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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 23, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. we will discuss the most notable international events with senator, first deputy chairman of the federation council committee on defense and security vladimir chizhov, he is in direct contact with the studio. vladimir alekseevich, hello, good afternoon. a meeting of the eu foreign affairs council was held in brussels, and the key topic, of course, was ukraine. we talked about this a lot in the news. it’s interesting what trends you found regarding the conflict, these are the most interesting.
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what would you answer? well, in general , the discussion of the ukrainian plot did not reveal any new points. they had, in principle, two agenda items for open discussion: ukraine and the middle east with an emphasis on gas, and there was a discussion of a closed, closed format item on ... behavior, as they said, in hungary, which is the chairman of the council of the european union. well, naturally, the third point, it was related to the first, both of them are with russia, yes, in principle, everything, one way or another, is perceived in the european union through the prism of their, alas, uh, one-dimensional anti-russian
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policy, you know, at some point it seemed that on the news agenda, this story about where to hold the next meeting, yes, how to punish hungary, even began to prevail over the substantive part, it's, it's really like i can say, first of all, what is this hymn format? the format first appeared 50 years ago, in 1974. hymns is the name of an ancient castle in germany, where such a meeting took place for the first time, then there is this tradition of informal meetings of foreign ministers once every six months, by invitation, under the auspices of the presiding country, which originated much earlier than the post that mr. borel occupies today appeared. yeah, so his
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attempt, so to speak, to play a leading role in this plot, it is, let’s say, more than controversial, but in fact, in hungary they wanted to hold such an event at the end of august, that is, within the framework, usually this is done within the framework of holiday season, at the end of it, and... either in the capital, or somewhere, so to say, on the territory, in any case, of the country of the chairmanship, they are held, they were traditionally held without a predetermined agenda without making any decisions, which means that the announced quite logical intention of the hungarian chairmanship to hold such an event at home. well, as part of
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the chairmanship calendar designed for six months , it met with an unexpectedly violent reaction from barel, and a number of member countries, it’s curious, if you believe the american press, their creative energy on yesterday the event was almost entirely, you know, if the american press, almost half of the eu members, 13 countries, were generally in favor of budapest. well, the press can only judge this from their own, so to speak, non-official source. borel used another figure, that his position was allegedly supported by 25 out of 27, that is, all except hungary and slovakia itself, but be that as it may, in one aspect barel was forced to work. ago that the event
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as such will take place, but not in budapest, in brussels, but otherwise, it’s small nothing changes, and in general it is symbolic.
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is that it can be some kind of basis, not only for an agreement, but even for some negotiations, for even some informal agreements, of course it’s not necessary, well, let’s see, yes, that is, the words were spoken, then we’ll see how it will act, here’s another interesting story, the eu council extended all sanctions against russia for six months, but why is there such a short planning horizon in general, but they could have done it for several years in advance and so on further. are they waiting for some changes in brussels? this story arose when the first sanctions were introduced, since then all sanctions have been extended every six months, and why? then there were indeed, for example, the balts, the poles, they demanded
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that it be at least a year, and maybe even more, and other more cautious countries said, no, let’s give it six months, and then we’ll see, maybe the situation will change, well , in those years when the first packages of sanctions appeared, representatives of european structures told me every time, and i i was still working in brussels, of course, but what, they say, we discussed again, there were countries that advocated strengthening, yes, everyone admitted that sanctions do not work, but because of this... they drew the opposite conclusions: some they said that they need to be tightened up, others said that since they still don’t work, we need to rewind them, so to speak, then he says, the chairman made a solomon’s decision, that since we have such a range of opinions, let’s extend it for six months, and then
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let's return to discussing this issue, but now it turns out that they are extending it for six months, but all their discussions boil down to this. in order to come up with new packages of sanctions, they have now already hinted, so to speak, even openly, that they have begun work on the fifteenth package of sanctions, but it is difficult for them to come up with something very new, so they will now invent new tricks to prevent bypassing existing sanctions, let's get on the agenda and start military exercises. border with russia, this should be a reason for close attention, of course, from the outside moscow. of course, you understand, when the question arose about finland and sweden then joining nato, ah, i explained to your colleagues then
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that for us the fundamental point is not the number of flagpoles at nato headquarters in brussels. plans for their implementation in terms of placing a military structure, bringing the material, so to speak, basis of nato closer to our borders. unfortunately, this is exactly what we are seeing, although many assured us, even at the stage of the process of registering finland’s membership in nato, that there is nothing of the kind there will be, but we were quite skeptical about this and, alas, we turned out to be right; now finland is not only increasing its potential, bringing it closer to our border. but in fact it gave the green light to the implementation
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of the plans of the united states of other nato countries, if they want to somehow increase their presence in this part of europe, this of course cannot but worry, you know, for many years, even decades, the north of europe was considered a region reduced.
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these deliveries came, that is, they
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mostly brought them by air, well, some by rail road, but from rzeszow to ukraine they were already transporting either by rail or by road, not only military supplies, but visiting politicians and statesmen, so to speak. and attempts to turn this into a permanent hub will, i
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think, meet the necessary opposition on our part. this means that a continuation of this topic, the head of the german foreign ministry, anna lena bärbock, called on the eu to strengthen its own security, in general, without regard to the elections in the united states. in general, to what extent can europe be independent in security matters? considering that the us plans to deploy its missiles in germany? well, i would be surprised if mrs. strengthen security without regard to the united states, period, but of course, it would be difficult to expect such a thing from it, but it is clear that the approaching elections in the united states are greatly worrying the euro-atlanticists on this side of the atlantic ocean, how independent can europe be, you know, i remember .
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as for the us plans to place missiles in germany, you know that, if we talk about symbolism, this is really a step dictated or capable of causing such analogies with the decisions that
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were made.
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it is clear that donald trump intends to seek election for a new term as president of the united states, which means that berlin has something to worry about, but judging by the statements that trump made during
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his process, during his first term, including applying . interests, if we think about national interests, and not about, about strengthening, not only about strengthening the transatlantic link, by the way, today, of course, the number of countries and european nato countries that have exceeded this level of 2%, it has increased, but it is
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far from 100%. and there are countries that still, so to speak, fall short, but in general, statistically, the average expenditures, military expenditures of nato countries as a whole are 1.9%, but this is like the average temperature in a hospital, they started talking about trump, about biden, if i may , yes, he withdrew, withdrew his candidacy, and has not appeared in public himself for several days. and completely different theories, this gives rise to, in general, what is happening in this election campaign? well, the old man is sick with covid, that’s probably why he doesn’t show up, let's see, one of these days he should still speak to the people to explain his decision, because the united states is
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such a country, such a society that is very susceptible to... we spoke with the first deputy chairman of the federation council committee on defense and security vladimir chezhov. we’ll tell you in a couple of minutes how much the accounts chamber returned to the state budget based on the results of the audits.
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discover all profitable destinations in bank application or on the website we continue the release. the accounts chamber returned more than 26 billion rubles to the state budget. the head of the department, boris kovalchuk, spoke about the results of inspections over the past year. at the meeting with vladimir putin, it also became known that work has already begun on drawing up an activity plan for the next year, the focus will be on the progress in implementing the may presidential decrees.
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vladimir putin emphasized: budget revenues are growing, including non-oil and gas revenues, but there is no extra money in the treasury. head of state expects that the accounts chamber will closely monitor financial discipline. not long ago you headed the accounts chamber for only 2 months. well, i know that you have a report for the entire last year, from the documents i see that a violation of more than 2 trillion rubles was recorded, but of this, just a significant part of over 70%, 74 is a violation of simply budget accounting records, but that’s the main thing the main thing is how much do you owe to the accounts chamber, how much did the accounts chamber manage to return to the budget last year, based on the results of last year we returned more...
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rub 7.7 billion this is before the collection of goods not included in the customs value, license fees, 2.9 billion - these are the results of our inspections in the field of procurement of the production sharing agreement. i very much count on you to monitor financial discipline very carefully, but certainly not to miss anything called crime. we have a direct connection in the most acute cases, directly without any embarrassment. in the donetsk people's republic, the russian military liberated a settlement ivanodaryevka was occupied by more advantageous positions. the new report from the ministry of defense also reports that in this direction our units defeated the manpower and equipment of eleven brigades of the armed forces of ukraine near seven settlements, including chasov yar. the enemy lost up to 750 military personnel, armored vehicles, artillery installations and guns, including western
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ones. the russian military has achieved noticeable successes in other directions of the northern military district, where losses in iisu approached 1,300 militants; for example, several were shot down tanks, including the american abrams, as well as dozens of guns and howitzers, including those produced in the usa and great britain. operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation were destroyed within 24 hours. low-altitude target tracking radar station st-68 and a uav production workshop, and also destroyed concentrations of manpower and military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces in 138 districts. three were shot down by air defense systems hammer guided bomb, made in france, 15 us-made haymars multiple rocket launchers, and 151 unmanned aerial vehicles, including 82 in the russian federation.
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prime minister mikhail mishustin arrived in novosibirsk during a trip to the regions of the far east and siberia. immediately after his arrival, the head of government inspected the tolmachevo airport, where reconstruction is in full swing. in particular, mishustin was shown a new terminal; it is capable of serving more than 3.00 passengers per hour on domestic and international flights. the airport's taxiway is currently being reconstructed . tolmachevo is the largest transit center beyond the urals on the most important routes between europe and asia.
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a hub like tolmacheva and novosibirs in particular is an excellent solution for many, plus the numbers say 9 million passengers, i looked at your numbers, there were a little more than seven last year, there were six before that, but growth is underway, well, let’s say , there are already millions of people, this is very important, but mikhail mishustin flew to novosibirs from khabarovsk, the head of government visited there children's regional hospital named after... pyatrovich, it also has an interregional surgical center, as well as a modern infectious diseases building. it opened in october. mikhail mishustin was shown the clinical laboratory and told about its capabilities. when it came to equipment for the hospital, the prime minister promised to help with the supply of the necessary equipment. the head of the cabinet of ministers also visited the far eastern university of transport, including a visit to the laboratory where students practice managing a section of the railway. now. not only in russia,
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but abroad, belarus, vietnam, india, as well as georgia, kazakhstan and uzbekistan buy centrifugal compressor machines, gas blowers, turbines and other units. the plant is currently undergoing modernization. mechanical in those ancient times, when there were no gadgets, people used magic.


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