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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 23, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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meeting with chairman of the accounts chamber boris kovalchuk. we will learn all the important details of this meeting from my colleague maria kudryavtseva. she is in direct contact with us. maria, greetings, tell us what is already known, and what will happen in the work plan for the twenty-fifth year. good afternoon. the accounts chamber has already begun work on developing an inspection plan for next year, including the implementation of national goals, as well as issues related to special military operations. and now i’ll tell you about everything in more detail. how much money is in the accounts chamber managed. return to the budget, as well as the number of identified violations, key tasks next year, the head of the department, boris kovalchuk, told president vladimir putin about this, talking about the results of work for 2023 . according to the documents, i see that there was a violation of more than 2 trillion rubles, but of them - just a significant part of over 70%, 74 - this is just a violation of budget accounting records. but the most important thing
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is how much you owe to the accounts chamber, how much the accounts chamber managed to return to the budget last year. in total for the past year, the accounts chamber identified more than 4,800 violations and shortcomings, and out of a total amount of more than 2 trillion rubles. violation of budget accounting requirements accounted for 1 trillion 600 billion. as a result, the work of the accounts chamber helped return over 26 billion rubles to the budget.
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by the way, out of 332 events of the accounts chamber, 223 are budget audits. also at a meeting with president vladimir putin , boris kovalchuk noted that the total revenues of the country’s main financial document exceeded the mark of 29 trillion rubles. this is higher than the forecast of 11.5%. for good performance vladimir putin also paid attention to the budget. our budget revenues are increasing, the deficit is minimal, and non-oil and gas revenues are performing well, and oil and gas revenues are now growing, but there is no extra money, so i really count on you to monitor financial discipline very carefully, and especially not to miss anything , which is called crime, we have a direct connection in the most acute cases directly without any embarrassment. we believe
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that this is a key issue that we must address. chairman of the accounts chamber spoke about the strategy for 2025. we are talking about five key areas, this is the implementation of national goals, which the president outlined in the may decree. issues related to a special military operation, including support for military personnel who are in their zone. their families, as well as issues of technological sovereignty and information technology, the fifth direction is control over state investments in the form of capital investments. in the twenty- fourth year, the six-year development strategy of the accounts chamber ends, and we have already began work on the formation of new strategic goals, taking into account the priorities facing the russian federation. new ones will also be adopted simultaneously with the strategy. the main directions
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of activity of the accounts chamber are an important document that decomposes the strategy for a three-year period. one of the features of the work of the accounts chamber is the analysis of a huge amount of data; at a meeting with the president , boris kovalchuk noted that he would continue to work to strengthen the digital component of the department. the use will also expand risk-oriented approach and quality control methods, but another area for development is partnerships with international ones. maria, thank you, maria kudryavtseva spoke about the work of the accounts chamber. well, now let’s move to the state duma. in russia, responsibility for drug propaganda is increasing and the state duma today adopted three relevant bills in final reading. my colleague, varvara nevskaya, works at okhotny ryad. she is in direct contact with us. varvara, i greet you, tell me, what is it like now? punishment will be imposed for promoting drugs. tatyana, greetings, let's talk about everything. in order, the plenary meeting
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of the state duma today began with the adoption of a resolution on the release of sergei neverov from the post of vice-speaker of the lower house of parliament, and also released the parliamentarian.
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responsibility for promoting drugs, the maximum punishment will now be up to 2 years in prison, and a fine of up to 600,000 rubles will also be introduced for distributing in violation of the labeling requirements for works of literature and art that contain information about narcotic drugs. let me also remind you that in the second reading an amendment was made to the document, and it was also approved as part of the second reading, it states that it will remain available without any changes or censorship. in this case, as you saw, we
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referred to the media law of 1990, when censorship was abolished in our country. expulsion regime for foreign citizens who have no legal grounds to be on the territory of our country, another document on
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the right of the police to decide on administrative expulsion from the russian federation of foreign citizens and stateless persons, as stated by the first deputy. for the chairman of the cis committee on relations with compatriots, the document , if adopted, will introduce the most serious changes in recent times to migration legislation. we are talking about reducing the period of stay in russia for foreign citizens on a visa-free basis from 180 to 90 days, that is, by half; new powers are being assigned and new powers are being transferred. deportation and the russian federation without the need administrative expulsion outside the boundaries of court hearings on this matter. the hearing of the bill has already lasted
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more than half an hour, during which time deputies and representatives of various factions have already proposed more than twelve amendments, which is especially emphasized here in the state duma. cannot be called an anti-immigration law; on the contrary, it is a law that is designed to restore order in the migration sphere. chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin stated that foreign citizens who violated russian laws should be expelled from the country, and also, in his opinion, there is no need to allow into the country those who do not know the russian language, do not respect the traditions and culture of our country, the speaker of the state duma also proposed for...
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for small claims the fee will increase slightly, for example, when filing a claim in the amount of 1000 rub. it is now 3,200, and it is proposed to increase it only to 400. it will not be noticeable to the majority of persons who participate in the courts, but as for large claims, the upper limit of the fee is significantly increased to 900,000 rubles for courts of general jurisdiction and 10 million rubles in arbitration courts, in connection with this, the rich will pay half a half more than...
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activities for extremely large claims, they stipulate that requirements for the activities of individuals and legal entities who mine digital currencies, including participants in the so -called mining pool, will be established now the government of the russian federation, in agreement with the bank of russia, and the ministry of digital development will become the control body. today, due to the lack of regulation, budgets at all levels do not reach 100 billion rubles a year, except moreover... due to the lack of regulation we are seeing energy shortages in a number of regions, due to the activities of gray and black miners,
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due to the lack of regulation we cannot attract investments, russia today ranks second in mining in the world with the potential to take first place , this is a very good growth point for our exports, we can sell electricity with high added value, all this can happen if we pass the bill on mining, but right? will only be able to carry out mining russian legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who will be included in the relevant register. tatyana, varvara, thank you, our correspondent, varvara nevskaya, is following the work of the state duma today. and just now the news arrived on the news agency’s feeds that the state duma had adopted a law introducing a migration regime for deportation. so, it was adopted at the plenary session immediately in the second and. third readings of the bill, which is aimed at introducing a regime for the expulsion of foreign citizens who have no legal
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grounds to be in russia. and let's go during a special military operation in the donetsk people's republic, the russian military liberated the village of ivanovo-daryevka and occupied more advantageous positions. the new report from the ministry of defense also reports that in this direction our units defeated the manpower and equipment of eleven brigades of the armed forces of ukraine near seven settlements.
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a mobile radar station for detecting and tracking low-altitude targets st-68 and a uav production workshop, as well as the destruction of concentrations of manpower and military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces in 138 districts. by means air defense downed three guided hammer bombs, made in france. usa and 151 unmanned aerial vehicles, including 82 on the territory of the russian federation. and the ukrainian authorities today continued their attempts to push through a law on the actual ban of the ukrainian orthodox church in the verkhovna rada. however , there were not enough votes to include the documents on the agenda; this caused discontent among a number of deputies who blocked the podium, demanding consideration of this bill. afterwards i was at the meeting. a break was announced negotiations between representatives of parliamentary factions and groups are currently underway. let me remind you that
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the bill banning the uoc was prepared by the ukrainian government on behalf of vladimir zelensky. the rada adopted it in the first reading in october last year, but consideration did not go further. and in international news, the european commission will study a letter from hungary and slovakia about ukraine stopping oil transit, as its representatives in busel said. contacts are also underway with kiev, these words came against the backdrop of growing discontent on the part of some eu states, the position of budapest, in particular on the ukrainian conflict. and in direct contact. our european correspondent regina sevastyanova. regina, i greet you, it’s clear that brussels is putting pressure on the hungarian leadership in this way. well, tell me, in the end, won’t europe be left entirely without supplies of raw materials? hello, but at least the european commission has already confirmed the fact that yesterday dombrowski, who is responsible in particular for these issues at the european commission
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, received official notifications from hungary and slovakia regarding suspension of russian oil transit etc. but at present, according to the statement , representatives of the european commission do not see any danger to the energy security of individual european countries, while the european commission emphasizes that it is in contact with both budapest and bratislava, as well as with kiev, any negotiations, therefore brussels insists on the issue, should be carried out exclusively through the mediation of the european commission. we confirm that we have received a letter from slovakia and hungary regarding the cessation of oil supplies through ukraine via druzhba oil pipeline. we are reviewing this request and collecting information before making any decision. at this moment the situation does not affect the supply of raw materials in any way. we are also discussing the situation with kyiv. i would like to specifically emphasize that such issues are authorized to be resolved exclusively by the european union, and not by its individual representatives.
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brussels agreed to the demands of hungary and slovakia to appoint extras. meeting of the relevant committee is already wednesday, earlier budapest gave 3 days to official brussels to fulfill this demand, otherwise case, as peter szijjartu said, budapest was ready to take the case to court, since it threatens the security of energy supplies to hungary and slovakia. hungary reported on july 17 that due to the ukrainian blockage of oil transit, raw materials are not being supplied through the druzhba oil pipeline. slovakia reported a day later, european media indicate that because of this. in the near future, hungarians, for example, may face sky-high energy prices and electricity shortages. prime minister of slovakia robert fitzo in a telephone conversation with his ukrainian colleague, called these sanctions senseless. he also pointed out that slovakia does not intend to become a hostage of russian-ukrainian relations. end of quote. hungary today announced that it will not approve the transfer of
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6.5 billion euros to the peace fund for the supply of weapons to ukraine, until then. the issue with russian oil will not be resolved, this whole situation is unfolding at the next round - at the next round the confrontation between official brussels and hungary, in particular, the country which was accepted on july 1 chairmanship of the european union caused dissatisfaction among a number of eu countries and official brussels with viktor orban’s peacekeeping missions to moscow, beijing and his meeting with donald trump. the day before, the head of eu foreign diplomacy, jose borel , spent several hours. to convince the foreign ministry of the european union countries to boycott the events that hungary organizes as part of its presidency in the european union, and achieved that, in particular, the meeting in august of diplomats from the european union countries will not be held in budapest, in brussels, as a result of the discussion became this transfer. i recalled the duty
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of loyalty under article 24.3 of the treaty of the union. this is true, but since they are members of this club, they must obey international treaties, in particular this article, which requires loyal cooperation and the implementation of common positions on foreign policy, this is not what , what you may or may not do, you must do it, also discussed where to hold the informal foreign affairs council and the informal. defense council had quite strong disagreements after hearing after spending hours each day in discussions trying to understand the reasons for this or that opinion, i was forced to make a decision. the head of the polish foreign ministry said that if all eu countries behaved like hungary, the alliance simply would not survive. by the way, poland proposed moving this meeting to lvov, but other countries did not support the idea. in turn
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, the head of mid-hungary, peter sziarta, called these negotiations childish. hungary was ready to organize the meeting, but also. ready to simply participate in it, jose barel in his twitter wrote that most eu countries, or even all except hungary itself, sharply criticized budapest for the lack of sincere and loyal cooperation, however, for example, the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of italy believes that political and institutional positions should never be mixed. antonio tajan, like representatives of several other european union countries, count on the fact that it was still necessary to go to budapest. however, barel's decision is consistent. in a statement last week from his boss, ursla fondeen, said that none of european commissioners will not travel to hungary to participate in meetings organized by budapest as part of its presidency of the european union. tatiana. regina, thank you, our european correspondent regina sevastyanova spoke about ukraine’s termination of oil transit to hungary and slovakia. sergei
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lavrov spoke about unilateral approaches to the west, speaking at a meeting with the leaders of russian non-profit organizations. as an example, he cited brussels’ pressure on budapest. look at how the eu treats the prime minister hungary. chairman of the european union in this half-year just because he said: “we should all be for finding compromises, and not for solving problems through war.” and for this they are trying to make him an outcast. the kremlin promised to respond to the decision of the european union and direct the proceeds from frozen assets to weapons for kiev. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov called what was happening the actions of thieves, and noted that one way or another moscow’s response would follow. let me remind you that earlier, the head of european diplomacy, josep barel, said that she had already in early august, kiev will receive the first tranche from the income of russia’s frozen assets, this is
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almost one and a half billion euros. such thieving actions cannot remain without reciprocity. this money is not only essentially stolen, but it is also spent on the purchase of weapons, well, it’s probably difficult to come up with something worse. will be very tough, we have repeatedly said that we will respond very harshly, in an interdepartmental format for each item a decision will be made on how to respond,
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of course, in the national interests we will act, but they will feel it, and i think they know it, prime minister mikhail mishustin noted the high-tech nature of the economy of the novosibirsk region and expressed hope that the region will continue to develop along this path. the head of government announced this upon his arrival in novosibirsk on tuesday, where i had a meeting with governor andrei travnikov, and also inspected the main facilities, for example, the reconstructed tolmachevo airport. my colleague anna will talk about the continuation of the prime minister’s trip to the far east from siberia voronina. almost 20,000 m2, three departments with 130 beds. in the new building of the children's regional clinical hospital, built within the framework of the national health care project, they will be treated for intestinal airborne infections, as well as help for children from the entire far east, respiratory infections, doctors will show the new building to the prime minister today, explaining what they are planning here accept up to 6.00 patients per year,
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everything here is with the latest technology, but other departments of the regional hospital also an update is required, mikhail mishustin promised to help. we need a new sct machine, we need an mri, we don’t have an mri at all, we transport children 20-30 km, others. hospital, this is of course dangerous from the point of view of road accidents, there and so on. we need equipment for performing closed endosurgery operations on young children, we are currently sending them to moscow, we need equipment for the openable ent department, and of course we need to equip the intensive care unit and, er, the operating unit, well, how can we refuse everything here and spiral cats, as i understand it, that there is a lot needed here, we will definitely give instructions to the unhealthy ministry of finance, everything that needs to be done. what we promise you, thank you, in turn, mikhail mishustin drew the attention of the regional authorities to railway communications in the region, emphasizing that the development of the eastern
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railway range is a priority today . at a meeting with students of the far eastern university of transport, the prime minister spoke about plans to modernize bam and the trans-siberian railway. our carrying capacity should be by the thirty-second year, who knows how many? 270 million tons, you know that figure, that year. and this is a very serious task, without guys like you, it will be difficult to cope with it. the national development goals that the president sets for us will be impossible to achieve without quality connections to our neighbors. and the eastern training grounds are the main branch today that the country will be working on. during the trip, much attention was paid to air traffic in the far east. the day before, mikhail mishustin inspected the renovation of airports in magadan and khabarovsk. today i got acquainted with the progress of the reconstruction of the air harbor in novosibirsk. the main task is the development of the country, and the president has repeatedly said that it is necessary to improve its connectivity,
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give us the opportunity. people with a minimum number of landings should not fly through moscow to neighboring regions, but directly, and such a grab as, in particular, tolmacheva, novosibirs is an excellent solution for many. as the prime minister noted, by 2027 the passenger flow of novosibirsk airport alone will exceed 10 million people, well, at a meeting with the governor region, mikhail mishustin drew attention to the scientific school of the region, especially in the direction of nuclear physics. in turn, the head of the novosibirsk region andrey.
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to achieve technological sovereignty in the region, information technologies and communications are also actively developing, as the governor noted, today they have become the main source of replenishment of the region's budget, last year alone the turnover in this area amounted to 165 billion rubles. 30%, which allows you to build a high-tech economy. anna voronina, aleftina karpova, news! complex new khersanez will be illuminated on the day of the baptism of russia on july 28 and will open in test mode for visitors on july 30. metropolitan of simferopol crimean tikhan shevkunov reported this. new chersonese includes three museums dedicated to christianity of antiquity and byzantium, as well as crimea and new russia.
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a historical and archaeological park is being created. next to the chersonese tavrichsky museum-reserve, they are part of a large cultural cluster that is being built in the coastal part of sevastopol. the museum of antiquity of byzantium, according to the metropolitan, is the largest archaeological museum in russia, its area is 22,000 m2. it will display 250,000 exhibits that were discovered by archaeologists in previous centuries and 350,000 artifacts found during the construction of the complex. we are talking about serious things. but we understand that our audience will largely be young people, and in many ways people are not very experienced in history, so the presentation must be appropriate, all this must be reliable, scientific, but also exciting, not boring.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.


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