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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 23, 2024 8:00am-8:30am MSK

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russian troops are expanding control in the southern donetsk direction, another enemy line has been destroyed, success brings the liberation of coal coal closer, we’ll tell you about the tactics of our units. democrats. we have decided on a candidate for us president. kamela haris received the required number of votes for approval. the official nomination will take place at the party congress at the end of august. the latest equipment for the children's hospital plans to modernize bama. mikhail mishustin is on a working trip to khabarovsk today, as the prime minister spoke about. in yakutia for 15 forest fires were extinguished in a day, another 11 are under special control. total fire area. is there
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a threat to populated areas? powerful explosions were heard in several regions of ukraine late last night. such messages came, in particular, from the city of shostka in the sumy region. a little later it became known that critical infrastructure facilities were damaged. strikes were recorded in the nikolaev region, it is said that they are working against it. air defense became aware of explosions in kherson, controlled by the kiev regime, and from odessa they report the consequences of the strikes that occurred a little earlier; the warehouses there were damaged. the air raid alert in ukraine has been announced several times in recent hours, at one point it covered the entire territory of the country. in the northern direction of the special operation , near the settlement of pereznaya, tula paratroopers took the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. scout.
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detected the enemy using drones. attack aircraft in airborne combat vehicles and t-80 tanks approached the nationalist positions under heavy fire. the fighters penetrated enemy strongholds with with the help of small arms and hand fragmentation grenades, they suppressed the resistance of the militants. as a result , a unit of the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed. this allowed russian military personnel to gain a foothold in a new location. we moved to the colony of heaven. three vehicles, in front there was a tank with a trawl, it advanced first, because due to minefields, it secured our road route to the strong point, the opening of fire was a distance of 80-50 m. before the landing there were about 30-40 of our infantry m, somewhere around plus or minus, while they were landing, i opened fire further to cover his infantry so that they could storm normally. in
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the donetsk people's republic, the russian military is pushing through the defense line of the ukrainian armed forces on the vremev ledge. success will bring the release of carbon dioxide closer. tankers and marines play an important role in this; they help destroy enemy fortifications. our military correspondent, sergei samokha, will talk about the tactics of the units. the lead tank fires from the main caliber. slave tracer, constantly cultivates the nearby forest belt. the new column enters on enemy positions, expanding the zone of control of russian troops in the southern donetsk direction. a convoy arrives, that is , there is one or two tanks in front, armored personnel carriers and motorcycles are driving behind, and that is, they are also working at this moment and that is, they are taking on some goals. most of the route is under artillery fire, dozens of fpv drones are aimed at the equipment, and almost all approach routes are heavily mined. these types of tanks were called assault tanks in the army. from all
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sides. the structure is welded on all sides with thick sheets of metal, stops shaped charges and can withstand up to ten hits from sevidron. and the roller trawl makes wide passages in minefields. they led the convoy and launched tral. the trawl performs well; it can also remotely clear magnetic mines. after securing the staromayskaya harvest line, the tankers of the 40th marine brigade of the pacific fleet punch holes in the enemy’s defenses in the direction of the time and expand the bridgehead; it is assault tanks that are more suitable for this task than any other. the task is mainly to make a passage, lead a column to the landing site, and to storm a certain area of ​​the village.
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the tank’s 125mm gun practically never stops talking during movement and landing; the gunner knows the position of all enemy strongholds along the route, so the vehicle moves proactively. the fate of the visu group in ugledar will largely depend on the outcome of the battle in this direction. sergey samokh, oleg sokolshchuk, news! prime minister mikhail mishustin finishes his work in khabarovsk today during trips. by regions of the far east. the head of government visited the regional children's hospital named after pyatrovich. it also has an interregional surgical center, as well as a modern infectious diseases building. it opened in october. mikhail mishustin was shown the clinical laboratory and told about its capabilities. when it came to
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equipment for the hospital, the prime minister promised to help with the supply of the necessary equipment. the head of the cabinet of ministers also visited the far eastern university of railways, among others. and this is a very serious task, without such guys like you, it will be difficult to cope with, the national development goals that the president sets for us will be impossible to achieve without high-quality connections to our neighbors, and the eastern test site is the main branch today
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that the country will deal with, mikhail mishustin also got acquainted with the work of the dal energomash plant, which produces equipment that is in demand not only... in russia, but abroad. centrifugal compressor machines, gas blowers, turbines and other units are bought in belarus, vietnam, india, as well as in georgia, kazakhstan and uzbekistan. the plant is currently undergoing modernization. in yakutia they are fighting natural fires. over the past 24 hours, the area of ​​fire was reduced and 15 outbreaks were eliminated on an area of ​​140,000 hectares. there are 11 more fires that have been found under special control.
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forest fires, their area currently amounts to 2,137 hectares. over the past 24 hours , 15 forest fires were extinguished on a total area of ​​140,886 hectares. us vice president kamula haris received enough votes to be formally confirmed as presidential candidate in the november elections. this was reported by the associated press. the nomination will take place at the party congress in chika. in the end of august. current president joe biden will also help haris in the election campaign. the topic will be continued by victoria koroleva. the democrats have formally decided on their presidential candidate. according to the associated press, kamela haris has already received enough votes for approval.
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the vice president is supported by more than 2,500 delegates to the upcoming democratic national convention. games, and to win in the first round you need just under 2.0. and although this data is not official yet and is not... filled with mixed emotions, i just i understand, this is a roller coaster, and we all want to say again that i love joe biden, i love joe biden and i know that we everyone loves him and we have so damn much. reasons to love joe biden. oh, i love you, joe. however, not everyone takes this love at face value. before leaving the election race, joe biden contracted the coronavirus and disappeared from the public sphere. social networks are already flooded conspiracy theories about biden's death,
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including because he transferred his powers over ukraine and the confiscation of russian assets to the treasury and state department. as proof, users cite the president's signature, according to some. commentators, it was placed by someone else. republicans even demanded that authorities confirm that biden was alive. in response , he spoke with kamala herself and the head of the campaign headquarters while they spoke on stage.
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a million times worse than biden, and many ordinary americans are not happy with her candidacy. the support given to kamali, i am not happy about it, i feel that many of us have already forgotten. but she was only in the office because she was quiet and inconspicuous. however, now they will talk less about biden, and
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it seems that he will finally go into the shadow of the new presidential candidate. victoria koroleva, vesti. israel ignores all peaceful approaches to resolving the situation in the gas sector. this statement was made by russia's envoy to the un vasily nebenzya. according to him, the cities of the enclave are already in ruins, victims of the conflict tens of thousands of people became victims, including members of un humanitarian staff. nebenzi emphasized that israel, with the support of the united states , continues to defiantly ignore security council resolutions on resolving the gas crisis. colleagues, the way out of the current crisis is very clear to all of us. an immediate and unconditional ceasefire in gaza is necessary, as is the release of all hostages and arbitrarily detained palestinians held in the enclave. we talk about this regularly. we are the majority of our colleagues on the council almost everything is international community. the council of the european union refused
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to hold an informal meeting of foreign ministers in budapest because of hungary's position on the ukrainian conflict. this statement was made by the head of the eu foreign policy service, josep borel. according to him, budapest's policy is fundamentally contrary to the line of the european union. the day before, the alliance countries were unable to allocate money from the peace fund for weapons for... kiev blocked the tranche, it was hungary. barel said that even he himself had already lost hope that these funds would ever go to ukraine. exactly according to for this reason, the european union moved the meeting of foreign ministers from budapest to brussels. with 25 of the 27 eu countries condemning hungary's position, we must send a signal that budapest's behavior undermines the unity of the eu's foreign policy. after summer holidays in
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brussels, not budapest. and the finnish foreign minister said that hungary should leave the european union if the country’s values ​​are so different from the ideas of the eu. according to the diplomat, viktor orban had no right to come to russia during hungary’s presidency of the european council.
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and now footage from china , a powerful typhoon has hit the south of the country, wind gusts reach 30 meters per second, more than 26 thousand people have been evacuated from the region, including tourists, local ports and railways have completely stopped working, now you can see how strong this wind is and meteorologists say that... digital currencies and energy consumption. so, today the state duma will consider a bill on mining regulation in the first reading. it is assumed that the requirements for the activities of individuals and legal entities extracting cryptocurrency will be established by the government in agreement with the bank of russia. monitoring compliance with the requirements will be entrusted to the ministry of digital development. only companies and individual
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entrepreneurs included in the relevant register will have the right to engage in mining. at the same time, individuals who do not exceed the limits established by the government. energy consumption will be able to mine cryptocurrencies without registration. vladimir putin awarded top managers of oil and gas and energy companies. the decree was published on the online legal information portal. order for services to the fatherland , the general director of zarubezh neft sergei kudreshov received the third degree. orders of friendship from the general director of gazprom mezhregiongaz sergei gustov and the president of rusneft evgeniy tolachka. medal of the order for services to the fatherland, first class. member of the board of interrao alexandra panina, as well as general director of gazprom energoholding denis fedorov and his first deputy pavel shatsky were also awarded. the same medal of the second degree was received by top managers of interrao es and rosseti. in addition, sibur ceo mikhail karisalov, awarded the order for merits in culture and art. russia and china discussed
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an updated list of significant joint investment projects. these are more than 60 initiatives with a total volume of over 138 billion
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in the region. the sakhalin-2 plant resumed lng shipments after maintenance that lasted almost a month. the first liquefied natural gas tanker departed for china on july 18, the second on the twentieth. the destination ports are different, but both are in china. service for both lines began on june 20 after the shipment of a large shipment of lng, again to china. in let me remind you that the japanese concerns mitsubishi and mitsui remain involved in the sakhalin-2 project. american regulators made an exception for them. and here. ross supplied fire-fighting equipment to the state-owned oil company of venezuela, tas reports this with reference to the participants in the deal. the set includes high-tech heat-resistant clothing and protective equipment. everything is done taking into account the wishes of the customer. this delivery, as noted, was one of the first steps in
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the development of cooperation between the company. at the end of the issue on currencies, the dollar is worth today. 77 rub. 78 kop. the euro exchange rate is 9575. and that’s all i have for now. alexandra. konstantin, thanks for other topics. a traveling exhibition of captured nato equipment has opened in kurgan. the guns were captured by fighters from the center group during the battles in the donetsk and avdeevsk directions of the special operation. kurgan has become the third point of the traveling exhibition after the sverdlovsk and chelyabinsk regions. visitors can. see weapons made in the usa, great britain, germany, austria, turkey and ukraine, including the abrams tank, m-113 armored personnel carriers, mardor, bradley infantry fighting vehicles, next to the equipment, stands with qr codes, if you follow them, you can see how the targets were hit. in addition, russian
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drones are shown to guests of the exhibition, they are hunting for western weapons, and everyone can test themselves as an operator. it simply cannot be any other way. trailer-based businesses are gaining popularity. today , mobile trucks can house medical offices, laboratories, baths, and beauty salons. such vans are produced in russia, they are practically consist entirely of domestic components, it all started with the release of mobile kitchens,
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varvara nevskaya will tell you how in demand mobile offices are and how trailers will help in the development of tourism. over 6,000 km of production space, trucks are made from scratch here to suit almost any need, be it a food outlet or even an entire sales office, but... and the final appearance of the trailer is limited only by the customer’s imagination. comfortable home, medical office, laboratory, beauty salon, bathhouse, hotel everything is on wheels. mobitrak residents of skulkovovo are the winners of the all-russian brand competition “know ours” in the “high-tech” category. 8 years ago we started with the production of exclusively mobile kitchens. these pot-bellied trailers, in addition to their memorable design, guarantee the buyer. and a workspace that complies with all safety standards and regulations, comparable in quality to restaurant level. everything you see here was produced by us, if we take refrigerators,
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here they are 780 liters, three doors and the uniqueness of this format is what we produce remote cold. the compressor is moved outside, which means there is more work space inside, every part of the trailer is made in russia in its own production, the full cycle is cut-to-length. technological service, which can fully cover all the needs of the enterprise, all components, all units and components are produced here, most of them are produced here , we have the necessary machine park, components and materials made in russia. russian, but very popular abroad. these tracks are actively supplied not only to all 89 regions our country, but received permanent registration far beyond its borders, including in
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the west. a new direction, mobile offices for selling real estate, are installed directly at the site under construction. there is no similar product comparable in quality and price in all of europe. the convenience is that you arrive on an unprepared surface and plug into an outlet. you have built-in tanks, you have it completely autonomous. each truck is like a transformer at the request of the customer; they are easily combined into one space. the largest project is 280 m2, despite the fact that installation will take no more than a day. the technology can also be used for the construction of mobile hotels, for the development of domestic tourism and promotion of the solution in the regions; the company has begun cooperation with the agency for strategic initiatives. we facilitate the opening of more than 400 new companies per year. and this contributes to the opening of more than 4,500 jobs, one mobitrak is from two to 12 jobs,
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due to this, with synergy, with work with the state, with government support, business that exists with our franchises production, we are all developing this industry well. almost any service sector can be implemented in a mobile format, the potential of a business on wheels is enormous, because 2,500 trailers have been sold and... i quote ovechkin, i don’t know a single democrat. the first round of the russian premier league ended with the most productive match. kazan rubin in nizhny novgorod defeated
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parien with a score of 4:2. the teams scored twice in the first 5 minutes, first the parbo striker scored, then the albanian striker rubin merlin daku responded with a goal, who, at the last euro, shouted nationalist chants against the serbs and was disqualified for two matches. until the end of the first half. the kazan team scored twice more, first by alexander zotov, then by valentin vada. in the seventy-first minute , parien midfielder valery tsarukyan made one goal back, but the hosts failed to do more . on the contrary, already in stoppage time they conceded another goal. rubin scored four goals in the rpl for the first time since 2021. interestingly, the most attended match of the football tour in russia did not take place in the premier league, but in the first league. game at rotor and moscow torpedo in volgograd. the day before 19.00 fans visited. the meeting ended in a 1:1 draw. the guests scored first against torpedo in the 17th minute , igor gorbunov scored. rotor responded
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with a goal of his own. evgeny bolotov scored in the second half. after two rounds of the first league, torpedo is in fourth place, rotor is in seventh place. the guest of the russian football program on our channel was the head coach of the kazakhstan national team stanislav cherchesov. in an interview he said, how did you decide to lead the national team of this country? when there are specifics, when you are given certain tasks that are ambitious, interesting, and difficult. well, the most important thing. if before that i had not worked as a national team coach for 5 years, well, it would be such a question of questions, when you know this job, you already know some nuances that you didn’t know when you came to the russian national team, so we talked, made a decision, shook hands with each other and is now the coach of the kazakhstan national team, the shanghai football club, whose head coach is the russian leonid slutsky, who has not
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lost in the chinese championship already. another team from shanghai, shanghai port, is in the lead, with 54 points. information about the broadcast of the games for residents of russia has disappeared from the website of the international olympic committee. it was previously reported that russians will be able to watch competitions on the website mog, now. there is no such message. president mog thomas bach, meanwhile, said there was no discrimination in the olympic movement. i quote: athletes show us that we are all equal. there is no global south or global north. there is only one global village - the olympic village. at the same time, mog previously announced a whole list of requirements for russian athletes to be allowed to participate in the games in paris, among them - a ban on displaying national symbols, the inability to participate in any team competitions
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, a ban on... public support for a special military operation, and could also create a separate commission , which, on the eve of the olympics, monitored the statements on social networks of potential participants in the games from russia. as a result, only 15 russians will go to paris. this was the most noticeable news in the sports world up to that moment. tiksov, i am an aeronaut traveler, jean ivan, and so we go out and ask, what is a fairy tale without ivan, what began, without deception? without
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flint, don’t go to the flint, i’ve been imprisoned, pen, self-written magic ink, you’ll get it, you’re the main thing van, hurry up, so give me a horse, mechanical, beat yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where it’s needed, that’s what my name is , because i’m not taking you where you fool want, but where you need to? i can’t live without travel, flint, that doesn’t need a pen, who has flint in his pocket, soon. have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we didn't have bread? bread is the world, it is the most sacred thing a person has, something that is in every family. bread created our civilization, contributed to our evolution, technical revolution. this is both the future of humanity and the history of humanity. it's
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universal. language. over the past 2.0 years, bread has shaped our approach to life. this is the power of our country. the power of her emotes. every day i take a piece of black bread and always enjoy life. faced with bread, man literally transformed. this is what our distant ancestors thought. we really hope that you think so too.


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