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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 22, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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moscow and beijing have successfully worked together to combat air attacks, as well as submarines of a mock enemy. our corvettes , loud and sharp, acted together with the sysmin ship and the frigate of the prc naval forces. our own correspondent in the region, alexander baletsky, will tell you how the military exercises and maritime cooperation 2024 went.
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loud and harsh. for 3 days, three dozen tasks, military sailors from russia and china practiced air defense and escort ships, artillery firing, this is what it looked like when the chinese destroyer was already assembled at ning. targets on the water, land in the air and accurate destruction of all targets, including a mock submarine. this is a great test for us. we have strengthened mutual understanding between the navies of china and russia, which has contributed to the standardization and systematization of bilateral practical cooperation. simultaneously with maritime cooperation, there are also joint patrols in the north and west of the pacific ocean, also with the participation of naval aviation, convoying ships in the strait zone and comprehensive defense of one of the ships. joint inspection operation on a suspicious person.
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all this was described in detail in the chinese news. the goal is to demonstrate the determination and ability of both sides to strengthen joint responses to maritime security threats and maintain international and regional peace. moreover, both china and russia especially emphasize these maneuvers solely for the sake of global security. the attitude of the chinese sailors towards our crews has always been good; these are our friends, brothers weapons. we already have a tradition and have been holding our joint events for more than 10 years. exercises with
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the chinese naval forces, this alliance is absolutely not aimed at threatening other states in any way, on the contrary, they symbolize the maintenance of stability. in the asia-pacific region. such interactions irritate washington and its allies. we are, of course, monitoring them closely and will continue to do so. they are monitoring and putting together a military alliance in asia similar to nato; in addition to supplying weapons, taiwan is strengthening the armed forces of neighboring countries. china, japan, south korea and the philippines. the chinese military is increasingly detecting american ships near its territorial waters. and us aircraft are conducting overt surveillance here. without maneuvers, the chinese fighter zian 10 intercepted an american reconnaissance aircraft, approaching it at a minimum distance of 3 m. in washington , they are very afraid that russia is transferring to china all the data on american weapons and equipment that were captured or destroyed in ukraine,
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which means that everything the secrets of her vulnerability chinese they also know, including those related to unmanned combat boats, drones , and nato cruise missiles, which could be used by the americans in a hypothetical conflict over taiwan. a special committee of the us house of representatives sent a letter to biden's national security adviser, salevan, demanding that this be determined; the fact that russia and china have no secrets from each other was clear from the footage of the exercises. please convey our heartfelt greetings to all officers and sailors. thanks a lot. more before going to sea, chinese and russian sailors carefully familiarized themselves with the technical characteristics of each other's ships and their weapons. i have already participated in joint exercises with russia before. but it was my first time on a russian ship, it was like meeting an old friend, that’s why our military easily found a common language in the training program, not only maneuvers, getting to know the culture of the two countries and culinary experiments, the pacific islanders enjoyed making chinese dumplings, after which more and mastered the techniques of traditional
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chinese gymnastics, tai chi with swords in the chinese blogosphere, this has already been called a real example of martial brotherhood for the sake of peace and stability. alexander baalsky, anna lvova, andrey netreba and nikolai petrov, news: china! alfabank is the best bank for business! open a free account with alfabank and get up to 10% cashback on your business card. alfabank has the best loyalty program for entrepreneurs. we need a fairy chicken. for sweet dreams, rubber chicken for distracting maneuvers, the most tender chicken for burgers at a tasty point, new curry sauce in chicken premier and chicken hit carry, try it at a delicious point,
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sports and pedagogical teams have started working at the checkpoint; their task is to help people join an active lifestyle; special attention, of course, will be paid to the younger generation. various events will be held in kindergartens and recreation camps. moreover, in the region for the first time they will conduct adaptive exercises for children with disabilities. all the details are in anton kuchin's report. the sports and pedagogical landing party arrived in chikotka. as part of the rosenergoatom concern's project , a special project, atomic energy sports, is being implemented in the satellite towns of nuclear power plants. students of smolensk state university will work for a whole month in anadra, belibino and pivek, hold sports events and attract adults and children to them. the main purpose of our visit is to help the trainers and teachers. feeder, the audience with which we hold the event is very diverse, from kindergarten children to adults
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. for me personally, this project gives, first of all, a colossal experience of the opportunity to visit the most remote corners of russia. the practice of attracting sports and pedagogical teams to chikotka began last year. the project is being implemented within the framework of an agreement between the center for modern sports technologies of the rosenergo-atom concern and the government of the chukotka autonomous okrug in several areas. we have. well the region is quite specific, that is, in the summer we all go on vacation, or children go to health camps, where our personnel in the field of physical education and sports also go with them, and they helped us when these young personnel engage in physical education - healthy work with our children and the population here in chakotka. in anadra, the sports and pedagogical team conducts morning exercises with pupils of kindergartens and school camps. students also plan to participate in city sporting events. within beiring strait festival, it is planned to hold sports events in the children's
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revolutionary center, as well as in a kindergarten, continuation of work, as well as in a school camp, and for the first time at checkout there will be adaptive exercises for children with disabilities, the nuclear energy project has a positive effect on sports at all its participants, students get acquainted with the far north, learn the living and working conditions in the checkout and it is possible that in the future they will come here to work. anton kuchin, arseny gusev, nikita penelkut, hosted by chikotka. in moscow, the city system of psychological assistance is being modernized. the first two mental health centers have opened, where muscovites can receive the necessary psychotherapeutic assistance in comfortable conditions, including modern diagnostics and full outpatient treatment. this is especially true for people in stressful situations and those who are subject to sudden changes. mood, about the development of the psychological assistance system in the capital, varvara nevskaya’s report, we have
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modern technologies that have reached medicine, here we present glasses that work through virtual reality, that is, they are put on the patient’s head, and they have auditory sensors that allow you to hear music, somehow tune in to such a calm mood, and here is the picture that is inside. .. glasses she looks like the sea. the sea is limitless and boundless and most importantly changes depending on the patient’s condition. when he is worried and upset, clouds gather over his head, but as soon as he allows his body and mind to relax, calm comes. special sensors they record their breathing, the person’s task is to maintain a uniform pace. practice teaches you to take control of your emotions from session to session, taming your fear and fighting back. anxiety.
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virtual reality glasses are not the only know-how in the fight against anxiety disorders, panic attacks and depression, which are used in the first two mental health centers opened in the capital as part of modernization.
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a huge amount of stress. bad every day, residents of megacities are exposed to mood - not the most serious consequence such overloads. negative emotions and experiences can cause not just physical discomfort, but also cause diseases in the body. i went to a therapist at a regular city clinic, free of charge, with a problem that was related to psychosomatics, but i didn’t understand it, i was prescribed medication, which didn’t help me at all, and after that i was given a referral to this center for... treatment of such problems uses an integrated approach: on the one hand, the patient receives qualified assistance. psychotherapists, medical psychologists, as well as psychologists from the department of labor and social protection of the moscow population; on the other hand , modern technologies are used in patient therapy, such as transcronial magnetic stimulation. this is a modern method, most importantly, non
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-invasive therapy, and it is similar to the action of antidepressants, but only... due to the fact that this is a non-invasive technique, it is very well used specifically for resistant depression, yes, when drug therapy does not help, a special sensor stimulates certain parts of the brain, provoking the production of so-called joy hormones, serotonin and endorphin, which in turn changes the pattern of behavior of such a patient. the biofeedback method will also help to learn self-control by overcoming anxiety , as in the case of virtual reality glasses, the image on the patient’s monitor directly depends on the reaction of his body; when he is nervous, the picture becomes fuzzy. anxiety in you and i is accompanied by a certain symptom complex, that is, yes, anxiety accompanied by a change in breathing rate, heartbeat, that is, yes, preparing the muscle for work, that is, yes, turning off the mucous membrane, that is, because in this case it
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will not be needed in the process of performing a certain mobilization of the body, that is, yes, what... health literally everything is aimed at the special relaxation in the centers of the mental dress code of doctors and staff, excluding white coats, and therefore associations with a medical institution, to a special healing atmosphere of comfort. calm tones in the design, dim lighting, comfortable upholstered furniture. patients learn relaxation skills by inhaling rarefied mountain air and walking.
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the centers will help muscovites who also suffer from chronic pain, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders, various phobias and depression, absolutely free of charge through registration in the emis or by referral from a doctor from the clinic, but what to do if melancholy and despair are squeezing your chest right now, and your loved ones there were no people nearby who could support them; for these cases, since 2006, number 051, the moscow psychological service, has been working in the capital help. anastasia, i hear that you are very, very excited, let me ask you to sit down now, yeah, take a deep breath. dozens of calls daily, anonymous, confidential, free around the clock.
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here they will always listen, help you calm down and find the right words. psychologists with extensive experience are always ready to help , regardless of what worries the caller, these are various emotional states, depressive moods, these are issues related to health, both physical, somatic, and mental, these are issues of some kind of family conflicts and problems, in particular there are child-parent relationships, relationships with peers, conflicts. this could be some kind of anxiety state, this is acute grief, for example, the death of a loved one and others. the project specialists are also ready to help those who especially need it in difficult life situations. this is my family center. experienced psychologists will help resolve conflicts in the family, improve the relationship between parents and children, console a difficult teenager, provide support to people alone,
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raising children. in the city of moscow, there are currently 16 family centers; we provide comprehensive assistance and support to families with children. our main task, which we adhere to in our work, is the preservation of family values, as well as the establishment of intra-family relationships.
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you are not alone, you understand that there are tools to protect you, and what is very important is that the help is free. psychologists-mediators are always ready to resolve complex, sometimes seemingly fatal conflicts in order to save the family. professionals in the field of communication, emotion management, literally become mediators in dialogues between spouses or parents and a child. recommended at school. contact the family center, we had problems, we were on the verge of divorce from my husband and were advised to turn to mediators,
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we went to mediation meetings, they helped us a lot with this, we found common ground with the children, too, as if contact was also established . young mediator clubs have been organized especially for teenagers in family centers, where boys and girls learn independently resolve disputes and come to agreements. our specialists teach not only families to find, well , conflicting parties to find some kind of unique solution, but they also teach children how to get out of various conflict situations, they analyze real life strategies for this or that conflict. teaches you to select those techniques and mechanisms that will be most appropriate in this situation.
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it has been proudly fulfilling its special mission to provide systematic, high-quality and most importantly accessible assistance to children and families for many years in a row. city ​​psychological and pedagogical center. every educational organization has a psychological and pedagogical support service that provides assistance to children. with families with children who have difficulties in mastering educational programs and behavioral difficulties. psychologists with impressive experience help children adapt to the new school curriculum, find a common language with classmates and teachers, overcome stress from upcoming exams, or even overcome the fear of going to first grade. do you know why we came here? well, yes, i did a little before school and went to see a psychologist. yeah, so you're going to first grade in september. when working with young children, the center's psychologists use play methods, for example, using toy figures to try to role-play the first
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day of school in order to understand how the lesson goes and what to expect from the teacher and classmates. technology helps future first-graders overcome the fear of the unknown, which is the cause of stress. vanya always enjoys going, they somehow communicate here, quickly found a common language, and play. they draw, and so, in fact, yes, as vanya himself says that he somehow feels calmer about going to school, now he’s already saying what he wants, and he ’s already happily thinking about it, probably , it is most important. the center includes more than thirty territorial branches, represented in each administrative district of moscow. this year alone, more than 30,000 families received the necessary assistance here. people come to psychologists with questions of development and education. age-related crises, conflicts in the family or school, and they always find support and solutions to their problems. in adolescence, most often, of course, what issues are of concern is
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interaction with. peers and how to improve relationships with parents, because this is probably the most conflicting period that arises, as well as a decrease in educational motivation and excessive passion for gadgets. and for graduates the main questions are self-determination and feelings, how did i pass the exams, or how will i pass them. taking care of mental health is no less important than physical health, and as experts insist, a trip to a psychologist. in the modern world it should be perceived in the same way as a visit to a general practitioner, casually without shame. you can come to such a specialist not only when something hurts, but as part of prevention. already today, moscow guarantees high-quality psychological assistance on conditions of complete confidentiality with maximum attention to care for each of its residents, regardless of age and social status. you. have you ever
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thought about what would happen to us if we didn’t have bread? bread is the world, it is the most sacred thing a person has, what is in every family. bread created our civilization, contributed to our evolution, the technical revolution. this is both the future of humanity and the history of humanity. this is a universal language. over the past 2,000 years , bread has shaped our approach to life. this is the power of our country, its strength and ability. yes. when faced with bread, a person is literally transformed, as our distant ancestors believed, and we really hope that you think so too.
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dangerous goods in automobile parts, explosives for carrying out a terrorist attack in russia were supplied from europe. the fsb has cut off supply channels and operational personnel. on the most tense section of the front, the enemy rotation was disrupted. our military is knocking out the ukrainian armed forces from their strongholds. we will also tell you about the situation in other areas. construction of the international airport terminal in khabar.
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loading of the amur shipyard with orders from the ministry of defense, as well as a master plan for the development of komsomolsk on the amur region. mikhail mishustin's working trip to the far east. she is running instead of biden. the us vice president is preparing for the election race, and kamala haris's campaign has already collected $55 million in donations. will this help the democrats win? and, of course, the weather, heavy rains in several regions of the country at once. a storm warning has been announced in tatarstan, the sverdlovsk region, the krasnoyarsk territory and khakassia. so what about the weather in the capital? in st. petersburg , a channel for the delivery of explosives to russia for terrorist attacks was identified and intercepted. the fsb reported this. the dangerous cargo was transported in several postal parcels in stages, from italy and germany, disguising it in the cavities
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of auto parts. the fsb noted that for...


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