subgrade. restoration equipment was immediately sent to the site, and soil began to be transported from two quarries. at the moment, 25 units of equipment are involved - these are
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front-end machines, dump trucks and excavators. the work was carried out all night in two shifts and continues to this day without stopping. note that the partially collapsed bridge belongs to the third category and has two lanes . it was put into operation in 2012 , about the progress of repair and restoration work we were told by the federal highway administration that today the restoration work has been intensified, let's listen: we have built a continuous movement of dump trucks and managed to load 2.0 cubic meters of soil. rocky soil is delivered from the quarry on the twenty-selometer highway a333, the main one from the kharbety quarry. along the lower part of the bridge, nasyt is already connected to the support. we plan to launch vehicle traffic today. colleagues, i would also like to note that the region is considering the issue of introducing an inter-municipal emergency regime. for now filling work continues. workers are working in difficult conditions as the river continues to flow due to heavy
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rainfall in the mountains. therefore, the announced launch time for the destroyed kultuk mondy highway is being shifted. now the estimated time for completion of repair work is 18:00 local time. just like we just did. they have opened traffic on the bridge, but so far only for pedestrians, they can already walk from one bank to the other, thanks to the fact that the work has connected the right side of the bridge, and i will also note that for motorists who have stopped... on temporary accommodation points were organized along the road, including the supply of water and hot meals. most of the people were housed at the turan school, the rest in the turan kindergarten. and for now, this is all the information available at this time. daria, i give you the floor. thank you margarita, our correspondent, margarita vasilyeva, was from buryat. she talked about how the bridge was being repaired due to heavy rains; one of its supports was washed away. today at the council meeting. brussels, hungary will raise the issue of ukraine’s ban on oil transit from russia. earlier, kiev imposed sanctions against
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lukoil. it supplied raw materials via the southern branch of the druzhba oil pipeline to hungary and slovakia. what are the consequences of a supply interruption? my colleague konstantin churikov will tell you. he's joining me now. konstantin, good morning, what are the consequences of stopping the import of russian oil to central european countries? daria, hello, in addition to a sharp jump in prices, this could cause an energy shortage in the eu, and by the way, harm ukraine itself. central europe risks being left without russian oil. today, at a meeting of the eu council in brussels , hungary will raise the issue of the legality of ukraine’s ban on the supply of raw materials from russia. this was stated by hungarian foreign minister peter szijarta. we are talking about a ban on the transit of the oil company luk oil; kiev suddenly imposed its own sanctions against it, despite the absence of such a ban on the part of brussels. on the contrary, given the insurmountable dependence of bratislava and budapest. europe did not introduce russian raw materials or sanctions on supplies along the southern branch of friendship even after the start of the northern military district. as he writes
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american political publication, due to restrictions from kiev, hungarians may face, quote: sky-high energy prices and electricity shortages in just a few weeks. according to the same publication, the country receives 70% of its oil imports from russia and received half of this volume, we say in the past tense, from lukoil. deliveries were made to... hungary, slovakia and the czech republic. the main recipients are two companies: the polish company arlen, which has facilities in the czech republic, and the hungarian company mol, which has facilities in hungary and slovakia. actually, the injured party is the company mol, which has a contract with lukoil for the supply of oil, the total volume of supplies along the southern branch of the druzhba oil pipeline is somewhere up to 14.
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russian oil is used at two refineries of the hungarian company mol, with one of the plants located in slovakia . as the head of mit-hungary, peter sziarta, emphasized, technological refineries are configured to process precisely this type of raw material. and in total, both countries received about 2 million tons of oil per year from lukoil. at the same time, russian experts they say. large volumes and note that lookoil is not the only company that supplies oil from russia. the volume of supplies that were made in the first half of 2024 to hungary is estimated at somewhere around 2.4 million tons, to slovakia - this is a guideline, 1.7 million tons, and a little more than a million was supplied to the czech republic by lukoil, appeared. the largest supplier of oil to hungary and slovakia, in addition, the suppliers of
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resources to hungary and slovakia are traditionally rosneft and tatneft. the experts we interviewed see no other solution, except for the resumption of supplies from our country. otherwise, central europe will face a real price shock. if not from russia, for example, then it is necessary. then look for oil on world markets, deliver it to coastal countries, in the case of hungary, it should most likely be croatia, the tanker should be loaded there, that is, the hungarians will have to pay for the oil itself, then reloading and the oil pipeline, pumping to their refineries, only then, process it accordingly, that is, this is an additional cost, but if suddenly we are talking about a complete cancellation of supplies the russian oil and water industry, then fully utilize all the capacities of its refineries in hungary. czech republic slovakia from alternative sources at the moment will not be able to.
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western media write about the same thing; the political publication admits that in the current situation, hungary will have to use its strategic oil reserves, which, as stated in the article, will only be enough for 90 days. bratislava is also interested in resolving the issue as quickly as possible. the prime minister of slovakia does not understand the benefit of ukraine’s actions and silent consent of brussels. in an appeal on social networks , robert. asked to explain what is good about the sanctions against lukoil, which will most harm slovakia, hungary, ukraine itself and partly the czech republic, while they will practically not affect lukoil, it will place its oil on other markets, and... the slovak prime minister noted, here is the kiev the regime thereby saws the branch on which it sits. in this situation, ukraine not only cuts off its opportunity to make money on the transit of russian oil, it also cuts off its opportunity to receive part of its oil products from hungary and slovakia, and also questions the supply of electrical energy.
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hungary and slovakia, i think, treat with great interest any request from the ukrainian side to supply them with electricity. the most striking thing is that kiev’s requests for more megawatt hours continue to be heard: the situation with sanctions, in fact, against hungary and slovakia, is all the more absurd since kiev turns to these countries when it needs help with energy supplies. the day before, in all seriousness , in its telegram channel, the ukrainian ministry of energy wrote that within 24 hours she would request help from romania, poland, slovakia and hungary, we are talking about a volume of more than 25,500 megawatt-hours. as if nothing had happened, or the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing, all this is very reminiscent of the ukrainian proverb, the woman joked with the wheel until she got stuck in the spokes. i have everything about the ukrainian energy market. the metkovs have finished. thank you, konstantin. konstantin churikov spoke about the features of cooperation
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between kiev and the countries of central europe. the sberthank you loyalty program has been updated. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even the percentage on everything is more profitable with a subscription from berp. if your stomach is bothered, take amiprozole renival. pancreatival. we trust renival, we choose renival. what do we bring back from savito’s travels? cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip will go as planned with cashback bonuses. chicken pairs premiere chicken hit with new kari sauce at a competitive price. what do you think? cool, but
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russia, whether you throw out the trash already or not, so, attention, we have a replacement, a replacement for the younger generation, a legend is entering the field to win. and urgent messages at these moments come with a link to the russian fsb. the head of zelensky’s office, mashavets, oversaw the preparation of the terrorist attack in crimea in 2023. the terrorist attack was to be carried out using explosives sent from europe. but here's one more thing message directly related to this news, another scheme was eliminated. transportation of explosives from europe to russia for terrorist attacks. fsb officers in st. petersburg tracked down channels for transporting explosives from italy and germany
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to russia for carrying out terrorist attacks. we will tell you all the details in the next hour. now about the weather. in some areas of sakhalin and primorye, the consequences of extreme rainfall are being eliminated. at the same time, heavy rains are observed in the european part of russia. let's talk more about this with a meteorologist. ekaterina, hello, have your colleagues already warned about heavy downpours today in the center of the country, when will nastya reach the peak? in moscow we are expecting a shower in the middle of the day, but its intensity should not be the same as the day before, but we will start with the weather in the east of the country, where the showers were much more intense. more than 150 substations stopped working after the squall that hit usuriysk. the weather station recorded wind gusts of up to 25 m/s. the wind tore off roofs, overturned kiosks and cabins, and broke trees. supports. without electricity, as a result there were two urban microdistricts and four villages left. by this time, power engineers had returned light to most homes, social facilities and government institutions. in
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the kholmsky and uglegorsky districts of sakhalin , several landslides occurred at once after heavy rains. one of the roads was completely closed for a while, traffic on others was seriously complicated. after dirt got on the tracks, commuter trains were delayed and regular bus departures were cancelled. a decision has already been made to suspend passenger flights. communications with the settlements of orlovo and boshnikovo, specialists are now on the ground and preparing their proposals for limiting traffic. the following video from kazania in the capital of tatarstan, the peak of bad weather occurred at night, already around midnight a traffic jam formed on the flooded victory avenue, some cars stalled after a water hammer, other drivers, trying to avoid problems, turned around and got out of the lowland along... the oncoming lane, some cars drowned in courtyards, and in some places the water was up to their hoods. over the past 24 hours in kazan 49 mm of precipitation fell. in some places throughout the republic
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there were even more. in chelyabinsk , it was easier to measure rainwater in buckets; 50 mm , or five buckets of water per meter of area, spilled. the same rainfall hit rybensky, yaroslavl region. in the kirov region it fell up to 42 mm, in bashkiria up to 39 mm. in the capital region, the heaviest rain occurred in the center. more than 20 mm fell, and this is a quarter of the monthly norm. powerful showers occurred on a cold front; the temperature contrast between successive air masses was very significant. on tropical air dominates in the south, daytime temperatures are about 35° in the middle zone in the urals today only +20. and another zone of contrasts in the far east, on the continent during the day +25:30 on the islands around 20. bad weather in the far south. east is associated with the influence of the cyclone, which formed over china and slowly moved along the amur to the east, overcoming the resistance of the pacific anticyclone, lingering for a long time over
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the same areas, literally flooding them with rain. but let's move to the west: along the southern cyclones are moving across half of the european territory of the country and siberia, a vortex whose center is now over bashkiria is of atlantic origin, with which cooler air broke through onto the russian plain. it's interesting the impact it has. the northern anticyclone, a center of high pressure , displaces the cloud fields of the atmospheric front to the south and east, on the one hand this promotes the advancement of coolness in regions exhausted by heat, on the other hand it causes rain clouds to concentrate in a narrow band. today's heaviest precipitation expected in the center of the country, the middle volga on the slopes of the urals, in some places 10 or even 20 mm of moisture may fall per day, but in the north there will be no conditions for the formation of rain clouds, there will be dominance. more than 20 mm will fall
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each day, on thursday the precipitation will weaken, on friday it will increase again, only by saturday the rain will almost stop, the daytime temperature this week is 22-25°. the southern urals also remain in the bad storm zone, in the capital of bashkiria there are strong thunderstorms today, up to 30 mm will fall in a day, light rain tomorrow the day after tomorrow, well by the end of the working week there will be more rain and even more cold, if today in ufa it is +22, on friday afternoon... only +15. the capital region also remains under the influence of the atmospheric front. light rain is possible in the morning, moderate rain in the afternoon, thunderstorms are possible, the maximum temperature for today is +21. however, tomorrow the northern anticyclone will push the clouds to the south, the sun will come out in moscow and it will immediately become warmer. on tuesday +25, on wednesday 27°. these are the forecasts. vtb! what do you think?
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