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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 23, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on july 3, 1380 , moscow prince dmitry ivanovich received alarming news: the mongol-tatars had crossed the voronezh river and were marching on moscow. they decided to punish the russians who refused to pay tribute to the khan. the ardyn people were commanded by mamai, he ruled the golden arda on behalf of the young khan muhammad bulak. dmitry sent messengers to other princes to go to kolomna to help, and from there fight back together to prevent the enemy from approaching moscow. crossed over aku, through don. at night he secretly and unexpectedly
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appeared in front of the invaders, there were more of them, but the russians were better armed, using crossbows, every 8-10 seconds they fired thousands of iron arrows that literally mowed down the enemy, and the outcome of the battle was decided by an ambush regiment that hit mama in the rear, the horde were driven away red swords reached the river, and there they completed the rout, khan bulak died, and mamai fled and was killed by his rivals already in the river. prince dmitry received the nickname donskoy and went down in history as one of the most pro... exactly 150 years ago july 23, 1874 russian electrical engineer alexander ladygin received a patent, or as they said then , a privilege for an electric lamp. he experimented for a long time, selected material for the filament and settled on carbon rods, which he placed in a glass cylinder with the air pumped out. in the lamps of ladyga. installed in the admiralty on the streets
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of st. petersburg, he improved his invention, filled the flask with inert gas, began to use tungsten for the thread, out of repression against the populists, ladygin was close to them, the scientist left russia, worked in europe and usa, built an electric lamp plant for the westinghouse company, designed electric furnaces, electric cars, and welding machines. ladygin's patent, poor in america, was bought by thomas edison and, having modified the switch, demonstrated the lamp... 5 years later as his invention. the truth is that edison was the first to produce incandescent lamps on an industrial scale and sold them across all continents. but the inventor of the lamp, which works on the principle of incandescent filament, and which illuminated our world throughout the 20th century, is the russian scientist alexander ladygin. july 23 in 1974, the regime of black colonels collapsed in greece. this term was invented in the ussr because... the usa. greece was considered
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a nato outpost in southeastern europe. and the americans feared that the left might win there. mass arrests and executions began. thousands of people were sent to concentration camps, tortured, and the famous composer mikis theodarakis was thrown into prison. formally, greece was considered a monarchy, but the king left the country. cyprus, having organized a coup already on the island, but it was condemned by the world community, and turkey sent to cyprus-troops, then part of the army opposed the regime and the president, brigadier general feden gizikis had to restore civilian rule. that same year, greece abandoned the monarchy and became a parliamentary republic. on july 23, 1985
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, the first mobile ground-based missile system, topol, entered combat duty. it was a new strategic weapon that closed the weak points in the strategic defense. previously, it was provided by heavy silo-based intercontinental ballistic missiles. their location could become known to the enemy. and this reduced the effectiveness of the retaliatory strike. the problem was solved by scientists from the moscow institute of thermal engineering under the leadership of general designers, first alexander naderadze, then boris lagutin. various nodes. worked at enterprises in leningrad, kiev, volgograd, kovrov and votkinsk. and a three-stage monoblock rocket appeared. range up to 11.00 km, warhead power 550 kilotons, less than that of stationary icbms, but a simultaneous fire from dispersed mobile systems would cause irreparable harm to the aggressor damage. the topols were improved, the topol m modification was produced, and today they are completing their service, they were replaced by the more modern yars complex. attention. this is what this
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day in history was like. the program "parliamentary hour" is on air. hello, we will tell you about the main events of the state duma this week. an official visit to latin america, so that countries work more closely and people benefit from this. nicaragua as a political trading partner. we defend these principles together in international organizations, this is our strength. special report by alexander lation. the state duma is putting things in order on the roads; an attempt to commit such a crime, i believe, deserves either fines of hundreds of thousands, or maybe confiscation of the car. responsibility for a hidden number, how to maintain a balance when, as
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a result of natural disasters, weather, heavy rain, the number disappears, and also what might be the issue under the european protocol, off-site committee meetings, parliamentary control of meeting objects. with voters, the state duma in a regional week, biologically active additives that are inside, we found here there is something to work on further, we will look at a detailed review of the work of deputies , even hormones and drugs in dietary supplements, imagine, doctors will have the right to prescribe dietary supplements according to indications, they will tighten control over the use of such additives, as well as how to ensure biological safety, increase the number of large families and prepare. next in our program. the development of cooperation and inter-parliamentary dialogue is the subject of a major working visit by state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin and delegations of deputies to latin american countries. nicaragua and cuba are our
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strategic partners, close-minded allies from the shores of another continent. special report by alexander lationov. vyacheslav volodin began his working trip to latin america. visiting nicaragua. the plane from moscow landed at the capital airport of the republic late at night. at this late hour, the speaker of the state duma is met at the gangway by the president’s special representative for cooperation with russia, laureana facunda artega murillo. relations between countries have become systemic. cooperation between the two states was recently discussed by vyacheslav volodin and laureana artega murillo. in st. petersburg at the international economic forum and now a new meeting is already in monagua. the chairman of the state duma here, on behalf of the president of russia, represents our country at the ceremonial events marking the forty-fifth anniversary of the sandinista people's revolution. on the eve of the holiday , vyacheslav volodin held a number of working meetings with
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the leadership of the republic. relations between the countries are now at their peak. the foundation has been laid national leaders of the state. the task through legislative provision of a solution is to do everything to...
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with us, we are allies on the world stage, we defend common values, we fight for a more just world order. in october last year, the first meeting of the commission on cooperation between the state duma of russia and the national assembly of nicaragua was held in moscow, that is, the parliamentary dialogue has been intensified, and it is already proving its effectiveness, but it is important to look for new formats, emphasized vyacheslav volodin, to build communications between specialized committees, this will increase the productivity of collaboration. opportunities to continue cooperation, and in a variety of areas, in matters of education, in the humanitarian sphere, in the field of culture, and here i would like for us to conduct a dialogue, representing the interests of our countries, solving
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the issues of our citizens, together we can do more, together, we are stronger, we need to take care of the friendship that... was established many decades ago, in order for these relations to be preserved and developed. nicaragua is not just a political ally of russia in central america, but... speech before deputies of the national assembly of nicaragua. washington and brussels tried to strangle russia with sanctions, but
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they only harmed themselves. and the people of nicaragua understand better than anyone else what external pressure is. we have many things in common; we stand for a fair multipolar world, the rule of law in international affairs, ensuring stability and security, and non-interference in the affairs of sovereign states.
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russia is strategic allies, long-time friends and partners, which of course the united states does not like. usa is always suspicious of everything that russia does, but this is their business, and nicaragua is our friends, and no one will stop us from communicating with our friends, and not just communicating. implement large projects, for example, train first-class personnel together. this is a unique training center, a branch of the siberian law institute of the ministry of internal affairs of russia in nicaragua. police officers from latin american countries are trained here to improve their skills. state duma deputies were shown the conditions under which course participants study. the educational center - this is essentially russia's contribution to the fight against crime on the continent. the quality of education is high and the grades are also high because they gain skills. this is also
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a big problem for central and south america. every year the center accepts about 400 people for training. over the past 7 years , more than 2.0 law enforcement officers have already improved their qualifications here. mostly from nicaragua. they plan to expand the geography. one of the essential problems today is the high cost of travel. to get here, let's say. cubans and this is expensive, one of the solutions could be subsidies travel for citizens of neighboring countries of central america, specifically for the purpose of undergoing training here. here he is, this is sandina, our national hero, distant in terms of geography.
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the triumph of freedom and independence. tens of thousands of people on this day in the central square of the city. vyacheslav volodin took part in the festive rally. he passed it on to the people.
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friends from russia are met on liberty island within a couple of hours. the program of the state duma delegation's stay in havana is no
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less intense. meetings scheduled vyacheslav volodin with the leadership of the republic, the national assembly of people's power and the state council. and work will begin immediately after arrival. we will tell you all the details of the official visit in the next report. alexander luktenov, maxim koval, nikita kharaskin, elena bogdan. duma tv. parliamentary hour. this week in the state duma is regional. deputies worked in their constituencies. we held personal receptions for citizens, within the framework of parliamentary control, visited important infrastructure facilities in their regions, met with representatives of local business authorities to discuss decisions made in a willing row. more details in the review. yana dobrovolskaya. during the regional week, the head of the united russia faction, vladimir vasiliev, held meetings with residents of the kalininsky district of the tver region. repairing the roadway, removing garbage, ensuring uninterrupted power supply is what
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worries people. representatives of snt came to vladimir vasiliev with an appeal regarding the state program for social gasification. vladimir. vasiliev took control of the questions. the parliamentarian also appreciated the result improvement of the territory at the kalinin quarries, which was carried out on the initiative of vladimir vasiliev. three sanitary rooms with ramps and places for swaddling infants were also installed here. the babies are covered in sand, and you want to wash them after the sand, and then swaddle them or dress them. and they did it, right? there are pelinal tables. well, plus there is a foot washer, as i understand it, yes, this is an opportunity to wash. let's evaluate all this again, this is practice. deputy chairman of the state duma irina yarovaya, as the author of the law on the new mechanism
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targeted admission, i got acquainted with the progress of the admission campaign at kazan federal university. state duma deputy from the a just russia for truth faction alexander aksyonenko takes part in sending two zil trucks and a kras truck crane to the northern military district zone. in addition, as part of the uaz project in the donbass , several poises left for the northern military district zone in june-july. alexander aksyunenko regularly provides assistance to this project. here, of course, many thanks
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to everyone who participates, we connected with our volunteers and with our like-minded people. to bring this equipment into complete order and replace outdated parts. during the regional week, deputies of the committee on agrarian issues visited the skreblovsky rural settlement of the leningrad region. we toured a rural cultural center with an auditorium for 150 seats, a library and a gym. the facility was built as part of the state program for the integrated development of rural areas. agrarian deputies also attended the opening.
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the region’s experience in introducing the maximum range of social services available in most regions into the social fund’s client services only at the mfc, he discussed at a meeting with members of the regional committee on the following issues: social policy, health care, sports, they also talked about the introduction of family tax cashback, the indexation of pensions for working pensioners and other decisions of the state duma. we have recently
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made a lot of amendments to the law on veterans, it is clear why, all with the conduct of a special military operation, such more informal communication will allow us to look deeper at certain issues, discuss, i believe that these are built in the future horizontal connections will allow us to work more closely. including in the legislative direction. yana dobrovolskaya, sergei vergunov, anna melikyan, yulia borodina, duma tv, parliamentary hour. we will return to the work of deputies in the regions in the second part of our program, now to other topics. i bought vitamins for general tone and received unplanned hormonal therapy. this is a real story from the life of dietary supplement consumers. the idea that dietary supplements are not drugs, but rather something from the field of traditional medicine, dulls vigilance. can't they have herbs? cause a lot of harm, but inside the magic pill there can be anything in any concentration. recent deaths in japan from red rice supplements confirm this. the state duma supported
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the initiative to strengthen control over the quality of dietary supplements. moreover, the bill, adopted in the first reading, will give doctors the right to prescribe dietary supplements to patients according to indications and dosage. read more in the report by maria burkova. ekaterina, every day for 4 years now. starts with a handful dietary supplements, these are the products that helped me survive stressful situations, that helped me with my hormonal system, and with my skin, that’s why these are some of my helpers in my youth, beauty and in general in my energy. in the market of dietary supplements , it is difficult for an ordinary person to choose what he or she needs; it promises improvement in the functioning of the body, eternal youth and beauty. in order to figure it out, the girl even had to learn a new profession, nutritionist. i definitely,
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definitely took all the tests, but without tests, even despite the fact that dietary supplements are not a medicine, yes, without prescribing tests, well, this can also be fraught with consequences, so of course, of course, i had my body examined. i gave tests, yes, i underwent an ultrasound, yes, based on this i selected for myself those dietary supplements that would specifically help in my personal history. not everyone is ready to become a nutritionist in order to buy the right bottle of miracle pills. to protect the health of citizens and make the consumption of dietary supplements safer, the state duma in the first reading considered a bill that increases control in the field of dietary supplements. proposed new government power. establishing quality criteria for dietary supplements, raw materials for their production, depending on the degree of their impact on human health, will tighten control over the use
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of such additives, and since the uncontrolled use of dietary supplements can have a very negative impact on the health of our fellow citizens. the document introduces a ban on the use of raw materials from feed additives, animal growth stimulants, including hormonal drugs, certain types of drugs, pesticides, agrochemicals and other substances hazardous to human health. how will their quality be determined based on what parameters, which body will determine which baht is of high quality and which is not? a high-quality food product, and we are making changes to the law on food quality and safety, and this is a food product that is a safe, b - corresponds to consumer declared properties and c - does not violates the requirements for preserving the health of the living and future generations, that is , this norm has already been defined in our law, and the government will be guided by it. one of
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the main changes is that doctors will be able to prescribe supplements if necessary in order to avoid them without controlled use, because this often affects health. will all doctors be allowed to recommend or issue prescriptions for dietary supplements or will there be any restrictions. to date. no one forbids doctors from writing prescriptions for dietary supplements, they write them out, but with twenty fifth year and the doctor will have to follow clinical recommendations or methodological recommendations; if he does something contrary, or something that is not prescribed, criminal liability arises for him. doctors on the side of the deputies support the bill. astrataviyan, a cosmetologist with twelve years of experience, says that in her practice, patients who prescribed dietary supplements for themselves still... end up with a doctor, but in order to cure the side effects of these supplements, when they take dietary supplements for - gut immunity to remove everything
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unnecessary bacteria, like microflora.
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blocking sites that sell potentially unsafe products. rospotrebnadzor will be able to monitor such sites promptly. if certain dietary supplements, let’s say, raise doubts among the consumer, you can always contact and... believe whether the electronic resource through which this baht is offered for purchase is, yes, legal, registered, if it turns out that it is in fact, smuggling, well, such internet platforms need to be closed, like any others who sell low-quality goods or products. the government has a lot of work ahead to clarify in detail the criteria for the sale, purpose and use of dietary supplements. where will there be an indication of the possibility,
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the need to use one or another. biological additives and the ministry of health and i talked about the fact that before the end of the adoption period of the law, all by-laws should be ready in the drafts, and all the answers will be there. deputies note that this initiative is only the first step towards regulating the trade sector badami. if the law is adopted, the document will come into force on september 1 of this year, and its individual paragraphs from march 1 of the next year. elena bogdan, duma tv. parliamentary hour. watch the second part of our program. punishment for trying to hide a license plate number. what will be added to the second reading? paradoxes of russian demography and prospects for supporting families with children. and also questions for the minister of science and higher education on the eve of the government hour in the state duma.
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