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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 23, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm MSK

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russian troops of the southern group today took control of the village of ivanodaryevka in the donetsk people's republic. public, the ministry of defense reported this. other groups continue positional battles in several directions, inflicting fire on the enemy and holding back counterattacks by the ukrainian armed forces. in addition, the ministry of defense reported that iskander struck a temporary deployment point for foreign instructors, where there were about 50 foreigners. read more about the progress of the special military operation in the reports of our military correspondents, sergei samokha and nikolai dolgachev. head tank. fires from
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the main caliber, the slave tracer constantly processes the nearby forest belt. the assault column enters enemy positions, expanding the zone of control of russian troops in the southern donetsk direction. a convoy arrives, that is , there is one or two tanks in front, armored personnel carriers and motorbikes are driving behind, and that is, they are also working at this moment and that is, they are taking on some goals. most of the route is under fire from artillery, dozens of them are aimed at the equipment. fpv drones. the structure, welded on all sides with thick sheets of metal, stops shaped charges and can withstand up to ten hits from a fvedron, and the roller trawl makes wide passages in minefields. they led the column and let them go.
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landing troops to storm a certain area of ​​the village. the tank’s 125-mm cannon is practically never silent during movement and landing; the gunner knows the position of all enemy strongholds along the route, so the vehicle fires preemptively. the goal is to hit the enemy to the enemy did not raise his head while the landing party was landing and delivering it to the place. thanks to the work of tank formations and marines in the vostok group, the beginning began.
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assault operations day and night, there are no discounts for attack aircraft at night training, the lights need to be turned off, focus only on the sound of the flash, you can also look through the sight, night training, night training is especially difficult in terms of conditions, but it is precisely this kind of work that allows fighters to be prepared so that on the line there was contact at the front, they felt absolutely confident, cartridges, grenades, take all combat weapons. and the line of trenches
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is repeated several times during the night, there are ricochets, mistakes are more expensive than in a training class, two received scratches, shrapnel, not dangerous, but sensitive, shorty, and what is this shrapnel, it’s from grenades, it’s hard to beam, it’s easy in battle, the work is as close as possible to a realistic front-line situation, these are the soldiers of the north b brigade, and over and over again they practice providing assistance to...
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bk16m projectile, shot! every infantry movement, every artillery strike is controlled from the air, this is no longer super technology, it is commonplace. it's good now i should go. people don’t come to this training ground for a short time, but they live here, everything here is like at the front, and the instructors don’t spend all their time here, everyone works on the front line, then returns, we try our best. give your combat experience to people who are undergoing training and prepare them , including for the organization of engineering fire positions for camouflage. training course in a volunteer corps operating as part of the southern group of troops for 21 days. during this time and specialization among fighters a machine gunner, a gunner, a sniper appears, but
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everyone must be able to shoot from everything that may be at hand. this is actually my best favorite toy, it’s rpg 7v, i prefer it now. i’m shooting with this, about two months ago i hit the american bekha 400 m 450 i was hit by an anti-tank guided missile - it’s a complicated thing only at first glance, you can master it the first time, the most important thing is to teach how to control, that is, monitor, and the rest is everything very simple, even easier than with a machine gun, after the course training... soldiers go to the front to carry out assigned tasks. our units are daily improving the tactical position along the entire line of combat contact. nikolai dolgachev, magomed bashir aliev, ekaterina tehmanovich, news. more than 26 billion rubles. the accounts chamber returned it to
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the state budget. the head of the department, boris kovalchuk, spoke about the results of inspections over the past year at a meeting with vladimir putin. we talked about work plans for the next year, the president noted the professionalism of the staff. chamber and called on the auditors to carefully maintain financial discipline. maria kudryavtseva has all the details of the meeting. how much money the accounts chamber managed to return to the budget, as well as the number of violations identified, are key tasks for next year. the head of the department, boris kovalchuk, told president vladimir putin about this. we are talking about the results of work for 2023. i see from the documents that it was recorded.
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accounts chamber 223 - these are budget
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audits. also at a meeting with president vladimir putin, boris kovalchuk noted that the total income of the main financial documents of the country exceeded the mark of 29 trillion rubles. this is 11.5% higher than the forecast; vladimir putin also paid attention to the good budget indicators. our budget revenues are increasing, the deficit is minimal, and non -oil and gas revenues are showing themselves well, and oil and gas revenues are now growing, but there is no extra money, so i very much count on the fact that you will most carefully monitor financial discipline, and certainly not miss anything to... called crime, we have a direct connection, in the most in acute cases, without any embarrassment, take off the corpse and call me, thank you, hiv, this is a priority task, and together with the auditors, of course, we believe that this is a key issue that we must deal with, the chairman of the accounts chamber
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spoke about the strategy for 2025 year, we are talking about five key areas, this is the implementation of national goals, which the president outlined in the may decree, issues related to special military operations, including support for military personnel who are in the zone of their families, as well as issues technological sovereignty and information technology, the fifth direction - control over... the year the six-year development strategy of the accounts chamber is being completed, and we have already begun work on the formation of new strategic goals , tasks taking into account the priorities facing the russian federation, which will also be adopted simultaneously with the strategy and new main directions of activity of the accounts chamber, this is an important document that composes the strategy for a three-year period. one of the features is the counting function. chambers is an analysis of a huge data array at a meeting with the president, boris kovalchuk noted that he would continue to work to
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strengthen the digital component of the department. the use of a risk-based approach and quality control methods will also expand. but another area for development is partnerships with international auditors. the white house showed footage of joe biden appearing in public for the first time after no one had seen him for almost a week. the president of the united states , after covid-isolation in his home in dellove , climbs the ladder onto air force one, to go to washington to carry out his duties, the video is stated as a broadcast, but before the president boards the plane, the footage shows a montage without a change in angle. this has already made attentive viewers doubt that this is not a recording. in mariupol, two local residents were detained who were planning to set fire to a mosque. this was reported to the fsb, as it turned out, the suspects were recruited by representatives of the ukrainian special services,
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maria valieva has the details of the investigation: a few sudden movements and the door is open, in according to the fsb, this apartment in mariupol was home to two men who were preparing to set fire to a mosque in belgorod. the attackers were quickly detained. to the left to the wall, you are with her, you are here!
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in russia in order to incite hostility between them. to sow hostility, panic, to rock russian society from within by organizing terrorist attacks in different regions of russia, these are the main tasks of the bu and gur, which the so-called agents of the ukrainian special services cannot cope with. on july 18 , fsb officers caught a woman red-handed while she was trying to set fire to the petrovsky court building in donetsk. what's in your backpack? molotovo? molotovo? according to. the fsb recruited this woman to nationalist formations. after committing the crime, she planned
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to leave for territory controlled by the kiev regime and join a terrorist organization there. but now she will have to stay in russia for a long time, for which she could face up to 20 years in prison, like this man, he was caught in april of this year. on instructions from ukrainian nationalists, he was preparing a terrorist attack in bryansk together with a mass gathering of people. thanks to the prompt actions of the special services, this crime was prevented. and this is the detention of a suspect of treason in veliky novgorod. as the fsb reported, the saboteur himself contacted his kiev curators and passed on information to them about military units and the military-industrial complex enterprise where he himself worked. according to the investigation, he was fully aware of the consequences for the security of our country that a man would face for treason. life imprisonment. maria valieva, ekaterina shevchenko, news.
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speaker of the lower house of parliament vyacheslav volodin proposed transforming the state duma working group on migration policy into a commission and thus increasing its status, taking into account the significance of the issue. today, in the third main reading, deputies adopted a law on strengthening state control in the field of migration , varvara nevskaya will talk about the new rules that it introduces, as well as other important documents considered by the state duma. the plenary session of the state duma opened today with the adoption the resolutions on the release of sergei neverov from the post of vice-speaker of the lower house of parliament released the deputies of dmitryav and... the energy sector, and as the speaker of the state duma vyacheslav volodin noted, the work should be based on professionalism and self-discipline. candidates for vacant positions will be considered in the fall based on proposals from factions. unanimously, in the third reading , the state duma today adopted a bill introducing liability for
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drug promotion, the maximum penalty will now be up to 2 years.
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we need to restore order and make decisions, then everything will be fine, people are waiting for the result. volodin also considers it necessary to form a special commission of the state duma on migration policy issues; he has already proposed that irina yarovaya head it. it is expected that in the very near future deputies will consider another extremely important bill in the first reading, and it regulates all mining activities in the territory.
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due to the lack of regulation, we are seeing energy shortages in a number of regions, due to activities of gray and black miners, due to the lack of regulation we cannot attract investments, russia today ranks second in mining in the world with the potential to take first place, this is a very good growth point for our exports, we can sell electricity with high added value, all this can happen if we pass the mining bill. also today deputies. considered a number of bills aimed at obtaining benefits for participants in a special military operation, in the second and third readings a law was passed guaranteeing svo participants to receive cash payments without a declaration , another law protects payments for participation in the svo from being written off in the event of bankruptcy of citizens, and deputies also
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granted the status of combat veteran to special operation fighters in zaporozhye. and kherson direction. varvara nevskaya mikhailkov, dmitry matrosov and asya oslonyan. news. russian farmers harvested more than 50 million tons of grain, which is twice as much as last year. deputy prime minister dmitry patrushev spoke about this. today he visited tula region, where he was shown the zarya agricultural enterprise. and also a new innovative waste recycling complex. details of the working trip from anastasia panko. golden field is azar's agricultural enterprise, one of the largest in the tula region. currently, viola wheat is being harvested here. in total this year it is planned to collect about 35,000. government support measures help increase production volumes. preferential loans are used for seasonal field
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work, purchase of equipment and scaling production. the government has allocated more than a billion rubles to support the agricultural industry of the tolsk region this year. any help is important for agriculture, yes, because we depend a lot on the weather and external factors. if there was no support, we would not be able to... ammonia and up to 700,000 tons of urea, an effective fertilizer. and this is an advanced complex for processing solid municipal
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waste. it appeared in tuele thanks to the national ecology project. now the final stage of commissioning work is underway. the technoecopark is capable of processing about 500 thousand tons of waste per year, with more than 60% being recycled. modern complex. this will make it possible to create about 600 new jobs. the main goal of the company is to reduce the volume of landfills, and it is necessary to extract the useful fraction from waste. in addition to traditional manual
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sorting, technologies based on neural networks are used here. they allow you to select specific and more valuable fractions that are not so easy for a worker to notice. the innovative solution of this complex is non-contact splitting of polymers. the entire msw stream is loaded into the reactor. from it we will be able to extract the so-called pyrolysis liquid, which can later serve as a raw material for the production of any of the same products that are obtained from oil, or used as fuel for boilers. on the territory of the techno-ecopark there is a waste sorting shop and a hydroseparation zone that separates msw into three fractions: polymers, food waste, glass using water. in terms of working with solid municipal waste we have two regional operators quite successfully handling waste. they are working in the tolb region today, these are the tasks that the president of the country sets for waste processing, for reducing the volume of landfills, we are actually systematically
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moving forward and we will try to fulfill these tasks. the tula region is a strong region in a number of areas of the economy; it is an enterprise in mechanical engineering, the chemical industry, and metallurgy. this is a difficult region from an environmental point of view; local authorities and large companies themselves understand this. and protection surrounding the environment is given special attention; the built complex for processing solid municipal waste is proof of this. onastoya panko, victoria dadoyan, lead. energy supplies in china are breaking records. so our oil companies exported 107 million tons in 2023. at the same time, moscow and beijing have already been able to practically switch to using national currencies in mutual settlements. how will relations between the two countries further develop in the field of technology? discussed by the participants of the sixth russian-chinese energy business forum in moscow. all details in the material by nika enkova.
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the trade turnover between russia and china reached $240 billion in 2023. products of the fuel and energy complex account for more than 70% of russian exports to china. participants of the sixth russian-chinese energy business forum in moscow discussed how to strengthen and develop bilateral relations. which was attended by the heads of the largest domestic companies from various sectors of the economy. russia and china are cooperating under unprecedented external pressure, but efforts the west lead to the opposite result. the gdp growth rates of beijing and moscow are confidently ahead of the world average. in the field of oil supplies, cooperation between the two countries has no equal in the eurasian space. the west initially overestimated the effectiveness of its pressure on the powerful potential of the economies of our countries. so for last year. quadrupled its forecast for russian gdp growth; for example, the increase in russian gdp at the end of the year occurred, exceeding the initial expectation by almost 6% points. a similar
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situation was observed in the case of china. moscow and in recent years, beijing has practically been able to switch to the use of national currencies in mutual settlements, among the areas of interest of our countries, including projects in the nuclear power industry, as well as the coal industry. we are implementing a number of large projects, including in the nuclear sector, the construction of nuclear units. we have oil supplies in record volumes, projects are being implemented to expand cooperation on pipeline gas supplies, and chinese companies are participating. in lng projects in russia, these are yamal lng, arctic lng-2, in fact, we see great prospects for expanding this cooperation. supplies of energy resources from our country to china are reaching record volumes; 107 million tons of oil alone were exported last year. china is the largest buyer of russian oil, according to our estimates, from january 2022 to june 24 , the economic effect for china from the import of russian oil compared to
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purchases from... local suppliers ranges from 14 to 18 billion dollars, today various options for increasing supplies of russian oil to china, including via the northern sea route. china intends to further strengthen investment and energy cooperation between the two countries. in the first 6 months, imports of crude oil and natural gas from russia to china increased by almost 50 and 22.5%, respectively. in the twenty -third year, our crude oil trade volume exceeded 100 million tons, natural gas 22 billion cubic meters, and lng 8 million tons, and these indicators show good dynamics in the first half of this year, with an increase of 4.8% in energy trade. one of the goals is development of partnership between russia and china - increase trade turnover to $300 billion per year. together with the web, partners from sknr
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are implementing projects in our country. amount over 10 trillion rubles. we are currently running 18 projects and the entire list of projects between the russian federation and the people's republic of china in the field of investment cooperation. all projects are very important, capital intensive, trillions of rubles. we interact here with chinese financial institutions, with russian banks, the largest credit organizations. we don’t name the projects ourselves due to restrictions that may be imposed on these projects, but this. projects in the field of construction of new capacities for the production of cellulose, gas chemistry, new infrastructure opportunities for the construction of sea ports, and so on. another important area is the development of russia and china - green energy, including projects in the field of renewable energy sources and hydrogen fuel. nika yankovaya, vasily yurchuk, dmitry timofeev, news.
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