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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 23, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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about 50 western mercenary instructors were destroyed in the kharkov region by a strike from the iskander m missile system . we will show footage from the ministry of defense. in mariupol , local residents were detained who were planning to set fire to a mosque in belgorod, as the fsb managed to uncover. the intentions of the terrorists and what now threatens them. us vice president kamla haris received enough votes to enter the democratic presidential race. joe biden promises to return to his duties as president today, but in the meantime america continues to wonder: where what about joe? mobile beauty salons and even a bathhouse; mobile trade and business are gaining popularity in russia. there are orders for similar complexes from other countries, we’ll tell you how the work is going. russian
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troops launched a missile attack on a temporary deployment point for foreign mercenary instructors in the village of dergachi, kharkov region. the ministry of defense released footage of the objective monitoring. the strike was carried out by the crew of the iskander complex. according to the military department, the losses amounted to about 50 foreign ones. instructors in in mariupol, preparations for a terrorist attack were prevented, two local residents were arrested, as the fsb reported, they were planning to set fire to a mosque in belgorod, and a criminal case was opened under the article of organizing a terrorist attack. the defendants now face life imprisonment. one of the arrested said that he and an accomplice received an offer to carry out a terrorist attack in belgorod from ukraine. they were supposed to buy molotov cocktails and throw them into the mosque. and . handed over money and instructions.
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a friend contacted me in march is in the dnieper colony and offered to carry out a terrorist attack for a monetary reward. my brother and i agreed, we had to buy ground cocktails and throw them at the mosque. who is the organizer of this crime? ukrainian intelligence services. the purpose of committing this crime is to pit christians and muslims in russia in order to incite hostility between them. and throughout ukraine this morning an air raid alert was announced, it was also announced last night, so reports of explosions came from the city of shostka, this is the sumy region, according to preliminary data, critical infrastructure facilities there were damaged. strikes were also recorded in the nikolaev region and kiev-kherson-controlled. explosions are reported in odessa; warehouses there have been damaged. the russian ministry of defense has not yet commented on the situation. in the donetsk people's republic. russian pilots destroyed
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an enemy unit dug in in a forest belt. the combat mission was effectively carried out by a strike group of k-52, mi-35 and mi-8 helicopters. how the cars were prepared for flight at the airfield and how it went, about this vadim topalov will tell you in detail. before going into combat work, it is mandatory to inspect the helicopter and check the fastenings. the missiles are already loaded in the block. to start the engine , a mobile airfield electrical unit is used. a huge generator under... the call sign samara receives a flight mission, the crew is two people: navigator anton and the commander , 10 minutes pass, the cars rise into the sky. a strike group consisting of mi-8, mi-35 and k-52 helicopters set off on a mission. cutting through the donbass sky with propellers. army helicopter
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aviation moves towards the front line, as soon as they reached the desired square, unguided aircraft missiles rushed into the trenches or from the landing where the enemy was located. after receiving the coordinates, the crews quickly assumed readiness number one, took off, flew along the route and used unguided aircraft missiles with a pitch-up maneuver; according to the aircraft gunner’s report, they worked perfectly. this particular helicopter is proven from... battle-hardened, navigator anton together with the machine it has been performing combat missions for more than a year and it has never failed. i would like to convey greetings to my friends and family from the city of novosibirsk, victory will be ours. the average crew of k-52 helicopters performs two or three missions a day, work around the clock, without rest, and support units of the russian army pushing back the enemy in different directions. vadim topalov, vladislav medianik, lead donetsk. exactly. also published footage
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of the combat work of tankers of the southern group of troops in the donetsk direction. they provide fire support to assault forces units, destroys enemy positions and counteracts. supply of ammunition to the ukrainian armed forces. the crews use t-80 tanks, which they use to move to specified points and fire from there. after this, they return to the rear to replenish ammunition and carry out maintenance on combat vehicles. and jubaiden is due to return to work today after suffering from covid. according to the white house office, its head intends to introduce an aggressive campaign in support of kamela haris. the day before, the vice president dialed. enough votes delegates for nomination as a democratic party candidate in the elections. and all the latest details from our correspondent in the usa dmitry melnikov. on the fifth day of absence from the president, who withdrew from the presidential race by correspondence, america is asking the question: where is joe biden? in response
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, a fresh report from the white house doctor is urgently published, which assures that biden has fully recovered from covid, and all the president’s vital signs are normal. later he appears.
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"i'm watching you baby, i'm watching you, i'm i love you, i love you, joe. a great relationship, but who is in charge in this couple is now a big question. within 24 hours of the start of his own campaign, kalyharres’s campaign headquarters collected $80 million in donations, and at the same time, this is the only thing that makes joe biden fall in love. i know it's been a roller coaster and we all have very mixed feelings about it. i just have to."
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now everyone is waiting for the last and most important statement from barack obama, who just the day before insisted on an open choice of candidate at the upcoming democratic party congress in chicago, and here everything may turn out to be more complicated, about the relationship between biden and obama on the eve of the revelation.
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looks completely out of place, no one from biden’s team was able to meet him at the airport, while it is reported that kamela haris, and not joe biden, will receive a guest from israel in the white house, here is netanyahu’s meeting with trump during this visit , is quite possible. today, as expected, in
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the afternoon, joe biden will return to washington for the first time after almost a week of isolation, and will appear alive before the country in his new capacity as the outgoing president. will biden do any? the statement was not reported, however, as the american press writes, after withdrawing from the election race, he immediately canceled nine trips around the country. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. joe biden's withdrawal from the presidential race provoked a new round of unrest in the european union. so french president emmanuel macron hopes that this step will not affect relations between paris and washington. but in germany, opinions were divided into diametrically opposed ones. and olga panomaryova will continue the topic. as soon as biden said goodbye to his second term, germany rushed to create a crisis group in case of donald trump’s return to the white house. berlin fears trump. while protecting manufacturers in the united states, he imposes a ten percent duty on imports from europe, which will completely
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ruin the german industry, because it has already lost the competitive advantages that russian gas gave, so, as the media write in germany, chancellor scholz has already pulled out the old business contacts with trump, during the time of angela merkel, was still composing a farewell speech for biden. joe biden is a good friend of germany and europe, and mine personally. i got along well with him, and he made great progress in transatlantic cooperation. this is important for all of us from a safety point of view. but scholz does not agree with his own defense minister pistorius, who demands increased spending on the defense of germany itself in the new budget. considering that europe will have to make do on its own from now on. as cnn has learned, in these conditions germany will prefer the modernization of its own army, where arsenals are depleted due to supplies to kiev, will halve aid to ukraine next year. eastern neighbors are forced to act even tougher. after kiev blocked
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oil supplies through the druzhba pipeline, hungary extended its veto on aid to ukraine from the so -called peace fund. regarding military supplies through the european peace fund, these funds remain blocked by one country. this is shameful. this money was supposed to go to eu countries that had already sent their weapons to ukraine. eu countries will not receive compensation, which means they will have little incentive. the absurdity of the situation is that half of the european energy generation to help them goes to ukraine through hungary, and diesel fuel comes from slovakia, unless , of course, russian raw materials are available. ukrainian president zalensky 24, the ukrainian leader added to the sanctions list a russian oil company that supplies oil to the slovnaft refinery in slovakia. this is a loss of 40% of raw materials, which will cause damage to ukraine, since slovnaft supplies kiev with large volumes of diesel.
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will be right about joe biden's fake signature on his resignation letter from the race, and
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by some miracle he will be back in action. olga ponomareva, evgenia zemtsova, lead. beijing will contribute to the peaceful resolution of the ukrainian crisis. this was stated by the official representative of the chinese foreign ministry maunin, commenting on the visit of the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmitry kuleba to the people's republic of china. the diplomat emphasized that the search for peaceful initiatives is in the interests of both. parties, and ways out of the crisis must be effective and feasible. and the deputy chairman of the russian government alexander novok, as a co-chairman, participates in the twenty-first meeting of the russian-chinese intergovernmental commission on energy cooperation. russia and china are developing the supply of equipment for the development of oil and gas fields, and are also agreeing on joint projects for the production and transportation of hydrocarbons. from the chinese side , the vice-chairman is taking part in the negotiations. state council of the people's republic of china and co-chairman of the commission on energy cooperation ding xuyasyan.
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last year, we recorded record levels of trade turnover between our countries - $228 billion. for more than 10 years, china has been our largest trade and economic partner, and what is important is that in recent years we have switched almost to payments in rubles in yuania. supplies, equipment, supplies of fuel and energy raw materials are being developed, and joint projects are being implemented. for headaches, there is askafen at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition for combating headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. cool, i slept through my first exhibition. dad, hi, look what i
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in their actions to protect the fatherland and state interests in armed conflicts. and vladimir putin awarded five russian families with the medal of the order of parental glory. the presidential decree was published on the official legal information portal. the andreev family from the primorsky territory, the garamzin family from the irkutsk region, the the ziyadanovs from the altai republic, the seryogin family from moscow and the semyakovs from the moscow region. the title of mother is heroine. for great services in strengthening the institute of family and child education awarded to svetlana nikitina from the khantemansky autonomous okrug and nadezhda pomoinitskaya from the kostroma region. by the same decree, vladimir putin. awarded the title of honored artist of russia to singer yaroslav dronov, known under the pseudonym “shaman”. awarded the order of merit for the fatherland , third degree, to film director alexander
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mitta, the order of merit for the fatherland second degree to actor andrei mirzlikin and the order of friendship to singer zarifa mgayan, known under the pseudonym zara. mikhail mishustyan finishes his work in khabarovsk today. the prime minister visited the regions during a trip to the far east. three departments with 130 beds in the new building of the regional children's clinical hospital, built as part of the national healthcare project, will treat intestinal airborne infections, as well as respiratory infections, and will provide assistance to children throughout the far east. doctors show the new building today to the prime minister.
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and this is a very serious task, without guys like you, it will be difficult to cope with it, the national development goals that the president sets for us will be impossible to achieve without having high-quality access to
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our neighbors, and the eastern training grounds are such a fundamental one for today day the branch that the country will deal with. mikhail mishustin was told about how the production facilities of the khabarovsk territory work at the dalinersh plant. the company supplies compressor and injection equipment equipment including from. milestone among customers are india, vietnam, georgia, kazakhstan and uzbekistan. as the prime minister noted, such factories make a significant contribution to the achievements of the country's technological, industrial and economic sovereignty. anna voronina, aleftina karpova, news. and again, press secretary dmitry peskov also spoke out about the news agency’s theft of russian assets by europe. he said that russia will definitely respond to the theft of its assets in europe. of course, one way or another there will be an answer, and maria zakharova too commented on the situation with the transit of oil through ukraine, she stated that the transit
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of energy resources had become a manipulation button for kiev and the west encouraged the problems created. and on other topics, residents of mariupol received new public space. builders from the moscow region have tidied up a section of the coast near the sea with a railway. now it is a cozy embankment and a comfortable beach with changing rooms, swings and benches for relaxation. in addition, a stage with an amphitheater appeared there, we have special places for fishing. irina efremova saw everything with her own eyes. a new point of attraction in mariupol. the embankment, today it is 100% ready and you can evaluate the final result. this is a monolithic part with a summer stage, swings, benches and places for fishermen. mariupol residents and city guests did not even expect that they could do this here. see, people try to capture beautiful views in photos and cannot choose what they like most on the embankment, without exception, everything, well, because everything is so neatly done, civilized
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very... chic, i couldn’t even dream of this, enthusiasm, you can feel that this is really russia, such changes are the coolest, that is, there is somewhere to go, relax, the embankment will last for many years, the monolithic part is covered with a special compound and is reliably protected from sea water, for safety reasons, it is partially fenced, you can relax not only by the water, but in the shade under the awnings, you are pleasantly surprised, as if, well, i ’ve seen different embankments in different resort towns, well, nice, nice, good, family... nikitenko, guests of mariupol , final the result of the work is seen for the first time. the embankment is very steep, it is spacious, there are a lot of people, by the way, this particular monolithic part was destroyed for many years until builders from the moscow region took over it. they started building the embankment back in november, worked around the clock in the cold and even storms to make it in time for the height of the beach season and changed the concept right during the work. when the work was carried out, they also interviewed those who come here, who
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lives here, how convenient it is for them, where? even what paths go through, everything that is possible for convenience and for the comfort of residents of the city, we have implemented everything, on the territory of the beach areas, new showers, changing cabins, sports, children's playgrounds, at the end of the embankment we have a barbecue area, a completely new 2.5 km, this is a section of the city beach , where there were noticeably more people, class, what i liked most, and the shore, clean, sand, and benches. sheds have been made, and most importantly - medical rescue stations, next to them there are walking jogging tracks, a huge wall decorated with graffiti, space for sports and yoga, and a seaside park leads to such an embankment, they will soon begin a new stage and its reconstruction. irina efremova, dmitry rut, lead donetsk, mariupol.
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beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where it goes, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need to, i can’t live without travel, flint, he who has flint doesn’t need a pen in the pocket?
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soon. have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we didn't have bread? bread is the world. this is the most sacred thing a person has. something that every family has. bread created our civilization, contributed to our evolution, the technical revolution. this is both the future of humanity and the history of humanity. this is a universal language. over the past 2.0 years, bread has shaped our attitude towards life. this is power. in our country there is strength in it and mochi, every day i take a piece of black bread and always enjoy life. when confronted with bread, a person is literally transformed. this is what our distant ancestors thought, and we really hope that you think so too.
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the third amphibious b-200 aircraft will arrive in yakutia to extinguish forest fires in over 700,000 hectares of forest are burning in the republic. the fire was recorded mainly in hard-to-reach areas where heavy equipment cannot reach. and over the past 24 hours, more than ten large fires have been extinguished, but the situation still remains difficult. report by vitaly prokopyev. white mountain. fires are raging near several populated areas. the sky is clouded with dense smoke, and ash is falling from above. for preventive purposes , 42 people were resettled from the village of kenkel. these are children and people with disabilities.


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