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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 22, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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new hydroelectric power plants will appear in the far east, the head of rushydra told vladimir putin about the results and future plans of the company, what kind of growth in financial indicators is expected? in st. petersburg, the fsb closed down a channel for the delivery of explosives for terrorist attacks, where the explosives were hidden.
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russian schoolchildren went on vacation to north korea, where they will live and what program was prepared for them, we will tell you in the issue, one person died, four more were wounded during the shelling of donetsk, the head of the dpr denis pushilin announced this. according to him, the ukrainian armed forces attacked the kiev and kalinin regions with hymers missiles. from the scene of the shelling, reporting by vadim topolov. plumes of smoke rising over donetsk as a result of the shelling, several rockets hit different areas of the city at noon. in kievskoe, a burned out car, a destroyed store, and damaged infrastructure. the victims were taken to the hospital; there were two arrivals. according to preliminary data, a woman born in her 59th year died, two more were injured. one of the places of arrival as a result of being hit by a ukrainian shell militants created a crater approximately 2-3 meters deep and was destroyed.
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first class, the auditorium is destroyed. in the rear areas of donetsk, at the request of parents, children attend classes in person. fortunately, now during the summer holidays the classrooms were empty, but not the school. part of the teaching staff was here at work. at the entrance we see traces of blood. two women were injured, one of them was hospitalized in the neurosurgery department of the kalinino hospital; her relative, lyudmila, is waiting for the wounded woman at the x-ray room. she managed to call me that... they were wounded, more and more
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i have nothing to add, i haven’t seen her yet, i don’t know what condition she’s in. according to doctors, the victim was admitted with a wound to her neck , back, and limbs, and she is receiving all the necessary assistance. the patient's condition is moderate; she has multiple blind shrapnel wounds of soft tissue. the patient will be hospitalized in the first neurosurgical department, the patient's condition is of moderate severity. over the past week, this was the most massive attack by neo-nazis on residential areas. donetsk, according to preliminary data, as a result the arrival of three rszz missiles injured a total of four people and killed one. vadim topalov, alexander uleschenko, vesti donetsk. and about the progress of the special military operation, russian troops have inflicted serious damage to ukrainian armed forces units over the past 24 hours. the enemy lost about 2,000 troops, as well as dozens of pieces of equipment and weapons. this includes the german leopard tank. three american m100 armored personnel carriers. 13. two
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polish krav self-propelled artillery units, seven british and seven american howitzer aviation and missile forces, as well as air defense, have achieved notable successes. operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation hit the radar station for detecting and tracking air targets p-18, manpower and military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces. in 113 areas, air defense systems shot down three operational-tactical attack missiles manufactured in the united states, six missiles from the hymer multiple launch rocket system manufactured usa, and 163 unmanned aerial vehicles, including 80 on the territory of the russian federation. rub 223 billion this is the volume of the rushydra investment program over the past year; over the next 4 years it will amount to more than 800 billion implemented projects
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, maria filipova will tell you about the contribution that rushydra makes to the energy power of the country. construction of new capacities and modernization of existing ones; the largest electricity supplier in the country, roshydra, reported to the president on the results of its work. our company rusgi gives 16% of the total electrical power in the country, this is a large volume, one of the largest in the world in its profile.
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the result is more than 140 billion kv. revenue is growing. it exceeded 560 billion rubles. and in 2023 it increased by more than 20% compared to the twenty-second year. net profit also went up and reached 32.1 billion rubles. which is 66% more than the results of 2022. roshydra, among the largest taxpayers in the country, increases its potential every year. more than 108 billion rubles were allocated to the budget. this is a plus of 15% compared to the previous reporting period; the holding also has an extensive functionality and geography. at the moment , the ruzgidro holding is operating, we are not only a generator, yes, that is, we are also quite widely represented as a design complex,
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widely represented in the world by our institute for about 100 years, today we are represented in 13 countries in the field of consulting and design . hydraulic engineering in mining, hydropower and other fields. rushydra implements large investment projects, as noted by general director viktor khmarin, including in complex climatic conditions. we are talking about chakotka, where a 110 sq.m. power transmission line was put into operation. the new line, 490 km long, connected the northernmost city of russia, pevek, and the city of belibina. among the significant projects is the new vladivostokskaya block.
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we plan to build more than 500 km of line with about 2.5 gigawatts of electrical capacity and power transmission. in the future, two new hydroelectric power stations will come into operation in the far east. today they are at the design stage, according to which the station will be located on the tributaries of the amur. vladimir putin approved the list instructions that relate to the development of children's and youth sports. a special fund will be created for these purposes, among other things. he will have to provide support to sports schools, all-russian and regional, as well as federations. the fund's funds will be used to implement new formats of international competitions and develop sports infrastructure. a full list of the president’s instructions is published on the kremlin website. and the
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kremlin was not surprised by joe biden’s decision to refuse to participate in the november elections, the president’s press secretary said. dmitry peskov. he noted that events in the united states are not a priority on the kremlin’s agenda. nevertheless, their development is being monitored, just like what is happening in all major countries. about other comments by russian politicians in the material by anastasia efimova. relations with the airplane ramp have long been a factor in american politics. and last thursday, as covid-infected joe biden slowly climbed step by step onto air force one to self-isolate in delaware, it was hardly a secret. however, this flight didn’t seem to promise such a steep pique. he... was flying away by the american president, who has set course for a second term, but only a few days will pass, according to cnn, all that will remain from the coronavirus is a cough and wheezing, and the owner of the navalny cabinet will report that plans have changed, the expected decision, and after that, how biden
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was put in check at the debate with trump, and then checkmate after the unsuccessful assassination attempt on trump, the democrats realized that something urgently needed to be done, biden was generally funnier than for... the whole world, everyone saw that absolutely an incompetent person, and this person, he leads the country, a powerful nuclear power, by the way, it is very dangerous that... for another six months, this gentleman will be at the helm. joe biden ran away from the easter bunny in fear, greeted invisible people, spoke frankly about his recent meeting with françois miterand, despite the fact that the french president had been dead for almost three decades, and believed that he was traveling through the himalayas with the chinese leader xijingping, which, however, is not at all did not prevent the united states from deciding to allocate billions of military aid to ukraine, or unconditionally support israel, from whose attacks? tens of thousands of people have already died in the gas sector, did the american president make these decisions, did he even understand what
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he was doing? in my opinion, now is the time to raise the question of investigating what i call the conversation between the american media and political circles, including officials, including the so-called numerous experts, observers, by the way. ..and representatives of the expert community, which deals directly with medical issues that manipulated public consciousness, did this for many years, hiding the true state of affairs and displaying the picture on screens in such a way as to convince even those who strongly doubt that all the talk about biden’s mental health is fictitious, but the questions are no longer only to the content, even the form raises doubts, joe biden announced his withdrawal from... the presidential race in writing: either because of the forced covid self-isolation, however,
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which prevented him from making a video call with the nation, then due to inability to read the teleprompter. bloomberg is already comparing presidential autographs, wondering whether the owner of the navalny cabinet himself signed his appeal and whether he can be responsible for his own words and his own actions. the president of the united states of america today cowardly fled the election campaign.
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the head of state must fulfill his duties, or do what he is told to
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the best of his remaining strength. honestly, the last few years of what has been happening in the united states has taught us not to be surprised by anything. strongly, we weren't surprised. indeed, we are very carefully monitoring the course of events in the united states, this is completely understandable, but in fact, just like the course of development in all other large countries of the world, this is all of interest to us. and, of course, we closely monitor everything that happens in the world. what is happening to the united states in this world due to its habit of dictating the terms of playing at its own exclusivity is often directly related; in six months in the oval office, it can be done much. however, as the experience of the last four years shows, the amounts that the sponsors of the democratic party plan to earn through temil decisions are important, so changing the name on the ballot is unlikely to change anything. pays, he orders, but
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there is essentially no difference between music or the political course of the american state. anastasia yavimova, lead. experts call biden’s decision to withdraw from the presidential race a dark day for the zelensky regime. the fact that he will still take part in the elections and win them on the bankroll is very they believed, because this guaranteed them both financial support and military assistance. what is kiev trying to do now that... it has already caved in so much to the changing world of american politics that it seems as if it has broken in half, here are the new american circumstances. the chameleon zelensky is already waving a white handkerchief after biden, who is leaving the presidency. on social networks, zelensky thanks his curator joe for supporting ukraine and writes that he respects the firm and difficult decision of biden, who now hardly has any it's all about the internet manuscripts of the washington dog. the ukrainian authorities are partly confused because they do not understand
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how to proceed further, because all these agreements that were previously are, in fact, being called into question. extremely difficult. the situation for the ukrainian regime, for zelensky in particular, that’s why he is hysterical, he is trying to find some, some solutions, but so far he has little success, frankly speaking, he understands that without the support of the united states of america, he is finished. frank zelensky's son makes fun of him donald trump, here he publishes an alleged screenshot from the screen of biden’s mobile phone, where there are 52 missed calls from zelensky and messages with a humiliating request to continue sending money. will zelensky be able to build these? trump, in a telephone conversation with zelensky , allegedly promised to resume military assistance to ukraine in exchange for compromising evidence against biden.
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trump may not be an evil person, but he has a very good memory. that’s why he remembers everything, including the dialogue with zelensky that happened later. so to speak, it was published and trump was accused in the fact that he put pressure on zelensky and so on, there are many nuances, and there were consequences of all these, you know, processes, they all resulted, in general, in the impeachment of trump, trump, zelensky more than once tried to offend in absentia, then on conference in davos, he told american journalists that he was a little angry with trump. in an interview with the bbc, he said that he believes that if trump wins the election, it will be difficult to work with him; he does not understand what is happening in ukraine. here's another emotional statement. former president trump stated, that within 24 hours can end the war. what can i say? that's why i invite ex-president trump if he can come here. it will take me 24 minutes to explain to him that he cannot control this war. but zelensky urgently replaced this dissonant rhetoric.
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after the news about biden’s departure, he immediately called donald, calling him president. is he really laying down straw, even asking for london’s help? boris johnson's visit to trump, followed by an article in the daily mail, indicates that ukrainian lobbyists, tentatively working with johnson after his departure from the prime minister’s post, have clearly tried their best here too, that is , through johnson, through other channels, they are looking for approaches to the future president.
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joe biden's decision to refuse to participate in the us presidential election is not related to medical problems, this channel reports. senior white house official. the american president failed to fulfill all the promises he made to voters; his administration’s foreign policy aroused criticism even among allies. the most significant and resonant moments of joe biden's presidency were collected by artyom krosulin. joe biden was elected president in november 2020, receiving the support of 81 million voters, according to official data. donald trump's supporters did not recognize the results and broke out on january 6.
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security after the start of a special military operation, washington strengthened anti-russian sanctions. if germany, if russia
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invades, that is, if its troops or tanks cross the border of ukraine again, then there will be no nord stream 2, we will put an end to it. how and under donald trump, the biden administration has continued to blame china for economic aggression and non-compliance. we made it clear last week that if china threatens our sovereignty, we will act to protect our country, and we have done so. over the past 2 years, democracy has become stronger, and autocracy, on the contrary, has weakened. name me a world leader who would switch places.
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americans approved of his actions, in april of this year the figure dropped to 37, due to a series of reservations, blunders, generally strange behavior, on social networks the head of the white house began to be called almost a disgrace to the nation, he was reminded of all the mistakes, starting with a good dozen falls, and ending with behavior at official events, where the president looked more like a character from some low-budget computer game. the last
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straw was his disastrous performance at the debate with donald trump, during which biden showed inability. despite everything the leader. artyom krosulin, lead. in moscow it is associated with health problems an eighty-one-year-old american in washington was assured that the decision to withdraw from the presidential race is not the first time a private space company is going public for the srspace holding, this will be a fundamentally new way of raising capital. the funds received will make it possible to complete the work and launch key products, these are rocket engines. light and ultra-light launch vehicles, as well as projects to develop satellite communications and systems for protecting civilian infrastructure from drones. now we're talking about getting out
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at the pre-ipo, this means that purchasing shares is possible only through a closed subscription: the company plans to enter a full-fledged ipo in 3-4 years, then the shares will become available to an unlimited number of buyers. at the moment, if we are talking about today’s placement, then we are talking about one and a half billion. rubles, that is, we will sell 10% of the company, a total of 555,555 shares, the price of one ordinary share is 2,750 rubles. applications will be satisfied in chronological order, that is , whoever submits an application faster will be able to buy our stock. different brokers, as a rule, set different entry thresholds, that is, this is the minimum transaction size, for some it will be, for example, 10,000 rubles, for others it will be 100,000 rubles. but these are also not very large amounts. russian schoolchildren today went on a summer vacation to north korea. almost 250 teenagers flew out. vkr from
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vladivostok airport, until august 2 they will live in the sondo-won international children's camp, and anastasia ponko will tell you about the program that has been prepared for them. vladivostok is the first, one might say, the starting point for schoolchildren on their journey to the dprk. the children's delegation of the first movement is sent to the international shift of the sandavon camp. for me, this is a good opportunity to get acquainted with the way of life and culture of the people of the dprk, to start. meeting even among our guys, the guys of russia, and learning about this amazing piece of our planet. children will spend almost 2 weeks at the international camp; they will swim in the sea, go on excursions, visit the aquarium, get acquainted with the korean language, national dances and the creativity of the people of the dprk. i want to tie mine life with diplomacy and international relations, i want to build a foundation for the development of youth policy in the international arena. at the camp, children will even celebrate russia day
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and day. korea, this change is an important, new step in the development of friendly, good-neighborly relations between russia and korea. the movement of the former is the one who sets new standards for the development of the education system, our guys will show from the inside how we live in these values ​​and missions, how we organize our activities, and of course, we are very it’s interesting to see the practices that are presented from that side. go to sandowon. 3,500 children wanted it, but only 50 schoolchildren received the coveted ticket for this trip; these were the winners of the competitive selection; the children wrote essays and made video notes, telling them why they should go to the international camp. i have been interested in video shooting for a long time and i want to make an educational video for many people, tell as much as possible about the dprk, talk about their life and show as many beautiful and interesting shots as possible. camp song dan is called an analogue of artek and...
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