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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 24, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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theft of russian assets will be prosecuted according to the law, this is how the kremlin reacted to the west’s decision to direct.
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to explore the possibility of legal prosecution of those people who are involved in making decisions and implementing these decisions, because this is a direct violation of international law, this is a violation of property rights, and so on and so forth. we are talking about the amount of 1.400 million euros, which will be transferred to the so-called european peace fund for the purchase of weapons for ukraine. the first tranche is about... august next week. we are targeting euros for early funding from these procurement funds to meet ukraine's key military needs, including air defense and artillery shells. this money will also be used for placement. failures in
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the ukrainian military industry. the amount could have been higher, but hungary refused to allocate 6.5 billion euros for weapons to ukraine, until kiev resolves the issue of oil transit from russia. perhaps this is one of the reasons that does not allow the european union to take rash actions that lead to higher prices. now the production of mineral fertilizers in the european union is unreasonably expensive. therefore the volume is growing. consumption of russian, russian fertilizers, restrictions and subsequent, so to speak, growth, sanctions, counter-sanctions, transfer of assets and so on, are not in the interests of the european union. it can be assumed that in the short term the blocked assets will not be transferred anywhere. russia's frozen sovereign assets of $300 billion haunt the west, of which about 5-6 billion are in the united states. most of them are on
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the international belgian platform euroclear, which from 2022 receive income from investments. in the first half of this year alone, this amount from eurocler amounted to 4 billion euros. the company was going to transfer 1.5 billion to the european fund for ukraine in july, this is only about a tenth of the income for the entire time, given that the european union intends not to limit itself to interest, but transfer the entire amount of frozen assets. part will remain in the euroclear distribution precisely in order to guarantee the execution of court decisions, because they understand that there may be lawsuits against euroclear, if ukraine is declared state terrorism, then such actions of the european union are essentially sponsoring terrorism , financing of terrorism, and accordingly , international... right can then
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be turned against the european union on full grounds. moscow has fairly good prospects for winning claims in international courts, including the un court. without experiencing confidence from european assets they can. at least wealthy saudi arabia, china and other countries should leave. according to financiers, when confiscation is initiated by states that issue reserve currencies, this can lead to a global financial crisis. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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the olympic games in paris have not yet started,
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but they are already breaking records, far from sports, not a day without a scandal, under such an unspoken the paris olympics, one of the last rehearsals for the opening ceremony, lives by the motto. dozens of dancers on the embankment of the long-suffering seine stand for 10 minutes with raised fists. this is not part of a speech, but a protest. the extras are dissatisfied with the fee and threaten to disrupt the show, go on strike for any reason, in general a national sport in france. so , on the opening day of the olympics on july 26, the paris airport union plans to start a strike to demand an increase in the olympic bonus to one thousand euros instead of the promised 300. instead in order to solve problems. i decided to shut my mouth. france banned russian journalists from covering the games. we banned a large number of journalists from covering the paris olympics. however, we allowed the presence of russians working on the international olympic committee. we proceed from the precautionary principle. just yesterday, the international olympic committee
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promised to show the games in paris to russian sports fans on its official website. on the opening day of session 142, the message about the broadcast disappeared. at the same time, the president thomas organization bach said there is no discrimination in the olympic movement. athletes show us that in our olympic movement we are all equal, there is no discrimination, there is no global south or global north, there is only one global village, the olympic village. at the same time, he could have previously published a whole list of requirements for russian and belarusian athletes for admission to the games in paris, and he could also have created a separate commission that monitored statements on the eve of the olympics. networks of potential game participants from russia. as a result , only 15 russians and 17 belarusians will compete in paris, performing as neutral athletes. ukrainian athletes were prohibited by their own national olympic committee from shaking hands with russians and belarusians. the new olympic games, built on the principles of geopolitics,
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are viewed condescendingly in mok. the olympic movement is not concerned about the participation of the dutch pedophile volleyball player steven vandeveld in the games. for the rape of a twelve-year-old girl, he served only a year. and returned to big sport. russian flag sports bureaucrats are much more frightened. here at the press conference the sports director of the games reassures. there will not be more russians at the games. at the moment we have 15 russians and 17 belarusians. they represent 10 different sports disciplines. this may change, but we expect these numbers will likely remain at this level. until recently, the main subject of discussion was the seine river. macron was never seen in it, but the mayor of paris and the minister of sports swam. “france took it with irony, although the organizing committee of the games spent a serious one and a half billion euros for water purification, but everyday issues of the olympics remain at the forefront. paris 2024 promised to be the greenest olympics, so there is no air conditioning in the athletes' rooms, but the famous
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cardboard anti-sex beds, so called in tokyo due to covid restrictions, remain. now paper beds and recycled fishing net pillows and blankets and bedding are strictly green, but then... the beds, last time i tested them, they passed the test, now they pass the test too. capital scandals of the olympics a wave covered the italian village of teahuppa, where a surfing competition will be held 15,500 km from paris. the organizers of the games want to replace the temporary wooden referee tower with a three-story aluminum structure and install water to it. install air conditioners. all this should rest on concrete blocks standing directly on the reef.
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local residents do not understand why they should change the entire ecosystem by drilling a reef for the sake of a three-day competition. most of the 1,500 local residents are fishermen and the health of the reef is critical to their communities as a source of food and vital to the economy. the petition against such a green olympics was signed by 130,000 people, almost 100 times more than live in teahu. it’s interesting that the main surfing competitions have been taking place here for more than 20 years, and there hasn’t been a single scandal so far. stazredikultsev, alexander stalmashevsky, lead.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on july 24, 1728 , russian sailors and pioneers, vitus bering and alexei chirikov, set off. their voyage is considered the first in history of russia by scientific expedition. it was being prepared during the life of peter i. he ordered a ship to be built in kamchatka, and quote. to look for where asia meets america. and on that day, from nizhnekamchatsk, such a port city was on the peninsula, the ship st. gabriel sailed with bering and chirikov. they rose north and passed into the chukchi sea through a strait, which they later named after bering, and then turned back. although alaska was not discovered, an instrumental survey of the far eastern shores was carried out and mapped for the first time. their data later used by all european cartographers.
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more than 10 years later , a second kamchatka expedition was undertaken, which also made many discoveries. but it cost berring his life, and chirikov still reached alaska, explored the oliud islands and thus marked the beginning of the russian exploration of the north american continent. on july 24 , 1929, the brian quelagh pact came into force, which, as then... outlawed war, excluded resort to war, quote, as an instrument of national policy and allowed the resolution of all international disputes and conflicts only through peaceful means. the initiators were the united states and france, secretary of state frank kellock and foreign minister arrestit briand, after whom the pact was named. at first, 15 states signed it, then there were 47 of them. all the leading powers, including the ussr, which, by the way, was the first to ratify it. document. the problem was that the articles of the pact were declarative in nature and
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did not go beyond moral obligations. the first violator of the pact was japan, which captured manjuria, then italy invaded ethiopia, and german aggression against poland led to the outbreak of the second world war, but after its end, the principles enshrined in the pact were included in the charter of the united nations. july 24, 1959 leaders of the ussr and the usa, bivo. khrushchev said that americans are smart people, and we need to compete, not fight. nixon agreed. americans are smart people, we have always believed and known this. but when the conversation turned to american achievements in household appliances and technology and the high standard of living of ordinary americans, the atmosphere heated up. there were no such refrigerators, washing machines, toasters and mixers in the ussr, and
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soviet workers could not have dreamed of it. then khrushchov said the following: we... he also meant color television, which nixon was especially proud of. part of the conversation was filmed on an american video camera and this recording was shown on soviet television, albeit at an inopportune time. on july 24, 1981 , secret masonic lodges were banned in italy, this decision followed the scandal of the political crisis associated with exposing the activities of lodge p2, propaganda 2. under the leadership of entrepreneur licho gelli. its members were major statesmen, deputies, ministers, politicians, generals, the chief of the general staff, the prosecutor of rome, heads of intelligence services and other influential persons, all of whom swore allegiance personally to gelli. the court
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outlawed the lodge and qualified it as a secret sect that was conspiring to... maintain the constitutional order, the government resigned, but then the proceedings reached a dead end, key witnesses were physically eliminated. much suggests that p2 engaged in political intrigue, financial fraud, kidnapping and terrorist attacks to undermine stability in italy. it is believed that she was connected with the mafia, neo-fascists, and the cia of the british mi-6. she was behind the explosion at the bologna train station in the eighties, with numerous casualties. according to one version, the task of the lodge was to prevent communists and leftists from coming to power in italy. this is what this day in history was like. hersanez saw a lot and the courage of the ancients residents who saved the city from scythian raids, and the miracle of epiphany that happened here to prince vladimir. we are grateful to prince vladimir precisely because he laid
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this spiritual foundation for future national construction. and it happened right here. russian statehood, spirituality and chersonese became a kind of assembly point of unity. if you are going on a trip abroad,
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check in advance whether you have restrictions on... leaving, for example, due to debts, where and how to do this, we will tell you in 5 minutes release of the program instructions. first of all, let's figure out what debts may not allow you to go abroad. remember two key amounts: more than thirty and more than 10 thousand rubles. as a general rule, a bailiff can restrict the right of a citizen to travel outside the russian federation if the amount of debt is more than 30,000 rubles. but. if more than 2 months have passed since the expiration of the period for voluntary execution, this threshold is reduced to 10,000 rubles. for example, the bailiff in the proceedings has one executive document: loan debt - 30,000 rubles. 35,000 has accumulated, the voluntary repayment period has expired, restrictions can be imposed if the debt is, for example, 25,000 rubles. then
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restrictions cannot be imposed for the first 2 months after the expiration of the period. this is a general rule, but there are categories of personal documents to which this rule does not apply, where the amount of debt must be more than 10,000 rubles. that is, the voluntary period has expired and can be limited, if such a period was established at all. well, the most striking example is this alimony, debt on elements, if a person has a debt at the time of initiation of criminal proceedings, conditionally 15,000 rubles. according to alimony, then he can be limited in leaving, without waiting there for two months. so. the same situation will be in case of debt for compensation for harm to health in connection with the death of the breadwinner, property damage or moral harm as a result of a crime, they may not be allowed to go abroad not only because of monetary... debt, restrictions may be imposed on claims of a non-property nature, for example, about reinstatement of an illegally dismissed employee, eviction of a debtor or move-in
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of a claimant, demolition of a building, non-property nature here, it all depends on the category of the writ of execution and what measures the debtor takes for execution, well, another example, let’s say you need to demolish a fence or some kind of barn, if the debtor is taking measures for execution, that is, he has received... initiation orders, notified the bailiff that he has begun enforcement, it is impossible to do this in one day, the total volume, the bailiff went out, checked, yes, the debtor began to dismantle the conventional shed there, then of course the restriction will not be imposed, but if the debtor evades, then it will be issued, how to check whether the border is closed for debts, well, firstly, the state services portal will help , if the bailiff has issued a decree restricting travel, it goes to your personal account.
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you can check the fssp in this way: in the search window, enter check ban on traveling abroad. robot max will clarify which limitation you are interested in. this needs to be answered from the bailiff. next, follow the assistant's instructions. if everything is fine, you will see a picture with a plane gaining altitude with the inscription “there are no restrictions on leaving russia.” an additional way to check is on the official website of the bailiffs. everything here is quite simple: select search. for individuals, enter the last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth. the first line is the territorial body. if the region of actual residence differs from registration, you can make two requests,
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there is no limit. desired result - green nothing found for your request. separately, tax debts can be checked in the taxpayer’s personal account on the federal tax service website, but remember, these will only be taxes, and those overdue for 2 months. if you find a debt, it is better to pay it off immediately and travel abroad will open, how quickly will this happen? it is important how a person repaid debts, if this happened through the website of the bailiff service or through government services, we receive almost instantaneous information that the fact of repayment has occurred, and the funds are there information about them about receipt of deposit takes 2-3 days. these are the features today, but the very fact of repayment, information about the repayment of the debt, is the basis for lifting the restriction, this is directly stated in the law on spanish
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proceedings, having received such information, the service ensures that a resolution is issued to lift this restriction, that is, in practice this happens literally within a few hours, but if a person has repaid the claimant directly, for example, if you take a utility bill payments or to the bank on a loan, he paid the debt directly to the creditor, we will not know about it. in this case, the bailiffs can obtain information either from the collector or from the debtor himself. to do this, you need to provide payment documents. the time frame here, of course, increases. but in any case, we must remember that after the bailiff issues a decision to lift the restriction, the information must still reach the border service through the electronic database. this may take one business day. previously , they wouldn’t let you cross the border even with a decree and checks about payment. let us repeat the most important thing: travel abroad may be limited due to debts or non-property claims. you can check whether the border is open at government services, as well as
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on the websites of the fssp and the federal tax service. the bailiff lifts the restrictions within a few hours after receiving information about the repayment of the debt. during the working day , the resolution becomes available through the grant service. still have questions, want to know how else electronic services can help you avoid trouble? subscribe to our. telegram channel ask and we we’ll talk to experts and tell you everything in the next issue. instructions.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we didn't have bread? bread is the world, it is the most sacred thing
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a person has, what he has. we really hope that you think so too.
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russian troops of the southern group took control of the village of ivanodarevka in the donetsk people's republic, the ministry of defense reported. other groups continue positional battles in several directions, inflicting fire damage on the enemy and holding back counterattacks by the ukrainian armed forces. egor grigoriev will tell you more about the progress of the special military operation. the roar of our alligators is heard in the sky. when approaching an enemy target, the helicopter appears to make a jump. unguided aircraft alligator missile of a group of troops.


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