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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 23, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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and now it’s time for economic news: russia in july reduced oil production almost to the opec plus target level. this was stated by deputy prime minister alexander novak. according to him, the barrels produced in excess of quotas will be compensated for at the expense of future volumes. novak also noted that from august 1 , the ban on the export of russian gasoline will be renewed. it is possible that the restrictions will be extended into the fall if the market situation is tense. hungary will block financial assistance to ukraine due to a stop in fuel transit. it's about pumping oil company look oil, slovakia and hungary, which kiev suspended earlier. according to the country's foreign minister petr szijart, until the restrictions are lifted, kiev may forget about payments. szijart noted that luk oel supplies about a third of all oil to hungary. slovakia receives from a russian company. up to 45% of all fuel. in the united states
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, the reason for the record budget deficit was named. according to bloomberg, it is associated with spending on government debt and medicine. healthcare spending is expected to reach 5.8% of gdp, which is significantly higher than the average for the last 50 years. as for public debt, the cost of servicing it by the end of 2024 will exceed 3% of gdp. this is the maximum figure since ninety-one. and the banks of russian marketplaces have caught up with the profits of the largest players from the top 40. according to frankmedia, ozon bank earned more than 6 billion rubles in the first half of the year. and took thirty- third place in terms of income. walberis bank with a net profit of 4.8 billion came in thirty-sixth. at the same time, according to the size of assets credit institutions occupy only fifty- eighth and 146th places, respectively. comparable income was shown by banks with assets of hundreds of billions of rubles, for example, period.
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asia-pacific bank and credit europe. it was economic news. short. the european union was unable to organize a peacekeeping mission like the one carried out by hungarian prime minister viktor orban. this is what hungarian foreign minister peter szijart said. he noted that the decision of the eu leadership to move the meeting of foreign ministers from budapest to brussels is only an indicator frustration of european officials, since they themselves are not able to talk with all the important world politicians. our european correspondent, regina sevastyanova, will tell you more about the discord between budapest and the eu countries. the european commission has already confirmed the fact that yesterday dombrovsky, who is responsible in particular for these issues at the european commission , received an official notification from hungary and slovakia regarding the suspension of the transit of russian oil due to ukrainian sanctions against the russian company european commission this document is currently being studied, but at this time, according to a statement from representatives. does not
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see any danger to the energy security of individual european countries, while the european commission emphasizes that it is in contact with both budapest and bratislava, as well as with kiev; any negotiations, brussels insists on this issue, should be conducted exclusively through the mediation of the european commission. we confirm that we have received a letter from slovakia and hungary regarding the cessation of oil supplies through ukraine via druzhba oil pipeline. we are reviewing this request and collecting information before accepting it. or a decision, at this moment the situation does not affect the supply of raw materials in any way, we are also discussing the situation with kiev, i want to separately emphasize that such issues are authorized to be resolved exclusively by the european union, and not by its individual representatives. brussels agreed to the demand of hungary and slovakia to schedule an emergency meeting of the relevant committee on wednesday. previously, budapest gave 3 days to official brussels to fulfill this requirement. in otherwise, as peter sijar stated, budapest was ready to take the case to court, since this. threatens the security
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of energy supplies in hungary and slovakia. the fact that due to the ukrainian blockage of oil transit, raw materials are not arriving through the druzhba oil pipeline. hungary reported july 17 words. reported a day later: european media indicate that because of this, hungarians, for example, may soon face sky-high energy prices and electricity shortages. prime minister of slovakia robert fitz, in a telephone conversation with his ukrainian colleague, called these sanctions senseless. he also pointed out that slovakia does not intend to become a hostage of russian-ukrainian relations. end of quote. hungary today announced that it will not approve the transfer of 6.5 billion euros to the peace fund for the supply of weapons to ukraine until the issue with russian oil is resolved; this whole situation is unfolding in the next round of confrontation between official brussels and hungary , in particular, the country which took over the presidency of the european union on july 1, caused dissatisfaction among a number
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of eu countries and official brussels with viktor orban’s peacekeeping missions to moscow, beijing and his meetings with donald trump. the day before, the head of foreign diplomacy of the european union. not for decoration, this is not an empty phrase. each eu member state is sovereign in its foreign policy, this is true, but since they are members of this club, they must obey international treaties, in particular this article, which requires loyal cooperation and implementation common positions on foreign policy. it's not something
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you can do or not do, you have to do it. they also discussed where to hold the informal foreign affairs council and the informal defense council. there were quite strong disagreements, after listening to everyone and spending hours discussing trying to understand the reasons for this or that opinion, i was forced to make a decision. the head of midpolis said that if all eu countries behaved like hungary, the alliance simply would not survive. by the way, poland proposed moving this meeting to lvov, but others countries did not support the idea. in turn , the head of mid-hungary, peter szijarta, called these negotiations childish. hungary was ready to organize the meeting, but also ready to simply participate in it. wrote on his twitter that most eu countries, or even all except hungary itself, sharply criticized budapest for the lack of sincere and loyal cooperation. however, for example, the head of mit italy believes that political and institutional positions should never be confused. antonio tayane, as
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representatives of several other eu countries, they are counting on the fact that it was still necessary to go to budapest. however, barel's decision is consistent with the statement of his fighter urslav last week. stated that none of the european commissioners will travel to hungary to participate in meetings organized by budapest as part of its presidency of the european union. regina sevastyanova, evgenia zemtsova, eva fedotova, european bureau of vgtrk, brussels, belgium. the popular front in the siberian federal district handed over fire-resistant uniforms to the tank crews. overalls impregnated with a special liquid that prevents clothes from catching fire. the fabric can withstand 45 seconds of direct fire. the first to try out the new uniform were the soldiers of the second motorized rifle guards division. the topic will be continued by zenaida kurbatova. the tsar-mangal tank, which our soldiers affectionately call valera, today acquired new camouflage nets, they were brought by representatives of the popular front. this is what valera looks like in full armor: every part of it is covered by a disguise with a total area of ​​90 m2. due to the fact
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that the structure above the tank is quite voluminous and large, it is inconvenient for the guys to hide it with one mask net and quickly enough do it. this mask net is made specifically for each element of armor on the tank, under the left side, right side, under the roof, under the tank’s gun. the tankers themselves were brought new fire-resistant overalls. the tank commander tells how one day they began to pull out an armored vehicle stuck in the mud and an attack happened. he and the mechanic barely put out the fire on themselves. a fire immediately occurred, i somehow... somehow fell out, the mechanic also got out, flames were blazing from the tower, i only remember how i was crawling and burning, and this synthetic suit, which is for sale it’s in stores now, and in short, it’s melting, i
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can’t help but take it off, somehow i suffocated myself, but there were burns on my face, all over my leather back, thanks to this suit, at that moment i probably would have been smaller. in the moscow region, specialized fire-resistant clothing is sewn here, the process is led by ekaterina nikolaeva, she has two degrees, she is a physiologist and a textile technologist, and another important one. not long ago her son had an accident, received serious burns, then the young man had a long road to recovery, this tragic experience led nikolaev to the idea of ​​​​creating special clothes for racers, and then the kulibin popular front club, which supports the invention of russian engineers, approached the nikolaevs. our experience as a manufacturer of fire-resistant clothing, our experience working in motorsports, well , actually... somehow everything came together exactly at our point, the people's front turned to us, and we
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started working in august of twenty-three, the people's front financed the first is used by the first batch. tankers of the second motorized rifle guards division tried the first batch of these suits. a glove made of double-layer carbonized fabric can withstand fire, may tear, but goes out. the gloves are fire-resistant and heat-resistant, allowing a tanker to handle hot metal. and they threw out the glove and put on a new one, which is the most important thing, because the hand can be treated, the nomex fabric from which the overalls are made can withstand fire for as long as 45 seconds, while the standard for leaving the tank is 19 seconds, two-layer underwear between it and the overalls is a layer of air, all this protects , the jumpsuit is sewn in such a way that there is no way will not get caught when the tanker leaves the vehicle, the fabric on the elbows and knees is reinforced, rescue techniques are also taken into account, those who save the tanker, they grab him by this sling, and if, for example, a comrade is wounded, he loses consciousness there, it is quite easy to grab him this sling
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is pulled out along with the overalls. an experimental workshop will soon open in the moscow region, where they will cut and sew such overalls, underwear and gloves, from here they will be taken to be tested at the training ground, and then to the army. zenaida kurbatova to lead. moscow will respond to the decision to send income from russia's foreign assets for the purchase of weapons for ukraine. first. they are going to list it in august. vera moroz will tell you what such rash decisions of the west can lead to. the theft of russian assets will be prosecuted according to the law. this is how the kremlin reacted to the west’s decision to use revenues from sovereign russian assets to purchase weapons for ukraine. presidential spokesman dmitry peskov called this a direct violation of international law, including property rights. similar thieving actions. cannot remain without reciprocity, this money is not only essentially stolen, but it is also
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spent on the purchase of weapons, well , it’s probably difficult to come up with something worse, of course, we will explore the possibility of legal prosecution of those people who are related to decision-making to implement these decisions, because this is a direct violation of international law, this is... so weapons for ukraine. the first tranche will go through the so-called european peace fund for purchase in early august, the head of diplomacy said european union, josep barel. i informed ministers about the upcoming transfer of the first tranche of funds in the amount of €1,400 million, which is due to take place at the beginning. next week of august, we are targeting funding from these funds for procurement to
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meet ukraine's key military needs, including air defense and artillery shells. this money will also be used to place orders with the ukrainian military industry. the amount could have been higher, but hungary refused to allocate 6.5 billion euros for weapons to ukraine, until kiev resolves the issue of oil transit from russia. perhaps this is one of the reasons ... which does not allow the european union to commit rash actions that lead to higher prices. now the production of mineral fertilizers in the european union is unreasonably expensive, so the volume of consumption of russian fertilizers in russia is growing. restrictions and the subsequent, so to speak, increase in sanctions, counter-sanctions, transfers of assets, and so on, are not in the interests of the european union. one can guess. that in the short term - blocked assets go nowhere will not be transferred,
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russia’s frozen sovereign assets of $300 billion haunt the west, of which about 5-6 billion are in the united states, most of them on the international belgian platform euroclear, which have been receiving income from investments since 2022. only in the first half of this year, this amount for euroclear amounted to 4 billion euros, the company was going to transfer 15 billion to the european fund for ukraine in july, this is only about a tenth of the income for the entire time, given that the european union intends not to limit itself to interest, but to transfer all amount for. most of it will remain at the disposal of euroclear precisely in order to guarantee the execution of court decisions, because they understand that there may be lawsuits against euroclear, if ukraine is declared state terrorism, then such actions of the european union
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are essentially sponsorship terrorism, the financing of terrorism, and accordingly , further on, international law can, on full grounds, be turned against the european union. moscow has fairly good prospects for winning claims in international courts, including the un court. without feeling trust, at least wealthy saudi arabia, china and other countries may leave european assets. according to financiers, when confiscation is initiated by the state that issues reserve currencies, this can lead to a global financial crisis. russian farmers have harvested more than 50 million tons of grain and leguminous crops this year, which is twice as much as last year, said deputy prime minister dmitry patrushev. today he works in the tula region. the deputy prime minister visited field of the agricultural enterprise zarya got acquainted with how the harvesting company is proceeding. well, then patrushev inspected the innovative waste processing complex eco-technopark tula.
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the enterprise consists of almost 100% domestically produced components. the complex was built in record time and within the framework.
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in recent years, moscow and beijing have already been able to almost completely switch to the use of national currencies with mutual ones. in calculations, among the areas of interest of our countries are projects in the nuclear power industry, as well as the coal industry. what will happen next? the development of relations in the field of technology was discussed by the participants of the sixth russian-chinese energy business forum in moscow. and my colleague nika inkovaya works there today, she is in direct contact with the studio. nika, greetings, well, what share does energy account for in the cooperation between russia and china?
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what other projects were discussed today? olga, greetings, but more than 70% of russian exports to china are products of the fuel and energy complex, while the total trade turnover of moscow and beijing is the twenty-third year reached $240 billion, but how to further strengthen and develop cooperation between the two countries was discussed by the participants of the sixth russian-chinese energy business forum in moscow. let me remind you that our countries now have to interact under western sanctions, but despite this and...
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china’s special economic growth is ensured thanks to the consistent monetary policy of the people’s bank of china, in contrast to western partners who have an unbalanced monetary policy carried out. as for oil supplies, the scale of russian-chinese cooperation has no equal in the eurasian space, igor sechin noted. over the past year, russia exported 107 million tons of oil to china. and china also imported 34 billion from russia last year to
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the coal industry. as for gas supplies, russia this year will supply china with 30 billion cubic meters of gas based on the strength of siberia, deputy prime minister alexander novak said, but more about the most important projects , which realizes our suffering, he told our tv channel. as for energy, we are implementing a number of large projects, including in the nuclear sector, the construction of nuclear units, we are delivering oil in record volumes,
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projects are being implemented to expand cooperation in the supply of pipeline gas, chinese companies are participating in lng projects in russia, these are yamal lng, arctic lng-2, in fact, we see great prospects for expanding this cooperation. china intends to move on.
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together with the internet, they implement projects in our country amounting to over 10 trillions of rubles, igor shuvalov told us what kind of joint russian-chinese projects are being implemented. we are currently running 18 projects and the entire list of projects between the russian federation and the people's republic of china in the field of investment cooperation. all projects are very important, capital intensive, trillions of rubles. we interact here with chinese.
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nika yankova spoke about the key statements of the sixth russian-chinese energy business forum in moscow. turkish ash activists stormed parliament the reason for this is the bill on the euthanasia of stray dogs. the document, which has not yet been adopted , caused a wave of indignation in society. leila alnazarova was looking into why the turkish authorities insist that... stray dogs are necessary. the killer's slogans are heard these days in the turkish parliament, where
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the law on stray dogs is being actively discussed. during the protest, turkish ash defenders broke into the majlis and attacked the deputies. this law will not exist; we will not allow animals to be killed. parliamentary commission for rural forestry and rural affairs of turkey began discussing the controversial bill on july 17. the authors of the document were deputies of the ruling justice and development party. aggressive dogs or dogs with incurable diseases will be euthanized, that is , euthanized, although this term, which caused a public outcry, was later removed from the bill. due to the resonance in social networks and the support of the animal rights association, changes were made to the bill; the term euthanasia was removed from the document, but this does not become an obstacle to euthanasia. if the animals are sick and may pose a problem society is a threat. improve
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existing conditions by 2028. activists argue that local authorities will choose a simple solution: carry out a massive trapping of stray animals, instead of allocating resources to the shelter. you think that you can take away their animals from people who take care of stray dogs, and even if you kill them, you won’t get anything for it, it seems to me that you don’t need to test the patience of these people, revenge is inevitable, there will be a battle for those who passed this law will be judged as conspirators, think about it before it’s too late. according to turkish authorities, about 4 million homeless animals roam the streets and rural areas of the country, some of them are obedient, and yet, more and more often , dogs gather in packs and attack people. over the past 3 years, there have been more than 4,000 attacks and over 2,500 road accidents. one of the victims was ten-year-old mahra milin pınar, who was hit by a truck while running away from stray dogs in antalya. doctors fought for the girl's life, but could not save her. her mother, derya, at
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the first... meeting of the commission of the turkish parliament, in a fit of anger, tried to throw daughter's shoes in one of the representatives of the center left. the main opposition republican people's party and other smaller parties oppose the bill, believing that it is unconstitutional and requires its repeal or amendment. none of the deputies are talking about my daughter, she died, before her there were many similar cases with pensioner children, someone died, someone was injured and became disabled. none of the deputies offers an adequate solution. after nine-year-old tunahan yelmaz was attacked by a pack in ankara stray dogs that literally tore the boy to pieces. he spent 3 months in hospital, his father also took part in parliamentary discussions. all we want is for our cities and streets to be safe. the current rules, which have been in force in the country for 20 years, require that stray dogs be caught and
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castrated. sterilized and then returned to the place where they were found, but failure to comply with these rules in recent years has led to a sharp rise in the wild dog population, with an average of 260,000 sterilized annually, activists say. not enough, in their opinion, to control the situation, proper implementation of existing rules without killing animals is necessary. leila alnazarova, lead. have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we didn't have bread, bread. this is peace, this is the most sacred thing that a person has, what is in every family. bread created our civilization, contributed to our evolution, the technical revolution. this is both the future of humanity and the history of humanity. this is a universal language. over the past 2,000 years, bread has shaped our approach to life. this the power of our country, its strength and could. every day, i take a piece of black bread and always enjoy life. when faced with bread,
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a person is literally... in a sense transformed, this is what our distant ancestors believed, we really hope that you think so too. 26 billion rubles returned to the budget, the head of the accounts chamber reported on the results of last year’s audits, footage of the meeting with the president, there is now a russian flag over ivano daryevka, our military liberated another settlement in the dpr, successful offensives in the kharkov region, we’ll tell you what’s happening in other areas
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front. nobody saw him for 5 days, where did biden disappear after refusing to participate in the election race, why did the head of the us secret service resign. not a day without a scandal is not at all the sports motto of the upcoming olympics in paris. the opening ceremony is under threat, artists are complaining about low fees, and airport trade unions are demanding an increase in bonuses, what else will the 2024 games be remembered for? more than 26 billion rubles. the accounts chamber returned it to the state budget. these are the results of last year's inspections. this was stated by the head of the department boris kovalchuk at a meeting with vladimir putin. we talked about work plans for next year. the president noted the professionalism of the accounts chamber staff and called on auditors to closely monitor financial discipline. maria kudryavtseva has all the details of this meeting.


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