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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 23, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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ukraine until kiev resolves the issue of oil transit from russia. perhaps this is one of the reasons that does not allow the european union to take rash actions that lead to higher prices. now the production of mineral fertilizers in the european union is unreasonably expensive, so the volume of consumption of russian fertilizers is growing. restrictions and the subsequent, so to speak, increase in sanctions. counter-sanctions, asset transfers and so on are not in the interests of the european union. it can be assumed that in the short term - blocked assets will not be transferred anywhere. russia's frozen sovereign assets of $300 billion haunt the west, of which about 5-6 billion are in the united states, most of them on the international belgian platform euroclear, which have been receiving income from investments since 2022. only in... in the first half
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of this year, this amount for euroclere amounted to 4 billion euros, the company was going to transfer one and a half billion to the european fund for ukraine in july, this is only about a tenth of the income for the entire time, given that the eu intends not to limit itself to interest, but to transfer the entire amount of frozen assets. a large part will remain in the euroclear distribution precisely in order to guarantee the execution of court decisions, because. that they understand that there may be lawsuits against euroclear, if ukraine is declared state terrorism, then such actions of the european union are essentially sponsoring terrorism, financing terrorism, and accordingly , international law can then be applied on full grounds against european union. moscow has fairly good prospects of winning claims in international courts, including a judge. the un, lacking
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confidence, may at least leave wealthy saudi arabia, china and other countries from european assets. according to financiers, when confiscation is initiated by states that issue reserve currencies, this can lead to a global financial crisis. the verkhovna rada today once again extended martial law and general mobilization for 90 days until november 9. previously relevant bills. introduced to parliament by vladimir zelensky. the ukrainian authorities have special hopes for mobilization, but it is becoming increasingly difficult. the number of draft dodgers is growing, people are trying to escape from the country by any means. even prisoners no longer want to go to the front, one of the deputies stated today. moreover, ukrainians are increasingly opposing the military commissars and are increasingly setting fire to military vehicles. evgenia petrukhina has details.
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including the victory of the democrats of the united states of america. the task there is simple, from there came to ukraine. first, to prevent russia from winning, to maintain the situation, but if there is an opportunity, then somewhere in september, october, also carry out the last counterattack, that is, to actually destroy the ukrainian armed forces, the ukrainians.
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verkhovna rada deputy dubinsky filed a lawsuit demanding to hold presidential elections back in june, but the court is clearly in no hurry to make a decision; apparently, there is a fear that ukrainians will not vote for zelensky, it’s clear why, this is another trap in the trenches.” what was the trigger for the ukrainian police, apparently? suitcases, they say we won’t let you escape. in response to this, the ukrainians set fire to the cars of the shopping mall employees. and this is a scandal on a kharkov bus. you must familiarize me in full. the young man could have ended up in the trenches of the ukrainian armed forces this evening, but he pulled out the law on the national police from his bag. and apparently, the bounty hunters decided not to bother with this sneaker. they did not forcefully drag me out of the bus, but threats followed.
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kill, i heard, especially if there is nothing to buy off mobilization, 2 billion dollars in year, the ukrainians had already paid this amount for a deferment from mobilization, so...
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but in the end it ended in nothing, it didn’t end in anything, the deputies really wanted to go on vacation as quickly as possible, because the issue was left for the next meeting, which will be held in august. let me remind you that the bill banning the uoc was prepared by the ukrainian government on behalf of vladimir zelensky. the rada adopted it in its first reading in october last year, but further consideration stalled. during the discussion in the verkhovna rada today, the former president distinguished himself ukraine. poroshenko simply confused him with the speaker of the us house of representatives, mike johnson. the popular front in the northern military district handed over
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fireproof armor to the tankers. uniforms and overalls are impregnated with a special liquid that prevents clothes from catching fire; the fabric can withstand 45 seconds of direct fire. the first to try out the new uniform were the soldiers of the second motorized rifle guards division. the topic will be continued by zinaida kurbatova. tank, the barbecue king, which our soldiers affectionately call valera, today acquired new camouflage nets, they were brought by representatives of the popular front. like this valera looks in full armor, each part of him is covered by a disguise with a total area of ​​90. due to the fact that the structure above the tank is quite voluminous and large, it is inconvenient for the guys to hide it with one mask net and do it quickly enough, this mask net is made specially for each element of armor
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on the tank, under the left side, right side, under the roof, under the gun of the tank, new fire-resistant overalls were brought to the tankers themselves, the tank commander says: how once, they began to pull out an armored vehicle stuck in the mud, an arrival happened, he himself together with the mechanic barely put out the fire on himself, a fire immediately occurred, i somehow fell out, the mechanic also got out, flames were blazing from the tower, i only remember how i was crawling and burning, and the synthetic suit is this one, which is now sold in stores and in short .
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our experience in motorsport, well , actually somehow it all came together, it was at our point that the people's front turned to us, and in august of twenty-three we began to work, the people's front financed the first batch, tankers of the second motorized rifle guards division tried it. the first batch of these suits , a glove made of double-layer carbonized fabric, withstands fire, can tear, but
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goes out. the gloves are fire-resistant and heat-resistant, allowing a tanker to handle hot metal. and they threw away the glove and put on a new one, which is the most important thing, because the hand needs to be treated. the nomex fabric from which the overalls are made can withstand fire for as long as 45 seconds, while the standard for leaving the tank is 19 seconds. double-layer underwear, with a layer between it and the overalls. and not to the training ground, and then to the army. zenaida kurbatov, news. 3 days before the
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opening ceremony of the olympic games in paris, more and more dissatisfied residents are trying to leave the city. for the sake of the olympics, the center of the french capital was blocked; the city streets and embankments were decorated with 40,000 metal fences. you cannot enter certain areas without a special pass. a major fire union in south-eastern france, where the olympic football matches will be held, said. about the start of the strike from the first competitions, the dancers promise to disrupt the opening ceremony, and airport workers promise to paralyze movements in sky, and this is only part of the scandals, about them and more. stas redikultsev. the olympic games in paris have not yet started, but they are already breaking records that are far from sports. not a day without a scandal, this is the unspoken motto that the paris olympics live by, one of the last rehearsals for the opening ceremony of the games. dozens of dancers on the long-suffering embankment. sens stand for 10 minutes with raised fists. this is not part of a speech, but a protest.
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the extras are unhappy with the fee and threaten to disrupt the show. to strike for any reason is generally a national sport in france. so, on the opening day of the olympics on july 26, the paris airport union plans to start a strike to demand an increase in the olympic bonus to 1,000 euros instead of the promised 300. instead of solving the problems, paris decided to close its mouths. france banned it. russian journalists to cover the games. we banned a large number of journalists from covering the olympic games in paris, but we allowed the presence of russians working on the international olympic committee. we proceed from the precautionary principle. just yesterday international the olympic committee promised to show the games in paris to russian sports fans on its official website. on the opening day of the 142nd session, the message about the broadcast disappeared. at the same time , the president of the organization, thomas bach, stated that he was absent from the olympic movement. athletes show us that in our olympic movement we are all equal, there is no discrimination, there
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is no global south or global north, there is only one global village - the olympic village. at the same time, he could have previously published a whole list of requirements for russian and belarusian athletes for admission to the games in paris, could also create a separate commission, which, on the eve of the olympics, monitored statements on social networks of potential participants in the games from russia. as a result, only 15 russians and 17 belarusians will compete in paris, performing as neutral athletes. ukrainian athletes were prohibited by their own national olympic committee from shaking hands with russians and belarusians. the new olympic games, built on the principles of geopolitics, are viewed condescendingly in mok. doesn't bother the olympics movement participation in the games of the dutch pedophile volleyball player steven van develde. for the rape of a twelve-year-old girl, he served only a year in prison and returned to big-time sports. russian flag. active bureaucrats are much more frightened. at the press conference , the sports director of the games reassures:
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there will not be a larger number of russians at the games. at the moment we have 15 russians and 17 belarusians, they represent 10 different sports disciplines. this may change, but we expect these numbers will likely remain at this level. until recently, the main subject of discussion was the seine river. macron was never seen in it, and france perceived the swim of the mayor of paris and the minister of sports with irony, although the organizing committee. igor spent a serious 1.5 billion euros on water purification, but everyday issues of the olympics remain at the forefront. paris 2024 promised to be the greenest olympics, which is why there are no athletes in the rooms. air conditioners, but the famous cardboard anti-sex beds, so called in tokyo due to covid restrictions, remained, now paper beds and pillows recycled from fishing nets, blankets and bed linen are an exclusively green agenda, but only in the eyes of mog officials. athletes praised the environmental initiative with dozens of parody videos. i'm at the olympic games in paris, and there
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are cardboard anti-sex beds here again. the last time i tested them, they you... the ithaetian village of teahuppa, where they were tested, now they have also passed the test. the metropolitan scandals of the olympics have covered the surfing competition 15,500 km from paris. game organizers want to replace the temporary wooden referee tower three-story aluminum structure, install water supply to it and install air conditioners. all this should... rest on concrete blocks standing directly on the reef. local residents do not understand why, for the sake of a three-day competition, they would change the entire ecosystem and drill a reef. most of the 1,500 local residents are fishermen, and the health of the reef is critical to their community, as a source of food and vital to the economy. the petition against such a green olympics was signed by 130,000 people, almost
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100 times more than live in teahu. interesting, that the main surfing competitions. she will rush to bodrum for publication, but will never reach him. according to the information received, ozolina and a turkish motorcycle video blogger named anur abud collided on their motorcycles on the sarıçay bridge. three people were involved in the accident. another motorcycle that was part of the same group was not involved in an accident. as a result of the collision, anur aboud was seriously injured and was taken to the milos state hospital. tatyana
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ivanovna azolina died at the scene . publishes photos from the scene of the accident. they also suggest that tatyana azolina could have lost control of the bike. while there is another version of what happened. telegram channel shot, citing relatives of the victims, state that turkish blogger anur abud crashed into tatiana’s motorcycle. the girl died before the ambulance arrived. judging by the photographs, the back of the motorcycle, yes, is really broken, so it is possible that they caught up with her, and after a push. she had already caught up with either the car in front or the bump stop, i wouldn’t say that the speed was very high if if you take a closer look, the front part is not badly damaged, but rather the side part, and this is most likely from a collision with the bump stop. on the day of the accident, as reported by tatyana, her subscriber was supposed to be riding, to whom she gave a bike, together with the same subscriber
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, she went to turkey from russia for new content. here are these stories: the man is now mourning along with the entire russian motorcycle community, one thing is clear, the man is no more, and the motorcycle movement has definitely lost one of the top motorcycle bloggers, blogging can be different, someone describes his travel, someone does reviews of motorcycles, equipment, someone talks about their life, tanya had an entertainment block, which was liked by a lot of people, this light, fun content was appealing to people, and not just to motorcyclists, but also for people distant from motorcycling. her plans to conquer turkey, as tatyana azolina herself wrote, were followed by millions of subscribers. for them, the girl was better known under the nickname motonya. born in the omsk region, moved to moscow in 2014, bought her first motorcycle, started
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blog, spectacular, bright, she told how she meets with subscribers and bikers, many views. collected videos of how she repairs a motorcycle, boldly responded to haters, shared stories of her trips, she, of course, attracted the gaze of motorists and passers-by on the road, which she also published on the blog, almost always while riding she was in full gear, but at the time of the accident, even she did not save, according to eyewitnesses, she was in full-equipment, which means she was wearing a full set of clothes that could protect her in the event of a road accident incident of a cyclist, but... eyewitnesses say that there were some very serious head injuries that were incompatible with life, this, unfortunately,
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is the new khersonez complex in sevastopol, it will open in a week, on an area of ​​almost 23 hectares the builders built an entire city; once there, visitors will be transported to the time of the baptism of prince vladimir; a unique archaeological park is dedicated to this event. the central place is occupied by the museum of christianity; the most unusual building is an open-air temple. our correspondent yana cherbataya was one of the first to appreciate the project. overestimate the importance of chersonese.
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so that people can understand themselves, first of all, in their idea of ​​christianity, learn about orthodoxy, in an accessible language, as much as possible, the amazing scope and greatness of new chersonese inspires. new chersonese is not just a complex, the builders here essentially built an entire city, from the observation deck of the museum of christianity. clearly visible, these include youth centers, a temple park, a museum, an amphitheater and exactly opposite st. vladimir's cathedral.
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vladimir putin voiced the idea of ​​​​creating such a spiritual educational center back in 2015 , when he visited khersanez. the planned grandiose project has come to life; on july 30, the new khersanez will open its doors to visitors. here they will talk not only about christianity, but also about archeology. recreated with almost historical accuracy four. the buildings that form the quarter of ancient khersanes are exactly how prince vladimir saw the ancient city. more than 7 million finds, the result of excavations on the ancient earth, unprecedented in scale and result. almost 400,000 artifacts will become exhibits in the museum of antiquity and byzantium, the largest in russia. three-story buildings were erected around the discovered ancient fonts and pools. this technology was used for the first time. more than 10,000 km, which will consist of...
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prayers will sound here with the stars, part of the new hersanes is a temple park in honor of the holy trinity, nothing like this can be seen anywhere else. this is an unusual temple; we conceived it as an open-air temple. these ones all the numerous structures will be entwined with grapes, twining roses, in visibility, of course, the entire complex of the new khersanes, the very st. vimir cathedral, on the site of which. the large-scale and grandiose new chersonese is also a development for the local economy. this is one of those projects that is systemically important and influences today, including the budget of the city of sevastopol.
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jobs will be created here. we estimate that about 300 jobs will be created. the history of sevastopol throughout crimea is depicted here from the most ancient times, and its you can not only see, but plunge into the atmosphere with amazing realistic scenery. in honor of the revival of a sacred place, the restoration of st. vladimir's cathedral, according to historical documents, it is being restored to its original appearance, hundreds of people are laying mosaics from the dome to the floor. in fact , this is very exciting for me, because i am doing something beautiful with my own hands, not just for religion, for all orthodox people, but also for creative people. in the renovated cathedral, the first service will be held this sunday, parishioners will return here and prayers will sound again. new chersonese is part of the great history that unites the country. yana shcherbaty and andrey tirentev, host. sevastopol.
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