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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 22, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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during the last explosion , there were 18 people left here under the slabs, who are still lying there, god help me, oh, thank you, that’s just it, we’ve come here forever.
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and now it’s time for economic news: europe has extended economic sanctions against russia for another six months until january 31, 2025. interfax writes about this with reference to the eu council. at the same time, the german handesblad writes that the failed anti-russian sanctions could in the future cause damage to europe itself. our economy continues to actively develop, including through defense. boom. in the article it is said that in the long term russia will somehow participate in world trade. whether the west wants it or not. mystery shoppers have begun buying dozens of liquefied natural gas tankers. according to the financial times, this is happening to expand the russian shadow fleet. most buyers are registered in the united arab emirates. since 23, they have purchased more than 50 lng tankers, although previously such transactions were rare. the publication notes that moscow
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may thus be preparing to tighten sanctions against its energy sector. kamaz resumed production. the company did not produce new equipment for 2 weeks; the plant’s employees were sent on paid corporate leave. at this time, service departments carried out scheduled repairs and modernization of equipment. the divisions involved in sales and leasing planning worked as usual . earlier it became known that kamaz has produced almost 2.5 million trucks since its inception. and europe could not refuse to purchase russian titanium. behind in the first 5 months, imports of this metal decreased by only 22% in annual terms to almost 2,500 tons; in may there was an increase of a third compared to april, eurostat reports. the world's major aircraft manufacturers promised to completely stop purchasing titan back in 2020. however, the eu has not yet found alternatives to the russian ones. experts believe that this
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will take up to 7 years. it was economic news. short. russian divisions of the center and west groupings took more advantageous positions within 24 hours, and the southern and eastern groups improved their tactical position. this was reported to the ministry of defense. in addition, missile forces, aviation, artillery and drones carried out more than a hundred strikes on enemy positions. and all the details about the progress of the special military operation. egor grigoriev will tell you. they go to a combat mission in teams, two vehicles each flying at low altitudes. a strike with unguided missiles, a maneuver after necessarily shooting off heat traps, active defense against an enemy counterattack. our rooks have arrived, which means the enemy will be pulled out of any cover. the crews of attack aircraft from the vostok group of troops hit a strong point. and enemy personnel provided
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support to the infantry, the group’s unit destroyed up to 110 militants in the armed forces of ukraine in one day, and several howitzers of british american production at once. shot! the fireball of our acacia self-propelled gun blossoms against the enemy minus the m113 armored personnel carrier. the crew of this sau, a group of troops from the west, has more than 100 successful destroyed enemy targets. secrets in fighting spirit and professionalism, the main thing is friendship, three comrade studied together, the decision to go to svo was also made together. we met at the institute, we’ve been friends for probably 7-8 years now, together we decided to join the army and join the northern military district, we got there from the very first day. a subdivision of the west group of troops occupied more advantageous positions in the kharkov region, lugansk and donetsk people's republics; their enemy forces lost up to 520 militants. losses of the ukrainian armed forces in the area of ​​responsibility. troop groupings center of up to
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335 military personnel, artillery pieces and vehicles. calculation of a heavy flamethrower system in the ovdeevsky direction apply. drone operators continue to clean up the dnieper islands. the ukrainians themselves call what is happening krynki 2.0. a one-way ticket, like a black mark, is handed by the command to the poor fellows from the armed forces of ukraine. effective cleaning is carried out in the orekhovsky direction of the zaporozhye region.
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operators of attack drones recorded a disruption in the enemy's rotation. it was not possible to hide the especially protected rszzo hymers. our intelligence has established the exact storage location. in the nikolaev region our iskander. night work of artillery in the north grouping of troops. the enemy tries to choose the dark time of day for rotating ammunition replenishment, but for our rocket systems this is not an obstacle. area fire illuminates the fortified positions of the ukrainian armed forces, where reserves were concentrated. the enemy was accumulating forces for new attacks on the peaceful russian belgorod region. our main one now. the task is to directly defeat the enemy’s manpower and equipment, that is, not to allow, or rather not to allow, the enemy, but to work out in belgorod, as well as in border areas in order to prevent the death of civilians. irreversible and sanitary losses to the enemy as a result of the work of
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the north group of troops of 270 military personnel, a unit of the southern group of troops - 620 people in the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces, more cars, howitzers, radar stations. during the day, operational-tactical aviation and uav missile forces hit a radar station for detecting the tracking of air targets, manpower and military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces in 113 regions. our air defense systems shot down three american missiles atakams, six hymarc missiles and 163 unmanned aerial vehicles. egor grigoriev, olga prokanova, lead. and now the latest news from the interstate aviation commission. the committee has established the circumstances of the superjet crash in the moscow region, and the investigation to determine the causes continues. so, it is said that the superjet that crashed in the moscow region exceeded the set speed and went into a dive. it is also said that the crew of the superjet-100 that crashed near moscow
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switched to manual control of the side stick and engines, but the decline could not be stopped. we are following the topic. and in st. petersburg facebook. stopped the delivery channel from europe to russia, explosives and detonators for carrying out terrorist attacks. all this was hidden inside auto parts and sent by regular parcels. how the criminal scheme worked, maria valieva will tell you about it. hello. the unexpected visit of fsb officers took the residents of this apartment in st. petersburg by surprise. the man and woman are confused, they say they could not imagine what could be in the boxes, which were sent to them from european countries. here they are. they’re lying the same way, so i ask the guys to get them for me, because well, we’re tearing them apart, here’s the second one, maybe i didn’t open it, well, yeah, they didn’t even take off the plastic, they put everything like that back, the persons were blurred out for security reasons, according to the woman, at the beginning of the summer, her
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transport company received two parcels that needed to be handed over to a certain person, she had all the contacts, but she couldn’t get through to the addressee, the cargo... was temporarily decided leave warehouse, it turned out that the person who was supposed to receive it was wanted. these boxes contained spare parts, shock absorbers, in which the explosive was packed. this is one of the cunning schemes for delivering explosives to russian territory, which the federal security service managed to stop. according to the department, terror funds from italy and germany were transported in stages. people or...
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european intelligence services located in europe, but so far no answers have been received, a criminal case has been opened under the article smuggling of explosives, and this is not the first time a similar transfer scheme has occurred. the entry into the territory of our country from europe was opened in april 2023 in crimea. all persons who were involved in the preparation of the terrorist attack were detained. their activities, as we found out, were supervised by the deputy head of zelensky’s office, roman mashavets. he is wanted. maria valieva and ekaterina shevchenko, news. an eighteen-year-old questpark animator was detained in makhachkala, where two girls died. this was reported in investigative committee. visitor. horron games received severe burns and died due to the fact that they simply could not get out of
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the fire trap that the quest room had turned into, zinaida kurbatova has all the details of the investigation. house of horrors - this entertainment establishment in makhachkala offered clients an intellectual quest. according to the owner of the kvn establishment, gusein ibragimov, the intellectual quest looks like this: a young girl, handcuffed to a chair , screaming in fear, with an animator nearby. passes with a chainsaw in hand, entertainment with handcuffs with a saw took place at night in basement labyrinths from which it was difficult to get out. on monday night, the house of horrors lived up to its name. now investigators are working here, a criminal case has been opened regarding the provision of services that do not meet safety requirements. july 22, 2024, at about 2:00 a.m., to the premises of an entertainment establishment providing services in the format of the intellectual game quest, located in the basement of the building. on the street rasula gomzatova in makhachkala. presumably, as a result of the ignition of gasoline liquid during a gaming session
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, a fire occurred, as a result of which two visitors to the establishment died from their burns. according to eyewitnesses, assiyad and madinina came to the establishments with their husbands. the animator handcuffed namodin, tied siyad to a chair and began swinging a chainsaw. for greater effect, he set the glove on fire. burning drops of gasoline fell on a running chainsaw and it caught fire. to untie his girlfriend, said rushed to fire extinguisher, but it turned out to be faulty, the interiors of the house of horrors are lined with wood and the labyrinth immediately turned into a fire trap, said received burns on 50% of his body. osiyat died in the burn intensive care unit immediately after hospitalization, and...
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data, there was no fire safety system in the basement and no checks were carried out there, all this remains to be found out by the investigator. accidents while completing quests are not uncommon. clients are lured by plots, animators copy maniacs and killers from famous films. often all this happens in rooms unsuitable for games. sometimes clients run into protruding reinforcement and get bruises. on april 1 of this year , a nine-year-old girl fell unexpectedly.
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and let’s return to the main international news: over the past 24 hours, us president joe biden has announced his refusal to run for a second term. he supported the candidacy of current vice president kamela haris for this post. and the end of biden's presidency may also mean the end of close cooperation between the united states and europe. so says the former assistant to the nato secretary general camille grant. stressed that biden was the last transatlanticist, and european officials understand this very well. how the west
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reacted to the choice of the head of the white house to refuse to participate in the race. varvara nevskaya will tell you about this. bye-bye, biden is the headline that has graced the cover of almost all the world's newspapers. they say goodbye to biden even despite the fact that he formally has another six months to sit in the presidential chair. instead of farewells, the new york post put it on the front page, succinctly - this is... the back of the forty-sixth president of the united states, walking out the open door. the biden era has long been approaching its logical end, and it seems that the decision to withdraw from the election race is for real. upset only the mayor of his hometown. we are simply heartbroken. it's been a really tough three weeks for us here in scranton and for our family personally, so i can't imagine what the president and his family have had to go through. in the presidential family, meanwhile, according to abc television, after biden’s refusal to seek re-election, they were finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.
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cbs news, citing the president's brother, adds that general health played a role in this.
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must decide who they want in the white house, and of course, i am sure that this choice will have important implications for the transatlantic relationship, but that is for the citizens of the united states to decide, i don't want to interfere, i don't think it's our role to go and telling americans what they should do or expressing a preference for one candidate or another is not my job anyway. germany, represented by mead and annanel berbak , on the contrary, supported biden’s resignation. i i really respect the decision of american president joe biden, he puts the interests of the country above his own. prime minister of great britain rishi sunok expressed confidence that biden’s gesture is nothing more than concern for the american people. following him , representatives of the countries of the british commonwealth spoke out. this is a matter for the democratic party. the democrats
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will hold their convention the same way the republicans held theirs last week. i think, regardless of your political views, the reality is that this is a leader who has given 50 years of service to good for the public in america and that's quite a significant achievement and you know so we wish him well. in the meantime, on blocked twitter , users never tire of wondering who signed the president’s resignation letter; in favor of the fact that it was not biden who did it personally, a different spelling of the letter b and the absence of underlining of the signature are indicated. in old documents. varvara nevskaya evgenia zentsova, news. joe biden's decision to withdraw from the presidential election is not related to medical problems. about this tv channel a senior white house official told cnn. the american president simply failed to fulfill all the promises he made to voters; his administration's foreign policy
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aroused criticism even among allies. and the most significant and resonant moments of joe biden’s presidency were collected by artyom krosulin. joe biden was elected president in november 2020, having received the support of 81 million voters, according to official data. donald trump's supporters did not recognize the results and broke into the capitol building on january 6. today is the day america, today is democracy day, today we celebrate not the triumph of a candidate, but the victory of the entire country, your voice has been heard.
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the united states vetoed several un security council resolutions on a ceasefire. i want to say to terrorists around the world. the united states fully supports israel, and we will do
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everything necessary to ensure that the country can continue to protect its citizens. however, biden’s ratings had already broken all anti-records by that time. at the end of 2023, only 40% of americans approved of his actions; in april of this year, the figure dropped to 37. due to a series of slips of the tongue, blunders of generally strange behavior, on social networks the head of the white house began to be called almost a disgrace to the nation, he was reminded of all the mistakes, starting with a dozen falls, ending with behavior at official events, where the president looked more like characters from some low-budget computer game. the last straw was his disastrous performance at
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the debate with donald trump, during which biden showed his inability to conduct a discussion without the help of a teleprompter. despite all this, washington assured that the decision to withdraw from the presidential race had nothing to do with the health problems of the 81-year-old american leader. artyom krosulin, lead. lawyers and republicans considered hari’s transfer of funds from the biden campaign to be illegitimate, and their democratic colleagues naturally took the opposite position. meanwhile, the platform for small donors has already managed to raise more than $55 million in support of kamal kharis. how much money will she be able to have during the election campaign and how might the economic situation change? course, and my colleague maria kudrevtseva thought about this. joe biden withdrew his candidacy from the presidential race and... suggested that democrats nominate kamala harres as their candidate. the vice president of the united states agreed to fight for the nomination. in just one day, on the platform for small donors, the democratic party has already raised more than
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$55 million, with $27.5 million in the first 5 hours. george soros and his son alex have also already supported the candidacy of us vice president. i bet kamla haris will raise tens of millions in the next couple of days. already are now rising. one of biden's largest donors, john morgan, said he has no plans to share funds in support of the us vice president. there is another important difference: republicans have raised about $100 million more since april of this year. democrats, 333 million. then we were talking about candidate joe biden. can kharis have access to these funds? about $333 million was collected for the purposes of the election campaign, and these funds are located both directly in the account
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of the elected committee and in the accounts of so-called packs, and biden had direct access to cash at the moment until his removal from office - about $96 million, all of which will be inherited. vice president camille harris because her name is already on the ballot along with biden. and lawyers and republicans considered the transfer of funds from biden’s campaign to kamali haris illegitimate. as this press explains in ossha, in order to manage the money, haris must officially receive a nomination. option one: she is approved as a candidate for bypassing the primaries is a violation of all traditions and legally... it’s
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even more complicated, but if biden, suppose, resigns, and kamala haris automatically becomes the president of the united states, she goes to re-election as an incumbent, and she in this case , opportunities open up for using funds allocated by donors for biden’s election campaign. meanwhile , the new york times has already studied all of kamel haris's proposals for... for comparison, joe bidon proposed an increase to 28. in addition, haris's previous ideas can may not be to the liking of industrial enterprises. we see five times higher costs for maintaining alternative energy sources. in particular, we see.
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sharp statements by haris herself and her team regarding the cavity hydraulic fracturing technology, which is important for the us economy, the opportunity to supply gas to foreign markets and cover their needs appeared only after the successful implementation of this technology, it would be logical to reduce the supply of liquefied natural gas to european markets. in 2019, kamela haris called donald trump unsustainable in trade policy and literally. a week ago , she repeated her criticism of him when it came to introducing a ten percent tariff on all imports into the united states. another area she has previously supported is a focus on investing in more affordable housing. haris even proposed legislation to reduce rents. we are talking about returning part of the taxes to those who earn less than $100 thousand to offset housing costs. kamala haris's economic policy fits into the overall platform of the democratic party, which is to increase the role of
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state in... in the economy, in the social sphere of life, is to increase taxes, increase regulations in certain areas, and kamala haris, by the way, already ran for president in 2015-20, and her economic policy is quite centrist , the platform of the democratic party, and it will not differ significantly from president biden, but the important question is how feasible all of harris’s economic proposals are in a country where it is necessary to fight inflation, in the battle for the seat of the us president, experts call the new candidate is weak. vulnerable and this castling will most likely not change the situation. meanwhile, interlocutors of the british publication the guardian called president biden, who withdrew his candidacy, a lame duck, that is, a leader without real influence. in their opinion, there is no point in resolving any important issues with him now. slana petrovna,
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good afternoon. security service. whoever the scammers pretend to be in order to extract money from you, hang up without talking, have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we didn’t have there was bread, bread is the world, the most sacred thing... bread created our civilization, contributed to our evolution and technical revolution. this is both the future of humanity and the history of humanity. this is a universal language. over the past 2.0 years, bread has shaped our approach to life. this is the power of our country, its strength and mochi. every day i take a piece of black bread and always enjoy life. when confronted with bread, a person is literally
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transformed. this is what our distant ancestors thought, and we really hope that you think so too. changes. in the field of individual housing construction and the development of children's and youth sports. vladimir putin signed a package of bills. they can already be seen on the legal information portal; we will tell you all the details in the issue. in st. petersburg, the fsb closed down a channel for the delivery of explosives for terrorist attacks. we'll tell you where the explosive devices were hidden and how the arrest operation went in this issue.


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