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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 24, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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ukrainian media report this, and this is footage from nikolaev. supposedly a powerful blow was struck at the martynovsky airfield, where vsou pilots were trained. the fire there after the explosion has not been extinguished for several hours; in all likelihood , fuel tanks for the ukrainian armed forces’ aircraft are burning. with one blow , fifty foreign mercenaries were destroyed at once. iskander’s crews hit the temporary deployment point of western instructors in the village of derkachikh. kharkov region. footage of
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the work of the russian military was shared in ministry of defense they were studied by stanislav bernwald. in dergachi, kharkov region, the crew of the iskander-m operational-tactical missile system delivers a precise strike on the point of temporary deployment of mercenary instructors from western countries. as a result of this strike, according to the russian ministry of defense , about 50 foreign specialists were killed. this is by no means the first defeat of foreign mercenary instructors, as well as of expensive western equipment by ours. retired spanish colonel pedr bañez said on his internet channel that in odessa, ukraine, dozens of british special operations forces soldiers, as well as french military personnel, recently died. the source, banies assures, can be trusted. these are sources that i have known for
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many, many years and they are usually very reliable. so, the russians launched an attack on odessa, in which 18 members of the british air service were killed and another 25 were wounded. i am also told that french soldiers have died. the fact that our military destroyed foreign mercenaries during hostilities has already been reported many times russian ministry of defense. it was also reported that officers from various nato countries were killed and were also located on the territory of ukraine. it’s not just that, but this time a retired high-ranking spanish military officer, citing verified sources of information, speaks of the destruction of the professional military personnel who are directly involved in the conduct of hostilities. these are not mercenaries who are french, no, these are soldiers of the french army, they were killed in large numbers, i was told that this number is more than in algeria, these are frightening numbers, because we are talking about nato countries. according to banis, taking part in hostilities is not easy. soldiers of failure from
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various nato countries, but directly well-trained professionals in their field. these are special operations forces that are used to guide missiles, illuminate targets, not only, by the way, missiles, but also drones, and part of their missions, in addition to advising and conducting all kinds of disruptive operations on the ground, also train special operations forces directly on the ground. according to banyas, russian high-precision missiles are increasingly arriving where they actually are. foreign military personnel are usually present in large numbers, although their locations are always kept a closely guarded secret. successful strikes by the russian military against the locations of foreign mercenary instructors is impossible without the brilliant work of russian intelligence, space reconnaissance , and sabotage and reconnaissance groups located deep in enemy territory. i believe that in recent months our intelligence.
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this was also reported to the ministry of defense. the village is located a few kilometers southeast of seversk, an important logistics hub for vysu. taking control of ivan daryevka, the military says, will make it possible to form a springboard for a further attack directly on seversk, and in the future will help completely clear the administrative border between the dpr and lpr of the enemy. as a result of active operations, a unit of the southern group of troops liberated the settlement. assault, tenth
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mountain assault, forty-sixth, eighty the first airmobile brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, 114 and 117 brigades of teroborona in the areas of the settlements of kalinino, verkhnekamskaya, antonovka , krasnogorovka, konstantinovka, zeleznyanskoye and chasov yar, donetsk people's republic, losses in the armed forces of ukraine amounted to up to 750 military personnel, a cossack armored combat vehicle and six vehicles. the questions are directly or indirectly related.
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rub 26 billion key activities within the framework of this work were related to the return of 12.3 billion, this was the identified unjustified application of the reduced vat rate. behind these billions of returned funds during months of painstaking work by auditors, who must
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identify not only deliberate thefts, but accidental miscalculations. the accounts chamber is the highest body of state audit in russia, and it has many functions. the first is the fulfillment of national goals set. by you in the may decrees in the messages of the president of the russian federation and the federal assembly. secondly, these are issues related to special military operations, including support for our military personnel located in our zone, support for their families, as well as issues related to the provision of military equipment and weapons for various purposes. third, issues of technological sovereignty, everything you mentioned is really among our priorities, so the command there was good, professional. rubles were brought to the country only by changes in the rules of crab auctions; quotas for their catch introduced on the recommendation of the accounts chamber began to be sold at a higher price, but this did not in the least affect the number of people interested; it is the accounts chamber that calculates the country’s national debt, estimates
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the success of state programs, checks state-owned companies , makes sure that money is spent efficiently, auditors have the authority to check all organizations with budget funding and thus influence planning. total revenues of federal expenditures of the federal budget became the highest in the last 5 years , the budget increased significantly and exceeded 29 trillion rubles, which is 11.5% more than forecast values, this was largely ensured by a significant increase in non-oil and gas revenues, level of execution and amounted to 98.1%. and this is an indicator of the overall growth of the country's economy and industry by 3.5%. percent of manufacturing production by 7.5, construction by almost eight, investments increased at a record pace by about 10%. our budget revenues are increasing, the deficit is minimal, and non-oil and gas revenues are performing well, and oil and gas revenues are now
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growing, but there is no extra money, so i really count on you to monitor financial discipline very carefully, well, even less so. .. miss anything called crime, we have a direct connection in the most acute cases, directly without any embarrassment, remove the corpse and call me, thank you, auditors of the accounts chamber can come with an inspection at any time, and report the results directly to the president. andrey grigoriev, natalya lundovskaya, andrey netreba, news! while still us president joe biden has presumably returned to his duties in washington after almost a week's absence from the oval office. on television screens. american media reported this. first appearance in public on tuesday was when he boarded the plane, which was flying from his native dellover to the capital. biden did not stumble on the ramp and gestured to reporters that he was doing well. but in these shots before the flight, it is noticeable that
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the head of the white house, instead of words, only moves his lips. in response to a question about leaving the race. versions about the double immediately spread on social networks, saying that it was not bident. real, but the situation should be clarified by the american president’s address to the nation about what he plans to do in the remaining six months in his post. the speech was announced for 8 pm wednesday. washington time in moscow will be 3 am on thursday. meanwhile, biden's former vice president kamala haris kicked off her election campaign with a trip to milwaukee, wisconsin. according to harris, she has already secured the support of enough voters to become the dim party's presidential candidate. before the convention, at which the democrats must decide on a new single candidate. let me remind you that there is less than a month left. well, here are the latest published polling data. reuters reports, harris, after biden's announcement of withdrawal from the race, is ahead of donald trump by 2%. although
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just a week ago, the majority of americans argued that she had no chance at all against trump. elon musk said that american lgbt propaganda - quote, took his son away from him. it became known that the billionaire’s child, under pressure from doctors , took certain drugs that blocked the child’s puberty. and of course, the consequences. sad musk promises to take revenge as best he can, but his company, former twitter and spacex, meanwhile, are hastily leaving california. the topic will be continued by anton potkovenko. the wowism virus, that’s what elon musk calls what happened to his son, whose name was xavier, and now he identifies himself as vivian jenna wilson, well, he’s changed in appearance, he doesn’t even want to know his father. wokeism from the english woke to awaken is a subtype of rainbow ideology, they say. everyone can suddenly realize that they are not the person they were born with. musk's son took puberty blockers, doctors
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prescribed them, supposedly for depression, his father says it was a deception. it was not explained to me that they are actually sterilization drugs. my son xavier was killed by the wowism virus. after that, i vowed to destroy the voke virus and we made some progress. this is an interview for the daily wire website. ideological wallpaper, it certainly cast a shadow on the lgbt rainbow in the us information space. this ideology, it really crippled his son. among the american establishment , such stories seem strange to me not to be concluded. for example, two years ago there was a story with a famous opponent of the lgbt union in ted cruz, who, as it turned out, has a daughter, so to speak, also a supporter of these minorities, that is, this is such a real division that divides families, polarizes society as a whole. progress. in the fight against the wolf virus that elon musk is talking about, apparently, this is the following: the headquarters of his social network x announced
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a move from california, where the lgbt agenda rules, to the much more conservative texas. the headquarters of musk's other largest company, spacex, is also moving. in california, of course, conditions are uncomfortable for business, everyone is not satisfied with the huge taxes, naturally, which are paid in california and this is all layered on top of liberalism. schools indoctrinate children into all sorts of things and try to turn them into freaks; in the country where i grew up,
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my father would have simply hit me for that. put me in jail for saying that, i don't care, it's like child molestation, talking to my kids about gender without telling me where the father is, he could have just physically beaten the man, and i'm glad i just said that. lgbt movement banned in russia plays a distracting role in the states, for example, the left of washington.
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information on the official website of the ukrainian parliament, the date of the american elections, november 5, falls exactly within this period. he is trying to prolong this martial law and mobilization. having entered into a conspiracy among members of parliament in order to ensure, among other things, the victory of the democrats of the united states of america. the task there is simple, from there it came to ukraine: first, to prevent russia from winning, to maintain the situation, but if there is an opportunity,
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then somewhere in september, october, or else and carry out a final counterattack. that is , to really destroy the ukrainian armed forces of ukrainians for the sake of the election campaign that is taking place in the united states of america. but with the presidential elections in ukraine there is a real blockage. the administrative court of cassation postponed consideration of this case until september. verkhovna rada deputy dubinsky filed a lawsuit demanding to hold presidential elections back in june, but the court is clearly in no hurry to make a decision. apparently, there is a fear that they will vote for zelensky. ukrainians won't it’s clear why, here’s another catch in the trench of the armed forces of ukraine, which became a trigger for the ukrainian police, apparently, suitcases, they say, we won’t let you escape, in response to this, the ukrainians are setting fire to the cars of shopping mall employees, this is a scandal on a kharkov bus, you should familiarize me fully, in full volume, the young man could have ended up in the trenches of the armed forces of ukraine this
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evening, but he took the law on the national police out of his bag, apparently with this trickster there are headhunters...
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the number of businesses of economic entities stopped working and stopped your work at 50%. if in 3 months we do not begin to solve the problems of lack of personnel, this will be more of a problem than the energy crisis. only the ukrainian cemeteries are becoming large-scale, where hearse after hearse goes to verenitsy every day, exactly at
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the very moment when deputies of the verkhovna rada are voting to extend the law on mobilization. defense minister andrei belousov noted the merits of the russian military who participated in the liberation of peschany and rozovka. the head of the department sent telegrams of congratulations to the soldiers. this is reported by ministry of defense website. let me remind you that the ministry of defense announced the capture of two important settlements in the kharkov region in the lpr on july 21. they were liberated by units of the western group of troops. the popular front in the northern military district gave fire-resistant uniforms to the tank crews. the overalls are impregnated with a special liquid that prevents the clothes from catching fire. the fabric can withstand 45 seconds of direct fire. well, the first to try out the uniform were the soldiers of the second motorized rifle guards division. the topic will be continued by zinaida kurbatova. tank, the king-barbecue, which our soldiers affectionately call valera, today found
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new camouflage nets, they were brought by representatives of the popular front. this is what valera looks like in full armor , made specifically for each element of the armor on the tank under the left side, right side, under the roof, under the gun of the tank, a new one was brought to the tankers themselves. fire-resistant overalls, the tank commander tells how once they began to pull out an armored vehicle stuck in the mud, there was an arrival, he and the mechanic barely knocked out the fire on themselves. a fire immediately occurred, i somehow fell out, the mechanic also got out of the tower the glame is blazing, i only remember how i’m crawling and
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burning, and this is a synthetic suit, which are now sold in stores, and in short it’s melting, i can’t help but take it off, somehow i put it out, but there are storm burns on my face, all the skin on my back, here thanks to this... if only there had been a suit, at that moment, i probably would have cost less damage, moscow region, specialized fire-resistant clothing is sewn here, ekaterina nikolaeva is in charge of the process, she has two degrees, she is a physiologist and textile technologist, and another important point, in catherine’s family everyone racing drivers, not so long ago her son had an accident, received serious burns, then the young man had a long road to recovery, this tragic experience led nikolaeva to the idea of ​​​​creating special clothes.
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the fire may burst, but it goes out. the gloves are fire-resistant and heat-resistant, in them the tanker can handle hot metal, but the glove is thrown away and a new one is put on, which is the most important thing, because the hand can be treated. the nomix fabric from which the overalls are made can withstand fire for as long as 45 seconds, while the standard for leaving the tank is 19 seconds. two-layer underwear, between it and the overalls there is a layer of air, all this protects, the overalls are sewn so that they will not get caught on anything when the tanker leaves
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the car, the fabric on the elbows and knees is reinforced, rescue techniques are also taken into account, those who save the tanker, they they grab him by this sling, and if, for example, a comrade is wounded there and loses consciousness, he is quite easily pulled out by this sling along with his overalls, soon an experienced shop will open in the moscow region where they will cut and sew... overalls, underwear and gloves, from here they will be taken for testing training ground, and then into the army. zenaida kurbatova, lead. well, these images excited fans of the theory about the end of the world, the eruption of the so-called yellowstone supervolcano. in this american national park, a geyser began to bubble up in front of the eyes of confused tourists. frightened visitors, enveloped in clouds of smoke and steam, fled in panic in different directions. a powerful explosion destroyed the boardwalk, well, just in case, it was
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just a geyser, not the end of the world. in sevastopol, the grandiose new khersanez museum, the largest in russia, is preparing to open an ancient complex, built on the instructions of the president and the blessing of the patriarch. in record time, the builders erected an entire city, almost... with historical accuracy. this is how prince vladimir saw ancient khersanez in the 20th century. there he was baptized, and after that he baptized all of russia. one of the first, even before the official opening, was the open -air temple where it all began, which was seen by our own correspondent in the region, jaana shcherbataya. it is impossible to overestimate the importance of chersonese tauride for our country; it is here that the cradle of russian orthodoxy and the ancient city is being reborn before our eyes. a huge project.
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first of all, in your understanding of christianity, learn as much as possible about orthodoxy in an accessible language. amazing in scope and grandeur, new chersonese inspires. new chersonese is not just a complex. the builders here essentially built an entire city. from the observation deck of the museum of christianity it is clearly visible. these include youth centers, a temple park, museums, an amphitheater, and exactly opposite st. vladimir’s cathedral. the idea of ​​creation. such a spiritual educational center vladimir putin voiced it back in 2015, when he visited khersonez, the planned grandiose project was realized on july 30, the new
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khersonez. will open its doors to visitors, here they will talk not only about christianity, but also about archeology, recreated with almost historical accuracy, the four buildings that form the quarter of ancient hersanes, this is exactly how prince vladimir saw the ancient city. more than 7 million finds, the result of excavations on ancient land, unprecedented in scale and result. almost 400,000 artifacts will become exhibits in the museum of antiquity and byzantium, the largest in russia. three-storey building. built pools around the found ancient fonts, this technology was used for the first time, more than 10,000 km, and which will consist of exhibitions dedicated to the ancient period, roman, byzantine, where we plan to eventually open a gold storage room, where on the ground floor there will be a worldview exhibition, remember where it all began, the builders were able to raise the ancient river to the surface, which received the name heraon, it flowed here back in the days prince vladimir was hidden underground for hundreds of years
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, our territory: 24 hectares, about 15 large objects, work at the very final stage is in progress, commissioning, washing, prayers will be heard here under the open sky and the night stars, part of the new khersanes is a temple park in honor of the saint trinity, nothing like this can be seen anywhere else. this is an unusual temple; we conceived it as an open-air temple. all these numerous structures will be entwined with grapes. weaving roses, in visibility, of course, the whole complex of the new chersonesos and the same st. vladimir's cathedral, on the site of which there was a church in which prince vladimir was baptized. the large-scale and grandiose new chersonese is also development for the local economy. this is one of those projects that is systemically important and influences today, including the budget of the city of sevastopol. jobs will be created here. we estimate that about 3,000 jobs will be
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created. story. sevastopol of the entire crimea has been depicted here since ancient times, and you can not only see it, but plunge into the atmosphere with amazingly realistic decorations, the honor of reviving a sacred place, the restoration of st. vladimir's cathedral, according to historical documents it is being restored to its original appearance, hundreds of people are laying mosaics from the dome to the floor, in fact this is very exciting for me, because i am doing something beautiful with my own hands, not just for religion, for all orthodox people, but... but also for creative people in the renovated cathedral, the first service will be held this sunday, parishioners will return here and prayers will sound again: the new chersonese is part great history that unites the country. yana shcherbaty and andrey terentev, host. sevastopol.
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