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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 23, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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look, look, in the app or on the website, have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we didn’t have bread? bread
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is the world, the most sacred thing a person has, what every family has. bread created our civilization, contributed to our evolution, the technical revolution. this is both the future of humanity and the history of humanity. this is a universal language. over the past 2.0 years, bread has shaped our attitude to life, it is the power of our country, the strength of its imot. every day i always take a piece of black bread i enjoy life. colliding. with the left, a person is literally transformed. this is what our distant ancestors thought. we really hope that you think so too. khersanez saw a lot and the courage of the ancient inhabitants who saved the city from scythian raids and the miracle of epiphany that happened here to prince vladimir. we are grateful to prince vladimir precisely for what he brought to the future of the nation.
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cashback up to 10%. sat down, well, it won’t turn on, thank you, dad, thank you, dear, for that too, every thank you
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sber changes for the better, the sber thank you program has been updated, choose up to five useful cashback categories and receive mega cashback up to 70% from partners, more profitable with subscription with... the head of the us secret service, which provided trump's security on the day of the assassination attempt, resigned after congressional hearings. kimberly cheatle admitted failure as a senator because her department did not cancel trump's appearance at the rally. after a report of a suspicious man. supervisors had already begun investigating, as secret service officers did,
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wednesday when he isolated himself at his home in dallow under the pretext of coronavirus. biden also made a written statement about his withdrawal from the presidential race. and neither the strange telephone conversation with vice president kamala haris, nor the doctors’ statements that there were no more symptoms of coronavirus, convinced the public, who want to see the president in person. report from our staff correspondent in the usa, dmitry melnikov. on the fifth day absence of the president, who withdrew from the election race by... correspondence, america and the whole world are asking a fair question: where is joe biden? in response, the white house urgently
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publishes a fresh report from the president’s doctor, which assures that biden has fully recovered from covid, but a wave of conspiracy theories fueled by a series of recent events in the united states. overwhelmed the minds of ordinary people, a search query where joe biden soared to the top of the american segment of social networks, now with flags at half-mast over the capitol some saw a bad sign. it later turned out that the flags were lowered in memory of congresswoman shaylee jackson lee, who died the day before, but the unrest did not subside; biden, who interrupted his trip to las vegas last week, is not sick with covid, but with something more serious, sources assure journalist tucker carloson. the us secret service informed las vegas police of an emergency situation involving joe biden and the need to close the streets so that the president could be immediately taken to the hospital. then, mysteriously, an order was given to shutdown, and the secret service
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told vegas police they were going to evacuate the president. apparently, there were rumors in the police department that joe biden was dying, albeit leaving, but still.
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i love you, love you, joe. a great
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relationship, but who is in charge in this couple is now a big question. within 24 hours of biden's withdrawal, the kamal-harris campaign collected $80 million in donations. at the same time, this is the only thing that makes joe fall in love. i know it's been a rollercoaster ride for all of us. filled with such mixed emotions, but i just want to say, i love joe biden and we have so much. there are compelling reasons to love joe biden, and i have every confidence that with this team we will win the november election. behind these touching declarations of love, as it turns out, lies a month of intrigue behind the scenes of democracy. the new york-post claims that biden was angry, frustrated and even paranoid due to pressure from democrats to remove him from the election, and even the idea of ​​putting biden in a debate against trump. also part of an insidious plan to allow him to fail out of the race, as
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the new york post assures, democratic party leaders threatened biden to invoke the twenty-fifth amendment of the constitution and remove him from the presidency. a well-planned palace coup designed to stop a weak president seeking re-election has been going on for weeks. stubborn biden resisted to the last, a source close to the family said bidenov. having shed the load of biden, the election campaign. democrats have perked up; it looks like final agreements on a candidate for the november elections have been reached. it is reported that kamala haris has already received the required number of delegate votes for the democratic party's presidential nomination. the former speaker of the house of representatives, who had previously delicately pushed biden towards the decision to refuse re-election, while the leaders of the democratic party had tough conversations with him, also publicly expressed support for haris. kharis is trying to gather around himself democrats, calling everyone like crazy,
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she is trying to get the support of one democrat after another, but so far nancy pilosi has become the last one to publicly support her. hollywood is also catching up, and actor george clooney, who openly demanded that biden not run for a second term, has already expressed support for kharis’s candidacy. obviously, in order not to take risks in the leadership of the democratic party, they decided not to wait for the congress in chicago, but already on august 7th. from the support of haris and demanded open elections at the all-party congress, and this was already regarded as a possible rebellion against obama biden's revenge. donald trump opened up about the true relationship between his former boss and his subordinate the day before. first of all, obama hates biden. biden hates obama, when obama walked biden off stage a couple of weeks ago, he didn't have
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to do that, he could have waved at people a little more, but he showed up and grabbed joe like a child. trump and the team urgently adjust their goals, now instead of biden , the attack is on haris. we didn’t think about epithets for a long time; trump himself sets the bar. there are two words to describe kamala haris, evil stupid, such a bad combination. republican vice presidential candidate j.d. vance. biden was bad, he says, but kharis will be even worse. she subscribed to every failure of joe biden. she lied about his ability to be president. for several years now, our country has been led by a man who cannot work. and it's all thanks to kamala haris and the rest of the democrats who lied about him. we will remove them all in november and replace them with people who care about the country.
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caring for the united states at the expense of others. what does it mean for allies, removing biden and nominating kamala haris now? are trying to understand all over the world, the associated press claims that the hasty reshuffle in the american leadership has brought uncertainty to the entire us foreign policy and threatens its allies with big problems, and the financial times believes that biden’s so-called achievements in the middle east in ukraine may be the first to be nullified if loss to democratic candidate donald trump. the administration is unlikely to be able to push through another aid package for kiev before the end of biden’s term. previously in... in this this year, congress has already approved a relief package of $61 billion, which should have been enough until the beginning of 2025. biden began publishing cases from ukraine; as the white house said, he delegated to the heads of the ministry of finance and state department his powers to support kiev, including in terms of confiscation of russian assets.
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israeli prime minister netanyahu flew to washington urgently to compare notes, and it is reported that he will be received at the white house. khaharris, not joe biden, a meeting between netanyahu and trump during this visit is quite possible. and one more good one news for republicans today was the decision of the head of the secret service, kimberly cheatel, to leave her post after her failed assassination attempt on trump. like biden, she clung to her position to the last, but still failed to hold onto the post. and here in washington today they are waiting for the return of joe biden in a new capacity, the outgoing president. the day before, he announced that tomorrow at 8:00 pm he would address the nation from the oval office, promising to talk about his plans for the future and how he is about to complete his work, perhaps biden should start packing his things, there is less than six months left until the official date of transfer of powers to the new president. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from
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washington. elon musk said that american lgbt propaganda - the quote was taken away. he has a son, it became known that the billionaire’s child, under pressure from doctors , took drugs that blocked puberty. the consequences are sad: musk promises to take revenge as best he can, but his companies, the former twitter and spacex at times people are rushing to leave california. anton potkovenko has details. wokeism virus. this is what elon musk calls what happened to his son, whose name was xavier, and now he identifies himself as vivian.
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so to speak, she is also a supporter of these minorities, that is, this is really a division that divides families and polarizes society as a whole. progress in the fight against the wolf virus, which elon musk is talking about, apparently, is this: the headquarters of his social network x announced a move from california, where the lgbt ball rules. much more conservative texas. the headquarters of musk's other largest company, spacex,
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is also moving. in california, of course, conditions are uncomfortable. for business, everyone is not satisfied with the huge taxes, naturally, which are paid in california, and all this is layered on top of the liberal agenda, not everyone wants to live in a world where it is unknown whether you will have a boy or a girl from school, regardless of who you sent there , this is about a law passed in california that prohibits school teachers from disclosing gender identity students, including their parents, that is , if a boy suddenly decides to become a girl, mom and dad may not find out. in the country in which i grew up, my father would simply hit me for this. put me in jail for saying this, i don't care, it's like child molestation, talking to my kids about
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gender without telling me where the father is, he could have just beaten that man, physically, and i'm glad i just said this. the lgbt movement banned in russia plays a distracting role in the states, for example, washington poured into ukraine a budget that could be spent on the same education. and in rainbow california, this seems to work, but not with everyone, as the example of musk shows, who, having lost his son, does not want to lose his business, in the form in which he would like to see it, without unnecessary flowers. anton potkovenko, lead. well, on social networks, literally at these minutes, videos are being distributed of joe biden, who has not been seen by us citizens for almost a week, well, strictly speaking, citizens of other countries are also on the interstate agenda. he fell out, this appearance he was leaving the state of delaware on the eve of a speech in the white house; the president
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of the united states reportedly overcame the next plane ramp, which he overcame without difficulty, but was not yet able to answer the journalists’ questions. alfabank is the best bank for business. still thinking about the perfect home? it's time to switch to domclick to buy an apartment in a new or secondary building or build your own house with a mortgage. at domklik, everyone will find housing for themselves. comfort at low prices on the yandex market, from small things to significant things. buy a midea dishwasher on the yandex market. requiring connection to a water supply. sansoy, this is what asian taste sounds like. pain, spasm! take buprofen renival, it
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in antalya. will assist in sending the body of blogger tatyana azolina, known as motonya, home. she died in a traffic accident in the turkish province of mugla when she collided with another motorcyclist. a criminal case has been opened to investigate the circumstances. details about anastasia ivanova. a cheerful izmir morning is tatyana azolina’s last post on her telegram channel, which is now collecting virtual tears from subscribers. a few hours after publication, she will rush to bodrum, but will never get there. according to the information received, ozoline and turkish motorcycle video blogger named anur aboud collided on their motorcycles on the sarychay bridge. three people were involved in the accident; another motorcycle, part of the same group, was not involved in an accident. as a result of the collision, anur aboud was seriously injured and was taken to the milos state hospital. tatyana ivanovna azolina died at the scene . photos from the scene of the accident are published by turkish media resources. they also suggest
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that tatyana azolina could have lost. control over the control of the bike, while there is another version of what happened: telegram channel shot, referring to the relatives of the victims, they say that turkish blogger anur abud crashed into tatiana’s motorcycle, and the girl died before the ambulance arrived. judging by the photographs, the back of the motorcycle is really broken, so it is possible that they caught up with her, and after the push she already caught up with either the car in front, or... the gunman, i wouldn’t say that the speed was very high, if you look closely, the front part is not badly damaged, but rather the side part, and this is most likely from a collision with the bump stop. in the day of the accident, as reported by tatyana, her subscriber was supposed to go, to whom she gave a bike, together with the same subscriber , she went to turkey from russia for new content. these are the stories. the man is now mourning along with the entire russian motorcycle community. one thing is clear: the person is no longer
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there. and the motorcycle movement has definitely lost one of the top motorcycle bloggers, blogging can be different, someone describes their journey, someone reviews motorcycles, equipment, someone talks about their life, tanya had a block entertaining, entertaining, which was liked by a lot of people, this light, cheerful content, it appealed to people... and, moreover, to people, not only motorcyclists, but also people far from motorcycling. her plans to conquer turkey, as tatiana azoli herself wrote, were followed by millions of subscribers. for them, the girl was better known under the nickname moto tanya. born in the omsk region, moved to moscow in 2014, bought her first motorcycle, started a unit, spectacular, bright, she told how she meets with subscribers and bikers, she received a lot of views videos of how she repairs a motorcycle, she boldly responded to
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the haters. shared stories of her trips, she, of course, attracted the attention of motorists and passers-by on the road, which she also published on her blog, she was almost always in full gear while driving, but at the time of the accident even she did not save her. and according to eyewitnesses, she was in full gear, which means she had a full set of clothes that could protect her in the event of a traffic accident by a cyclist. but eyewitnesses say that there were some very serious injuries heads. which were incompatible with life, this, unfortunately, is no longer predictable, motorcyclists should always, when getting on a bike, allow for this possibility and not convince themselves that you will never get into an accident, always be prepared for it, the question is the transportation of tatyana’s body to russia has not yet been decided; mota tanya still has a thirteen-year-old son in moscow; she was 38 years old.
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anastasia ivanova, valentina velichanskaya, news. russian troops of the southern group today took control of the settlement. manodaryevka in the donetsk people's republic, the ministry of defense reported this. other groups continue positional battles in several directions, inflicting fire on the enemy and holding back counterattacks by the ukrainian armed forces. in addition, the ministry of defense reported that iskander struck a temporary deployment point for foreign instructors, where there were about 50 foreigners. read more about the progress of the special military operation in the reports of our military correspondents.


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