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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 23, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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we continue the release. kamala harris received enough delegate votes to become a presidential candidate. from
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democrats, the agency reports associated press. and on the eve of the vote, joe biden transferred some powers to support ukraine to the heads of the ministry of finance and state department. our own correspondent, dmitry melnikov, will tell you what else is known about the course of the presidential race in the united states. on the fifth day of absence from the president, who withdrew from the presidential race by correspondence, america is asking the question: where is joe biden? in response , a fresh report from the white house doctor is urgently published, which provides reassurance. that biden has fully recovered from covid, all the president’s vital signs are normal, later biden himself appears, not with his body, but with his voice, calling his former campaign headquarters, which is now the headquarters of kamala haris. if i didn't have covid, i would be standing next to you right now. i'm so proud of what you 've done. due to covid i won't be going out in public for the next 3-4 days but i'm keeping my finger on the pulse. the voice sounded as if from another world .
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they love you, it’s mutual, i know you’re still here, haven’t you gone anywhere, joe? i'm watching you baby, i'm watching you, i love you. love you, joe. high relationships, but who's in this the couple now has the main, big question. within 24 hours of the start of their own campaign, kamal and haris' campaign headquarters collected $80 million in donations. at the same time , this is the only way to love joe biden. i
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know it's been a roller coaster and we all have very mixed feelings about it. i just have to say i love joe biden. and i know we all do, we have so many damn good reasons to love joe biden. and i believe that this is the team that will help us win in november. thanks to everyone who is here. having shed the burden of biden, the democratic campaign has revived, and it seems that final agreements have been reached on a candidate for the november elections. the former speaker of the house of representatives announced her support for kamal and haris. in a statement released , she expressed confidence in haris' victory in the upcoming elections. haris is trying to quickly rally the democrats around him. like crazy, she constantly walks around with the phone, trying to persuade one democrat after another to agree, so far nancy pilosi has become the last one to publicly support her. now everyone is waiting for the last and main statement from barack obama, who just the day before insisted on an open choice of candidate at the upcoming democratic party convention in chicago, and here everything may
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turn out to be more complicated. donald trump opened up about the relationship between biden and obama the day before. bara obama is still plotting against you, trying to get you. first of all obama hates biden, biden hates obama, when obama walked biden off stage a couple of weeks ago, he didn't have to do that, he could have waved at people a little more hand like joe, but suddenly obama appears and grabs joe like a child. but his vice-presidential candidate is already in full swing on the election track, j.d. vence’s first solo performance in his native agai opens voters’ eyes to the nature of the american establishment. the idea of ​​choosing the democratic candidate because george soros, barack obama and a couple of elite democrats got together in a smoke filled room and decided to throw joe biden overboard, this is not how it should work, this is a threat to democracy, not the republican a party that fights for democracy every
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single day. against this background, the visit to washington of israeli prime minister netanyahu looks completely out of place. no one from biden's team was able to meet him at the airport. it is reported that it will be kamela harris, and not joe biden, who will receive a guest from israel in the white house. but a meeting between netanyahu and trump during this visit is quite possible. today, as expected, in the afternoon, joe biden will return to washington for the first time after almost a week of isolation, and will appear alive before the country in his new capacity as the outgoing president. it is not known whether biden will make any announcement. however, as the american press writes, after leaving the election race. he canceled nine trips around the country at once. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. joe biden's decision to withdraw from the presidential race does not automatically mean donald trump will win the election. this opinion was expressed on our channel by the acting director of the arbatov institute of the usa and canada, sergei
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kislitsin. to biden's agenda itself supporters of the democratic party and a significant part of the american population had no complaints. were specifically due to the state of health of the president, now a fresh candidate has appeared, younger, less experienced, but in general the experience made it so, the king is determined by the retinue and the team there, in principle, is more or less well-organized, so kharis, in principle, if everything goes well for the democrats , could become a serious competitor for trump, i believe that good economic indicators are working against the republicans, which are now demonstrates the american economy, and in this case this is directly the merit. biden's team, and economic indicators are still of great importance for american voters, especially unemployment, unemployment is now at a normal level, inflation is also slowing down, accordingly, everything in general seems to be quite good, in the elections of the twentieth year trump in many ways and uh in many ways he was harmed by the state of the economy
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during the coronavirus crisis. ships of the pacific fleet returned to vladivostok after large-scale russian-chinese exercises. the crews performed various exercises. including repelling an attack by a mock enemy, escorting a ship, as well as firing at sea and coastal air targets, as the sailors were greeted in ksenia kolchina’s report. a detachment of ships from the pacific fleet returns to their native harbor after almost a month of absence. the corvettes are loud, sharp and sophisticated, and took part in joint russian-chinese maneuvers in the south china sea. this is perhaps one of the most spectacular stages of naval training. interaction, even without firing a single shot. farewell ceremony. military sailors from russia and china in full dress uniform lined up along the sides of the ships, removing their hats. this is a sign of gratitude for a job well done. here the lines of machine gun crews are interrupted by booms and shots from an ak-630m artillery cannon. the corvette's guns have
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a sharp drone in their sights, which moves at a speed of 150 m/s. the radio-technical combat unit reported that the uavs were pursuing the ships. complex. radar stations scan the situation for kilometers around, our stations allow them to be detected in a timely manner, give the target indications to the firing stations, and, if necessary , destroy them. i am russian warship 343, starting firing, over. the next task is to defeat surface and coastal targets. chinese ships and the crews of our corvettes begin firing from hundred-millimeter guns. the distance is 7 km, it is slightly stormy, and there are only three attempts to hit the target. the performance of our artillery battery is not affected by the weather in any way; any task will be completed and the target will be hit. one of key episodes of the teaching of rescuing those in distress. the k-27 helicopter takes off into the air. on board. a rescuer, at a height of 40 m, the crew discovers the victim, of course, this is a mannequin, but he weighs like an adult
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, 70 kg. for the helicopter commander , the task is complicated by the fact that there is only the sea around and the helipad is constantly in motion. you must always count, keep in mind where you are at what moment, because in a directionless area, well, there is no reference other than your ship. active phase of maritime interaction exercise 2024 lasted 3 days. such exercises with the chinese side allow us to ensure security and peace in the asia-pacific region. russian sailors are always very warmly received in chinese ports. this is a meeting at the port of jyandzyan. in addition to the main training program, there was a sports and cultural program. ksenia kolchina, denis yunak, vadim telegin, far eastern bureau of vesti. immediately after the advertisement, a special report from the year 1944 liberation of pskov. you don't decide exactly how
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service in one of the oldest pskhovo monasteries, snitogorsk, it stands on the high bank of the velikaya river, on the mountain. its name comes from the small pskov fish snyatka. the main shrine is the 14th-century stone cathedral of the nativity of the virgin mary, where frescoes have been preserved, but there is also a structure erected by the nazis during the terrible days of the occupation of pskov. this building, which is now used by the monastery for economic purposes, was actually erected by the germans in 1942. this is the bunker of the headquarters of the eighteenth army group north, which held the blockade of leningrad. the commander of this army, lendeman, was also here. this. a strange hole - the remains of an emergency exit towards the velikaya river. on july 9, 1941 , the nazis took pskov; on july 12, the invaders were photographed in the monastery. at first, the headquarters of army group north was located in the center of pskov in the oktyabrskaya hotel, and later moved to a monastery, which the germans called wasserburg. here are rare photographs
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from a private collection. on them, the general himself, colonel georgi lendeman, awards his subordinates. in the summer of 1941, the nazis rushed to leningrad, with the key pskov was with him. german tank motorized divisions were rapidly advancing, on their way there was an island, it is 50 km south of pskov, a small town, a junction of
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railways and roads. fortifications were built here, the so-called stalin line, they were. were not completely destroyed, but they survived the fighting, now these fortifications have been restored in the military-historical museum of the ostrov reserve, this is the pillbox of the ostrovsky fortified line of the stalin line, these fortifications were built by 1940 under the leadership of general karboshev, after all, in forty-first, thanks to them they managed to slightly delay the nazis; from july 2 to july 5 , cadets of the leningrad artillery school fought here. according to german documents, the last pillbox was taken at 17:30 on july 5. the fate of the cadets and their names are still unknown. this museum exhibition tells about the occupation of the island. it was born through the efforts of peter grenchuk, who 35 years ago led a group of search engines. on july 6, 1941, the germans captured
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the island; at the end of july , a group of underground fighters was created here. fearless pioneer leader klava nazarova. took her from her charges, teenagers, they were betrayed, klava nazarova was hanged after torture, and the first hero of the soviet union in this war, here in the battles for the city of ostrov, pilots kharitonov, zdorovtsev, rukov, forty-first, yes, the first hero of the soviet union during this war, in general , about 30 people received the title of hero in the battles for the island, this is a lot, and you are a city of military glory, no, in february 1942, parts of the red army. surrounded the germans in dimyansk, but it was not possible to hold this cauldron; the germans supplied the troops by air, this was provided by planes from the veretye ​​airport, near the city of ostrov. on august 11, 1943 , an incredible story happened here: two soviet prisoners of war who worked at the airfield, twenty-year-old pilot nikolai loshakov and technician ivan denisyuk, hijacked a german plane.
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the wounded loshakov was able to reach the plane to our location, just like loshakov somewhere. found, well, stole, let's say, german, denisyuk drove a tanker, i provide german planes with fuel, but they put the plane of the airfield commandant in public, they saw storch alone when they walked flights, on the evening of august 11th , one of them went to this plane across the field, the other drove up to the plane, until the guard there didn’t pay attention, maybe flapped his ears, they were flying into the planes, at first they didn’t even pay attention, because at that time.. . other planes stopped, and then the commandant saw that his plane was hijacked to catch up with the fighter, they simply did not find it along the front, they almost shot it down, then the germans, then ours... in occupied pskov , demonstrative executions immediately began. intimidation residents, the museum of the history of the occupation of pskoye is only 2 years old, it is located on the ground floor of the house
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where the estonian security police (sd) was a punitive body in 1941-1944. here the pskovites were interrogated and tortured, from here they were taken to be shot in the village of gloty and moglin. after the war, war criminals were held in open trials, and one resident of pskov, yakov grigoriev. ended up as a witness at the trial in nuremberg. his wife and two children were killed in the village of loneva gora. estonian punitive forces shot 55 residents there and the village itself burned. and if the commandant of pskov, major general heinrich reblinger, was hanged in leningrad in 1946, then some of the criminals were found and convicted only 40 years later. one of the residents of the village of loneva gora came to the baltic states and recognized the store clerk as a. the punisher who destroyed her village. after that, she reported this fact to the internal affairs authorities and then
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these criminals were found and they were convicted at a trial in 1973, some of them were sentenced to death, and some to long terms of imprisonment. in pskov region during the occupation, two power structures were created, military and civil administration. it was organized here. german neatness, economic exploitation of the region, all residents were registered, for all adults there was compulsory labor service, taxes for disobedience were shot. after the war, it was established that about 150 thousand residents from the pskov region were driven to germany for forced labor. throughout the occupation, olga vasilyeva’s relatives, her grandmother, father, then an 11-year-old boy, and aunt lived in pskov. grandmother maria worked in infirmary, where.
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and preparing for defense in april 1944 , a new front was created, the third baltic, under the command of army general ivan maslenikov, he was given the task of conducting the pskov-ostrov offensive operation, and after the defeat of the army group center in early july forty-four , the opportunity for an offensive by the red army appeared. on july 12, the village of pushkinskiye gory was liberated, where mikhailovskaya settled in his family estate, alexander serge lived in exile. pushkin, it was here that the great poet became interested in the history of his family and wider history of russia, and here he was buried near the walls of the svyatogorsk monastery. when they want to destroy a people, a nation, they destroy it. its
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culture history, this is exactly what the fascists were doing, in addition, they knew that when the pushkin mountains were liberated, the red army officers would come to bow to the ashes of alexander sergeevich. they mined not only the holy mountain, planting aerial bombs there, but also seriously mined pushkin’s grave, dug a tunnel under it, into which they laid mines, including those unknown to our sappers. it was not possible to evacuate the museum exhibits, they tried to send a whole convoy with stolen things to... 944 to germany, but fortunately it was intercepted, the estates were burned, but pushkin’s grave was not damaged, thanks to the heroism of the sappers. then, as a sapper of the twelfth engineering sapper brigade, a number of several more sapper units, over the course of several weeks, one might say, it was necessary to carefully clear the territory, meter by meter, of each museum of the estate and of the svyatogorsk monastery, the famous names of the nine sappers
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who died during the... the 6th infantry division approaches the city . ostrov from the south, from there the fasts mined two parts of this tsepny bridge, but the southern part of the bridge, fortunately, did not explode, only sank and none of the red army soldiers were injured, on the morning of july 21, the first to break into the city of ostrov were the soldiers of major rymar’s battalion, they eliminated the germans sappers who are sitting here under the northern part
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of the bridge, and thus... she was able to suppress 15 enemy firing points there, gain a foothold there, and this ensured the success of then, in general, the entire 374th regiment. by the way, ivan golovkov was in this battle wounded and sent to the hospital, he was considered dead, and he was posthumously awarded the order of the red banner, and only several decades later, more precisely in 74 , it turned out that he was alive. our troops entered
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completely destroyed pskov. over the course of the year, the accounts chamber found violations amounting to 2 trillion rubles. they mainly concerned the recording of budgetary accounting. this statement was made by vladimir putin at a meeting with the chairman of the accounts chamber boris kovalchuk. we will learn all the important details of this meeting from my
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colleague kudrya. contact us directly, maria, hello, tell me what is already known, and what will happen in the work plan for the twenty- fifth year? good afternoon, the accounts chamber has already begun work on drawing up an inspection plan for next year, including the implementation of national goals, as well as issues related to the special military operation, now i’ll tell you about everything in more detail. how much money the accounts chamber managed to return to the budget, as well as the number of violations identified ; key tasks for the next year, about this:


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