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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 22, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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here in avdeevka they brought people down, there was terror, it’s flying... everything is flying, guys, the war
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is real, here people live completely differently, they didn’t offend you here until our people came, don’t ask, you’ll be like a wolf in i’ll hide in the basement when they’re blasting, here outside the window, you sit like this and think whether the next one is for you or not, during the last explosion there were 18 people left under the slabs who are still lying there, god help me, oh, thank you, we just came here. as always.
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the kremlin emphasized that the election steps of us presidential candidates are not a subject for assessments from moscow. in a conversation with journalists, the press secretary of the head of state, dmitry peskov, noted the tasks that are in the focus of attention of the russian leadership. it is not for us to evaluate the decision of the current president and candidate. president of the united states of america, this is a topic that most likely should concern american voters, but not us. yes, the future of russian-american relations, which are now experiencing the worst period in their history, is very important for us, but still the main thing for us is this our concerns, our achievements, our problems, and most importantly, of course, a special military operation and the achievement of the goals that were set. democrats in the us congress.
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intend not only to automatically appoint vice president kamul haris, but to conduct an open process for selecting candidates instead of president joe biden, despite the fact that haris’s nomination has already been supported not only by the american leader himself, but also by 26 democratic senators and 72 members of the house of representatives. at least three more may join the fight for the presidency candidate. the final verdict is expected at the democratic national convention on august 19. meanwhile. according to cbs journalist ed okeefe, the vote on haris's candidacy should be expected as early as august 1, that is, ahead of schedule, and those who do not like it have a little more than a week to express their disagreement. kamala haris is the most obvious candidate from the democratic party and so far the only one who has declared her desire to become president; she was vice president in the administration for all 4 years biden. it is believed that she
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will be the fastest to organize an election campaign. in addition, according to recent polls , haris has even surpassed the current leader of the country in popularity. she is 59 years old, previously a senator from california, and before that she worked in the same state as attorney general. in 2019, haris already took part in the democratic party primary for the presidential nomination, but withdrew her candidacy in favor of joe biden. in 2021 it became. first black woman vice president. for moscow, the priority is to achieve the goals of the northern military district, and not the results of the us presidential election. this was stated by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. in a conversation with reporters, he noted that we need to be patient. a lot can change in 4 months. the russian foreign ministry, in turn, emphasized that russia does not interfere in the internal affairs of the americans. state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin said that biden created problems not only. usa, but
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also all over the world, and now he’s running away without waiting for the elections. he should be brought to justice for the conflict that started in ukraine, anti-russian sanctions and the destruction of the economies of european countries - says volodin. now a short advertisement, and then about how russia’s needs for engines for civil aircraft will be met. this summer is with us, this summer will sparkle with new colors, buy a big combo, collect collections of glasses and summer impressions, only at a delicious point. this summer is with us. the sberspasibo loyalty program has been updated! every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even percentage on everything, more profitable with a subscription from berprime. what is your mood today,
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at the factory where ps90a engines are produced for passenger and cargo aircraft, increasing capacity. the needs of the domestic aircraft industry are growing, as is expected in the near future, russian aviation will need at least 120 engines per year. they fly tu-204, tu-214, and also ill-76. our parts are used not only in russian companies, but also in foreign ones. our special correspondent, evgeniy nipot, visited the plant in perm. in the tropics, withstand arctic frosts, aircraft engines of the ps90a family for domestic cargo and passenger aircraft, assembled in perm motors, united engines construction corporation rostec. in the coming years , production plans to significantly increase. the forecast demand for today is up to 120 engines per year, from the twenty-
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seventh to the thirtieth. the engine is named after pavel solovyov, the founder of the perm design and technology school of gas turbine engine engineering. the company’s specialists have produced more than 550. they fly tu-204 and 214, and il-76 transport aircraft. last year such a modernized il with landed for the first time with updated engines. and then take off from a dirt strip. ps90a is operated on various modifications of the il-96, including the special flight squadron russia, which transports top officials of the state. on each engine this characteristic detail of the fairing is clearly visible: the transformation resembles an eagle's eye and thus all this helps to scare away. various kinds of birds, before delivery to the customer, the engines are tested by nazis, a country testing station,
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air pressure, oil pressure are recorded, fuel, hpc fan speed, engine thrust. a typical test cycle is 96 hours, approximately 6 hours in engine hours. on the control stand, power is regulated by rud, the engine control knob. shift teams have six people each. specialists with truly unique qualifications, passionate about their work, the profession of test mechanic, not a single university in the russian federation teaches this, that is , the test mechanic is born here, when i came to work at the plant in 2009, than i have, so to speak, i was hooked on this work when the engine hums when the modes change from low to maximum high, it really permeates, the engine during tests, even at low gas... makes a noise of at least 100 decibs, and in order not to create inconvenience for residents of surrounding
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settlements, there is a special pipe here, noise suppression, roughly speaking, is a gigantic muffler 50 m in size. every engine produced on perm engines is brought here from this workshop. more than 30 thousand parts, tens of kilometers of pipes and wires. all this becomes one in this workshop, assembly aircraft engines. the engine assembly process is extremely complex, involving hundreds of people at different stages. responsibility, of course, is always felt, this is unconditional, because every performer must be aware that the reliability of the engine and its performance depend on his actions. alexey, a workshop fitter, says that each stage of assembly has its own characteristics, and you have to deal with parts made of completely different materials, different weights and sizes. you are collecting something like this for... like some kind of small nut, it what leads to this is that we have
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people flying and transporting cargo on these engines. the work is not routine, the engines are all practically in different versions, that is , they are installed on different aircraft, so the communications are different, everything else can also be different. now perm engines produce three modifications of the ps90a; last year , russian foreign companies operated 354 engines; they are constantly modernizing them.
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products from the wing, and the process of its modernization allows you to change some of the units without removing continues, because the need of russian aviation for this reliable engine will only grow. evgeny nipot, ivan malyshev, dmitry tolstoukhov and dmitry evdakimov, lead. permian. kiev is changing its approaches to relations with americans in view of donald trump's possible victory in the presidential election. the head stated this on our broadcast. i think it will be demonstrated in the coming months, but here again we
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still concentrate on our capabilities and, of course, pin our hopes on our military personnel who daily demonstrate the result. now the footage. from the presidential press service, the company provides 16% of the total electrical capacity. in the country, this is a large volume, it is one of the largest in the world in its profile, how do you yourself assess the situation in the company, the results of work? at the moment, the rusgidro company is by far the largest power generator in the country, if we talk about types of generation,
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we have all types of generation in our holding except nuclear, that is, we also have geothermal and solar. and wind, of course, thermal generation, both gas and coal, we are one of the largest thermal power generators in the country, at the moment the rushydra holding operates, and we are not only a generator, yes, that is, we are also quite widely represented as a project complex, widely represented in the world our institute is about 100 years old, and today it is represented in 13 countries in the world in the field of consulting. and hydraulic engineering design in mining, hydropower and other fields. from the point of view of financial results, yes, despite difficult economic year, we managed to increase the company's revenue by 20%, more than 560
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billion, we increased the trouble, increased net profit, cruzhydra. is still one of the largest taxpayers in the country, about 105 billion rubles, well, we are also increasing our potential every year. great, what about investments? investments in the twenty-third year alone amount to about 223 billion rubles. we have completed quite serious projects, such as in chukutka, the first line of the belibina pipeline, almost 500 km of the 110 line.
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will be developed in the far east, we plan to introduce about 2.5 gigawatts of electrical capacity, we plan to build more than 500 km of power transmission lines, at the moment we are designing two hydroelectric power stations in the far east, this is in the amur region on the tributaries of the amur, selidzhimskaya and nizhnezeyskaya. yeah, how is krasnoyarsk settling down little by little? yes, since the new year we have closed the acceptance of vacancies in moscow; all new employees that rushydr recruits are recruited only in krasnoyarsk, yeah, good, normal business relations have been established there with the local authorities, yes, absolutely, there is a wonderful city there, a wonderful business climate in krasnoyarsk, these
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were shots of vladimir putin’s meeting with the head of the rushydra company, victor... in the volgograd region they are actively working on import substitution in the field of electronics, the company is mastering the production of quartz oscillators, they are in demand in the production of equipment mobile communications, computers , unmanned vehicles, state support helps the plant increase its capacity, among other things. details from alexander kulishenko. this is not a medical laboratory production premises of the plant. automation, domestic software, enterprises are actively digitalizing, components that are produced here are used in various fields. special conditions have been created in these workshops; this is required by the standards of electronics, protective clothing, and modern climate control systems; not a single speck of dust should get into the body of the future product. now the enterprise
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is completing the first stage of the agat project to develop and master the production of new types of quartz oscillators. in 2021, the main advantage of the products will be a wider range of nominal frequencies compared to imported analogues. we are developing three new types of generators, which are the most popular in the market of civil electronic equipment, for any means of mobile communication, for processors, orc equipment, computer equipment, for controlling unmanned vehicles for... in order to mass- produce, the plant is completing the second stage of technical equipment today; we are also investing a lot of effort, including as part of the development of new... potential products in the form of generators and resonators of smd mounting, filters of a new generation, light generators of a new generation. last year alone
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, about 400 million rubles were allocated for the modernization of the enterprise, of which 270 were state support funds. in 3 years, the plant managed to triple its production volume, and the team grew professionally and became younger. the average age of employees is 42 years. by the way, these days, one of the leading enterprises of the russian radioelectroelectric industry. industry meteor notes sixty-fifth birthday. alexander kulishenko, alexander komochkov, lead volgograd. now it's time for economic news. sanctions against russia that have failed could in the future cause damage to europe itself. the german handelсblad writes about this. the russian economy continues to actively develop, including due to the defense boom. the article says that in the long term our country will one way or another participate in world trade, it wants to. this is the west or not. let me remind you that from february 22 the eu introduced against russia has 14 packages of sanctions. europe could not refuse to purchase russian titanium. in
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the first 5 months, imports of this metal decreased by only 22% in annual terms to almost 2,500 tons; in may there was an increase of a third compared to april. eurostat reports this. the world's major aircraft manufacturers promised to completely stop purchasing titan back in '22. year, but the eu has not yet found alternatives to russian supplies. experts believe that this will take up to 7 years. china increased supplies by a third in the first half of the year cars to russia. in total, cars worth $6,200 million were imported. this is data from the general administration of customs of the people's republic of china. on the contrary, chinese truck exports decreased by a quarter to 1,300 million. according to experts, almost 60 chinese automobile brands are now sold in russia. the top sellers are haavail, gili and cherry. based on the results of the quarter, irusagra increased its revenue by 20%. the group's sales exceeded rub 72 billion. this is stated
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in her countdown. the company explains this dynamics by the growth of the oil and fat business. revenue in this sector immediately increased by 70%. at the same time, income from sugar production decreased by 39%, from agricultural production by a quarter, and from meat production increased by 1%. rusagra is one. leading agricultural holdings in russia. the group ranks first in the production of sunflower oil and margarine. it was economic news. short. the new head of the military institute of the russian guard was introduced in saratov. according to the presidential decree, he became the hero of the russian federation, the commander of the legendary special forces center of the russian guard vitya, alexander beloglazov. ceremony took place today. representatives of the interacting community were the guests of honor at the event. year he graduated from the saratov military institute. alexander
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beloglazov noted the colossal experience of the educational institution and the success of its graduates. all the conflicts that were within our state, the provision of all mass events, all our graduates participated in all these events, so the institute has accumulated enormous experience here, and today here... we will generalize the experience that we receive in the special military operations, well, we will adhere to the principle of teaching what is necessary in war. rosatom has successfully completed tests of the main pumps intended for the first power unit of kursk as-2. this equipment differs from its previous generation counterparts. to cool the units and the electric motor , water, rather than oil, is used. this will increase the reliability of the design. in addition, the engineers managed to significantly improve the operational performance. characteristics and environmental friendliness, as well as the safety level of the entire nuclear power plant. nothing has changed in principle, then it produces the same parameters as before, only its
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fire safety has changed, yes, that is, no, there is no oil, and so the parameters, in principle, are those that are included in the design for the station, the pump is provided, we are just testing we check the compliance of these parameters with the required technical conditions at the beginning. august a set of units will be shipped to the construction site in kurchatov. previously, similar equipment was produced and shipped to the first power unit of the akyuyu nuclear power plant, which rosatom is building in turkey. currently, such equipment is being manufactured for the egyptian eldabaa nuclear power plant. it is planned that pumps of this configuration will be equipped with a nuclear power plant in hungary. the atomic energy of sports has reached chukotka. teams will help local residents to join an active lifestyle, special attention to the younger generation, various events will be held in kindergartens and recreation camps, in addition,
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for the first time in the region, adaptive exercises will be held for children with disabilities. all the details are in anton kuchin's report. the sports and pedagogical landing party arrived in chikotka. as part of the project of the rosenergoatom concern , a special project , nuclear energy sports, is being implemented in the satellite towns of nuclear power plants. students of smolensk state university will work for a whole month in anadra, belibino and pivek, hold sports events and attract adults and children to them. the main goal. the visit is to help the coach, teachers, and educators. the audience with which we conduct events is very diverse, from kindergarten children to adult population. for me personally, this project gives, first of all, a colossal experience of the opportunity to visit the most remote corners of russia. the practice of attracting sports and pedagogical teams to chikotka began last year. the project is being implemented within the framework of an agreement between the center of modern sports technologies of the rosenergoatom concern
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and the government of chukotka. autonomous okrug in several directions, our region is quite specific, that is, in the summer we all have limited vacations, or children go to health camps, where our personnel in the field of physical culture and sports also go with them, and we are helped when these young personnel are engaged in physical education and health work with our children from the population here in chikotka. the sports and pedagogical team is conducting morning exercises with children from kindergartens and school camps at your address. the studio...
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affects all its participants: students get acquainted with the far north, learn living and working conditions in chakotka, and it is possible that they will come here to work in the future. anton kuchin, arseny gusev, nikita penelkut, hosted by chikotka. in the kremlin, vladimir putin had a meeting with the head of rushydra viktor khmarin. this company accounts for a significant share of energy generation in russia. during the conversation, the focus was on the results of work over the past period. also vladimir putin and viktor khmarin. discussed the prospects for the development of rushydra, in particular, it became known that by 2028 the company plans to invest more than 800 billion rubles, and more 2/3 of this amount will be implemented in projects in the far east. the rusgi company provides 16% of the total electrical power in the country, this is a large volume, and is one of the largest in the world in its profile. how do you assess
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the situation yourself? companies' performance results. at the moment, rushydro is the largest power generator in the country by a large margin. if we talk about types of generation, in our holding we have all types of generation except nuclear, that is, we also have geothermal, solar, wind, and of course thermal generation, both gas and coal. we are one of the largest thermal power generators in the country. for now. we are designing two hydroelectric power stations in the far east, this is in the amur region, on the tributaries of the amur, seledzhimskaya and nizhnezeiskaya, yeah, as in krasnoirsk they are slowly settling down, yes, since the new year we have closed the acceptance of vacancies in moscow for all new employees who are recruited by rushydr , recruits only in krasnoyarsk. russian troops have caused serious damage to units over the past 24 hours
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apu. the enemy lost about 2 thousand military personnel, as well as dozens of pieces of equipment and weapons, including a german leopart tank, three american m-113 armored personnel carriers, two polish krab self-propelled artillery units, seven british and seven american howitzers. aviation, missile forces and air defense have achieved notable successes. operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery. groupings of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation were hit by a radar station detection of escort of air targets p-18, manpower and military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces in 113 regions, air defense systems shot down three operational-tactical attack missiles made in the usa, six rockets of the hymer multiple launch rocket system made in the usa,


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